Record of Chaos

Chapter 785: Frozen 3 feet 1 instant cold, from then on official career is flying ash

   (785 freezing three feet and a flash of cold, from then on the official career is flying ash)

   After the black projectile burst, a cloud of splashing and gleaming black mist formed in the air. The candlelight on the ground then annihilated, and the inspiration in the air seemed to have been absorbed by something, almost extinguished together.

   "Don't touch that black mist, that is the dead spirit and marrow dust that Xuan Tiewei used to deal with the monks!"

  Miao among them is to gossip and health transmission. He was once a master of the Soul Sect, and the Soul Sect was extremely closely related to Xuan Tiewei. He couldn't be more clear about Xuan Tiewei's methods to deal with the monks.

  The reason why Zhang Qian chose to use this trick was precisely because this method was the easiest and most difficult to evade. As long as we live and die, he will be done.

  Miao Zhongzhong was transmitting the sound, and at the same time the two fingertips he had already condensed into the soul needles shot out, one after the other, one in the same direction. The one in front was extremely fast, directly aimed at the center of He Enterkong's brow.

The trajectory behind    is extremely erratic, like a vespa flying at high speed, orbiting a huge arc in the air. If He Rukong gathers his energy to guard against the first one, then he will definitely get the second one!

   For Miao Qizhong, protection of deceit is his top priority. It doesn't matter whether Zhang Qian kills or not. And the biggest threat to deceit is the empty escape repair of this purple mansion's three qi.

   His threat is not to attack, the point is that they can lay a space barrier so that they cannot escape.

   If this person's air escape technique is constrained here, more and more Xuan Tiewei, Xuan Bing and other monks will come outside, and they will still be a little troublesome.

   It's a pity that when the first Thousand Miles Soul Stabilizing Needle was about to reach He Rukong's eyebrows, a sneer appeared on He Rukong's face, and then his figure drifted slightly, and immediately disappeared. Only a line of space cracks that closed quickly remained in place.

  Because he himself disappeared, no matter how clever the attack was, the second attack lost its meaning.

Monk    Kung Fu is like this, aside from the power of attack and defense, the ability to dodge and escape is probably invincible.

   If he doesn't want to fight, he can move dozens of miles away with his foot. Unless you are crushed by the realm, you can't even catch up.

   But with so many merit points here, of course he will not leave immediately. While disappearing, he opened a spatial crack near the stone pillar and came out.

   At this time, there was no candlelight in the room, and the electricity and fire caused by the explosion outside also dimmed, leaving only the faint light from some torches arranged by the profound soldiers in the distance.

   The figure of Soul Xiu seemed to melt into the surrounding darkness, like a shadow flowing like water, always hiding behind the opposite pillar around the pillar.

   He Rukong's eyes flashed sharply, the palms of both hands were joined together, and he slashed down in the air with a hand knife. The yin and yang mana circulating on his two hands impacted each other, suddenly forming a thin blade of space in the air.

   When the thin blade reached, the entire stone pillar and the black shadow were cut into two sections at an angle.

   The stone pillar clicked and began to slide down from the top, revealing a smooth, mirror-like cut surface. But the two black shadows are like real black shadows. After everything passed, they merged naturally, and then walked out of the darkness.

   The dark shadow seemed to open his mouth slightly, as if infinite ghosts spewed out of his mouth, whizzing out, and coming into the empty mat.

   Just as He Enterkong and Miao Zhong were fighting, a terrifying chill spread away, wherever he went, even the air seemed to be frozen.

   Those withered spirits and bad marrow dust that were flying around were instantly surrounded by countless ice crystals and frozen.

  The withered spirit iron marrow can absorb all the aura in the air and liquid, but it is powerless against solid objects. As soon as they are frozen by ice crystals, they are also imprisoned in them, losing all their functions.

   Zhang Gan didn't succeed with one move, and was taken aback. At this time, he felt that his surroundings became extremely cold, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into ice water. The surrounding cold air penetrated into his skin like countless steel needles through the black fish suit.

   Are they crazy? Dare to attack Xuan Tiewei? Are they afraid of being banished from the Nine Clans?

   As Xuan Tiewei, he has killed countless people, but most people dare not resist, and many of them were killed by him after being caught.

   He suddenly remembered that he was too impatient to order to kill someone, and he didn't use sound transmission, but he shouted out?

   In this way, the other party knew that he was going to be killed, so he would naturally resist it to the death. As expected, it was the impatience that caused trouble again!

   A monk stood in front of him like a ghost, one of the two people he had just ordered to kill. The man was tall and thin, but he could not see his appearance at all.

   "How dare you..." He wants to say that you dare to kill Xuan Tiewei?

   The other party didn't pay attention to him at all, but maybe he didn't say what he said. He only saw the ice-cold mist flowing down like water from all over his body.

   These ice mists seemed to have life and feeling, like a sticky creature stroking him. Wherever he went, he sucked away all the residual heat from his body.

   "Kill... he..." He ordered Xuan Tiewei around him, but he still didn't know if this was just a beating in his head or he slowly said it.

   His body was invaded by cold air from the outside world, and the cold air circulated in his blood. Not only was he restrained, all his movements, opening his mouth, exhaling, and speaking, all became slow.

   He wants to draw a knife, but he moves slowly like a snail.

   Fortunately, when he broke into here to order, the four Xuan Tie Guards had already pulled out the Spring Moon Blade. The four ice blades reflecting the glimmer, like the arc of a crescent moon, smashed instantly.

   But when the cold air on the opponent spread out around, the flying fish blades of these four people actually stopped in mid-air. All four of them stopped like wooden statues, neither moving nor falling down.

   Among the four profound iron guards, there are two Xudan cultivators, and two of them are also cultivators on the fifth and sixth floors of the foundation.

   In their hands is the Spring Moon Blade equipped by Xuan Tiewei, which specifically breaks the monk's body protection mana, and the black fish suit on them can defend against the monk's mana attack. How could it be impossible to move at once?

   Although Zhang Qian has handled countless cases, there are not many ways to fight against experts. They all use their identity cards to bluff people. But now it is too late for him to take out his waist card.

   No, he is not wearing casual clothes now. Even if he didn't have a waist card, the opponent could recognize the obvious Xuan Tiewei costume on his body.

   Either this person doesn't know what Xuan Tiewei does, or it is Xuan Tiewei that he wants to kill.

   The tall and thin monk, who was full of coldness like Sawu, didn't react particularly to the four Black Iron Guards who had been killed.

   He just waved his sleeves, and the heads of the four of them shattered like a pile of porcelain. Debris slid on the frozen ground, all over the floor.

   Zhang Gan realized that he was actually frozen. He can still see things and understand the facts before him, but his eyes can no longer move.

   The man walked over, stretched out his hand and squeezed his face.

   He didn't feel any pain only when he heard a crackling sound, but he realized that his entire chin had fallen off, and it was pinched like a triangular stone in that person's hand.

   The man was obviously not interested in his jaw, dropped it on the ground, and smashed to pieces with a crash. Then the icy monk stretched out his hand and touched his waist card, saber, and immortal lotus.

   followed by the sound of crashing ice dregs falling His black fish suit, boots, and black gauze hat on his head were all taken away!

   Although it was a long story, it was actually only a moment. His whole body was stripped away. After nothing else, he saw the other side point his eyebrows.

   His consciousness split like shattered glass, there is no more completeness at all, and then it burst out like dust.

   killed five Xuan Tie Guards in an instant, and also touched the things on the five Xuan Tie Guards by the way, and glanced at the battle next to him. Although Miao Zhongzheng is a veteran, his realm is a small level lower than the opponent.

   Monk Nakong Dun constantly switched positions to weaken the effect of the opponent's spirit arts, while on the other hand, he used the space crack as a sharp blade to constantly counterattack.

   But it is not easy for him to hit the opponent under the interference of Miu Zhongzhong's continuous illusion.

   One is Soul Cultivator, and the other is Kong Dun cultivator. They are both very unauthentic and difficult to entangle. Although the realm is different, it is not big. Just go on like this, I don't know when they will be able to tell the winner.

   Gouzhu didn't pay attention to them anymore, instead he formed seals on his hands, and his body was surging with mana, spreading out the mysterious cold domain.

   Now that his Purple Mansion is consummated, the mysterious cold domain can expand to dozens of miles. But now it doesn’t need to be so big, it is better to gather in a few miles.

   Within a few miles, the cultivators of the Purple Mansion will be significantly affected. As for the virtual pill, foundation building, and even mortals, let alone.

   Almost all the water vapor in the air has condensed into tiny snowflakes, and these snowflakes are constantly being combined and pieced together to become tiny blades flying in the air.

   Under his thoughts, all the ice and snow sharp blades flew through the air like flying swords, slamming to all the enemies in the mysterious cold domain!

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