Record of Chaos

: New Year's Remarks for 2020

   People are on the shelves of testimonials, I just forget about the New Year’s testimonials.

   This book is my fifth online novel. I feel that I am the best and most successful book I have written.

   I still remember that many years ago there was a group of writers who exchanged ideas with a group of kubi writers all day long. Someone's work has reached 400 collections. In our opinion, it is really amazing.

   From my personal experience, if a novice writes in qd, if the collection can exceed 10 (not counted by the person who pulls it) before 100,000 words, the real reader reviews can exceed 0, that is the result that shocked me.

   When my novel is 300,000 words, the collection volume is still hovering below 20, and there are often some missing. Reader comments always keep a record of 0 (not counting advertisements).

   In fact, I can understand, who will read books with tens of thousands of words and hundreds of thousands of words? I may finish reading that braille in one afternoon. I would never order books with less than 2 million words.

   What I don’t understand is that some new books are only 50,600 words, they can burst with data, editors praise, readers rave, rushing to the rankings, haha, people are more popular than people, not a world that cannot be compared.

   I don’t remember how many words I saw before I saw a real reader comment, it may be a bad comment.

   But now there are comments almost every day, and the collection can actually be tens of thousands? I couldn't imagine this kind of achievement before. And there is an increase of about 100 per day.

   So you can collect more than 100,000 in three years?

   Compared with the great gods who have increased by tens of thousands a day, my small steps are also good, it looks like I am walking on the path of becoming a god.

   It's like hitting a big lock with the scalp, and it keeps hitting the head with blood, but the lock has never reacted, and you have long wanted to give up. But suddenly now you find that with every bump, it will loosen a little.

   Although it's just a little bit, it reminds you that you can continue to hit it, and sooner or later it can be knocked away by you.

   I hope you readers can help me publicize it, click the circle, post it, forum, group...

   I search every day, but nobody mentioned it. I also watch the Longkong forum every day. There is a book list, but there are only a bunch of people in it.

   Finally, I wish every reader who can read here a happy new year.

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