Record of Chaos

Chapter 875: The king of cloud can be sealed, the cold monument is hard to recover

   (875 cloud king can be sealed, cold monument is hard to recover)

   In the end, Emperor Kun Yuan decided not to struggle anymore. After all, there was only one piece left in his hand, and the increasingly dim Chaotic Yuan Shiyu made him sit on pins and needles.

   Since he became the throne, the heaven has never decree. Even the memorial invitation he sent has not received any response. Silence itself is an attitude.

  Especially when he was incapable of doing all kinds of things, this attitude was even more depressing and made him breathless.

   In case of court decree, it will definitely not be a good thing. When the Xuedu was captured five hundred years ago, the credit for controlling the first piece of Hunyuan First Jade belonged to Emperor Tianrong, and Emperor Tianrong had already ascended by this.

   In his hands, he repeatedly attacked the demon world but failed repeatedly. If it were not for Rong Qianzi to give him the Hunyuan Shiyu controlled by the tree man as a tribute to him, his life as an emperor of the thick earth might have been over by the heaven.

   But now, the Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade that belongs to the Demon Realm in his hand has disappeared!

   Hunyuan Shiyu will always return to the Lord by itself. So even if he succeeds temporarily, it is useless. The owner of that piece of Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade is Mu Shi, the fifth generation Demon Emperor.

   When Mu Shi didn't know the existence of Hunyuan Beginning Jade, there was no cause and effect between the owner and the object, so the object was still a thing, manifested in the world, and everyone could hold it in his hand.

   When Mu Shi knew that there was a Hunyuan Beginning Jade, the cause and effect were immediately connected, and the Hunyuan Beginning Jade would disappear by itself and appear in the owner's hands. Once it is returned, there is no way to obtain it unless the owner is killed.

   Why did he suddenly know the existence of Chaotic Yuan Shiyu? Naturally, it was because Xuan Ming knew the cause and effect of Goblin. After Gouzhu returned to the Jade Palace, he naturally told Wood.

   Of course, Emperor Kun Yuan didn't know all this for the time being. He only knew that the piece of Demon Realm Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade in his hand had disappeared. In this way, his only achievement since he took the throne also disappeared.

   In addition, the Northern Frontier Fengguo and Chen Clan lost their hearts, Jinzhou and Yuzhou were taken away by King Yun, and he was unable to conquer the remaining demon world.

  The population of Guizhou, Tongzhou, Yizhou and other places are constantly migrating to the wealthy Jin and Jade states. This made the light of the Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade that he had snatched from Snow Country gradually dimmed.

   There is only one way left for him to go, and that is to truly take the Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade that belongs to the Demon Realm.

   If you can punish the Demon Emperor and invite a soul envoy to transfer the Hunyuan Shiyu who lost its owner to him, the credit will be no less than the Tianrong Emperor.

  Who is the Demon Emperor?

   Since the demon emperor Muye disappeared, the whereabouts of the demon emperor has been rarely known. Not to mention that this new demon emperor is said to be a descendant of Mu Ye, and his identity is even more mysterious.

   Most people think that the new demon emperor lives in Lishan, and under the protection of the Muluo tribe of Lishan, ordinary people cannot approach it.

   But now Emperor Kun Yuan doesn't think so anymore. He had some clues and reasons, thinking that the tree emperor was not in the demon world at all.

   It's not easy for him to do it in that place. Once you start, you will get into the big trouble of King Yun. One trouble involves another trouble.

   These things are like a mess, entangled with each other. But this also has an advantage, that is, when you solve one of the troubles, the other trouble will be eliminated at the same time.

   Therefore, no matter how many troubles are tangled together, he has to make up his mind to solve them one by one by himself.

   "Where's Zhang Kun? Call him for a decree! Make Hao Zheng a prince!"

   He slapped the armrest of the throne a little irritably, and called Bingbi **** Zhang Kun to kneel directly in front of his throne.

   On the Cuiyu Peak thousands of miles away, in the Danyang Pavilion, the wood is playing with the "stone" in his hand enthusiastically. He had never seen such a wonderful thing.

When    said the four words "Hunyuan Shiyu" to him face to face, he seemed to remember something, and then this thing suddenly appeared in his hand automatically.

   He can discard this thing at any time. For example, drop it down Cuiyu Peak and drop it directly into the Dragon Skeleton Valley below the peak. He can still hear the slight water noise from the deep valley where the thing fell.

   It doesn't matter if the stone stays at the bottom of the valley, it doesn't matter if it is washed away by water or picked up by someone. As long as he thinks about it, this thing will appear in his hand again.

  Want this thing to disappear, he only needs to think about it in his head, and it disappears without a trace. But wood can still clearly feel that it still exists.

   What’s even more amazing is that only some people seem to be able to see, hear, and even understand the existence of Chaotic Yuan Shiyu.

It is clearly a stone that emits starlight when it is placed there. It can be seen by Zhuzhu, Lianling, Mulu, Muluo, and Huang Lu, but they have changed Lin Meier, Nineteenth, Murong Qing, and Song Ruhai, but they can see it completely. not see.

   Gouzhu stuffed the "Hunting Yuan Shiyu" directly into Lin Meier's hand, and she couldn't feel the existence of anything.

   What's even more absurd is that, no matter how she expresses it, any information related to "Hunting Yuan Shiyu" is deaf to her.

   Even if you tell her the story of Hunyuan Shiyu's creation one by one, she didn't listen to anything.

   It seems that these things related to Hunyuan Shiyu, even if she heard it in her ears, she didn't accept her cognition, and just missed it.

   Such a weird thing, fortunately, Mu Luo, Muluo, Lian Ling, and Huang Lu can understand it. Otherwise, Gouzhu really thought that he had seen a ghost.

   Maybe the design of Tiandi itself is like this. If everyone knows something as important as Hunyuan Shiyu, everyone will fight for It is better to be known by a few people.

   But what is the difference between these few people and others, I can't figure it out.

   Fortunately, this Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade is controlled by wood, so I feel relieved. It doesn't matter if tomorrow is chaos and heaven.

   After re-creating the world, Wood will naturally visualize these people again, and no one will disappear in the disaster. To be stable and reliable, no one is more reliable than wood.

   After the Battle of Beiming, Lian Ling has already achieved the Golden Core Three Flowers, and the Goblin has also achieved the Golden Core.

   Gouzhu had the first record in the Xiaoyaohui. After the court gave the best heavenly guide stone according to the original promise, Lin Meier also successfully achieved the golden core.

   Song Ruhai finally broke through the bottleneck of the virtual pill because of refining some of the ancestor's soul orbs, and was promoted to the Purple Mansion.

   Du Li, Nineteenth and Murong Qing also had their feelings during the trip to Beiming. After returning, all three of them broke through the difficulties of the Purple Mansion and became the saints of the Purple Mansion.

The strength of    Jade Palace skyrocketed again, and it was completely different from the past.

   There is another thing that makes people worry about it, and that is how to repair only half of the bloodstained monument.

   Regardless of whether Han Beizi is a treasure spirit or a real human being, everyone in the Danyang Pavilion has already regarded her as a member of the Danyang Pavilion. If she has only half of the monument left and cannot be realized, no one can feel at ease.

   Even though Ling tried his best, this remains is still a cold one. Although I could feel that the soul of Han Beizi was still inside, it was still unable to manifest.

   To put it bluntly, Lian Ling is only good at refining medicine and healing people, but he is not good at repairing magic weapons.

   If the magic weapon itself cannot be repaired, the treasure spirit will not only fail to manifest, but it will also be difficult to maintain it. Sooner or later, it will gradually dissipate and eventually return to reincarnation.

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