Record of Chaos

Chapter 859: 0 army as a witness, 1 thought will fix life and death

   (859 thousand troops as a witness, one thought will fix life and death)

   Ao Xi couldn't help but clapped twice and said: "Since ancient times, a hero has been born as a boy." He put the word "male" very seriously, "I admire and admire it!"

   Then he took his hand and back to his back again: "But I still want to persuade you to be more realistic. Your Majesty is unlikely to come here. Ao Yao will not marry you.

   "The old man of blood can be divided into you. Although it is not as good as Ao Mian's, it is not bad. As for the daughter, the old man has no daughter."

  He pointed to Ao Su below and said: "He has a daughter named Ao Luo, which is naturally a little bit worse than Ao Yao, but much better than Ao Shan you just killed."

   Ao Su's face turned dark, thinking that you have nothing to do with my daughter? But then I thought about it, if it was Ao Luo, then in this battle between the Xuanming Taoism and the corpse, he would naturally be able to get more benefits.

   So although his face was not good, he did not immediately protest.

"As for the title of the prince, the old man can first order you to be the guardian of Beiming with the elder's order, and then ask Ao Mian to make you a prince. With my weight as a great elder, Ao Mian will generally not embarrass you. . Do you believe it?"

The price that    Ao Xi put forward gave a lot of discounts all at once. What is interesting is that Gouzhu did not immediately refute, but bowed his head in thought. In fact, he just felt burning eyebrows.

  Although there is another golden core three flowers, but it is still not enough, what should I do?

   Not right, according to his calculations, with the weight of the Xuanming Taoism and the two corpses, although the Dragon Clan will not really be overwhelmed by the power of the country, it will not only send such a few hundreds of talents. There must be something wrong here...

   "What else can you think of?" Ao Xi cast a contemptuous look at this greedy human.

  "We now have five golden cores here, and there are three of them above the double flower. Do you think that you have any means to take the Xuanming's remains under our noses and then retreat?

   "Even if you give up directly, you will definitely not be able to get away with the two dragon lives on your body.

  "As for what you said to detonate the remains, haha, forgive me, 90% of what you said is nothing but a bluff.

  "How could Xuan Ming leave such a means and explode his body and break his orthodoxy? It's true, even though the beasts are immortal, he doesn't know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to regenerate again.

   "Even if he really had such a method of the bottom of the box and held it in the hands of Daoist Gou, Daoist would definitely not be short-sighted?

   "After all, the young Gou friends are prosperous and prosperous, and there are groups of wives and concubines, and the future is boundless, and our old dragons here are half of their bodies."

   "My little friend, it's too late to pass, and you will be the best. Think about it carefully. The old man will give you a quarter of an hour. If you can't make up your mind in a quarter of an hour, I can only make a choice for you, old man."

   Goujiu looked more and more anxious, scratched his head, and asked sternly:

"Although you call yourself the Great Elder, how do I know how much weight you have in your words in the Dragon Race? Even if you give me blood and seal me Beiming for my behalf, there is no one here to testify. Looking back, you turn your faces and refuse to admit it. Who will I call? ?"

   Ao Xi laughed: "Sure enough, he is a prudent villain. Fortunately, I will show you the weight of the old man in the dragon clan."

   When he finished speaking, the center of his eyebrows darkened, and it seemed that a void was formed. An inexplicable attraction spread from the void, pulling some invisible and mysterious thing on the bottom of the sea.

   is like an invisible curtain covering everything, but they can't see, only the empty piece of water. But now the curtain was continuously drawn by the virtual hole in the center of Ao Xi's eyebrows and quickly opened.

   After the curtain, the overlapping aquariums that had already assembled appeared. They were in groups, and the same kind gathered together, each occupying a piece of water, densely packed with the Valley of God Corpses, almost out of sight.

   There are hordes of huge sharks, wearing heavy scale armor, only a huge mouth covered with sharp triangular fangs is exposed.

   There are huge jellyfish, each of the size of a human body and the head of a male lion with full mane, floating lazily in the water, spreading the poisonous spines in the sea.

   There are countless huge shrimps and crabs waving their claws, crawling along the seabed one by one.

   There are countless bodies that are very low-key, but their whole body is covered with small fishes with bright and poisonous spines.

   There are so many other kinds of aquariums, it is impossible to describe them all. These are not ordinary aquariums, but a real army of aquatic monsters.

   Each aquatic race is at least an alien beast equivalent to a foundation-building monk, and among them, there are no fewer than a thousand high-level spirit beasts equivalent to a virtual core monk. There are also nearly a hundred morphing monsters in the Purple Mansion!

  Although Ao Xi can't represent the Donggonghai Kingdom of the entire dragon clan, he is really "powerful" within the sphere of influence he controls. One-third of the elite troops in the East China Sea Dragon Palace were brought out by him.

   The coercion of spiritual consciousness brought by a group is completely different from the coercion brought by individual monks.

   If the power of the spirit of a golden core three-flower monk is as bright as the North Star, then the feeling of a powerful army is like a vast galaxy.

   Although each of these stars is not bright, but they gather into rivers and seas, which are far more impressive than individual bright stars.

   The originally empty and lonely and cold desolate sea valley was instantly filled by this army, shadowy, overlapping, and crowded so that there was almost no space left.

   They came with the arrival of Ao Xi. The magic is that Ao Xi used some kind of magical concealment technique to hide the breath of the entire army.

   If the two men, Goujiu and the Miko, have any means to escape from chaos, they will be hit by the concentrated fire of this omnipresent army and disappear in an instant.

   Of course, with such a large army, it is impossible for anyone to completely hide it.

   Ao Xi just used his invisible "veil" to surround Gouju and others, so that they could not feel the existence of this army.

   He brought all the power he can use, and there is only one goal, and that is the dispute over the Xuanming Taoism, he must succeed!

   Otherwise, the death of Ao Shen and the ringing of the death bell will be not only the Donggong Dragon Clan, but also the stains that Ao Xi will never wash away in his lifetime.

   To seize the Xuanming Taoist line, take down the corpse, he has a way to make his army invincible. Don't talk about facing the Xigong Dragon Clan, even landing in the face of Human Race and Monster Race!

   When Ao Mianshouyuan is exhausted, he will become the greatest authority on the bottom of the East China Sea.

   Although he can't sit in the position of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, as long as the strongest army of the East China Sea is in his hands, the young man on the throne is nothing more than a doll in his hands.

   "How about it? The old man speaks with enough weight when he is so-called for all kinds of calls?" Ao Xi didn't transmit the sound any more, but directly spoke, the sound was like thunder, and it was booming in the ears.

   "There are 30,000 soldiers from the East Palace to testify here, is that enough? Although the old man is not the, there is no joking in his words!"

   After finishing talking, he flicked his left hand, and a drop of bright red blood was bounced out by him, emitting a faint red light, and flew towards the hook.

   Then he took out another golden conch, poured all his promises into it, and then threw the conch out as well and threw it in the direction of deliberation. Then he laughed frankly:

   "The sincerity of the old man is here, and I won't give you any room for bargaining. Little friend Gou, it's death or life, it's just the difference between your thoughts!"

   Although the drop of blood was drifting in the sea, there was a magical mana that enveloped it, and it did not disappear at all, waiting in the water as if consciously.

   It wasn't until the golden conch flew around that it flew with Pianpian, and it was about to hit the wall, but it stopped, floating in the air.

   And the conch made a soft sound, bounced off the battle wall, and then rolled down the battle wall into the thick mud of the seabed.

   Ao Su is actually very nervous. Ao Xi speaks like a mountain. If he says that there is no room for bargaining, then there is really no room for bargaining.

   If this naive child thinks there is still a chance to play some tricks, it is very likely that the talk will collapse.

   What will happen? Will Xuanming's legacy be detonated? All of them will die? Although the possibility is very low, he still squeezed a sweat.

   But he saw Goujiu together and went out. He first grabbed it in the air and grabbed the drop of dragon blood essence in his hand, and then rummaged in the mud underground.

   It took a while before he found the conch, wiped it with his sleeve, and cleaned it up, then he put it in his mouth and bit it again, as if it was identified as a color. After all this was done, he squinted his eyes and said, "Good, good! You deserve to be the elder, it's interesting!"

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