Record of Chaos

Chapter 879: Looking at the lower realm from afar, you are afraid of suffering, and quickly cut the

   (879 remote view of the lower realm, fearing suffering, slashing chaos to find relief)

   To him, the human world is like a golden dung pit, and sentient beings are like maggots tumbling in their excrement and urine to enjoy this sweet life. I don't think of these things, but in his opinion, they are extremely miserable and dirty.

   Now you say, the little master’s toy fell into the cesspit, please take off your clothes and pick it up for me?

   Of course, Kili Tian is pure and pure, there is no such thing as a cesspit or maggots.

   Seeing that he has never been to the human world, it is impossible to imagine the shape of the maggots in the cesspit. The above description is only an indirect expression of his mood.

   But this kind of little master's toy is really common in the cesspool.

   The lower layer of this world is dirt, and the upper layer is Yuntian. Above the clouds, the heavenly people were playing with something, and suddenly a hand slipped, and the thing fell into the lower realm, where it was unknown.

   Of course, the true fall is not so simple. But this kind of thing always happens from time to time. It's impossible for a real boss to go to the cesspit himself, and someone must always do these things.

  In the past, there are some "crimes" in the Hao clan who are dedicated to these tasks.

  The reason why they are called "Sin Vein" is because of their marriage relationship, and their blood is mixed with elements of the lower realms.

   Being born in the sin vein is a sin in itself, and being sent to the lower realm is also deserved. What's more, many of the children of Sin Vein were originally born in the lower realms.

  The only way for them to cleanse themselves is to make enough credit in the lower realm, and eventually they can ascend back to the heaven realm, after which they will no longer be sinful.

   But the Hao clan in the human world is also multiplying endlessly, and the sins cannot be cut off cleanly, so there is always enough manpower to handle the affairs of the lower world.

   But Hao Ming sees that not only the ancestors have been pure "celestial veins" for many generations, there is absolutely no trace of "sinful veins" in the family, and he is the best among the younger generation. There really is no reason for him to be ordered to do these nasty jobs.

   "Ming Shengjun, please read the jade slips first anyway!"

   regardless of his dissatisfied expression, one of the messengers insisted on offering the jade slip with both hands. This jade slip is called "Shi Tie", which records all the reasons for this incident.

   All the things that are explained to be done in the heavenly court are distributed by post-it. Although I was dissatisfied with the apparent view, I could not refuse at this time. With his divine light and one touch, everything unfolded naturally in his heart.

   So that's the case, this matter is even related to the beginning of the Hunyuan Yuan. What really surprised him was that something as important as Hunyuan Shiyu could actually fall into that stinking pit in the human world?

   No wonder the two messengers handed out a post on this matter. Because they can't speak either.

  Only the people of the Hao clan blood can understand the existence of Chaotic Yuan Shiyu. Although these two messengers are celestial beings, they are not the Hao clan, and they are not qualified to understand Chaotic Yuan Shiyu.

   Such an important matter should be left to those guilt lines? How can they do it well? The more I read it, the more I frown.

   Hao Clan only people with guilt can go to the human world. Then who will it be handed to them if it is not handed over to them?

   If other people are allowed to stay in the human world for a long time to do this, if they have an heir, they will all be regarded as sins in the future. Isn't this a big pit?

   However, the people of the line of sin did not manage this matter well.

   There are two pieces of Hunyuan First Jade left in the lower realm. Now that more than 100,000 years have passed, they have only recovered one piece. And it is said that because of the loss of people's hearts, the piece that was recovered is now in danger.

   In whose hands the other piece is now, there is nothing but a bunch of guesses.

   Therefore, the Hao Clan has internally discussed that this matter can no longer be screwed up by those with sinful veins. They have to select young talents who act decisively from the Heavenly Vessels, and the Lower Realm will make this clear.

   "The family discussion..." I was embarrassed when I saw it.

   Although the Heavenly Court belongs to the Hao Family and the Hao Family is the Heavenly Court, there is still a little difference between the two.

   The Hao Family is the lord of the Heavenly Court, but he is not only the Hao Family of heaven and human beings, there are many rich families everywhere. Everyone has to follow the rules.

   If the heavenly court ordered him to lower the realm, he would be able to resist it by relying on the traditional rule of "the heavenly vein does not lower the realm", and adding that he was a member of the Hao clan to let the elder of the family come forward.

   As for the matters agreed within the Hao clan, there is no way to discuss it. The orders within the Hao clan cannot be resisted by using external rules. Once agreed within the clan, unless you are willing to be expelled from the clan, you have to comply.

   But since the family let him take such a huge risk to the lower realm, naturally there are corresponding benefits. The advantage is that once he succeeds, he will become the holder of the first jade of chaotic origin. He can hold at least one of the two beginning jade.

   Regardless of the size of the beginning jade, as long as it is held, it is called the "Creator" in the Hao Clan. The creator is the master of creation, the first **** of the creation, and after the next creation, he will surely become the existence of the god!

   "I see. Put down the post and you can go."

   The two messengers were sitting here, both of them smelled like a "dunghole", which made him feel uncomfortable, and he wanted to drive people away.

   Although the two messengers were stunned, the post was left behind. According to Heavenly Court's rules, as long as the post is left, it is equivalent to accepting the matter. So they can leave without worry.

   They don’t want to stay too long. Finally returned to the heavens from the human world, they just want to return to their celestial mansions, soak in the pool of jade syrup and jade liquid, and wash away the dirty smell of this body as soon as possible.

   "Haozheng? A dead vein? Can actually take away people's hearts?"

   Since I can't refuse, Ming Jian has already started to take it seriously. There is everything he needs to know in the post. He didn't think it was so difficult.

  The problem is that he has to deal with it in the fastest time, and minimize the time he has to stay in the human world.

   The first step he envisioned was to go directly to the Middle Earth and Golden State of Dongsheng Shenzhou, to kill this disbanded boy named Haozheng.

   There are many creatures in the lower realm, but most of them are dull. Their loyal person is dead, and he is in the lower realm of heaven and man, and he shows a little miracle casually, which can easily attract incense and worship and gather people's hearts again.

   But he is obviously reluctant to throw his real body into that cesspool. So at most it is only the lower realm of the soul.

   Yuanshen lower realm, his strength will not be very strong. A person like Haozheng who dared to directly confront his is impossible not to pay attention to his own safety. It is not easy to deal with a soul or clone in his lower realm.

   "What are they going to do with this? They don't have any idea, right?"

   He once again probed Shenguang into the post, only to realize that Emperor Kun Yuan planned to summon Haozheng to the city of Houzheng on the birthday of his concubine Haozheng, and then designed to punish him.

   "Hmph, I only know that I want to use a woman, these sin veins are really useless things." He couldn't help but sneer.

   But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that this was actually the simplest and most effective way. Judging from the character of this person, Haozheng, it is very possible that he would still step on it even if he knew it was a trap.

   "What's your birthday?" But he became dissatisfied with Emperor Kun Yuan's complicated procedures again, "I went straight to arrest the woman, wouldn't it be better to force Hao to come out and die? Why bother?"


  Heavenly Court's classification of heaven and man is as follows:

  天人: Including all ordinary heavenly people.

   Tianjun: Nine to five ranks, ordinary officials, heavenly soldiers and generals.

   Shengjun: Fourth grade, generally has the strength of a pseudo-celestial.

   Shenjun: Third grade, generally has the strength of a true fairy.

   Zhenjun: Second grade, generally has the strength of Taiyi Jinxian.

   Xianjun: First grade: generally has the strength of Da Luo, Hunyuan Jinxian.

   Tianzun: Nothing.

   The heavens do not recognize the level of the earth immortal. The highest earth immortal can only be called a real person, but the strength is unlimited.

   Among the characters that have appeared on the stage, Gu Yuan Li Feisheng is followed by the Fourth Stage Saint. Emperor Tianrong has a great merit, official to third grade. Qin Zunyang, Lin Han, and Wen Ruxue did not follow the right path, and their strength and realm were unknown.

   The true bodies of the fallen five gods, including Hou Tu, Xuanwu, Suzaku, Goumang, and Baihu, are all gods. )

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