Record of Chaos

Chapter 809: The snowy field flies heavily, the glacier intercepts the lone

   (809 heavy rides on the snowfield, the lone master in the glacier)

   Yaxiong threw Lupan aside and looked up at the blue banner.

The sun from the east shone on a messy hillside. The flag was not far from the Tianchi fortress, surrounded by many wind chasers, and the spears were like a jungle of thorns. .

   Kang Duxi likes to charge forward, not necessarily under that banner. But even if he couldn't kill Condussi, it didn't matter.

   As long as he chopped down that banner, and then randomly chopped off a human head and threw it out, yelling that Kang Duxi was already alive, even if the young patriarch was still alive, he could not prevent the collapse of the hearts of the Zhufeng tribe.

   At that time, the Xichen people fought back under this momentum, and they still hoped to take the Tianchi Fortress.

   "Why let me go to die, why don't you go!" Yaxiong roared angrily, putting the snowboard on his feet. His final decision was not to go there and fight to the death, but to prepare to escape.

   As long as he escaped, he returned to the Xichen tribe and remained the patriarch. No matter what the tribe will become and how it is slaughtered by others, he is the patriarch, and his life will not change much.

   But if he stayed here and died in battle, or became a prisoner of the Wind Clan, it would really be a disaster. This is something he cannot accept anyway.

   "The wolf talisman belongs to you." He threw his hand away, and threw a rough wolf head card talisman made of granite. "You are responsible for taking them back. I will go one step first!"

   After finishing speaking, he jumped up the hillside and slid directly down the snow-covered hillside. On the plain white background, he drew two longer and longer lines until they disappeared.

   Lu Pan holds the wolf charm in his hand. This thing is a token of the Chen people's military leadership, issued when the tribal alliance agrees on the military power. Of course, the so-called tribal alliance meeting now is the speech of the Hanchen maiden.

   The dust people at the lowest level are very casual, believe in whoever follows, and don't have much recognition for tokens.

   But this thing is very useful when multiple tribal leaders compete for the leadership of the same army and summarize their achievements and rewards.

   Holding a wolf talisman in hand means the power to command the entire dust tribe alliance on the west. This was originally held by the Hanchen Miko herself. After she went to the Snow Country Ruins, this wolf talisman circulated several times before it reached Ye Xiong.

  Who is in the hands of the wolf talisman, all the credits and guilt are in the head. Ye Xiong threw the wolf talisman to him, and the "contributions" of the Chen people's defeat of the West Expedition Army could be counted on him.

   He can neither refuse the wolf charm given by the coach, let alone discard it. Because his status as the elder of the tribe is just enough to be qualified to hold this wolf talisman, but he is not qualified to "transfer" it to others again.

   Of course, he can lead the army to victory, and then go back and use the record to completely take down the patriarch, and support a new patriarch, and become the elder who controls everything behind him. But he knew that it was impossible under the circumstances.

   recorded a cold smile. Yexiong's papaya-like brain actually thought he could arrange everything for him?

   A burst of thought came from his mind, and a group of moths circling around him appeared out of nowhere.

In addition to nightmares refined from their own nightmares, the war beasts of the    dust tribe also include summoned beasts summoned from different spaces through summoning, and there are also beasts that are directly domesticated.

  Summoned beasts can fight like nightmares. The slight difference is that the summoned beast comes from a different space, not itself, so it is not interchangeable with the body of the beast master.

The object summoned by   Lupan is called the "Void Moth", which can freely travel through the void, and can also emit strong spatial fluctuations, transporting people or things in space. He is equivalent to the empty escape and Xu escape monk of Middle-earth.

After    was surrounded by a group of void moths, spatial fluctuations followed, and he disappeared together with the flying black moths.

   At this time, Mu Yuan had already left the tower and stood under the banner of the blue Young Master of the Wind-Zhuying Tribe that stood high up under the city.

   At the same time the people from the Wind Chaser tribe were killed, he ordered the defenders in the city to also kill them. Although their numbers are small, the same hatred is necessary at this time.

   Now there are only dozens of wounded defenders left on the castle tower, and the others have all rushed out of the city and rushed towards the dust tribe with the Wind Chaser. Their morale was high, and there was a loud noise on the hillside.

   Mu Yuan stood under the banner, spreading his spiritual consciousness to cover the surrounding area. Once someone tries to capture the flag, he will be the first to notice.

   At this moment, his mind moved slightly, and after a closer look, there were a lot of black spots in the gray sky.

   After a while, these black spots fell down and hovered on the ground, turning out to be many black moths. They are combined together like a whirlwind, transforming into a human form.

   The human figure is not stable yet, and dozens of arrows are shot like locusts. But the figure immediately faded, once again disintegrating, claiming many moths, and reuniting in another place.

   This is an old man with a rickety figure and almost a right-angled waist. He was leaning on a cane with a dead branch in his left hand, but holding a wolf head stone in his right.

  A rain of arrows flew, but his figure fluctuated, as if it did not exist in reality, all the flying arrows passed through.

   This person is Lupan. He glanced at the person standing under the flag pole. It was not Kang Kang Duxi, but a monk from the earth.

   The man wore a bright blue robe and a light silver armor. Jin Xing aura is like many sharp thin lines surrounding him, emitting a rainbow-like light under the rising red sun. Many silver lotus seed-sized silver **** kept spinning around him.

   Just as Lu Pan looked over, the silver spheres quickly changed shape one by one and turned into sharp flying swords. The sword tips pointed at him.

   "The old man Xichen minister Lao Lupan, the dust clan's west marching army is commanded." He swept the stone talisman in his hand and said in a bit jerky native language, "Great **** from the South!"

   He threw the crutches to one side, knelt down on his knees directly at Mu Yuan, and held up the stone talisman in his hand: "Please accept the surrender of the Western Army! Please accept my permanent and loyal allegiance!"

When    Lu Pan brought the entire Western Expeditionary Army with tens of thousands of people to surrender decisively, Yaxiong also slid all the way to the foot of Dongdu Mountain. It is far from the battlefield here. The roar of the battlefield and the blood in the wind disappeared.

   There is an endless snow field in front of me. There is an ice-bound river on the white snow field, winding on the snow field, like a glass streamer reflecting the morning light.

   Yaxiong took out a white cloak from the package and wrapped it around him. Then murmured the spell. Suddenly, a cloud of white mist merged on the ice and snow, turning into a white bear standing three people tall.

  He rode on a white bear and ran all the way to the southeast on the ice field. From a distance, it was like a gust of snow blowing on the snowy field.

   Although this white bear is clumsy, it can travel eight hundred miles a day. You can cross this ice field in one day. After half a day, he can be safe and worry-free.

   But he only went out for less than half a mile, and there was a problem when he passed the river. The white bear patrolled the river, but he refused to go down. Ye Xiong frantically flicked the whip in his hand before forcibly driving it onto the river.

   reached the river, there was no weirdness at first. But when he walked one-third of the distance, the thick ice on the river made a creaking noise, as if it was about to crack.

  In northern Xinjiang, at this time, the ice on the river surface was several feet thick and extremely hard. It was not easy to break it with the force of a war beast, let alone crack directly when stepped on it.

   A biting cold wind blows, and the surrounding temperature drops sharply. But on the contrary, the ice surface in front of him was not frozen harder, but cracked in pieces.

   The icy water is like some kind of Climbing up in the crevice of the ice, and the black aura flickers in it, constantly changing.

   They quickly became dozens of identical young Taoist priests, wearing navy blue robes, wearing a happy towel on their heads, holding long swords, and lingering in the cold like white mist.

   These Taoist priests saw the patriarch, turned around, and floated to surround him, with the sword tip down, their hands together, smiling and saluting, they said in unison:

   "You guys are not fighting anymore. This brother of the dust clan, why don't you go back with me to a place where there is wine, meat and fire?"

   "The old thing actually surrendered? What a useless waste!"

   Yexiong's eyes widened and his anger was soaring. He could understand the native language spoken by the other party, but he was not good at speaking it. He just roared out a few words of the dust clan that the other party did not understand.

   He originally thought that Lupan would be resourceful and resourceful, and he would bring the Western Expeditionary Army to come back, and it would be enough to entangle him for a long time, allowing him time to escape this snowy field. Who knew this old fox surrendered without saying a word?

   Change him, death will not come. And he was too late to descend.

   So many people died in this **** battle, and the remaining Chen people fell again. The angry Feng Clan people must find someone to vent their anger. Who? The only patriarch left who did not surrender was naturally the best candidate.

   Goujiu also discovered that it was not the patriarch of the other party who had come to surrender, so he came here quickly to intercept. With the head of this patriarch, you don't have to worry about the windless people having nowhere to avenge, and the hearts of people will be unstable.

   Of course, if he is willing to surrender obediently, it would be better if he stunned first and then tied it up, and brought it back to the wind chaser to vent his anger.

   So he just expands the profound cold domain, surrounds him with a water body without directly touching it, which is considered as giving him a chance to surrender.

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