Record of Chaos

Chapter 862: When you and I break through the abyss, when others continue

   (862 you and my souls are broken in the abyss, when others continue the tradition)

   But for Goujiu, the trouble is more than going to the entrance of the secluded cave. The bigger problem is that the inheritance of "Nine Deaths" left by Xuan Ming must be resurrected for at least a moment before Xuan Ming can obtain the inheritance.

   Xuan Ming was originally resurrected by absorbing the power of death. The Emperor Tianrong almost slaughtered the Snow Clan people back then, killing hundreds of thousands of people, including many powerful monks in the Snow Clan, that contributed to Xuan Ming's short-term recovery.

   It's the same this time. If there are not enough sacrifices, Xuanming's remnant soul cannot be awakened, and it is impossible for him and Lan Ruoshuang to obtain Xuanming's inheritance.

   When he went down to God Corpse Valley, he saw the existence of the Dragon Clan, and noticed Wen Shou's rebellion, he first focused on these people.

   Although these people have profound cultivation skills, they are unfortunately not enough. The Dragon Clan plus Wen Shou and his disciples totaled no more than a hundred people. Even if the four golden cores are all equal to one hundred, it is only five or six hundred people.

   How many sacrifices does it take to activate Xuan Ming so that he has a chance to obtain Xuan Ming Taoist lineage? This requires extremely delicate calculations. His Nine Lian God is just good at this. It was just the result of the calculation that made him very anxious.

   It takes tens of thousands of monks to die in exchange for Xuan Ming's short resurrection!

   At this critical moment, Ao Xi brought his 30,000 army to the rescue. The gods were swept away. Fortunately, this wave of sacrifices was indeed enough for Xuan Ming to be temporarily activated, allowing him to inherit.

   At this moment, he remembered the past of Emperor Tianrong slaughtering Xuedu. I didn't expect that now I would be like Emperor Tianrong, slaughtering tens of thousands of people with one hand?

   But there is still a difference. Emperor Tianrong slaughtered only the innocent people such as those who were defeated and unarmed. They pose no threat to Emperor Tianrong himself.

   And the Ao Xi, Ao Su, Wen Shou, and 30,000 aquatic elites here are fierce presences who want to chop him up and stew soup at any time. If they don't die, he must die. The nine deaths of Xuan Ming are just like this.

   He didn't even take the initiative. Even He Lan Ruoshuang opened the ban, which caused the ruins of the Shark City to collapse and the appearance of the Beimingyou cave, which was not his initiative, but the Dragon Clan's refusal to bully, coerce and lure him into doing it.

   The only sinister thing about him is that he didn't explain to the Dragon Clan. Here is the Beimingyou Cavern. Once the ban is on, everyone will die. But even if he confessed honestly, how could the dragons believe him?

   Sometimes people or dragons are like this, and you won’t cry unless you see the coffin.

   He and Lan Ruoshuang were suspended in the frantically swirling sea, and they were already a little unstable. The current will become more and more urgent, and they will definitely be caught in the turbulence.

   But it’s not a big problem. They just need to get involved later than others and let others die first. This is the rule of life and death.

   Xuan Ming draws the breath of death regardless of race, no matter how high or low, it only depends on the level of cultivation. The higher the cultivation base, the more dead energy is produced when dying. As long as enough people die, he will be briefly activated enough to pass the orthodoxy to the descendants.

   Tens of thousands of aquarium soldiers were hit by the focus, still fainting, unable to resist at all, they could only sink into the collapsed bottom of the sea like falling sea snow.

   It didn't take long for Shenshi Valley to cease to exist. The mixture completely turned into gravel and mud was swallowed. A huge black cavity with a radius of hundreds of miles appeared below.

   The water was sucked into the Beimingyou cave while rotating, like a huge octopus, with countless huge rotating arms stretched out.

   These arms are made up of gravel, silt and those 30,000 aquatic elite soldiers, and they seem to roll slowly in the sea but violently.

   They twisted together one by one around the Beimingyou acupoint, forming a shape like a **** like a brilliant galaxy.

   All of this is within the budget of the deceit, but it is beyond the expectations of the dragons. It's not that Ao Xi and Ao Su are inferior to the experience of the old rivers and lakes, but that they do not have the memory of Xuan Ming, and they are blocked by Xuan Ming's restrictions and the information is asymmetry.

   But Ao Xi is the spirit of Jin Dan Sanhua after all. In this chaos, he was the first to wake up, and the first to realize what had happened.

   Even in the extremely turbulent cold water, he still managed to manipulate the water to move himself to a slightly flat place, and used his control to pull the newly awakened Ao Su to the vicinity.

   The so-called flat place is actually directly above Beimingyou Cave, which is the center of the entire whirlpool.

   The edge of the whirlpool is the most powerful place, and the current is almost irresistible. Although the center of the vortex is also spinning, its strength is much relaxed.

   Such a strong vortex would cause the sea to sink into a huge black hole. Ao Xi might be able to jump out of the sea along the low point of this depression, and escaped.

   It's a pity that this is Beiming. There is a thick ice sheet above the sea, and there is no place for air to enter. No matter how he swims, Ao Xi will be firmly held in his hand by the current until it is dragged into the secluded cave. There is no other possibility.

   So both of them gave up the struggle, and just tried to control the flow of the water, so that the speed of their sinking was slower.

   "There is still a way to survive?"

   After Ao Su woke up completely, his consciousness swept all over. No matter how he looked at it, he had only one way to go, and he couldn't see a chance at all.

   While Ao Xi was still standing still in the water, a gray robe trembled like a banner with the water, with his hands behind his back and looking up at the dark top of his head.

   The water around it is violently rotating, like a cylindrical wall tightly surrounding the area. And they are like sitting in a dark well and watching the sky, but they are also sinking continuously by the current.



   Ao Su is completely in despair of In this case, he can't even display 10% of his combat power.

   "Although I don't know, those two Xuanming descendants know! They are living sacrifices to these 30,000 water races to continue the tradition!"

   Ao Su's thoughts flashed at this time, and she realized the probabilities. At first, he only recognized that Gouzhu and the Witch were desperate about the situation, so he destroyed the restrictions on Beimingyou Cavern and wanted everyone to die together.

   But with the promise of dragon blood and Ao breath in hand, it is indeed unbelievable to still die so badly. But if they were interpreted as living sacrifices in exchange for the Xuanming inheritance, it would be much more reasonable.

   Xuan Ming was originally a divine beast who controlled the power of death. He used the death of tens of thousands of water races in exchange for an inheritance... Poison, Poison!

   Ao Su couldn't help feeling terrified. He realized that their biggest mistake was that they shouldn't have come to provoke the insidious family of Xuan Ming from the beginning.

   The soul of you and I becoming a sacrifice on the table is broken here, but others just use this to achieve the path. Our dragon clan has always been rampant on the seabed, dominating all the clan. When did you become so useless?

   "So, they must not die?" He suddenly felt a glimmer of hope for survival, but unfortunately he really couldn't think of how to get out of this Beimingyou cave, "but how can you get out of this place..."

   "If I guessed right, the reason he used his focus to attack is to make us sink first. Otherwise, they will also become Xuanming sacrifices."

   "So, they must still be on top, and they must pass here?"

"Yes," Ao Xi nodded, "They don't have the strength of Jin Dan, so the speed of sinking must be faster than us. Stop them here, and dig out their minds for their way of getting out after acquiring the orthodoxy! "

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