Record of Chaos

Chapter 853: welcomes customers

The latest website: (853 welcomes guests, the swords and fires are over again)

Before Gouzhu and Lan Ruoshuang had entered the Valley of the Divine Corpse, Ao Su, Ao Shan and other dragons had already reached the tomb of Xuan Ming that Wen Shou pointed out to them.

It's just that Wen Shou can only point out from afar, but he can't get close. The members of the Dragon Clan can come close and observe, but cannot enter.

If it weren't for one of the three elders named Ao Yu, who was a golden core formation master with the ability to gaze formations in the dragon clan, Ao Su would doubt that Wen Shou had just found a place to perfuse them.

Ao Suyuan thought that he would see two real corpses of divine beasts exuding infinite aura, one is Xuanming and the other is a white tiger. Just peeling off a scale or plucking a hair is his great luck.

Unexpectedly, the place Wen Shou pointed out to them didn't even have a mound, it was a quiet and desolate depression within a few kilometers.

In this area, even the black chimneys created by the continuous gushing of earth energy that can be seen everywhere in the valley of the gods are gone, and it is so lifeless that no weirdness can be seen.

But Ao Yu could see that this area was indeed the core of the entire Valley of God Corpses. Because all the spiritual lines of the entire Shenshi Valley flooded here like a mess.

It's just that when there is no aura flowing on the spiritual lines, these lines are invisible to people without pupils, and they cannot be felt.

"How about it, do you understand?" Ao Su was already a little impatient. "The old breath is coming soon. He doesn't want us to have nothing done before he arrives!"

"If I didn't guess wrong, the corpse of the gods should be buried here." Ao Yan has already considered his words, but still wants to slap his own mouth, because this is not just a nonsense, but he can only guess.

"It's just that the restraining force here is too strong, and we are temporarily unable to enter."

"Don't you claim that you have the power of the eye formation? Don't you even know how to solve the prohibition? Guess whether the corpse is inside or not?"

Ao Su's realm is as high as the Golden Core Double Flower Consummation, and it takes only half a step to enter the Golden Core Three Flower Realm, and he has never been polite to this Golden Core first flower formation master.

But he didn't understand the formation method himself, and his spiritual consciousness was blocked by restriction and distance. At this time, the **** corpse was close in front of him, but he couldn't see and couldn't reach it. He was really anxious.

"The subject of the restriction is buried under the soil here and is invisible to my eyes. Of course I can't see it. Moreover, the restriction itself can isolate the sense of consciousness. If we can't get in, we can't know what's inside."

Ao Yu said politely.

"If you have to dismantle it, you can look for the breakthrough point from the edge and gradually dismantle it, and you will always be able to crack it in the end. It will take a few months."

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Ao Su said angrily, "Since it's so difficult, how do they untie the descendants of Xuanming? Wouldn't it take a few months to dismantle the formation?"

"If it's a descendant of Xuanming, you don't need it." Every time Ao Yan explained to this boss who didn't understand the formation method, he felt very strenuous and had to make gestures with his hands.

"The whole formation here is like countless threads, tangled into a ball and tied a knot here. We slowly dismantle it, and find clues one by one in order, and we can't make mistakes. Once we make a mistake, it will be over.

"But the descendants of Xuanming are here, they don’t need to cut it. This knot is a slip knot for them. There must be something in the descendants of Xuanming that is the key to everything. When they come, the knot is unlocked, and the whole formation The law no longer exists..."

"Wait, you said that if it is unlocked, the formation will no longer exist? It is not temporarily opened?" Ao Su suddenly flashed his eyes, interrupting Ao Yan's endless preaching.

Ao Yan once again scanned the direction of all spiritual lines around him, nodded and said:

"The entire Valley of Divine Consciousness, and even the surrounding restrictions, are all a one-off formation. Once unlocked, it is irreversible. If I read it correctly, the entire formation will return to heaven and earth and disappear without a trace."

"It's not bad."

If this formation is a one-off, then as long as the descendants of Xuanming come here to open the formation, all the protection prohibitions will disappear.

Then these dragons can also enter together without worrying about being hindered by any restrictions.

Even if everyone enters, the people who can truly obtain the inheritance of Xuanming and the corpse of the gods may still be descendants of Xuanming, not their dragons.

But this is not too big a problem. It doesn't matter if both the Xuanming inheritance and the **** corpse belong to others. As long as those who ultimately accept the inheritance can fall into their hands.

Regardless of the Taoism or the corpse of the gods, so many powerful people of the Dragon Clan will be able to "dig out" valuable things from this person sooner or later, that is, it will cost more weeks.

So they actually didn't have much left to do, just wait for Wen Shou to bring the descendants of Xuanming to unlock the restriction of Xuanming's tomb, and then enter together to **** the inheritance. It doesn't matter if the **** fails, just grab someone.

But there is another possibility: what if the arrest fails and the person runs away?

The three of them plus Wen Shou had four Golden Core cultivators, as well as many of the Dragon Shui Clan's subordinates, and there was actually no possibility of a miss in dealing with a descendant of Xuan Ming.

In addition, there is another golden core three flowers, and the great elder Ao Xi is coming with a large army, and it is easy to surround the entire Shen Corpse Valley.

But it would be best if he succeeded before Ao Xi arrived.

"Is there any way to lay a net of heaven and earth so that they can't escape after gaining inheritance?" Ao Su asked.

"It's not a problem. I can place the Bahuang Lock... the Great Formation." Ao Yan hesitated and swallowed the "Dragon" of the Bahuang Locking Dragon Formation.

To say that people cannot escape, this formation is the best. It does not affect the entry of people outside, nor does it allow people inside to escape.

It happened that this was the formation method invented by the human formation master, who regarded the dragon as a prisoner, and his name made him feel very unknown.

"And all of us, we must hide in the valley, so that the descendants of Xuanming cannot discover our existence in advance."

"This is easier. As long as the opponent doesn't have the strength of Jin Dan Sanhua, I promise that they will not notice anything." This time, Ao Yu finally patted his chest confidently.

"Then you don't need to continue talking nonsense, hurry up to set up the formation."

Ao Su put his hands behind his back and watched Ao Yan hurriedly lead people away.

The plan was much simpler than he thought. They just need to lie in ambush here, waiting for the descendants of Xuan Ming to come over and open the restriction. After opening, it will become an ordinary area that anyone can enter and exit.

The only thing they need to do is to catch turtles in the urn.

Having said that, isn't Xuan Ming just a giant turtle?

The time when the dragons arranged everything was also the time for Wen Shou to go out to welcome guests.

Gouzhu has already crossed the stone bridge and stood in front of the open valley entrance. This time Lan Ruoshuang didn't rush in, but waited gracefully under the hallway. Wen Shou naturally did not dare to urge, and stood by obediently.

She should have noticed something too, and when she looked back, there was a smile in her eyes, as if she was waiting for the younger brother to make the final decision.

This mountain gate is nothing special is a simple stone-carved gate with roughly the same width as the bridge.

There is no carvings on it, it is covered with the mottle of the years, and there is a thick layer of silt-like substance stuck to it, and the text on it is no longer visible.

There are old stone roads inside and outside the door without any difference. But Goujiu always felt that once he walked through this door, there would be some irreversible mystery that would begin to draw his own destiny, and there was no turning back.

He has never been blocked by the Duxi Sea Dragon King in the middle of the road, and when he saw Wen Shou's rather unconscious gaze, he had no doubt that the Dragon Clan had already ambushed here.

Before the change, he would never get into the valley until he knew himself and the enemy and arranged well. How could he jump in even knowing it was a trap?

But the essence of "Nine Deaths" is that the more dangerous it is, the more it is the real path to enlightenment. Especially at this moment when he needs to achieve the golden core, it is simply impossible to easily overcome the catastrophe.

If you can't take this step, that long life will be hopeless after all!

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