Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 120: Tang Wenjing makes friends

     About forty minutes, the interview is over.

   "You did a great job in the interview."

   Tang Wenjing looked at him and couldn't help but said, "If there is any news in the future, you can always ask me for an interview."

   "This... don't need it."

   Tang Su was embarrassed and felt that the other party’s words were very unlucky. It was a bit like a slogan like "You will come again" in a drugstore.

   He doesn't want something similar to happen again. For people like him who pursue low-key, it is still quite troublesome.

   Of course, he doesn’t regret it, because the rewards are really generous.

  'Fruit Eye' is enough to prevent him from buying bad fruits in his life, which greatly improves the quality of daily life.

   "You guys talk first, I'll sort the information."

   Tang Wenjing said, and then disappeared in a flash, leaving only Tang Su with a dumb face and Li Shuya waiting next to him.

   "She has always been like this."

   Li Shuyao explained, and then asked: "How did the interview go?"

"……I do not know what to say."

   Tang Su sorted out the words for a long time, and finally chose to give up: "Is her weird interview style useful? Does anyone really watch her interview?"

   "Yes, and many young people like to watch it. It is said to be a refreshing and joyous style unique to the new era."

   Li Shuya smiled and explained.

   Fresh and refined... It is indeed very fresh and refined, and the series of questions has made Tang Su a little unresponsive to this day.

   "What do you think of her interview?"

   Li Shuya asked again.

Tang Su thought for a while, and said, "If I were an audience, I would not have watched such an interview program. Although it is really interesting, but after careful consideration, you will find that there is nothing behind these brainless joys. to put it, this is like some online novels, under the guise of'daily essays', filled with a lot of pretending to be funny and meaningless daily life, it may be quite interesting to look at, but look After I was finished, I thought about it calmly and felt that I was lonely."

   He thought of the first book he wrote in his previous life, the one that was dressed in entertainment and dog food, and then wrote about the one that was filled with water every day...

   "Well, it's an entertainment show after all."

Li Shuya thought for a while, and said: "The current domestic Internet environment is like this. No one reads serious content, but those joyful and funny things are very popular... Young people live in such an era, it is impossible to watch those For serious interviews, they prefer to watch Tang Wenjing's interview shows that are not serious, playful, and satirize social phenomena without losing sight of rigor."

   "The main reason is that people are beautiful and lovable."

   Tang Su suddenly thought of something, and added.

He thought of a certain journalist who was popular on the Internet in his previous life. He was obviously a very rigorous news reporter. Most of the content was not the type that young people liked, but because of his beautiful appearance and sweet smile, he unexpectedly became popular, and then... was born. Dabo prides itself on the netizens who like to watch news the most.

   "Um... what you said makes sense."

   Li Shuya paused, thought for a while, and asked abruptly: "Do you know what level of coverage of Tang Wenjing's interview program is on the Internet?"

"do not know."

   Tang Su shook his head, frowning and guessing: "Mid-upper?"

   "is the most top-notch batch."

Li Shuyao said: "Don't look at her interview style is very nonsensical, but now young people like to eat this set. The B station that Su Tang talked about before, I have also learned that Tang Wenjing still has his own at station B As for the account, the number of fans is close to two million."

"so little?"

   Tang Su was a little disapproving: "Two million fans can only be considered ordinary, right?"

   "Do you think it is Weibo?"

Li Shuyao’s expression is a bit weird: “Weibo’s fans are very small, and it’s difficult for two million fans to generate too much value. But at station B, two million fans are still quite powerful. It’s about value output, influence output, and even A blogger who can surpass 20 million fans on Weibo..."

   Obviously, she has done enough homework.

   "That's really amazing."

   Tang Su nodded.

He didn’t know the concept of the two million fans at station B, because he had not paid attention to this thing. Although he also downloaded the app of station B on his mobile phone because of Sutang’s relationship, he usually used it to check it out. Watching the video of sand sculpture ghosts and animals, and the top-level customization technology of'Mitang Studio', I always salivate every time. When I opened the comment area, all my heartbeats stopped abruptly.

   Because the most popular comment in the comment area is impressively: This keyboard is not expensive, only 13 thousand.

   pulled far away——

Tang Su doesn’t know what the concept of two million fans at station B is, but how powerful a Weibo blogger with 20 million fans is, he has heard of it. This kind of heavyweight blogger is in the entire Weibo world. All have a very high right to speak, and ordinary netizens dare not offend (provided that the number of fans is not too watery).

   "So, with Tang Wenjing interviewing, even if my matter is completely resolved?"

   Tang Su asked.

   "If it goes well, it's almost like this."

   Li Shuyao didn't dare to pack tickets, just said: "Tang Wenjing is very good at handling this kind of things. If she can't even do it, it will be very difficult."

   Tang Su nodded and understood.

This matter is not a big deal. There are so many celebrities in the Internet era, and I don’t see how many people value it as much as myself. Those high-profile Internet celebrities are not so attractive... if they are really special If it is attractive, it will not rely on various grandstanding gimmicks and unlimited operations to gain traffic.


   Li Shuya thought of something suddenly, he hesitated, and whispered: "Tang Wenjing just said about the hot pot AA system, you'd better not rush to pay the bill, otherwise she will be unhappy."


   Tang Su is puzzled.

"That's right, Tang Wenjing doesn't like to connect work and life together. She thinks you are very interesting, so she wants to get to know you. This is a private matter has nothing to do with work, don't you I bought the order because she wanted to thank her for her help. Then she would feel that you only want to interact with her at work, but you are not interested in making friends with her..."

   Li Shuyao explained patiently.

   "Uh... there are such things."

   Tang Su suddenly nodded: "Okay, I understand."

   For Tang Wenjing, a girl... who doesn't know how to describe it, Tang Su would be very happy to make this friend.

The "predecessor Tang Su" has not many friends, and they are basically in the Internet industry, and there are almost no other industries. This makes it necessary for the "present Tang Su" to make as many friends and develop a network of friends as possible after coming over. Only in this way can they succeed in the society after graduation.

Tang Wenjing is an intern reporter in the news department of "Shangjing Magazine", but her leadership is very valued, and her own ability and Internet sense are very strong, and she will be a very powerful figure in the future. It is rare that people are interested in him. Tang Su Naturally, you will not miss this good opportunity to develop your friendship network.

   "Anything else to note?"

   Tang Su asked again.

"Although she looks very cute, she has a more male personality. So, don't think of her as a girl, and don't help or anything, unless she takes the initiative to speak... How do you say, get along with it casually, don't be too Just be polite."

   After Li Shuyao finished speaking, he thought for a while: "It should be gone for the time being. If I think of anything later, I'll add it."


   Is it okay to add more?

   Tang Su was a bit speechless, then he thought of Tang Wenjing mentioned by Li Shuyao, and then Su Tang...

How do you say   , if they know each other, maybe they can become good friends?

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