Record of Chaos

Chapter 778: Change the paper to get out of Gouzhu, find the soul of Song Lan

   (778 changed the paper to get out of Gouzhu, the soul-seeking person Song Lan carved his soul)

   opened a shop in Daxuan City that specializes in selling Tianyinshi, and waited to ask people who asked the best Tianyinshi. This is one of their ways to find monks with the best virtual pill.

   The thing in his hand is not a real citrine, but a magical weapon called "Peeping Pill Crystal". It has no other use, the only use is that through it, you can see the quality of others' inner alchemy.

  With this thing, even if the other party is intrigued or deliberately hidden, it is useless. Unless you specialize in the cracking technique of Pill Pill Crystal, the true grade of the virtual pill will definitely be revealed in the world.

   It is a pity that it can only see the grade of the inner alchemy, but cannot identify the realm. So they still couldn't see that the other party had actually achieved the Purple Mansion, they could only see that his virtual pill was truly the best.

  The other person is younger, with a more refined face, and relatively weak, and asks on the side: "Send everyone to do it?"

   "They have a cultivator in the Purple Mansion. It is not clear when the teacher goes out. Now that we are watching, he cannot escape. Let's take a look again and figure out their details before proceeding to the next step."

   "Okay." The young man replied concisely.

   But from this look, almost half an hour has passed. Except for occasionally leaving the table to make a brief comment, the three of them almost always sat there, eating, drinking and laughing. The two gray-clothed men watched from a distance, feeling more and more wrong.

   "They are so idle, they can talk for so long?" The younger person obviously couldn't stand his temper.

  The middle-aged man with a square face suddenly showed a different color in his eyes, and quickly took out the pill-seeking stone and put it in front of his eyes to look through, and then whispered:

"not good!"

   He looked through the pill stone and found that the opponent's best virtual pill had disappeared. Now there is no inner alchemy in the three people. Except for a mortal, even the inner alchemy in the purple mansion monk disappeared. All three are empty bodies.

   The square-faced man took the spar in his hand and said softly: "Follow me." After speaking, he jumped out of the empty window silently. Another person followed closely behind him.

   Neither of them flew away, but stuck to the wall of the gray-brown building like a gecko, and even the running belt was climbing at high speed, and from time to time they jumped between buildings with different heights.

   They are already wearing taupe robes. They are completely integrated into the gray-brown exterior walls of these huge stone buildings, and almost no one can detect their presence at night.

   In just a decade or so, they had arrived outside the window of the restaurant and turned in silently. The square-faced man gently touched one of the three.

   As expected, these are just three vivid paper figures.

   Looking for the best heavenly guide stone is not the main purpose of this night. He just dropped by. If he knew that this could also cause other incidents, he would definitely not go.

   Now that he knows he has been followed, he will try to get rid of it. He went to the restaurant to eat, drink, and laugh with Miao Qizhong and Song Lan. All three of them left alone during the process.

   When they came back, they were already paper substitutes. Gouzhu deliberately arranged the three people to leave the table very far apart, and no matter how shrewd the watcher was, he could not see any unnaturalness.

   It's time for this meeting. They turned left and right around Xuanshi, and walked down layer by layer. You can't tell which floor is underground.

   It is difficult to determine where the ground is. The ground is often buried deep under many buildings. But those buildings may also be excavated underground to expand space.

  Gouzhuo’s only certainty is that the sky is no longer visible all around, and all you can see when you look up are the dark, huge stone beams and the roof built by rocks. In the underground space, there are still shops one by one.

   has always been Miao Qizhong leading the way. He also only visited this place many years ago. Fortunately, after so many years, the changes here are not much.

   The decoration of the underground shop is obviously not as magnificent as the ones they just came in. The same is the marble floor, which is already covered with abrasion marks, and many places where people walk a lot have been dented.

   Finally, they came to a small black shop. It looks like a black shop. There is a plaque at the door with a few lines crookedly written on it:

   "Soul maintenance, ten Xuan Yin Dan once."

   was puzzled at the first glance, and asked, "What does this mean?"

   Miu bit the bullet and explained: "It is said that soul care can make people happy physically and mentally and has the effect of beautifying and beautifying. But this is only spread word of mouth among female cultivators, and no male cultivator does this.

   "What the **** is that soul plastic surgery?" Gouzhu pointed to another line of different colors, written on the back:

   "Soul plastic surgery, 100 profound Yin pills, refundable if you are not satisfied."

   "The face has the face, the soul has the soul."

   Miu frowned, and searched his stomach to sort out the words: "If the soul is ugly, no matter how the face is cosmetic, it can only last for a while. It is better to directly repair the soul, which is quite long-lasting."

   "Even the soul can be rectified? Then can I rectify it?"

Miao Zhong wiped his sweat, and said: "Cai Yanhun is known as the master of soul cultivating, only the soul of female cultivators, and he refuses all male cultivators. Look," he pointed to a wooden sign that he saw in the door, and it said "Men are exempt."

   Seeing this, Song Lan's face couldn't help but twitch. Does this mean to let her in alone? But this place doesn't look like a good place.

   Fortunately, Goujiu and Miu Zhong completely ignored the wooden sign and walked in directly. She had to bite the bullet and follow behind.

   Entering this room full of mildew stains on all four walls, and a dirty and smelly room, under the lighting of a flickering oil lamp, did you see an old wooden table.

   sat a huge black face plate behind the wooden table, the whole face plate was shiny, the top of his head was bare, but his chin was covered with a greasy old man with a white beard like thatched grass.

  The old man first looked at Song Lan from head to toe, and nodded slightly, showing satisfaction. But he immediately saw two men beside him. He was about to issue an eviction order when he suddenly saw Miao Qizhong. This made his eyes stop.

   "Miao Zhe? Didn't your kid die long ago? Why, you changed your body to resurrection? It's really lingering! Your taste of picking the flesh is really rubbish..."

   It is reasonable to say that Miao Zhongyi used the body of Kakura Minor at this time, and normal people would not recognize him. But Cai Yanhun directly looked at the soul, and saw this old acquaintance who had died a long time ago.

   They came here because of an idea. That is to be able to trade with the ancestors of the Song family, he almost used a poisonous trick to make Song Lan a "reissue of the soul".

   Of course, it is impossible to copy the spirit. But it is possible to modify a soul to make it very similar to another soul. It's as if the latter has been reproduced.

   There are many soul masters in the black market that can do this. But if you want to fool the ancestors of the Song family, who has practiced for hundreds of years, the general level is not good ~ and only Cai Yanhun, the master of the soul can do it.

   I really asked Cai Yanhun to do this. No one knows how much he will ask for.

   Fortunately, many years ago he owed one of Miao's favors, which he had to pay back, so not only was it exempt, but Cai Yanhun couldn't refuse it.

  Miao finished the matter, Cai Yanhun stretched out his hand and said, "What about the substitute? What about the soul? I can pay back your favor, free of labor costs, but I can't let the materials out."

   The so-called stand-in is a body. After the divine soul is copied, just like a real person, it needs a body to hold it. The so-called substitute soul is the soul used to modify.

  The soul cannot be used for the soul, that is equivalent to killing. But you can't use the souls of animals that are too mentally handicapped, because the effect of refurbishing will be poor.

   generally use the spirit of a spirit beast that has spiritual consciousness but has not yet produced it. In this way, as long as you re-engrave part of the person's spiritual consciousness, it will be very similar.

   Spirit beasts can be seen everywhere in the demon world, but they are rare things in the human world. Fortunately, he had been prepared for it, and immediately took out a blue soul bead and handed it over.

   There is a complete spirit beast spirit in the soul orb, which is the spirit pig that they had just washed the day before.

   Although it seems cruel to eat other people's meat without letting go of the soul, it is better than actually taking a living soul to the ancestor of the Song family.

   If this can be done, it will take a certain amount of time before the Song family ancestors have devoured the spirit of this spirit pig before discovering the abnormality.

   During this period or earlier, as long as he can be tricked into transferring the blood soul root to Song Ruhai, this will be done.

   Cai Yanhun rubbed the soul bead in his hand for a while, then smiled contemptuously: "This soul substitute is okay, can you make do with it. What about the body?"

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