Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 114: The best side, the non-existent side


   Su Tang was startled, and shook his head quickly: "What are you kidding me, how could a love master like me be nervous because of dating? I'm obviously bored."

   "A love master who has never been in a relationship? A love master who has never even dated?"

   Zhao Xiaowen looked at her with a smile but a smile: "If you want to be nervous, just say it, I won't laugh at you, and I can give you some ideas."

  You haven't joke yet?

   You almost have the words "My old lady is almost laughing to death" written on your face!

   Su Tang murmured silently in his heart, just hummed proudly on his mouth, but didn't say a word.

   "Actually, dating is very simple, and this time it’s boys to arrange the date. We only need to do one thing."

   Zhao Xiaowen said softly.

   do something? What's the matter?

   Su Tang was curious, so she listened, but after waiting for a while, the other party didn't speak any more, she turned her head to look, and saw the other party smiling at her, waiting for her initiative to ask.

   Damn it!

   Su Tang couldn't help but punch her fist. She felt that if she continued like this, her personal setting of ‘Love Master’ would no longer be able to keep.

   At this moment, Su Tang seems to have two miniature versions of her debating in his head:

  ‘Don’t tell me about love, dating is such a simple thing, just search the Internet, there is no need to discuss with others, Zhao Xiaowen is clearly waiting to see a joke, and she must not be allowed to succeed. ’

  ‘The information on the Internet may not be true. Many of them are processed, or simply produced by a group of single dogs. It does not conform to the factual logic. It is better to ask an experienced person. ’

   These two "mini Su Tang" argued in their minds, and they didn't agree with each other, and they soon started fighting.


  'No. 2 Mini Sutang' is slightly better, has the upper hand, dominates the high ground of IQ.

   Then, Su Tang hesitated for a few seconds, still couldn't help but whispered: "What?"

   "That's a good rest."

Zhao Xiaowen smiled and said softly: "You don't need to think about any love skills, dating routines, and you don't need to prepare anything for this. You just need to take a good rest, and then use your truest self to welcome this date. Okay, in dating, the most important thing is not how to express yourself, but to accept another real person with your truest self. Compared with the theories and techniques on the Internet, the most important thing is the process of heart-to-heart talk between the two parties. "

   She seemed to have said it, but she didn't seem to say it completely.

   Su Tang nodded as if he didn't understand, and then thought about it.

   "Use your truest self to accept another real person?"

   "So, what is your truest self?"

   She didn't understand this a little bit, or said... she didn't want to think in the direction she had guessed.

According to her understanding, the "most authentic self" should refer to the self after all beautification and disguise is removed, just like a plain face, but... it is difficult for girls to face the person they like with plain face, and they always have to go through some After'packing', I am confident enough to go to the appointment.

For Su Tang, although she thinks that she is also beautiful without makeup, it is absolutely unacceptable to say that she is also undressed for dating. She always feels that she is not the most perfect herself. Thinking about it, she will feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable... In fact, the appearance of plain makeup is good, but for example, the “no makeup” of personality and habits is a bit unacceptable.

   Regardless of boys and girls, they always want to show their best self in front of the people they like, and cover up those bad and unconfident places. They feel that such self is perfect and can be calm and confident.

   No one would ever think about it, revealing their own shortcomings/ dark corners of their hearts to the other party...

   Unless this person really has no merit, or is different from normal people's thinking, it's just... weird.

  Su Tang was a little bit unable to understand the specific meaning of Zhao Xiaowen's words, and always felt that... it shouldn't be what she thought.

   "You seem a little confused."

Zhao Xiaowen watched her words and thoughts, and after inquiring about it, she smiled and said in a gentle tone: "I'm sorry, but I didn't explain it. When I said'the truest self', I actually meant the word'sincerity'. For such an important thing as dating, of course we will try our best to show the best of ourselves to each other, but you need to remember that what we want to show is the best of ourselves, not the... nonexistent side."

   "Oh~ I get it!"

   Su Tang suddenly realized that many doubts accumulated in his mind before suddenly became clear.

   Zhao Xiaowen's words are easy to understand.

   The ‘best side’ and the ‘nonexistent side’. The former refers to the advantages one has possessed, and the latter refers to the advantages that one has never possessed but obtained through disguise.

   is very simple, let’s take ‘cooking’ as an example.

   If you have a very good cooking skill, show it to the other party, and win the favor and praise of the other party, that is the ‘best side’.

   But if you don’t know how to cook, or you’re not confident in cooking, then you go to a high-end restaurant to order and lie that you did it yourself...that’s the ‘nonexistent side’.

   Of course, this example is not just about talent skills such as cooking, but also personality and experience.

   is obviously not a gentle person, but he has to pretend to be gentle. This is also the ‘non-existent side’.

Disguise can certainly win a momentary goodwill, but two people together will be a long, long, long...very long thing. No lie can withstand the erosion of the years. Not only will you be very tired because of it, but you will be very tired of the other person. In terms of it, it is also a great harm.

   "Sister Xiaowen, is this your experience?"

   After Su Tang understood this concept, his eyes lit up: "Sure enough, it's different from the idol drama."


   Zhao Xiaowen was silent for a long time, and suddenly she didn't want to talk to her.

She has forgotten how long she hasn’t watched idol dramas, and sometimes she can’t figure out whether it is because she has grown up and experienced a lot of things, so she can’t enter those naive idol dramas, or because of the idols of the past few years. The drama is getting more and more rubbish...

   Possibly, both.


   "Tangtang, if you fall in love in the future, you must remember one thing."

Zhao Xiaowen said to her very seriously: “Don’t indulge in idol Don’t indulge in romantic novels, don’t believe in Weibo's remarks about love and the positioning of men and women in the relationship between the sexes. Those are all fake. Whoever believes is a fool...especially on Weibo. Those bloggers only have traffic and interests in their hearts. They don't care how many people their wrong values ​​will mislead. After all... this doesn't require them to be responsible.

However, we need to be responsible for our lives and feelings, so we have to act on our own feelings, instead of being influenced by foreign, unknowing values ​​and love views... If you like idol dramas, Then try hard to make your life a wonderful idol drama, chasing stars or something, after all, it is more meaningful than chasing yourself, what do you think? "

   "Hmm, sister Xiaowen, what you said is too reasonable."

   Su Tang nodded vigorously, his eyes shining.

at this time--

Li Shuya pushed the door and walked in, attracting the attention of the two female guests. Her eyes met. Her eyes stayed on Su Tang's face for two seconds. Then she looked away and said casually: "It's getting late, wash and sleep. Well, I have to go to work tomorrow."

   "Well, it is indeed time to sleep."

   Zhao Xiaowen looked down at her watch and nodded: "Then let's talk tomorrow, Tangtang~"


  Su Tang nodded. Although she still wants to continue talking with Xiaowen, she also knows that she can't affect the other person's rest. She can only ask for advice when she has the opportunity in the future.

   I have to say, Xiaowen is really a kind, gentle, lovely, patient, and enthusiastic young lady. If she is a boy, she will definitely like her, right?

  Think of boys... Su Tang suddenly excited.

   "Don't let Tang Su get too close to Sister Xiaowen, Sister Xiaowen is too attractive."

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