Record of Chaos

Chapter 769: Wish to see you again

   (769 wished to be goodbye for the last wish, unexpectedly relative to puppets)

   For Gouji, three years after the elimination of Gui Xuanyin and others, the life in the Cuiyu Palace was truly a fairy-like life.

   There is no need to go out and wander, and there is no need to lock yourself in Danyang Pavilion. The only uncomfortable place is that Lian Ling pulls his ears to do the exercises every morning.

   Now Chen Lian doesn't need to fight for positions with others. Danyang Pavilion is the place where the spiritual energy on the entire Cuiyu Peak is concentrated.

The situation of the disciples of    Cuiyu Palace has also improved a lot. When Lian Ling acted as the head, she seldom actually took charge of affairs. Most of the rules were formulated by Xingtang, which was quite strict. Now it is no longer so strict.

  Pure Yang Pill was required to be handed in every day, but now it is no longer required. It's just that you can exchange merit points for turning in Pure Yang Pill. Without pure Yang Pill, there is no merit.

   Goku When they first came, they thought that if they owed too much debt, they had to go to the ground and do hard work. In fact, there are no hard-working mines underground in Cuiyu Palace.

   Those disciples who owe too much debt have signed a blood contract. They will never be allowed to mention that they are disciples of the Cuiyu Palace, nor can they return to the Cuiyu Palace, and are expelled from the teacher's gate, seeking a way out.

  Although there is no longer a debt, if he can't do well at home and he is unwilling to do handyman duties, the outer courtyard will still ask him to "get a teacher." After all, Cuiyu Palace is not a place for mortals to provide for the elderly.

   But if you can achieve Xu Dan, you can stay in Jade Palace for life.

   He has handed over the affairs of Zhen Chuan Yuan to several deputy elders. When I'm bored, Gouzhu goes hunting and playing with Muju in the nearby mountains.

   Cuiyu Peak is very large, with a radius of a hundred miles and dozens of large and small peaks, which is enough for them to play.

   The morning exercise was over that day, and Gou Zhu was looking for someone to go out for a tour of the mountains and water, when suddenly he heard the bell in Danyang Pavilion.

   If nothing happened suddenly, the bell would not ring. Goblin was rather helpless, so he could only temporarily close his playful mind and head to the visualization room in Danyang Pavilion.

   When he arrived in the visualization room, he realized that Lian Ling was already sitting in the first seat. Not only was she here, but also Lian Ping, Mu Mu, Muluo, Huo Yun, Lin Meier, Song Lan, Song Ruhai, Huang Lu, and the nineteenth.

   Seeing him coming, Lian Ling smiled and said:

   "A distinguished guest is visiting today."


   Lian Ling opened his sleeves, revealing a pile of famous posts in his hands, reading one by one:

"The Patriarch of the Song Family Song Ruqing, Xuan Tiewei Deputy Commander Ye Lan, Jin Yufu Mansion Yin Shenkun, Five Elements Sacred Artifact Hall Deputy Director Su Yuxin, and Jinde Academy Dean Zhou Ta, Feijiantang Hall Master Chen Ang, and Deputy Hall Lord Xue You..."

   She has read it for a long time and hasn't finished it, all of them are big people with good looks. What's interesting is that after Song Ruqing's famous post, a silver ticket worth two hundred thousand taels of silver was attached.

   Gouzhu sat on the futon while wondering: "Isn't Song Ruqing dead? I don't know if he was taken away or turned into a corpse puppet?" Lian Ling nodded and said, "The Song family is indeed weird."

She turned to Song Lan and said, "I'll go and get rid of them. You'd better stay in Danyang Pavilion and don't go out. Although you are in the Jade Palace and your safety is okay, it is hard to say that the Song family has any weird means to deal with it. you."

   Song family came to ask people, in fact, she can ignore it completely.

   The Five Elements Sect is no longer the upper sect of the Jade Palace, so Su Yuxin and others came to watch the excitement. Jin Yufu Mansion Yin is all obedient to King Yun, and it is impossible to have trouble with them.

   But Song Lan lowered her head and whispered, "The disciple still hopes to meet her brother again."

   Of course she knows that Song Ruqing is no longer the Song Ruqing of the past. But there is always a glimmer of hope in my heart. What if Song Ruqing was not dead? What if he gets a chance to come alive again?

   If Song Ruqing today is really not the Song Ruqing of the past, she can know it at a glance, and she will know it after reading his heart. You have to try it yourself before you can rest assured.

   "Then you have to be very careful." He scratched his head, considering the variables.

  The meeting was not in Danyang Pavilion, but in the backyard of Cuiyang Hall on the mountainside. The backyard has been forbidden for mortals to enter, the environment is quiet, and there is another larger living room that can welcome hundreds of people to visit at the same time.

   Wood sits on the main seat as the lord of the Jade Palace. Next to him sat Danyang Pavilion Dai Shou Muluo. But behind his seat, there are two higher seats, seated the Supreme Elder Lian Ling and Lian Ping.

   Below is the host and guest seated at each other, each with a table, burning incense and serving tea. Gouzhu, Huo Yun, Song Ruhai, Song Ruqing, Yelan, Su Yuxin, Zhou Ta, Chen Ang, and Yin Shenkun, Jinyu City Mansion, are all listed.

   Before everyone spoke, they saw a silver ticket densely covered with copybooks flying gently like a butterfly, quietly landing on Song Ruqing's desk. Lian Ling said indifferently:

   "My Jade Jade Palace has no merit, and cannot be gifted by Young Master Song. Please don't mind Young Master."

   Two hundred thousand taels of silver is not too much, but it actually shows his attitude of Song Ruqing.

   means that as long as you release people, you can discuss how much you want. But even Ling directly returned the silver note to him, meaning that he would not accept money transactions.

   Song Ruqing had eaten this flat, the expression on Yuan's face was still soft: "The disciples of the noble school have taken away my sister, but I have not returned. I have nothing to ask for, just to meet my sister."

   Lian Ling also smiled and replied: "I have already explained this to Shen Fu Yin, so that sister Song Lan has come to my sect by herself as a disciple. How can I say that it is being held hostage?"

   Shen Fu Yin nodded: "The officials have already understood this matter. It's just that Young Master Song is not at ease. Since we are all here, even the Palace Master might as well ask Miss Song to come out to meet, explain clearly, and let Young Master Song rest assured."

   Fu Yin Shenkun is sweating profusely. He would never offend the Jade Palace, and King Yun had already said hello to leave it alone. But Song Ruqing's reluctance makes him extremely difficult.

  His thoughts were also very simple. Lian Ling called Song Lan out. This young lady surnamed Song made it clear in person that she volunteered to go to the mountain to practice the Taoism, which also blocked Song Ruqing's mouth.

  Lian Ling nodded, and with a move, ordered someone to call Song Lan.

   Song Lan, wearing a simple gray robe, walked out from behind the screen wall. As soon as she appeared, she looked up at the crowd, then bowed her head and made a wish, and said softly: "Little girl Song Lan, I have seen all the adults and masters."

   Shen Fu Yin asked seriously: "Song Lan, why did you appear in the Cuiyu Palace, did you go up the mountain to practice the Taoism, or were you kidnapped?"

   Song Lan walked in front of Shen Kun, knelt down and said, "Song Lan, the daughter of the people, was not kidnapped to go up the mountain, she really went up the mountain with her cousin Song Ruhai to practice the Taoism."

  Shen Kun breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to look at Song Ruqing, who had always been reluctant, but Song Lan went back and said to Lian Ling and others:

   "The little girl has been cultivating here for more than ten days. She deeply feels that the mundane heart is not clear. The day of cultivating is difficult and difficult. Now she has decided to return to the vulgar and go down the mountain, and I have to ask Master for permission."

   After she finished speaking, she slapped her head several times, her attitude was extremely determined.

   Song Ruqing's round face was filled with an imperceptible smile. He immediately said: "Since you want to go home, then go back with me this time. Biluo goddess is everyone in the Profound Clan, so generous and kind as the sea, how can I blame you."

   After speaking, he smiled and said to Lian Ling and the others: "I have thanked you all for taking care of my sister in the past few days. I have a golden gift here. I don't respect it. I invite you to laugh."

   After speaking, he casually took out a silver ticket and put it on the table. For him, this is the second time he has stepped down the steps of Cuiyu Palace.

   Song Lan's performance made Lian Ling a little surprised.

   Did Song Lan change her mind and plan to return to Song's house after seeing Song Ruqing safe and sound? The first thing she thought of was what spell Song Ruqing used in front of her to make Song Lan be controlled by her.

   The magical thing is that even with her golden core double-flower divine consciousness, Song Ruqing in front of her is a mortal. How does a mortal control Song Lan?

  The difference from Lian Ling is that Song Lan knew from the first glance of Song Ruqing that Song Ruqing is no longer the Song Ruqing he used to be.

  Because he has almost nothing in his mind, no thoughts, nothing. Generally speaking, even if a person can deliberately not think about anything, it is inevitable that whatever he wants to say and actions to be done will come to mind first.

   And this Song Ruqing has nothing in his head. All his actions and words do not come from his heart, but are controlled by people, like a puppet!

   She immediately wanted to step back and leave this terrible thing. But she found that she couldn't move at all. From the moment she saw Song Ruqing, the muscles all over her body seemed to be pulled by something.

   Then, these things that pulled her muscles completely ignored her thoughts and began to pull her muscles to work. And these movements are extremely flexible, without any jerky feeling at all.

   Her movements, her expressions, what she said, everything is out of her control. She actually said she would leave the Jade Palace and follow Song Ruqing back to Song's house?

   She never thought that such a horrible and weird thing would happen just when she came out to meet her!

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