Record of Chaos

Chapter 825: The Northern Expeditionary Army is trapped and waiting for help, the Privy Council has

(825 Northern Expedition Forces are trapped and waiting for help, the Privy Council has different dreams)

Du Li suddenly thought of something terrible. If the Xijia people spread the plague in densely populated places such as Houtu City and Jinyu City, the consequences would be unimaginable.

King Yun pondered for a while and said, "The Xijia people are just a group of profit-seeking people. This is because someone in the DPRK paid them to hire them and deliberately went against us."

After speaking, he paused, looked around at the other three people, and said in a low voice:

"I just received an urgent report from Hong Ru from Fengdu that most of the camps on the supply line are empty. It will take at least a few months to rebuild the line. For the time being, none of us can go back."

The three of them were shocked, but none of them were afraid of death and panic. No one said anything for a long while.

After saying that, King Yun clasped his fists in his hands and bowed to Real Person Shuoyang: "Little Wang invited the real person to sit here, but he never wanted to put the real person in a place where it is difficult to come back. I am ashamed of the real person.

The real person Shuoyang smiled frankly: "His Royal Highness, don't underestimate the old way. I won't die here. But if the news spreads, there will be thousands of mortals and thousands of Xianxuan here, I am afraid the army will be upset."

King Yun and Jindan have noble identities, and they generally have teleportation magic weapons for the ultimate life-saving, such as dragon pulp and the like. Not that he will be trapped in the ice sheet.

The really unlucky ones are those mortals who were sent to fight against the dust tribesmen to build the "Zhenyuan Tower".

On this ice sheet, they almost rely on the formation of pure Yang Pill to maintain the temperature to survive. Once the pill is exhausted, everyone will undoubtedly die.

Of course, the Xianxuan who participated in the Xiaoyao Club were also one of the main forces that Emperor Kun Yuan planned to strike. When the pure sun pill is exhausted, most of them can't go back.

"We definitely won't be able to support it for a month." Zhao Chong said solemnly, "The food and grass are still the second place, and the daily pure Yang Pill costs a lot. If the dust people step up their attacks, they will consume more. It can last ten days. day……"

"But we only need to carry it for another three days to build the Zhenyuan Tower." King Yun interrupted him, "After three days, we can use the teleportation formation found under the ruins to leave."

"Which one is under the ice?"

Zhao Chong was a little shocked by the prince's unconstrained thoughts. .

They indeed found a teleportation formation in the remains of the Snow Country. But that was the teleportation formation that Snow Country established in Xuedu 500 years ago to communicate with other regions.

When the Snow Kingdom fell, the teleportation formation had been specially destroyed, and it was completely in ruins, buried under the ice for more than five hundred years.

"I have sent someone to check it. Although the damage is serious, it is not irreparable."

"Then there is only a pile of rubble? How can it be repaired?"

"The key to the teleportation formation is the terrain. No matter how it is damaged, it is just frozen, so the terrain remains the same. Although the formation has been taken away, the position is still there. The formation treasure we brought is enough to restore the entire teleportation formation. ."

Deploying a teleportation array often costs a lot of money and takes many years. Mainly to find the terrain that matches the formation.

In the natural environment, it is impossible to find the perfect terrain, which requires artificial transformation. For example, digging a river tens of miles long, or accumulating a mountain, or leveling a mountain, these are extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If the terrain is completed, the remaining is the formation. The formation requires a large number of formation divisions to accurately measure, repeated tests, to determine the position of countless formations, and then continue to modify the terrain according to the needs of the formation.

If the terrain is intact and the position of the formation is clear, it won't take long to just place the formation treasure on the formation.

"This is not feasible!" Du Li retorted, "If the teleportation array was specially destroyed, they must have taken away the nuclear jade! Are you still carrying one?"

Nuclear jade is not a kind of jade, but a very delicate magical tool made of many different kinds of spar and spirit jade. Its function is to gather a large amount of energy together and release it instantly.

The teleportation array can carry out ultra-long space teleportation, and it requires massive amounts of aura to react with each other to release energy. But it's not just about releasing energy.

It needs an "excitation" process that releases a huge amount of energy in an instant to open up the space channel. This is all achieved by "nuclear jade".

The nuclear jade is shaped like a cylinder, about one person tall, not too big and heavy.

But this thing is extremely troublesome to build and extremely expensive. It is only needed to build a teleportation array, and it is absolutely impossible for King Yun to take it with him.

King Yun nodded and said, "Yes, the most important thing now is the lack of a nuclear jade. So I have notified the Privy Council at this time and asked them to send a nuclear jade."

"That's not right," Du Li asked with a puzzled look, "hasn't the supply line been interrupted, and there is no teleportation formation, how do you ask them to send it?"

"Although there is no relay camp, not all cultivators cannot go deep into Beiming." King Yun reminded her.

Du Li, who refuted the King of Cloud all the way, didn't say anything for a while. Bei Ming’s biggest problem is the deep cold air. The average monk here is equivalent to being attacked by the Han Dun monk, and it is difficult to extract the true energy from the cold world aura to restore mana, so the road will freeze to death.

But there is a type of monk power that can go deep into the North Ming, that is, monk Han Dun.

This is the same as the Heng Tian Huo Ship can go deep into the South Underworld Fire. Because Hengtian Huojin was originally a powerful fire weapon, possessing the ability to control Lihuo aura.

But the Hengtian Huoboat will not work to Beiming. Affected by the strong Xuanming cold energy, the relay camp must be maintained continuously to continue deepening.

There is no flying boat in this world that is driven by cold air. However, there are monks who specialize in cold escape techniques. It does not require much manpower to transport a nuclear jade, one monk is enough.

But to go deep into the North Ming, not any Han Dun monks can do it. If you want to safely go deep thousands of miles to reach the Snow Country Ruins and return safely, I am afraid that you must at least have the strength of Jindan.

"Wait," Du Li thought of something again, "You said that your broken plan is to count on the guys behind Huo Wen to send you nuclear jade?"


Thousands of miles away in Shenzhou Zhongtu, in the thick soil city, in the dark privy court in the middle of the night, lanterns were actually lit, and the ancient cornices, pillars, and deep courtyards were reflected in the shadow of the lights.

From time to time, luxury cars are parked at the door, and big people with gorgeous clothes or simple dresses come in one by one.

The last one arrived was Luangjia. Emperor Kun Yuan came in person.

The Privy Council was one of the two central yamen in the Houtu Dynasty. The other is the Chinese Book Province. The word "central" is the collective name of the Central Press and the Privy Council.

Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu Province is in charge of the world's government affairs. However, when it comes to the use of troops and foreign wars, the Privy Council must issue a White Tiger Order and be approved by the emperor's imperial pen to make it effective.

Although most of the Hao family imperial family are monks of the Xuanmen, those who control the Central Province and the Privy Council are all contemporary Confucian scholars.

Even if the monks of the Xuan Men are so powerful, they can't control the human heart. It is easy to be worshipped, but it is difficult to control the food and drink of tens of millions of people of the Hou Tu Dynasty. As long as you don't manage it well, worship will soon turn into enmity.

There was no Privy Council in ancient times, and the Lao Shi’s expedition only started with the lord of the country. There are many examples of winning the war and losing the hearts of the people.

In the end, the Hao family decided to set up the Privy Council. A group of big Confucian scholars carefully led the people back, and they did not know how to control the Hunyuan Shiyu.

Inversely proportional to the magnificent Kunyuan Palace, the Privy Council is an ancient courtyard, with primitive simplicity everywhere, even a little shabby.

However, on a simple piece of old wooden plaque, the three characters "Baihutang" are as sharp as a knife and are extremely vigorous.

The furnishings in Baihutang are extremely simple. There is a large rectangular table in the center, with Emperor Kun Yuan sitting on top. The next head is a poem with three lieutenants and four privy envoys.

Except for this table, it is surrounded by seats, and they are all auditoriums. The final White Tiger Order was decided by four privy envoys and approved by Emperor Zhu. All people in the gallery have the right to make suggestions, but they have no right to change the decision of the clerk.

The emperor and the privy can designate the list of people who can go to the gallery. And this time, the heavy-handed figures, including Prime Minister Zuo, Guo Shi, Yu Shi Zuo Du, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, and the first seat of the Tong Tian Bureau of the Ministry of War, all sat around and listened.

When all the big figures were seated, the clerk Zuo Cheng immediately threw out King Yun's emergency report.

When King Yun’s army arrived at the Snow Country Ruins, the Snow Country Ruins were already occupied by the dust tribe army of the Cold Dust After a **** battle, they expelled the Chen tribe people from the center of the ruins. Able to start the construction of Zhenyuan Tower.

The Cold Dust Witch has a huge Ten Thousand Years Xuanyin Tree, which can shield the cold air of the ice field, enabling tens of thousands of the Dust tribe to survive for a long time. But King Yun's army doesn't have this thing, it can only be sustained by continuous supplies.

But the outbreak of Huo Wen on the supply line has completely interrupted the line. The army cannot retreat and can last no more than ten days at most. It can be said that it has reached the point of a lifetime of nine deaths.

The army of King Yun and thousands of disobedient Xian Xuan were buried on the ice field, which is certainly the result of the hope of the emperor sitting on the first seat. But he couldn't say it.

The old Confucian scholars in the Privy Council pay attention to the peace of the people and the people. The emperor actually used a secret trick to kill his own people from behind. If this matter spreads out, wouldn't it force the world to rebel?

"Your Majesty, the only plan for the moment is to quickly dispatch Monk Jin Dan Han Dun and bring a nuclear jade to rescue His Royal Highness King Yun!"

As he expected, Zuo Cheng threw this problem out to him without hesitation.

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