Record of Chaos

Chapter 843: Involved in the ancient sage of Xuanshuimian, abandoning the troubles and asking the o

   (843 involved in the ancient sage of Xuanshuimian, abandoning the troubles and asking the original heart)

   Regardless of the process, King Yun’s Golden State Army and the dust tribesmen in all directions have ceased fighting.

  The King of Cloud finally got a chance to breathe. The exhausted monks and soldiers can stop to heal and rest. Du Li took the cultivators with medical skills to go around. The formation divisions also began to repair the formation.

   He stopped building the Zhenyuan Tower as promised. But in fact, this is nothing to him. Since the Chen people stopped fighting, he certainly didn't need to rush to build. The more anxious he was to build, the more anxious the Chen people attacked.

   Waiting for the witch to take the Chen people away, he has time to continue building. If the dust tribe fights again, he will start working again then, and it will be no different from doing it now.

   The dust tribe people received the order from the Hanchen maiden, and saw that King Yun had indeed stopped building the tower, so they stopped attacking, and began to withdraw into their camp to take a breath.

   Their camp does not use pure sun pill like the Tu people, but uses the blood of domesticated war beasts as a source of energy for heating. Although it is impossible to maintain it indefinitely, it is okay to last for another ten days.

   The Miko promised to come out and take them away within three days. If the Cold Dust Witch hadn't appeared within three days, they would still have time to attack the Cloud King at that time, and take advantage of this time to restore their state to their best.

Under the ruins of   , Goujiu has felt the cold wind brought by the extremely fast flowing water on the black water wall.

   "Brother, this prohibition is that only you and I can enter together, and it is very likely that only you and I can come out together. Don't be swayed by your mind and frame your sister."

   Lan Ruoshuang glanced at the curly before touching the water wall.

   Gouzhu laughed blankly, thinking that you have always framed me. When did I harm you?

   "I should have said this to you?"

   Since she was a child, the Hanchen Witch didn’t trust anyone, and she was no exception. But for the time being, she believed in the treasure plate of the universe.

   Judging from the calculations of the treasure plate, the profound water barrier behind this barrier is extremely dangerous, it can be described as a life of nine deaths. But the danger does not come from deceit, but from the cause and effect involved in the inheritance itself.

   "Sister, naturally I can rest assured of you." Lan Ruoshuang smiled comfortingly, but then his eyes sharpened again, "But I always feel that there is another person in your body who wants to kill me."

   Gouzhu's face turned dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "What's up with me if you are thinking about it?"

   "Haha," the maiden put away her cautious thoughts with a strand of hair. Jindan Avenue is right in front of her, and she might as well give it a go instead of being fearful.

   Gouzhu is not a pregnant woman. There is another person in one person's body. She doesn't know how this idea will come out, and she thinks it is absurd.

   "Let's go. You must touch this wall of water at the same time as me, you are right!"

   When Lan Ruoshuang and Gouzhu walked to the water wall side by side, the invisible repulsion disappeared. Going to the front, Gouzhu stretched out his hand and touched it carefully.

  The pure black water surface immediately sent an extremely cold absorption force, as if sucking his whole body in, and entered a dark and cold water pool.

   In fact, he was only the primordial spirit entering the water wall, and his body still stood in front of the water wall, keeping touching the water wall.

   Numerous consciousnesses squirmed in the pool, like a cold hand extending from the abyss, touching him from all directions.

   These weird consciousnesses are not aggressive. It is not so much that they have evil thoughts, it is better to say that they are longing for pity.

   Countless memories of despair, pain and hatred flooded into his sea of ​​knowledge. He instantly returned to every moment experienced by hundreds of thousands of people in the snow more than five hundred years ago, and everyone was slaughtered.

   Every deceased person, every bit of feeling at the last moment, is clearly reflected in his mind, as if he personally experienced it.

   If he were the young man who had just climbed the Cuiyu Peak, he would have already broken down. But over the years, he has also experienced many nine deaths, has seen countless people's sinister hearts, and has seen a sea of ​​corpses slaughtered by different species of humans.

  The creation of heaven is sentimental, just let them slaughter each other, isn’t it? Only vegetation can be naturally nourished by sunlight and water. The vegetation is ruthless.

   As long as it is a sentient thing, you have to eat something to jump, right? Whether it feeds on vegetation or other sentient beings, there is actually no difference.

   But he still wants a reason. Being human because of being born, and having spiritual consciousness, is itself going against the sky. You have to ask God for a reason, otherwise you will feel unhappy!

   If I have to, then I can only do this. Whenever there is a better way, I will make it look more reasonable.

   If you kill someone to eat because you are going to starve to death, you can count as many reasons. But to slaughter for no reason is absurd. Absurdity is not a human being, it is ecstasy. If the sky itself is ridiculous, that day is the devil!

   Gouzhu recovered from the violent impact of pain and hatred, seeing these consciousnesses seem to have turned into many colorful worms, wriggling and entangled in the void, converging in one place. In the thousands of threads, a figure gradually turned into a shadow.

   is not so much a human shadow as a **** shadow!

   Goujiu has never seen such a perfect human form. He has a pair of black eyes that are as deep as Yukong, skin is like ice and snow, and his face is sharp and elegant. He is extremely handsome. A long, white hair that is as white as silk satin falls through his cheeks to his shoulders.

   "Zunjia is Xuanming?"

   The man is wearing a golden armor, sitting peacefully on a throne where the void does not exist, leaning his hand on the invisible armrest, lazily supporting his cheek.

   Seeing Gouzhu appear, he moved his eyes slightly, glanced over, and replied somewhat self-deprecatingly:

   "One hundred thousand years ago, Xiang Dao was revered as Zhenwu Xuantian Great Emperor. But what about it? Isn't there only this trace of remnant soul left, and the name is changed to Xuan Ming."

   To such an ancient god, he never dared to neglect or hide his intentions. Respectfully after the first three prayers, he begged: "Xuanmen disciples go to the ground, and they are obstructed in the practice of "Nine Death Yin Cultivation", and there is no way to go to the realm. Please ask the fairy to teach."

   He naturally couldn't hold it back if he was so verbose, because Lian Ling taught him. Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming laughed and replied:

   "I made an oath back then that as long as I bring my blood to see me, and pass my test, I must pass it on to him, but I didn't say whether the blood was inherited or implanted.

   "I have always felt wrong after taking the oath, but today I really let Gomang this old cunning guy caught the loophole.

  "It's really his style. Even when he comes to me, he brings a Taoist companion!

   "Forget it, in the future, Qinglong will gain power, it will be better than letting the Hou Tu Hao family and Bai Hu kill the two families to take advantage. So you thief kid don't have to be polite with me."

   Gomang? I remembered hearing this name. This is what he heard in the Qinglong Pond returning to the border. Goumang is the first generation of the Lord of the Shura Kingdom built by the Shuren.

   When he first came out of Qinglong Pond, those memories were all obscured. Later, as his realm was constantly awakening, he now remembered I heard that Gomang had already died. Why did Xuan Ming say that Goumang caught the gap and Qinglong would gain power in the future?

   Is Qinglong his mount, or is he himself Qinglong? Or is Qinglong a part of him?

  In this era, only the Hou Tu Hao clan, the honorable name of Bai Hu slaying the enemy still exists. The Hao clan is the lord of the heavens, and he is inspired by thousands of people forever.

   And Baihu Killing was once used as a sharp weapon in the thick earth dynasty, and it was powerful. Although it has fallen for hundreds of years, the remaining power is still there.

   Zhen Wu, Gou Mang, Zhu Rong, the names of these ancient gods, are as if they had never appeared before, and they simply disappeared completely.

  Because after the heavens perish these heavenly kingdoms, they have to destroy their belief among all beings. Otherwise, with these endless aspirations, they still have the possibility of rebirth.

   And only if these beliefs are eliminated, can the aspiration power of all living beings be recovered, and the first jade of the chaotic origin can be gathered. Of course these are things that Gouji didn't know.

   Therefore all records have been destroyed, and these words are forbidden to be mentioned by anyone. After one hundred thousand years, they will of course disappear forever in the long river of history.

   The "remnants" who live in Mian'eshan like the tree people, even if they don't erase all these names and associations, they will hide them deeply to prevent the entire ethnic group from being noticed by the heavens.

   "There is only one test for you. That is that you must ask me a question. You must ask the question according to your heart, but I do not guarantee that the answer I told you is true.

   "I will decide whether you are eligible to accept my inheritance based on your question!"

Xuan Ming's eyes on the seat of    flashed, and then immediately recovered his indifferent expression.


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