Record of Chaos

Chapter 787: 10 years of great dreams in the red dust, 1 dynasty awakens the emperor’s house

   (In the red dust of the ten-year dream of 787, the emperor's home was awakened once)

   The gust of wind gradually died down, all the dust flying in the air fell down, and a thick layer soon accumulated on the ground.

   asked Miao Zhongzhong to lead the way. The two flew through various gaps underground, and quickly left the battlefield and returned to the ground.

   This is under a huge bridge. Although there are constantly rumbling horse-drawn carriages and beasts rolling over the bridge, the bridge is empty, with grass growing in the cracks of the flagstones, and gravel and dirt piled up in the corners. This location is extremely high, unless Feida is unreachable, naturally there will be no one.

   asked Hoshen how to send him back to his hiding place, but Hoshen shook his head and said, "No need."

  Looking at his pale face, not only did it not get any better than when the erysipelas was just removed, it was worse.

   The problem is in his neck. Almost his entire neck turned black. And the black is constantly spreading around.

   This was because it was contaminated with the dead spirit and marrow dust thrown by Zhang Qian. The dead marrow dust of the dry spirit is made by grinding the expensive iron marrow of the dry spirit into powder, which can absorb all the spiritual energy by itself.

  The dead spirit bad marrow dust formed by refining the dead spirit iron marrow powder is especially attracted by the spiritually-rich monk's body. Once in the body, it will destroy all inspirations.

   The monk was contaminated, and he could only force it out with mana by himself, and there was no antidote. This is one of Xuan Tiewei's special weapons against monks.

   At that time, Zhang Gan threw out the black projectile. He only felt that the thing was pitch black, and his spiritual consciousness couldn't perceive any inspiration. He thought it was just an ordinary hidden weapon, so he just blocked it.

   I didn't expect this thing to burst when it was hit, and the powder splashed all over. When Miao Zhongzhi reminded him that this thing should not be contaminated, and when he used Xuanming cold energy to freeze it, a part of the powder had already contaminated Hou Sheng's neck.

   If you only contaminate your hands and feet, you can still live if you cut off your hands and feet. But it was the neck that was contaminated by the health and welfare, and there was no way to cut it off. In this case, even medicine like Ling and Mu Jia are hopeless.

   From then on, he is a mortal ending, which is why Zhang Qian chose this weapon.

   Even Ling said that there was no cure, and it was naturally unnecessary for him to suffer more. Gouzhu laid his head on a brick and said:

   "Honesty friends, you and I met somehow, if you have anything else you want to do, you can tell me. As long as I can do it and the risk is not too great, I will definitely do it for you."

   Goujiu embarrassedly added the "risk is not too big" restriction. He thought to himself, if you ask me to seek revenge from the emperor, then forget it. After all, is it just a business relationship? I can't promise too much.

   Housheng's face twitched slightly, smiled reluctantly, and said intermittently:

  "Thank you brother for saving...I came in ignorance...and went in ignorance...It's really nothing...sorry. On the contrary, if I origin and worry about more..., then I regret....

   "My top grade Tian Yinshi... and Sanhua foreign medicine, there is no problem,... Brother Dao can use it...

  "But the treasure key in my body,...Brother Dao must never...use...presumably the court has already set up an ambush in Baohang...By then, brother Dao...

   "Just ask Dao brother... to burn my body... clean, don't... leave any traces... in this world..."

   "Don't worry, it's easy to tell." Gou Zhu nodded and replied. As soon as his voice fell, the health and well-being had been cut off.

   If it is the effect of bad marrow dust, it will take him at least half an hour to die. He used the remaining true energy to actively interrupt his heart and died.

   If he is immortal and unable to live, he will hurt the two people who saved him. It is better to enter the cycle of reincarnation and end it all.

   The source of his own life experience, etc., simply let it be a mystery forever, and die with him, there will be no regrets.

   Haunted the imperial fire art, cast a fireball technique, and instantly burned the thick flesh to ashes. The flames looked far away, but no one would notice one of the lights of the vast sea in the thick earth city.

   He sighed. Is the superb existence that was born like a mystery like Housheng, existed like a mystery, and then disappeared like a mystery, is it considered to exist?

When    Gouzhu and Miao Qizhong returned to Xiaoyao Hall, it was already early in the morning. He was a little surprised to find that in Huang Lu's bedroom, there was still light from under the door crack.

   Song Ruhai has gone back to sleep, but Huang Lu has been vigorously helping her male **** modify the formation.

   She wanted to devise an incomparable formation so that the ancestors of the Song family could not see any clues. It wasn't until he started to move everything after he entered the battlefield that he could no longer get out, only to realize that everything was too late!

   Her eyes were bloodshot, her eye circles were dark, and her eye bags were swollen, but she didn't notice it at all.

   across the door, of course, you wouldn't know all about it. He was just a little puzzled, what happened to this younger sister who usually sleeps super dead at night and can't get up in the morning, so she would stay up all night?

   But he didn't think much, and went straight to sleep in his bedroom. There is still full daylight on the ride, and there is still time to sleep with Lian Ling for a while.


   There is a city in the city called the Forbidden City in Houtu City, which is located in the center of the square and square Houtu City.

   Tu Forbidden City is a golden city. If you look at it from high above, it looks like a huge gold brick in the center of a gray-brown thick soil city. This was the most heavily guarded place in the entire Hou Tu Dynasty.

   But the center of the Forbidden City is the Kun Li Palace. The main color in this area is no longer simply golden, but golden on the outside, red on the inside, and black as the bottom.

   Kun Li Palace is the center of the entire dynasty and the place where the Liuhe Supreme Void Array is deployed. The Emperor Kunyuan Haohan who mastered the formation here was truly invincible.

   Emperor Kunyuan wore a black velvet crown and an exquisite golden yellow dragon robe, embroidered with a real five-claw golden dragon.

   Unlike some historically rumored emperors who are excessively drunk, haggard, and old, Haohan is a person who pursues perfection.

   His face was like a crown jade in his middle age, and his hair was dyed with ink. The temples exposed under the black gauze are also neatly combed, shiny and without any blemishes. His eyes were piercing, and his sturdy figure couldn't be concealed even by a large dragon robe.

   If he doesn't say a word, he is as perfect as a carefully carved idol.

   But what is really amazing is the "perfect three-flower golden pill" that I am ashamed of if I am here.

   In the Hao Clan, whether it is a virtual core or a golden core, the best inner core is everywhere, but it is not very well known to the outside world.

   There are certain differences even if they are all the best internal alchemy. It depends on how close the Shenyou Dao is to the Dao when the monk is consolidating his pill.

   Even if it is the same to the extreme, the degree to which it is really close to the extreme is different.

   The emperor Haohan, not only the golden core three flowers are perfect, but the quality of the golden core is even higher than that of hook, which belongs to the existence that can help remove the erysipelas.

  He is not in his throne at this time, but in a secret room deep underground in Kunyuan Palace.

   In front of him was a huge shrine, densely lined with dark red jade and inlaid with soul-inspired golden marrow.

   Both of these materials are mixed with other materials to create magical artifacts in a small amount in the outside world, and they are used directly as materials The degree of luxury is staggering.

   The title on each **** card is extremely simple, and it is always "the position of XX". Haohan stood in front of the shrine with his eyes falling on a certain **** position.

   Between Haohan and the shrine, there are rows of gorgeous purple-red coffins neatly arranged.

   Just between his long breaths, he saw that the color of the **** master card became bright and red, and then a drop of blood-red liquid fell on the black jade-like base.

   There was a low buzzing sound under the base. A huge magical instrument was excited. Something intangible got involved. Although it is colorless, tasteless, and silent, Haohan can feel its existence.

   He could feel that the boundless sea of ​​karma formed by all the karma of all beings was invaded by some kind of foreign object, like a stream of water injected into boiling oil, and it roared furiously.

   God's main card suddenly brightened, and then dimmed. Then it was calm.

   With a creak, the lid of a coffin was pushed open. A young man of the Yao nationality, wearing a light blue python robe and a jade coffin, sat up, his eyes still slightly blurred.

   A dream of more than ten years, I woke up like this. Many memories were suddenly mixed up like the originally deposited sand and stones, making his mind full. The process of clarifying slowly took him a lot of time.

   But he finally woke up.

   "It turned out to be like this." He said to himself, his heart tumbling like a tide. Welfare, Welfare... So you are not a good life at all!

   He raised his eyes again and saw the man in the golden dragon robe standing in front of the coffin. He immediately turned over, stumbled out of the coffin, and knelt down for the emperor.

   "The sons and ministers are all together, see your father!"

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