Record of Chaos

Chapter 793: War burns the homeland, the ice drives the nightmare

   (793 War and Burning Homeland, Frost Drives Nightmare)

   Among the more than 8,000 Xianxuan monks who arrived in Fengdu, there were more than 3,000 people in the Xudan realm, and more than 300 people in the Purple Mansion.

Except for the few Jindan bosses who can be counted with two hands that did not participate in this matter, these people are the main combat power of Xianxuan in the entire Houtu Dynasty, and they accounted for almost three-thirds of the strength of the monks of the Houtu Dynasty of two.

   The cultivators of Xu Dan and above who participated in the Xiaoyao Conference will each get a token mixed with God Jade. Every time a beast master of the dust tribe or a war beast is killed, a wisp of the opponent's soul breath will be accepted into it and become the corresponding record point.

   Three months later, every monk can use this token to receive his seat in the Xiaoyao Immortal League.

   Foundation building monks are not eligible to receive tokens, but can choose to follow any monk who has the primary token. Their record will also be included in the record of the token holder.

   In order to prevent these monks from plundering each other, the token is designed so that each token has a fixed owner and cannot transfer others. The record points are also not transferable.

The    cyan token is also inlaid with a blood-red oval instrument like agate, named "Fire Melting Gold Body Pill". This thing is the "life-saving" thing given to each monk by Xuan Tiewei, who is responsible for the safety of this fighting law meeting.

   As long as a thought is injected, this "Fire Melting Gold Pill" will merge with the monk's body.

   Regardless of whether the monk is seriously injured or dying, as long as the soul has not entered the cycle of reincarnation, the "golden body" will quickly repair the body. After the physical body is repaired, it will gain a tremendous increase in combat power.

   The matter of fusing the physical body with the magic weapon is not surprising on Sijia's side. But for the Middle-earth monks, the physical body is extremely important, and most people are unwilling to be transformed casually.

   But as a life saver, it is different. If you are going to die, what can't you do?

   On the second day of King Cloud’s expedition, each faction had a large sect or the leader of a well-known cultivator in the Purple Mansion with five-qi perfect cultivators, and began their own process of hunting down the dust tribe beast masters and beasts.

   Most of the monks followed the team of King Yun Beizheng. Following the army feels more secure for them, and the dust tribe will continue to attack and block this army, and they are expected to gain more records.

  Hook Zhuo is different. He was entrusted by King Yun to keep the wind without losing, so he was destined to not be too far away from the wind.

   Fortunately, he doesn't have to stay in the city all day long. King Yun led 30,000 people to rescue Fengdu and took away the relics of the Northern Expedition Snow Kingdom with 20,000 people. There were also 10,000 Golden State Army and more than 10,000 Feng Clan remnants in Fengdu City.

   These people are controlled by Hong Rushi himself. It is impossible for them to sweep northern Xinjiang, but it is enough to keep the wind.

  Opening the map, what I was looking for was an area that was not far away from the wind, where there was the possibility of the magical power of the dust people, and it was convenient to complete the transaction with the Song family ancestors.

   His gaze swept back and forth on the map, and finally, with a light tap of his finger, he settled on Mount Andu, about fifty miles south of Fengdu City.

   Dongdu Mountain is an east-west mountain range. Although it is not high, it catches the warm wind from the south and blocks the cold wave from the north. The southern foothills of the mountains are warmer than the wind, covered with larch.

   This is the ideal place for many wind tribes to spend winter. After being occupied and slaughtered by the army of the Hanchen maidens, it became an outpost for attacking Fengdu.

   At present, the dust tribe army has been disintegrated, and many wind tribe people have returned to their tribes to spend the winter in Dongdu Mountain. But King Yun couldn't separate too many troops to control this area, so the situation was still very chaotic.

   Gouzhu estimated that if the Chen people wanted to counter the Fengdu's Northern Expedition to contain King Yun, it would be impossible not to start with Dongdu Mountain. So he went there to clean up, and he should be able to get a lot of record points.

   And to solve the Song family ancestors there is better than turning Wind Capital City into a battlefield between Golden Core cultivators, which will cause a mess and even destroy the vital teleportation formation.

  He planned that Huang Lu and others would first go to Dongdu Mountain to step on points, and arrange formations and traps according to the terrain. Then he took Song Lan and others to "hunting."

   Song Ruhai "sell" their route to the Song family ancestors at the right time.

   After Song family ancestors and others ambush them to "success", Song Ruhai and the ancestor's transaction officially began. Song Ruhai got the blood soul root, and the Song family ancestor swallowed a fake Song Lan.

   At that time, Lian Ling, Han Beizi, and Lin Meier were equal to the four golden cores, and they worked together to besiege the Song family ancestor. In addition, there are so many other Zifu manpower to deal with the minions of the ancestors of the Song family.

   The key to this is that the opponent must misjudge his own strength. Fortunately, Lian Ling was always lurking, and the blood black two evil spirits in the crown of Han Beizi and Lin Meierdan couldn't be hidden, and the other party had no possibility of perceiving in advance.

   "This plan is good. But I plan to go to Dongdu Mountain in advance with my junior sister. To set up the Song family's blood soul root fruit formation, it is best to involve the Song family's children." Song Ruhai said that the junior sister refers to Huang Lu.

   "This..." He frowned and hesitated. This is not within his budget.

   Since leaving the Jade Palace, Song Ruhai and Song Lan, the two children of the Song family, have always been key protection targets. At any time, Lin Meier and Miao Zhong were watching to prevent the Song Family Patriarch's sneak attack.

   Song Lan needless to say, if Song Ruhai encounters the Song family ancestor and directly controls it, and they cannot find out in time, it may cause unpredictable disaster.

   If Song Ruhai ran to Dongdu Mountain first, neither he nor Huang Lu would have the golden core strength. Encountering the ancestors of the Song family not only did not have the strength to fight, I was afraid that they could not even escape.

   It is impossible for him to "carry" Lian Ling and Han Beizi with Song Ruhai. With Han Beizi's icy temper, Song Ruhai couldn't call Han Beizi out even if he got the approval of the original owner to use the retention stele.

   "Let Lin Meier go with you, then." After thinking about it, he could only figure out the only feasible way.

   Huang Lu's face suddenly clouded over. In her eyes, she traveled with the male **** Song Ruhai on the dreamy journey of Dongdu Mountain, and then brought a flower-like demon girl of the crane clan? What is this?

   Lin Meier is not an easy master either. She had already noticed Huang Lu's strange gaze, snorted coldly, rolled her eyes to the sky, and said, "I'm too lazy to go."

   This made Huang Lu furious, and the two women exchanged fire with their eyes in the air, only to spark sparks in the air.

   In the end, it was decided that Song Ruhai, Huang Lu, and Baihu and Miu, who were quite powerful in their spirits, would step on the spot together. Others follow him.


On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the 40th year of Kunyuan, after the snow lived, many torches were lit in the dark jungle, surrounding many simple triangular houses made of wood and bark.

Kang Duxi, the young master of the Zhufeng tribe, dressed in thick fur, sat on a soft straw mat with many tribesmen, looked at the warm and beating campfire in front of him, and painted a lot of flickering light and shadow in his eyes.

   A huge piece of venison was grilled on the fire, and it kept sizzling in the flame. The amber fat dripped drop by drop into the fire, giving off an appetizing fragrance.

  Zhufeng tribe is one of the largest tribes of the wind tribe, and they live by domesticating reindeer. Reindeer like to eat moss that grows in the pine forest. They occupy a vast territory in the winter mountains.

   But this once prosperous place was destroyed by the war. Although the dust people are now disintegrated, only the homeland is left in devastation. These bark houses were built by them in the last few days.

   Fortunately, the campfire here is still as warm as before. If the war is over, the old life can still be repeated.

   The hungry Kang Duxi cut a large piece of meat from the bonfire, and was sitting down to send it into the entrance, when he heard a heavy breathing. He looked to the left, and what he saw almost made him unconscious.

   This is not like an animal in reality at all, it is a monster that has emerged from a nightmare.

   The first thing he saw was a lip that was missing because of decay. Even if it was closed tightly, his mouth showed three inches long, dirty, smelly fangs like daggers.

   Its head looks like a wolf, but it is much larger. The head of a wolf is the size of a bull's head. Its body is like a **** wolf the size of a cow, with its skin peeled off, and many internal organs are **** and naked.

   Kang Duxi was stunned. His first reaction was that this is a dream? All this is illusory? But this thing opened its mouth and bit on his left arm, which felt nothing illusory.

   He immediately felt a numbness in his left arm, and then he felt a sharp pain like a burnt iron sticking to a bone. The whole left arm was hot, and blood poured out like a fountain.

   Shouts of fear came from all directions. As if in an instant, countless monsters of this kind appeared out of thin air and began to attack the unsuspecting people.

   Some people had their arms bitten off, others had their stomachs broken, and others had their necks bitten off once. The air was full of blood and screams of horror.

   "Why didn't the sentry react at all!"

   This strong question flashed through Kang Duxi's mind, but he didn't struggle too much.

   He smashed his left arm that had fallen into the monster's mouth and smashed the jar forward to support the wolf's head, quickly drew a short sword from his waist with his right hand, and stabbed it in with a snorting sound.

  He is not a mortal, he is full of energy and blood, and his bones are extraordinary. The left arm was bitten severely, although the flesh and blood was blurred, it was not broken, and the wolf's head was firmly held back.

   was holding the short sword in his right hand, and he stabbed it with one sword. He could vaguely feel the "key point" of this strange wolf.

   It's just that the opponent is constantly struggling, and his own strength can't be precisely controlled. So after seven or eight swords, he stabbed the opponent's "core" like luck.

   only heard a small puff, like a bubble burst. He felt light all over. The monster that had just bitten himself disappeared like an illusion.

   It's just that although the monster disappeared, his wounds are still real. His left hand was all warm with his own blood, and the forearm to the fingertips was completely lost.

   "It's a nightmare!"

   Nightmare is one of the beasts of the dust tribe beast master. It's just that you can hardly tell what the Clear Nightmare is. It is something that has been turned into reality from the nightmare of the beastmaster. Its form depends on the nightmare that the Beastmaster impressed the most.

   It's no wonder they weren't spotted by the surrounding sentries. The powerful nightmare masters can directly "imagine" these nightmare beasts into their tribe out of thin air.

   Their guard posts are just mortals stationed, and they will not notice anything.

  Sure Clouds of vacant-like black shadows constantly appeared in the sky, and nightmare-like monsters were constantly turning out.

   Kang Duxi was holding a short sword and was about to rush out to give his life a fight, when suddenly he felt a chill enveloped his surroundings. The bonfire that was still beating on the ground went out silently.

   Another bright moon appeared in the sky. In fact, it was a young Taoist who was suspended in the air, shrouded in light like a bright moon.

   He wore a robe that was as deep as the night, and he held a white long sword in his hand. There was a faint white flame beating on the sword.

   An incredible chill spewed from the white light around him, covering their entire tribe almost instantly.

   The chill was enough to freeze him into ice lump instantly. But the other party carefully controlled the cold air, and it was not so bitter when it fell on him.

   In the cold air, there was a vitality like spring breeze breeding all things, and he began to repair his injury.

   Although this degree of repair could not bring people back to life or rebuild the limbs, it stopped the bleeding on his left arm. The pain that was burning like a fire was also much better. This shocked him.

   The real targets of Cold Qi's attack are those huge nightmares with terrifying bodies. Thick frost soon formed on their bodies, and their movements slowed down significantly.

   At the same time, Kang Duxi clearly saw the sharp ice cones condensing in the air. After half a breath, they seemed to have received a unified order, and they pierced down all at once.

   Each cone of ice just pierced the core supporting the existence of these nightmares, almost without deviation. After an instant, all the nightmare beasts disappeared.

   This is a **** from the southern middle-earth! When Kang Duxi's knees softened, he knelt down to the "god".

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