Record of Chaos

Chapter 833: 1 puppet goes with the wind, 10 years of grievances will end

(833, a puppet goes with the wind, ten years of grievances will end)

Before the thoughts surging in his mind had finished turning, he felt a surge of cold air again.

This feels a bit softer than an arm just abolished by Nanwan, but it is denser.

If Guanghan Mana is composed of many sharp cold blades, then this time he was directly immersed in ice water.

The already strong cold and howling wind seemed to be controlled by an invisible range, and it was full of hostility towards him in an instant.

Especially his molten gold body, being restrained by this cold air, the true energy in his body could hardly flow.

This is a field!

Haoqi is surly, greedy, lustful, and domineering, but under the supervision of the strict teachers of the royal family, his knowledge is not short.

The field is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it is of little use in the advanced level of cultivation, and it has long been abandoned by today's monks. But in the fighting method, it is simply cheating.

It doesn't cost much mana, but it can almost carry things like "the right time and the place" that can be encountered but not desired. Wherever you go, it is home!

The young monk wearing a navy blue robes and holding a long sword, covered in a soft light like snow-white nephrite, is now a fairy-style and elegant manner, which is no longer the one who was crazy in the past. The immature boy who has survived.

And what about himself? More degenerate than then. I have been obsessed with wine and abandoned practice for more than ten years.

Damn it, hate it. In contrast, his own destiny looks particularly sad.

He really regretted that he didn't let those greedy patrol envoys directly take the life of this guy on Lonely Peak.

If he directly killed this person back then, he wouldn't suffer the series of setbacks later.

"It's a pity that your fate is still a fate," he muttered, "I may not be able to fight you. But you will never understand that no matter how talented you are, you can't bridge the gap between fate and nobility. of."

After speaking, he smiled crookedly on his face and threw a black ball.

The ball rolled on the ground with a few clicks, and a long bamboo-like neck popped out, with a triangular head on top.

Then it popped out a pair of big knives, sharp blades and four long legs, and suddenly turned into a huge dark green praying mantis the size of a person.

There was a pair of big transparent green eyes on the triangular head, which quickly turned towards the shackles, and a suffocating golden core pressure followed.

"This is a golden puppet created by Wen Chuxiao, Sect Master of the Five Elements!" He laughed wildly, "What is the use of your cultivation base? Obediently abolish your cultivation base, I will give you a happy way to die!"

But his smile instantly solidified on his face, because behind the opponent, there is also a golden core pressure on his face.

A stunning woman wearing a flimsy multicolored silkworm dress, bare-footed, and holding this green long sword walked out from behind Gouzhu, staring at the mantis-shaped golden core puppet with beautiful eyes.

"When Sect Master Wen Jin Dan was promoted to Jin Dan earlier this year, he created this puppet for the first time. It was good at beheading and was nicknamed the shaved beetle. I didn't expect it to be in the hands of the third prince."

"Who are you?" Hao Qi asked in a daze.

"Lian Ling in the poor road of Jade Palace, I have seen the three princes." Lian Ling bowed his hand politely and looked at Gou Zhu after speaking, "This is my grandson. He underestimated the means of His Highness and made His Highness laugh."

"Shaved beetle" was not specially prepared for this mission. In addition to swallowing the molten gold body, he did not make any preparations for this mission.

This puppet was a life-saving magic weapon specially given to him by Emperor Kun Yuan to prevent him from being killed by outsiders after he was abolished.

After all, he is a child of the Hao family. You can take it to the top of the pot or put it to death, but being bullied or even killed by outsiders would be too shameful for the Hao family.

Although the "shaved beetle" does have the power of the golden core, it is different from the nineteenth, Han Beizi, which can absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth by itself, and has its own spiritual ability to cultivate by itself.

The total amount of aura in its body is constant. You lose as much as you consume, and you cannot make up for it. Once consumed in battle, this thing will only be used as waste recycling materials.

As soon as he saw Gouzhu, he believed that only by killing Gouzhu could he completely turn over, so he did not hesitate to consume his last life-saving magic weapon and put this old enemy to death.

This is why he is confident that he can easily beat his opponent. Although he could not see the realm of Goblin, he was the elder of the True Legend of Cuiyu Palace, at least above the Purple Mansion, but he definitely did not reach the Golden Core.

He didn't expect that he had thrown his life-saving magic weapon, but the other party directly brought a golden core double flower wife over? This made him feel extremely jealous and angry in the dullness.

"Unreasonable!" His face twitched again, and he roared furiously, "Goblin! You and I have not had a grievance for more than ten years. Today's life and death duel, you actually brought a woman with Jindan cultivation skills to join hands against me? You **** It's cheating!"

You made me so miserable, yet you feel comfortable eating a woman's soft meal?

This is too shameless, and things in this world are too unfair at all. This is 10,000 times worse than cheating!

With a flick of Lian Linglanhua's fingers, the sharp green wood mana turned into reality, like a green needle, just hitting the translucent left eye of the shaved beetle.

The mantis trembled all over, its eyes sunken in, but immediately bounced back and returned to its original state. It originally stared at the devilish eyes, and immediately stared at Lian Ling.

This puppet has a certain ability to fight automatically, and is not completely controlled by the owner. If there is more than one opponent, it will automatically choose the one that is hostile to it and the most threatening one, but it will never take the initiative to escape.

Lian Ling hadn't planned to kill it with one move. After all, it is a golden core puppet. Even if she wants to destroy it with the power of the Golden Core Double Flower, it will take a lot of effort. Her move was nothing more than deliberate hatred.

At the same time the puppet's eyes turned to her, she had disappeared quickly, a few miles away. Naturally, this golden core puppet would not let the opponent go, and disappeared like a gust of wind to pursue it in the distance of the ice field.

Because when Lian Ling visited Kong Du in the Five Elements Sect many years ago, he listened to him chatting with Wen Chuxiao and said that the master's first golden core puppet had a fatal weakness.

That is, it always prioritizes chasing the most threatening opponent, rather than protecting its own master. And in this case, the owner cannot recall it.

When the master is strong, this is certainly not a weakness. Even Wen Chuxiao acquiesced that he was stronger than the puppet he made, so he refused to admit this shortcoming at all.

But if a very weak owner owns this puppet, it is a big problem. Because Lian Ling can easily lead this puppet away. Only Haoqi was left to face the deceit.

If the owner dies, the puppet will not continue to fight, but will become an ownerless thing. This is not only a gift, but also a magic weapon.

So Lian Ling didn't intend to make another move at all, but ran swiftly on the snowy field like the wind, carrying this shaved beetle around.

When Haoqi realized the opponent's strategy, a burst of despair came to his heart. He urged the golden fire aura in the molten gold body, not to fight to the death, but to escape.

Regardless of the ice fields everywhere, it seems that there is nowhere to escape, but as long as he can run to King Yun's camp, King Yun will definitely not kill him.

During his own stele battle, he was half-focused and dying, so King Yun did not kill him. No way, his second brother is just this virtue!

Even if he can't run to King Yun's camp, even if he can run to any nearby camp of the dust people, in his capacity, the dust people will definitely not kill him. Even if he was a licking dog for the Hanchen Witch, he could survive.

But even though the true qi in his whole body was running to the extreme, and even his legs were about to burst by the aura of Huo Xing, he still couldn't move a step!

The magical powers of Xuan Ming were running around, like a rope floating and winding in the air, confining his body firmly.

Because the fire-melted gold body must be "fire-melted" before it can operate, and the opponent's cold air is too strong, and on this Northern Ming Icefield, the entire world is against him.

The surface under his thighs was frozen as hard as steel, as if he had put himself in he was constrained and stopped moving.

Of course, he can also choose to take the molten gold body back into his body. But then he will become a mortal body, and instantly be frozen into ice.

He couldn't do anything but yelled:

"Shameless, cheating! You stubborn life, you have never walked the right way! If you stand upright with me to death, how could you be my opponent!"

"You are so much nonsense."

With two chuckles, his figure floated behind the cursing prince, and the sword was handed out to penetrate the back of the opponent.

There was a burst of cold behind Haoqi, which made his heart beat stagnant. He only felt that there was a big rock in his chest, but he didn't feel any pain.

He quickly looked down, and saw that with a bang, his chest exploded violently, and a bowl-thick ice dragon roared from there.

The feeling of suffocation and suffocation in his chest finally disappeared, and he then fell into the ice and snow, his breath broke, and he went away.

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