Record of Chaos

Chapter 789: The heavens created the world to invade each other, and the pearl secretly begs for vi

   (789 heavens created the world to invade each other, and the pearls were secretly begging for life)

   The so-called all things are turned into chaos, but the original chaotic jade itself and the consciousness of its holder are excluded.

   The chaotic world is colorless. The reason why it can transform all colored things is because this chaotic world is not completely chaotic, and there is also this chaotic origin beginning jade in it, which entrusts the consciousness of the creator to evolve everything in the outstanding world.

   Entering the chaos and heavenly tribulation, the chaotic yuan beginning jade will still remain the same. Although the body of the holder of Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade is also transformed into chaos, its soul can be entrusted to exist in Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade.

   Then after the chaos, the entire physical world will be reborn based on the desire of the holder's consciousness.

   In other words, everything he wants to restore can be restored. He wants to reproduce who he wants to reproduce, what history he wants to reproduce, and he wants to reproduce a continent and a country, as long as he can reproduce it with a single thought.

  Whoever he wants to be a beast, be a mortal, become a golden immortal, or directly canonize it, it is all a matter of his mind.

   And everything he hates can be wiped out cleanly and will never reappear. Of course, if he hates someone in particular and reappears that person to suffer forever, it is not unfeasible.

   In short, for him, the chaotic catastrophe is not a catastrophe, but a re-creation of the world at will.

And the reason why these people still exist here today, I’m afraid I’m also grateful to the holders of Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade in the last Chaos Tribulation for visualizing them, at least visualizing their ancestors, so that they can exist. .

   If the original thought hated the Hao clan, then the Hao clan would naturally cease to exist, and they would no longer exist.

  Moreover, the Hao Clan is so powerful that it has ruled the Three Realms for generations. It is very likely that the founder of the Hun Yuan Shiyu was the ancestor of the Hao Clan.

   But now, this Chaotic Yuan Shiyu is in his father's hands?

   His first thought was, how nice this stone would be in my hand. Dad, what are you worried about? Anyway, I will visualize you again when that time comes. At that time, I was already the creator of the world, so naturally I would not care about a throne.

   But his second thought was, if I provoke my dad, I will never exist after the catastrophe? Even the chance of reincarnation no longer exists? With this thought, he couldn't help but secretly burst into sweat from behind!

   "But," Emperor Kun Yuan held the Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade in his hand with some regret, and rubbed it for a while, "The light of this Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade is too dim."

   "Even if you have survived the catastrophe to create the world, because its aspiration is too small, the reproduced world will be relatively weak, and it will be easy to be invaded by other worlds created by the beginning of the chaotic origin."

   This one? It turns out there is more than one Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade? That is to say, there will be multiple holders of Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade simultaneously creating the world? And these worlds will invade each other?

   Since each Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade has a different strength, the final result of this mutual encroachment is also different?

   Haotong's brain turned extremely fast, understanding the meaning of every sentence of his father. All this is closely related to his future. But he didn't dare to ask more.

   Because he knows the old man's temper very well. He would naturally say what he wanted to say. What he doesn't want to say, you just make him roll his eyes when you ask.

   "If the Dongsheng Divine Continent is all devoted to my thick soil dynasty, then this Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade can be extremely strong. It is only in the last few hundred years that the dynasty has had some problems and it has dimmed."

   Kun Yuan emperor said unhurriedly: "There are more and more Xianxuan, they don't respect the royal family, they just deal with the imperial court perfunctorily.

  "Folk mortals, now there are more and more people who do not respect the orthodoxy, instead they worship and pray for these xuanxuan people all day long.

   "In the past, for the sake of peace in the world, I could bear it for a while. Now that the chaos and the tribulation are near, the matter has reached the point where it cannot be resolved."

   Hao Tong suddenly moved in his heart, thinking of something, and could not help but mutter to himself: "Could it be that this free fight will..."

   His body was lying in the coffin, not knowing what happened outside.

   But as a health worker, he has been walking around in the city of Houtu. He has certainly heard of such a big thing as the emperor's conquest of three thousand Xianxuan to participate in the Xiaoyaohui big fight. Listening to Emperor Kun Yuan at this time, he immediately got in touch.

  Kun Yuandi’s originally cold expression finally showed a little approval:

   "You still have a bit of a brain. That's why I decided to do this by you.

   "After solving this batch of Xian Xuan, the rest is nothing to be afraid of. My thick soil dynasty is once again unified, and this chaotic yuan beginning jade can be restored to its original appearance."

   Given such a big thing to him, of course he is willing to do it. This is directly related to whether he still exists after the Chaos and Heavenly Tribulation. He dare not try his best?

   But he still couldn't help revealing his doubts on his expression.

   Even if the Hunyuan Shiyu in his father's hands is restored to its original power, the world his father has visualized will not be invaded by other creators, so what?

   He doesn't care what the world is like, he only cares whether he still exists? What if his dad forgets him when he creates the world again?

   Could you ask his dad for a promise, promise that he will be visualized by then, and it would be best to avoid cultivation and come directly to a big Luo Jinxian?

   What's the use of such a promise? Even the universe is in chaos. I am afraid that things such as the Profound Blood Deed are not as good as waste paper.

   Emperor Kun Yuan clearly saw what he was thinking.

   "If you do this thing well, I will reward you with something." Emperor Kun Yuan simply dropped it like a bone to a dog, and then lost something.

   Of course, Hao Tong did not dare to let that thing fall to the ground, and hurriedly reached out and took it in his hand like a dog with a bone.

   This thing is cold and heavy at the beginning, and it feels like an ordinary half-slap-sized rock fragment. The problem is that when he saw it, he felt a huge shock in his heart. This was actually another piece of chaotic origin beginning jade?

   Hunyuan’s first jade is more than one piece, he can naturally guess, but he actually has two pieces in his hand, the emperor's father?

   Can oneself become the creator of the world? How does he arrange this world? All things are done by his heart?

The thought of    came here, no matter how tough and calm his mind was, there was a huge wave in his heart at this time, and he even couldn't help trembling all over.

   But the difference between the stone in his hand and the Hunyuan Beginning Jade he had just seen is also very obvious.

   In this dark space, the stars are denser and brighter, making the whole stone appear much brighter, and it can even be used as a night pearl in the dark.

   Another, and more important point, this piece is not a phantom when he touches it, but a real thing that really exists! What's happening here?

   "This is another piece of chaotic origin beginning jade. It originally belonged to the demon emperor Muye. But Muye gave up the throne and died again. It lost its owner and revealed its physical appearance."

   That's how it is. Hao Tong understood. No wonder this one is much brighter.

  Because the demon world is different from the human world, almost all demon cultivators respect the demon emperor. Those who are not satisfied are only individuals. This is very different from Xian Xuan in the Human Realm Xuanxiu, which accounts for almost half.

   The degree of gathering of people's hearts directly represents the magnitude of the willpower of the beginning jade of the chaotic origin.

"The two traitors of the tree clan Rongqianzi and Fuyu want to take advantage of the demon king who has no successor, and refine them for their own use," Emperor Kun Yuan laughed contemptuously, "the throne are these born ordinary demons Coveted?"

"Now that the new Demon Emperor has ascended the throne, it is impossible for them to refining. However, the two thieves know how to work, and dedicated this thing to me. Since our father and son can each get a piece, we can also overcome the chaos. Up."

   When Kino gave up the throne and left Mian'e Mountain, he did something quite sincere. That is, he let out the Hunyuan Shiyu, which had been passed down from generation to generation, and left it in the Demon Emperor Hall.

   As the tree emperor, what he carries is to reappear the fate of the tree clan after the chaos. But he didn't want to be the tree king anymore, and he didn't want to bear this fate anymore.

   So in his opinion, it is only natural that he wants to spit out the first jade of chaotic origin. The tree emperor's line is originally such a kind people. As for the Chaos and Heavenly Tribulation? Opportunity to create the world? Opportunity to reproduce? People don't care. As long as you can live this life well, that's enough!

   The first jade of the chaotic yuan is indestructible once it recognizes the master, but it does not prevent the original master from giving up on it. After giving up, it became a physical thing and was kept in the top-secret Demon Emperor Only the Demon Emperor and Tree Clan Great Elders were allowed to enter. Therefore, acting as the guardian became the tree clan elder Rong Qianzi. Rong Qianzi is not from the tree emperor's line, because the tree is not as kind as the tree emperor's line.

   Even if he was originally very loyal, he would inevitably be eroded under such a huge temptation to become the creator of the world.

   But it is impossible for him to directly become the master of the first jade of the chaotic origin. The first jade of the Hunyuan Yuan can only gather the human emperor or the demon emperor who is willing to gather sentient beings. Either you become the emperor yourself, or kill the emperor and replace it. Both of these are not easy for him.

   Or ask the soul ambassador to transfer, and transfer the life of the next Demon King to himself.

   He and Yun Yu conspired to occupy the Mian Evil Mountain, and please come to send the soul ambassador. However, after years of tossing, they hadn't succeeded yet, they encountered Mu Luobu found the blood of the Demon Emperor and helped Mu Shi to become the Demon Emperor.

   At this time, Mu Shi has become the demon emperor, and the demon world is home to everyone. Hunyuan Shiyu has actually recognized the master.

   It's just that Mu Shi didn't know the existence of Hunyuan Shiyu at this time, and he had not seen this thing either. Therefore, this piece of Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade is still a real object, as if it was forgotten by the owner.

   When the new Demon Emperor came to the Demon Emperor Hall, Rong Qianzi and Ying Yu escaped with Hunyuan Shiyu.

  In the eyes of Rong Qianzi, if the new demon emperor obtains the first jade of the chaotic origin, then after the chaos of the chaos, with his actions, I am afraid that there will never be a chance to reappear.

   In that case, it is better to present the Hunyuan Shiyu to the Emperor in exchange for a vague promise than hopeless!

   Therefore, the two old tree clan elders, Rong Qianzi and Wu Yu, have now completely loyal to the Emperor Haohan. They only hope that their loyalty can be exchanged for a glimmer of opportunity for rebirth after the chaos.

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