Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 140: What do rich people like?

Su Tang cried for a long time.

The crying Tang Su began to suspect that she might not have been moved, but touched some sad past.

‘Can’t see it, this little girl looks happy and carefree all day long, and she can't help but cry in tears when she thinks about it. She really knows people and doesn’t know her heart. ’

Tang Su sighed inwardly.

Then he felt that the phrase ‘knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart’ seemed inappropriate to use here... Forget it, let’s make do with it, no one knows anyway.


When she finished crying, the two began to talk about the first time they went to the house to give gifts.

"By the way, haven't you been there before?"

Su Tang asked with some doubts: "Your relationship is so good, don't you even visit your house during the holidays?"

This is very strange.

It stands to reason that Tang Su has such a good relationship with the ‘Su’s couple’, and the latter is kind to the former, so he should visit during the holidays.

But from Tang Su's words, it can be heard that this guy has never actively visited, so why?

"It stands to reason that it should be visited, but..."

Tang Su hesitated and said, "It's mainly because of some worries. I heard that they also have a baby girl. How bad is it if people misunderstand me? After all, I have no relationship with them. They treat me so well. Let their daughter know, it will inevitably feel uncomfortable, let's say..."


Su Tang pursed her mouth, suddenly there was another urge to burst into tears.

She thought to herself that her parents did not let Tang Su come to visit. They must have their own reasons and concerns, but they were definitely not afraid of misunderstanding the ‘baby girl’.

Those two are simply not parents. Every time they are disobedient and fail to do well in the exam, they will say, "Look at what Tang Su is doing, then look at you, what can't you do..." Now, do you still need to take care of her mood?

Su Tang felt that even if her parents suddenly told her one day that Tang Su was actually born, it was just that the water in the capital city was too deep. In order to cover people's eyes, he was given to the orphanage as a last resort, and she was adopted. , Is used to pull hatred... She didn't feel surprised at all.

Hmm... it doesn't matter if it's not a brother or sister, it doesn't matter whether it's yours or not.


Su Tang suddenly remembered that Tang Su was a little bit hesitant to say something just now, and there was clearly something after the word ‘say’. She couldn’t help asking, "What more?"


Tang Su shook his head, thinking about it, still felt that the following things should not be said, and there is no need to say.

Because that was the idea of ​​‘predecessor Tang Su’, not his idea.

"Predecessor Tang Su" is a very talented person, it is inevitable to be a little arrogant, that guy thinks, the Su and his wife are such powerful billionaires, and the number of people who give them gifts during the holidays is innumerable. There is no shortage of myself... I took the initiative to move forward, and was seen by outsiders, maybe I thought it was to curry favor with others.

So that guy thought about it, waiting for his future career success, he will make a name in Shangjing City, and then he will go to visit the door when the time comes, and the story inside will become a good story, Mr. and Mrs. Su The face is better.


how to say.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the thoughts of the'predecessor Tang Su' are a little naive, and the things they consider are quite naive.

If you think about it carefully, how are the Su family's efforts to help him and care about him so much? How can you be surprised by people's opinions?

Even if everyone thinks that the ‘predecessor Tang Su’ came to visit to build relationships, but as long as their hearts are open, that’s enough.

From this point of view, the idea of ​​the'predecessor Tang Su' is indeed a bit extreme and prejudiced.

But Tang Su didn't think so.

After inheriting the memories and emotions of the'predecessor Tang Su', he can understand some of the other party's... it's hard work.

The predecessor is actually a very low self-esteem. No matter how genius he is, even if he wraps himself up with a famous brand, he still can't hide the fact that he is an orphan.

A genius... well, genius, life is going too smoothly, so it’s easy to get into the corner. When the life path of'ex Tang Su' gets smoother and smoother, he will miss some challenging things more and more. , Or something you don’t have, such as family affection...

Tang Su has reason to suspect that the reason why the guy would interpenetrate with himself is probably the unscientific reaction produced by this strong desire. The more he grows, the deeper his obsession. When this obsession is infinitely amplified, perhaps It was caught by the'System King' and brought them a soul exchange...

Pulling away.

Closer to home.

Looking at Su Tang, who was constantly urging him to ask what he wanted to say, Tang Su shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just a small matter. You have time to gossip about this. Why don't you help me think about what to buy? Honestly, this is a real thing. It's stumping me. For such a wealthy family, I must have all the things I am interested in. I can't get the cheap ones, and I can't afford the expensive ones."

"You don't have to buy anything."

Su Tang said with complicated eyes: "As long as people go, they will be very happy."

This is the truth.

From Su Tang's point of view, with the importance of his parents to Tang Su, as long as this guy goes, he will definitely be very happy and grandly entertained. It doesn't matter whether he brings gifts or not.


Tang Su couldn't laugh or cry: "These are just polite remarks. In places like Shangjing City, traditional etiquette is still very important. It is somewhat impolite to visit the elders empty-handed, so you have to bring something."

"Then buy some fruit."

Su Tang said: "Just like you said, the couple are billionaires and there is basically no shortage of things they can buy. Unless you are giving away some limited-edition calligraphy and painting, antiques, jade, four treasures of the study... or Some things are bought with collection value and appreciation value, otherwise, everything is the same."

"Collection value? Appreciation value?"

Tang Su frowned and asked.

"Yes, rich people still quite like these."

Su Tang nodded: "The rich don't care whether the goods given by others are expensive, they only care whether the goods are popular or rare.

Rare goods with collectible value can make rich people happy, because if a friend visits, they will show off and gain the envy and admiration of friends...

Things with appreciation value are more auspicious for the rich.

You have to know that in this society, the fastest thing that depreciates is the currency we use every day. Ordinary people don’t care about inflation. It’s because inflation can hardly cause too much loss on themselves. Losing a few cents a day, it doesn’t feel at all. arrive.

But the rich are different. If the money in their hands cannot achieve high returns and high returns, huge depreciation will occur...

Therefore, the rich are extremely sensitive to the word ‘appreciation’. Maybe they don’t care about the value of the item after it’s appreciated, but as long as it knows that it can appreciate, they will be very happy. "


Tang Su suddenly realized that he looked at Su Tang with a slightly different gaze, and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "Although you are always stupid and cute, but you never expected to have this insightful insight. It's amazing. I underestimated you. ."

"Do you know? Huh~"

Su Tang raised her chin proudly, but then realized that something was wrong, and squinted her eyes: "Tang Su, you explain to me clearly, what is meant by'you are always stupid and cute all the time"? I suspect you are secretly again. Mock me."

Why is it ‘again’? I feel sad to think about it.

"No, you are thinking too much."

Tang Su calmly changed the topic: "Never mind the things that have collection value or appreciation value. With my current financial resources, I can't afford these things, and time doesn't allow, so the only choice left is to buy fruit? What do you think is better?"

He thought that Su Tang's remarks were quite reasonable, so he just continued to ask her for advice.

When buying fruits... Tang Su feels that he is completely OK. After all, he is a man with a "fruit eye", and this kind of trivial matter can't bother him at all.

"Buy mangoes."

Su Tang thought for a while, and said, "You pick some more mangoes, and then just carry them over."


Tang Su hesitated a little, wondering if he should believe her.

If he remembers correctly, mango seems to be Su Tang's favorite, right?

I went to the supermarket with her a few times, and she wanted to buy mangoes every time. Apart from mangoes, which are watermelons, oranges and lemons were also interesting, but she had no interest at all such as apples and bananas.

Tang Su has reason to suspect that the reason Su Tang recommends mango is purely because she likes to eat it.

"The rich really like to eat mangoes."

Seeing his somewhat suspicious eyes, Su Tang frowned and raised his chin deliberately, pretending to be contemptuous, "I may not be good at anything else, but I am definitely better than you in terms of understanding the rich."

She was very confident, because she knew that if Tang Su really knew what rich people liked, she would never ask her.

Tang Su doesn't understand or know, then he is a cute little white. As long as he stands in the'point of the rich', he can basically be invincible.

"Um... all right, I will believe you for the time being."

Tang Su thought for a long time and found that he had no other choice but to believe in Su Tang, so he nodded.

Seeing that he had decided to adopt his suggestion, Su Tang opened his eyes and smiled, but he was very happy.

However, no matter how she looked at it, Tang Su felt that her happy smile contained a bit of schadenfreude, and she didn't know if she had read it wrong.


nine in the morning.

At the previously agreed time, Tang Su carried a box of mangoes and walked towards the address given by'Aunt Li'.

Speaking of this box of mangoes... The box was personally selected by Su Tang, and the mango was personally selected by Tang Su. The address for the purchase was a well-known high-end fruit shop.

"Aunt Li" lives not in a villa area, but in a residential area with a high-end brand name.

Out of curiosity, Tang Su searched the house price on his mobile phone and found that the price of a house here seemed to be similar to the filming location of "Heartbeat". Immediately, he quietly exited the search page and put the phone back in his pocket. Pretend that nothing happened.

Tang Su was stopped by a security guard at the gate of the community and asked him why he was here. Tang Su replied: "I'm here to visit Ms. Li Lan. My name is Tang Su. You can call to ask."

There is no need to say the house number or anything. There are not many people living in this kind of place. People who travel a lot on weekdays are known to be safe. All you need to do is to say a name.

"Li Lan?"

The security guard was startled, and couldn’t help repeating the question: “Are you talking about visiting Li Lan? Are you the guest she invited? If not, then I can’t call to confirm. The owner of that group is You can't interrupt it casually."

It seems that Aunt Li in this community should be regarded as a relatively high-ranking owner, and the security guards of the property management dare not bother at will.

"Should be regarded as an invitation?"

Tang Su thought for a while and said, "Ms. Li Lan called me before and asked me to go to the house for dinner today. You can call and ask. If you don't want to call, I can call myself."

With that, Tang Su took out his mobile phone.

"It's better for me to fight."

The security stopped him, dialed the phone from the security booth, and said in a smiling tone: "Sister Wu, I am the little king who looks at the door. Someone came here and said that she was invited by Ms. Li Lan. Please help me to ask if there is anything like this, saying that it is called Tang Su...Oh, yes, I see, thank you."

hang up the phone.

The security guard looked at Tang Su with different gazes, and the smile on his face was much more enthusiastic than before: "Brother, the first time I met, face to face, don't mind, I have already called to confirm, you just go in directly."

"Uh...thank you."

The sudden enthusiasm of this guy made Tang Su a little unprepared. When he entered the gate, Tang Su turned his head and asked: "Thank you, please, Ms. Li Lan, besides being the owner of this place, does she have any other identity? are so polite to all the owners' visitors?"

I'm not at all polite to ask this.

"you do not know?"

The security guard was a little surprised at Tang Su's question. Seeing him, it seemed that he didn't know. After thinking about it, the security guard replied politely: "Ms. Li Lan is the owner of this community."

The owner of this community...


Tang Su tutted twice: "Okay, I see, thanks."

He suddenly discovered that although he overestimated the strength of Aunt Li and Uncle Su as much as possible, he still underestimated it a little, probably...this is the restriction brought by poverty.


Tang Su is different from his He doesn't have such a high spirit, and he doesn't have so many messy and naive thoughts.

His idea is very simple.

The Su and his wife are so kind to themselves, and they can treat them as relatives. If there is a place to help each other in the future, they must do their best and spare no effort to help. If they don’t have this ability, then be yourself. Things that can be done.

Other things are hard to say, at least be filial and respectful, and greetings and greetings every year and holidays, so that the two elders can be more happy, but it is still possible.

When he was in the car before, Su Tang once told him that there are not too many things that rich people are interested in. Basically, they are only interested in things with collection value and appreciation value, but Tang Su feels that these words It may also need to be polished, or something to be added.

The rich may not have that strong material needs anymore, but their emotional needs... are far from what can be changed by more money and less money. No matter how much money, they will still care about emotional regret or satisfaction.

In the face of emotion, everyone is equal.

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