Record of Chaos

Chapter 751: The long night comes to an end, I have been an elder since early morning

   (751 long night is the last capital, and has been an elder since early morning)

   When it was dawning on the east coast of Dongsheng Shenzhou, it was just dawning somewhere in the heavens. It's just that for the celestial people, dozens or even hundreds of years have passed by in the human world.

   On a lush green hill, the sandy soil is as white as snow, the branches and leaves of the trees are lush like emerald, and the twilight sky is spotless like blue crystal. The cool morning air has condensed into crystal-like dewdrops on the vegetation.

   The long dark night in the heaven finally faded, and the eastern sky, which held the country heaven in the east, appeared bright and red. A group of people are already sitting under the tree, their eyes flashing with a strong look of expectation, waiting for the person to arrive.

   Five hundred years ago, the man took some important things from them and promised to bring them back the same thing in return. They have been looking forward to it for five hundred years. The five hundred years of this human world has been magnified by nearly 20,000 times in the heavens, and it has become nearly 10 million years.

   Fortunately, this person has faith in his words and never missed an appointment. When the first ray of red morning light pierced into the quiet forest like a sharp sword, the tall and thin man in black clothes also walked in.

   As he walked into this forest, a powerful force of aspiration waved away like a shadow. With every step he took, this group of willingness expanded by one point at an incredible speed. When he walked in front of these people, this group of aspirations had swallowed the entire world.

   The world has disappeared, and all of them are in a strange space. There is nothing in this space, but it is not completely dark, and it is bright white from any direction. Everyone is still there.

   Then they saw that behind the black-clothed man was a slender, slender, graceful and unparalleled female fairy with a blood-red mark like a ruby ​​on her eyebrows.

   The female fairies made a blessing to them, and these people also hurriedly got up to pay back. When they sat down again, she had stretched out her right index finger, pointing to the top of her head.

   Almost endless soil gushes out from her fingertips. Just like painting, everything is created from scratch in this blank world.

   On the mountainside of a huge mountain that is white and vast as a sky pillar, on a huge, slightly gentle slope, among countless white sand grains the size of mung beans, green buds grow out like jade carvings.

  Grow, grow, grow continuously.

At first, the vegetation was like sparse hairs on the skin, then like shaved stubble, and then the trees became thicker and thicker and taller, rising from the ground like high-rise buildings, overlapping each other, forming an erection city ​​of.

   This scene became more and more familiar in the eyes of those sitting next to it. Their hometown, completely destroyed and collapsed in the human world, is being reborn little by little.

   "It's really Jade City!"

   "It's exactly the same. Even every tree is no different."

   "No, to be precise, it should be the moment before the fall of Jade City."

They are familiar with the vines and vines, the branches and the leaves, the grass and the trees in this area. Every inch of the land has been imagined countless times in their memory, but they have never been so clearly manifested, only following the heavens. The long passage of time is constantly rubbing and washing, disappearing details and becoming more brilliant like diamonds.

But when it came out again, it was not as brilliant and dazzling as they remembered, but with an unimaginable simplicity and quaint demeanor, like a new antique that has been collected for many years. It does not need to be old, it reveals the truth and Thick feeling.

   This is the death of the Twelve Golden Immortals, this homeland that countless clansmen have fallen into reincarnation to save. It is a pity that the homeland has returned, but those people will never come back.

  Especially the people are no longer there, but the homeland is still the same as before, but the empty look makes their eyes blurred and their voices are a little choked.

   But it doesn’t matter. One day, this place will be like in the past, full of carefree and carefree people. Because the long night has passed, the long dawn has arrived unstoppably.

   At the same dawn, he woke up at the same time.

  His situation is not that bad, especially compared to the poison of arsenic in the Dragon Skeleton Valley, or compared to the death of Lian Ling's skull in the root cave, the situation is much better. His physical body recovered 90% after awakening the Purple Mansion's five qi to Consummation, and at the same time, he was pulled out of the underworld by Lian Ling, so it was not a major problem.

   The main damage he suffered was the impact of the consciousness brought by the awakening from the purple mansion to the perfection of the five auras in the purple mansion in a short time. It is unique in the entire history of mankind to advance to five levels in a mere time. Under normal circumstances, it must be the collapse of spiritual consciousness and directly become a lunatic.

   Such a situation may not be able to withstand even the **** of nine refinements. But he and Lian Ling's spirits are connected to each other. When Lian Ling, the goddess of Golden Core and Double Flowers, came to bear the impact with her, the intensity was much smaller.

   So he just passed out. After dawn the next day, I woke up. When I first woke up, there was no special discomfort except that everything I saw in my eyes felt bright and a little dazzling, and my head hurt. After a short period of time, both symptoms disappeared.

   Just shortly after dawn, the white morning light of the fish's belly penetrated through the gaps in the bamboo curtains laid down by the windows, illuminating the not spacious bedroom in the flying boat. He was sleeping on a wooden couch by the window, and Lian Ling was sleeping next to him, lying on his side, facing the window.

   But it was very noisy outside. There were constant noises and slogans, mechanical creaking and heavy objects hitting the water.

   He passed Lian Ling carefully, trying to pull up the curtains to see what was happening outside. At this time, Lian Ling mumbled like a dream: "Don't look at it, it's the people brought by King Yun, they are salvaging the bodies of those sea monsters. It started making noise early in the morning, and you can still sleep until now. "

   After speaking, she sat up a little tired, her beautiful black hair draped indiscriminately on her white face, her eyes a little cold.

   She usually gets up very early. But if she is awakened before she gets up, she will enter a state where she seems to be displeased with nothing and easily loses her temper. But her so-called tantrum is nothing more than cold reluctance to speak. And it will naturally return to its original state later.

   Gouzhu didn't need to answer, she pulled the hair away from her face, and kissed her soft jade-like cheek, and she obviously felt a little better in her mood. A ray of spiritual thought passed over, and he suddenly had a lot of memories in his mind.

   while Lian Ling got up a little indifferently, put on his clothes like sleepwalking, took out a bronze mirror from nowhere, brought a basin of clear water, and sat in front of the mirror to start the most standard and time-consuming grooming process for women to get up early.

   Gouzhu learned from this memory that most of Jade's flying boats had already flown back. It's just that his consciousness was in a delicate situation, and Lian Ling was worried that the huge roar of the wind wheel would wake him up when the flying boat was flying, so he kept the flying boat.

   The so-called ancestor worship ceremony, after they cleared the tortoise soldiers of the sea demon, lasted only an hour. The unconscious goblin was naturally missing all the highlights.

   Of course, this is a pity for people who like big scenes so much. Therefore, Lian Ling kept all the images in this memory very which made him feel like he had experienced it.

   This ancestor worship is very special. The most peculiar thing is that the sacrifices are the heads of Kong Du, Gui Xuan Yin and Gu Xuan Zhong. Lian Ling's meaning is simple and clear, who would dare to engage in internal fighting in the Jade Palace in the future, these heads are role models.

   Several elders in the Jade Palace who have not yet expressed their attitudes, such as Gu Xuanzhen of Bai Caotang and Su Xuanbi of Treasure Cave are all quiet.

   After Lian Ling presided over the ancestor worship ceremony, he directly announced that she and Lian Ping would become the Supreme Elder of the Cuiyu Palace. The new lord of the Jade Palace will be made of wood.

   But the name Mu Shi is too serious, so Lian Ling gave him a new name called Mu Shi, which means Chunhua Qiushi, sincere and honest.

  Most people have never heard of Mu Shi. And there is no public evaluation of merits, no prior blending by the churches, and no decisions of the Presbyterian Church, nothing. Just appoint the palace owner directly?

   Before the change, Gui Xuanyin and others, who took the responsibility of guarding all the rules as their own responsibility, jumped out to oppose it. But now the big guy's head was **** on the altar, he naturally couldn't jump up, and the audience was silent for a while.

   Everyone understands that the so-called Supreme Elder is an elder who is above all rules. What she said, that is, neither can be negotiated, let alone opposed.

   In the dull and silent atmosphere, Lian Ling announced a series of new appointments as if opening the gate.

  Huo Yun, the elder of the original Zhenzhuan Academy, was appointed as the new Xingtang elder, and since then he has been in charge of the Xingtang to picket the lawlessness within the faction. From now on, the sect will strictly forbid private fighting, and those who dare to fight will abolish the cultivation base and be expelled from the gate forever.

   The next thing is to announce that Gou Zhu takes over Huo Yun's position as the Dean of the True Legend Academy and becomes the True Legend elder!

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