Record of Chaos

Chapter 898: A cliff obstructs the way forward, righteous eyes and kind people

   (898 cliffs obstruct the way forward, righteous eyes and kind people)

Just as Gouzhu and Song Ruhai ran all the way, a huge, brightly lit airship from Xijia was tens of feet long and suddenly stopped in the air, but the huge propeller at the tail was still rotating under the impulse of the spirit, in the night. There was a huge humming noise.

   It looks like a huge chrysalis floating, enclosing itself in a dusty canvas. There are dotted windows on the canvas.

   An elegant woman, wearing a peculiar, wrinkled black Sija dress, on the black background is like stars dotted with silver accessories.

   She stared anxiously at the night before her eyes, the bluish-white rays that rose from the impact of the airship were like aurora.

   This accident caught her off guard. After leaving Yuntian City, she originally only needed to cross the Qingxiao Mountain Range and arrive at Hongyin County as planned, unloading the most important batch of goods, and completing all the scheduled tasks. It doesn't matter whether to go to Houtu City next.

   Unexpectedly, it was only a mere hundred miles away from Hongyin County, and the "Lingxiao Cliff" on the Qingxiao Mountain Range actually rose!

   "Lingxiao Cliff" was originally a huge and tight defensive wall built by the entire Qingxiao Mountain Range in order to prevent the Chen people from going south when the Tu people fell to the north thousands of years ago.

   Now that the eight states are unified, this kind of battle between states will of course not be used anymore. No one would have thought it would be activated suddenly?

   This also caused the traffic between Jinzhou and Guizhou to be completely interrupted. This is not the kind of rigorous investigation that began a few days ago. This is a complete interruption. Not to mention the huge airship, even a bird that flies over will be bounced back.

   And this is no better than the formations that were built temporarily by the formation master. You can find the loopholes by just looking for an expert with the formation pupils. This was the foundation on which the semi-remnant dynasty in the South relied for survival at that time, and it was built for hundreds of years. Even if there are loopholes, they will not be found in a short while.

   "Xiao Jingshi, Ling Xiaoguan replied." An able man wearing a loose round-neck green robe and a turban on his head walked in, holding a jade piece in his hand.

"They said that just an hour ago, the emperor suddenly ordered to cut off all traffic between Gui and Jin, and raised the cliff of Lingxiao. Unless he holds a military order above the ground level and can pass through Lingxiao Pass, no characters can pass. The end time will be announced later."

   "Other notice?"

   The woman in the black dress frowned. She can't wait for further notice. This batch of goods was not delivered to Hongyin County on time, and her own fault was second. The loss of Duanli Baoshe was a sky-high price.

   The caravan of the Xijia people is solely in charge of the "jingshi". This female Scripture is not someone else, it is the flute who was involved in the battle for the crown of the crane clan and was almost destroyed in the two world cities.

  She has not left Sijia for many years since she became a lifelong employee of Duanli Baoshe.

   When she could finally become the manager of an independent caravan, she immediately chose a caravan that could pass through the demon world of the southern border and come to the middle-earth and thick-earth dynasty.

   Although the Xiao family in Liangjiecheng has been destroyed and Xiao Sufeng is no longer there, the Xiao family is still there. It is said that they later moved to Yuntian City in Jinzhou in anonymity. It just so happened that it was also an important transit point for this caravan.

   Although she did not find the Xiao family, even if she looked at the airship window from a high place, she knew that one of the innumerable overlapping roofs was the Xiao family, that was good.

   In fact, she would rather see her father again. Although Xiao Sufeng is dead and there is no tomb, if you can find the place where Xiao Sufeng's Dao died back then, even if there are no bones left, it is good to hold a handful of soil and erect a tombstone to worship.

   She has already investigated, and there is only one person who knows the specific location of her father Dao's death, that is, the person who was rescued by her after holding the purple key. It's just that she never found the person.

  As a lifelong employee of Duanli Baoshe, everything she does must be based on Baoshe's interests. If the task of cargo transportation is not completed, she is not qualified to do any private affairs.

   "Where can I get the military orders of the local level?" Xiaodi asked the man in green.

   "Only the Privy Council and the Ministry of War can issue military orders at the land level. Most of our relationships are guarded by the state capital and various places. It is not easy to contact the Beijing officials of Houtu City to sign military orders."

   Then we have to find another way. What can be done? Forged military orders? Bribing Lingxiaoguan guard? She thought about various ways. She was about to make up her mind, when the sound transmission jade slip in her hand suddenly lit up, and a ray of spiritual thought floated out.

   "Ms. Xiao, are you trying to get a military order? I can get it. It depends on whether Miss Xiao is interested in cooperating. Haha."

   This person is no one else. It is Song Xiangyi, the Patriarch of the Song family who had a fate when delivering the goods in Yuntian City.

   Song Xiangyi knows that her next stop will be in Hongyin, and this person is extremely shrewd and will never let go of any trading opportunities. It is not surprising that he would take the initiative to find it.

   "Of course." She replied almost without hesitation.

   After a while, to her surprise, the person who came to negotiate with the military order was not the slick, triangular-eyed, and extremely wretched businessman Song Xiangyi.

   Instead, the main one is a woman who wears a light blue long skirt, a diamond-patterned coat, and a snow-white road towel on her head. She has a long body, a beautiful face and a cold expression.

   This is no one else, it is Lian Ling, the Supreme Elder of Cuiyu Palace!

   Xiaodi knows that Song Xiangyi is closely related to Cuiyu Palace. But I didn't expect that this fierce goddess would come in person.

   It is rumored that the two lines of Song Ruhai and Song Ruqing are fighting for the position of Patriarch. As a result, Song Ruhai's father Song Xiangyi succeeded in taking the position, while Song Ruqing died unclearly.

  Thinking that Song Ruhai is the treasure elder of the Jade Palace, you can guess what happened in it without thinking. Now that the entire Song family has become the private property of the Jade Palace ~ even Ling brought several different characters. The most conspicuous is a snow-white dress on her side, with a red pattern on the eyebrows, a pure and refined maid like a magnolia.

   Next to the maid in white, there is a slender girl in purple with a seductive look.

   Immediately behind the three women was a young guy with a stubby body, a red face, and a black robe.

   The other brawny bald man next to the black-robed guy is much scarier. Not only was his head taller than an ordinary person, his body was as strong as a mountain, and the shiny bald head had three ugly scars like mud puddles.

   There is also a white-robed old man who seems to have a lot of good face, a slightly fat face, and his eyes seem to be indifferent to everything.

   So many people came to the Cuiyu Palace at once, which put her under tremendous pressure. Her black eyes flashed slightly, and a light blue glow appeared in her left eye.

   Although there is nothing unusual on the outside, her left eye is actually an artificial eye. This is one of the magical artifacts installed on Sijia. Her eye is called "Knowing Eyes."

   Looking through the "Knowing Eyes", the relevant information about what you see, anything that Siga can recognize, will come to her mind freely. This is exactly the weapon that the Chamber of Commerce equips her to know oneself and the enemy.

   First she involuntarily looked at the maid in white at the front. If you don’t want it, a bunch of scary messages came into her mind when she looked at it:

"Lin Meier, the daughter of Lin Zhuo, the crown prince of the Crane Kingdom in the demon world, the crown prince of the Crane Kingdom, was cultivated as the first flower of the Golden Core. The red mark on the eyebrows is the crown of the Crane Clan's Supreme Pill. ."

  What's the situation? A dignified crane pillar with three golden cores is here to serve as a maid?

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