Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 150: Personal style of the inviter and invitee

Su Tang's mood was not too bad, she was just a bit wronged. She was just trying to eat some mangoes, and she didn't mean to be tricky mother. How could she be said to be ignorant?

My mother was so cruel, she gave all the cut mangoes to her dad in front of her.

Dad was also very cruel, eating in front of her, not even leaving her with any skin.

The two also took turns to educate her, such a strong fatherly love and motherly love, so touched Su Tang almost cried on the spot.

She is indeed not in a bad mood now.

With her heartless character, on the way back, her mood has returned to calm, but when she saw Tang Su, she couldn't help but think of the education of her parents, and then she felt a little angry...but When she went upstairs and separated from Tang Su, she felt calm again.

This also led to the fact that when Li Shuyao and Zhao Xiaowen went upstairs, they saw Su Tang eating potato chips while holding a tablet to chase drama.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

Zhao Xiaowen sat next to her, while talking, looking down at her tablet, um...not surprisingly, the idol drama, titled "School Grass Will Not Like Such Girls".

"I'm in a good mood."

Su Tang looked up at her during her busy schedule, and handed the potato chips over: "Come on? It's salty, it's delicious."

"No way, it's easy to get thirsty by eating this at night."

Zhao Xiaowen waved her hand, and then asked: "Then you were at the door just now..."

She wanted to ask why the other party was talking to Tang Su like that. At first, she thought the two had quarreled because of some small conflict.

"It's okay, I just saw him getting angry."

Su Tang snorted coldly: "If the day after tomorrow's date is not him, I will kill him."

As she said, she clenched a fist, and the potato chips in her hand shattered instantly, then opened her small hand, raised her head and poured it all into her mouth...well, it can't be wasted.

‘Is this a new way to eat potato chips? ’

Zhao Xiaowen's eyes lit up, she wanted to ask, and she felt that Su Tang was a bit fierce at this time.

However, this method of eating potato chips is really cool, and I don’t know how she created it.


Su Tang suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked, "What is Tang Su's reaction afterwards? Shouldn't he be angry?"

Calm down and think about it, Tang Su is also quite innocent.

She was also a little impulsive at the time. If she could come again, she would definitely not lose her temper with Tang Su. If this incident affected Tang Su's impression of herself, it would be too late to cry.

"How is it possible? He is not as stingy as you."

Zhao Xiaowen shook her head: "He is quite worried about you, so I asked you if something happened to you."


Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little warm in her heart, but then she suddenly thought of something, turned her head to look at Zhao Xiaowen, and squinted her eyes: "Sister Xiaowen, what did you just say?"

"I said he was worried about you..."

"No, the last sentence."

"How is it possible? He didn't have you... Well, I was just kidding, you wouldn't take it seriously? No, no, wouldn't someone be so stingy?"

Li Shuyao stood up in silence and went out, closing the door for them by the way.

It was not easy for Zhao Xiaowen. In order to make Su Tang happy, she diverted her attention and dedicated herself heroically, using her body as bait.



On the night of the fifth day, the fifth heartbeat text message.

Tang Su thought for a long time and typed a lot of words before sending out this short message.

Not long after it was sent, he received a text message from a mysterious female guest:

Content: "Tangtang is not angry, and has not encountered any bad things, just because you are upset, she has already let go, if the day after tomorrow's date is not you, she will kill you... just figure it out. ."

This is obviously not made by Su Tang himself.

Zhao Xiaowen?

Just as Tang Su thought this way, he noticed that Zhou Huayu's cell phone was shaking, seemed that it wasn't Zhao Xiaowen, it could only be Li Shuyao.

It seemed that what Senior Sister Shuya said before was actually true. She really wanted to ask Su Tang instead of gloating.

The national good elder sister is touching.

As for the reason Li Shuyao sent him this text message... Tang Su glanced at the empty sofa seat opposite, knowing it clearly.

Senior Sister Shuya probably didn’t want to send him text messages every day, but there was no one else who could send them. Just... a good heartbeat text message was directly played by Senior Sister Shuya as a tool for transmitting information. It is estimated that the program group The mentality is about to collapse.

Wait a minute……

This does not seem to be the point. Shouldn’t the point be the content of the text message?

After returning to his senses, Tang Su's attention returned to the content of the text message, and then... he was a bit speechless.

The day after tomorrow’s date... It depends on whether she can get her own card. That should be her business. Why should I blame myself?

Tang Su had already figured out how to make the invitation card, and how to give Su Tang a hint.

He can even guarantee that as long as Su Tang sees her own invitation card, she can immediately recognize that it is the style that belongs to him and her in the whole cabin, but...the invitation card is randomly distributed to three female guests, she can It's hard to tell if you can't get it.

After all, there is only a one-third probability.

One third is 33.33%, rounded to zero...

Thinking of this, Tang Su felt a little sad.


At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated again, and another heart-warming text message appeared.

Tang Su returned to his senses and quickly tapped the screen several times to open the text message:

"I encountered something unhappy today, so I accidentally lost my temper at you. I'm very sorry, sorry (I have to say three times if it is important), please believe that this is definitely not the real me. People are obviously very cute and very cute. Gentle girl~ Oh, and tomorrow is the final preparation time for the "first date". You should be ready too? You must be more serious when making the invitation card. I am looking forward to having the privilege of working with you You spent the best day together, it's getting late, good night~"


Tang Su sucked in a cold breath.

What's the tone of this text message?

Tangtang, if you are kidnapped, blink, I will save you!

Tang Su felt that this text message was clearly not Su Tang's style. It was either her deeper disguise, or she had consulted an expert and deliberately created a gentle, lovely, modest and weak personality for herself.

How can a arrogant person take the initiative to apologize?

And ‘I’m obviously a very cute and gentle girl’...hehehe, gentle ass. I have known each other for five days, how many times have you stepped on me?

How can a gentle and lovely girl have such a weird habit of stepping on people's feet?

There is also the phrase ‘be careful when making invitation cards’, combined with the text messages of Sister Shuyao, this seemingly soft care is more like a threat.

You are going to kill me, can I be more serious?

Tang Su brand trembling.jpg

The first date... Seeing these words, Tang Su suddenly fell silent. If I remember correctly, this date seems to be the first date in his life and the other party's life (seeing friends does not count. Just referring to the meaning of dating), Su Tang is full of expectations for this, and he...

I don’t know why, when thinking of such a simple and lovely girl silently looking forward to a date with him, Tang Su suddenly felt that everything was not important. What kind of new ideas for dating scenes, dressing, and ambiguous scenes... …None of it matters.

Compared with the dating scene, the two sides of the date are the most important.

‘I’m also looking forward to...I will be fortunate to have a great day with you. ’

Tang Su closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then suddenly opened his eyes and found the blank envelope and white special invitation card that the program group had sent him.


When Zhou Huayu saw this, he immediately smiled: "My invitation card was made yesterday, and then I saw you were struggling all the time. I thought you had to wait until tomorrow night to start making it."

According to the rules of the game "Heartbeat", the anonymous envelopes of the male guests must be thrown into the three pre-prepared mailboxes on Friday night. The three female guests will be randomly selected by the three female guests. After that, the three female guests can exchange each other. Can refuse to exchange.

"The main reason is that there were a lot of things that I didn't want to understand before, but now I suddenly want to understand it."

Tang Su smiled helplessly, hesitated, and asked, "Is it convenient to see the invitation card you made? I'm looking for inspiration."


Zhou Huayu nodded and agreed casually: "Even if you don't mention this, I want to discuss it with you."

What to discuss?

Tang Su was startled, he had already got the answer before he could ask his doubts.

I saw Zhou Huayu take out the blank envelope from the computer bag. After opening it, he took out the invitation card. The pattern on it was... a big pot, and marine animals such as fish, shrimp, crab, etc. This fits his profession very well. : Operator of Ocean Restaurant.

"I kind of understand what you mean."

Tang Su thoughtfully: "You want to say, I hope I don't do topics related to cooking, so as to avoid creative crashes?"

After he came to "Heartbeat", the first impression he left on the female guests was the superb cooking skills of a master chef.

Zhou Huayu uses food as the creative theme of the invitation card. If Tang Su also uses this trick, it will inevitably cause their creativity to crash, which will cause some confusion to the female guests.


Zhou Huayu nodded: "To be honest, I have been in the chef industry since I was a part-time job in school. I have been in the industry for so many years. I can’t tell from you how much you love cooking, and when you communicate with us, you never mention cooking-related things. I guess you are not willing to make cooking a female guest to you. When you make an invitation card, you probably won’t be creative with food..."

He said it for a long time, thinking carefully, for fear that Tang Su would not understand it well.

At the end, Zhou Huayu hesitated and sighed: "Well, I'm telling the truth. Apart from cooking, I really don't have any skills that can make female guests shine, so I want to grasp it. This opportunity, if possible, I hope you can stagger with me... Of course, if you also do cooking related, then I have no objection."

It's very clear.


Tang Su lowered his head to think for a few seconds, then raised his head and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not planning to make an invitation card related to cooking. Just like you said, I really don’t have a passion for cooking. I don’t have any interest in the profession of chefs. Learning cooking is just to fill your stomach..."

"Yeah, I got it."

Zhou Huayu heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and then asked: "Then what theme style do you plan to do? My drawing skills are pretty good. If necessary, I can help you do it."

"No, the style I want is too simple, I don't need painting skills."

Tang Su shook his head, "Is there a black marker? One marker is enough."

Zhou Huayu really has no shortage of that stuff, so he found one for him directly from the computer bag.

Tang Su put his pure white invitation card on the table, opened the cap, pondered for a few seconds, and then...

After ten seconds, close the cap.

"That's it."

Tang Su returned the marker to Zhou Huayu, picked up the invitation card and blew the ink, then carefully stuffed it into the blank envelope.

During the whole process, Zhou Huayu was stunned.

"This is over?"

He looked dumbfounded.

Although I had guessed that Tang Su's creative style must be an unusual way, I never thought that this guy actually...


Tang Su nodded and said earnestly: "I want to understand, invitation cards are made to allow female guests to guess blindly. To put it bluntly, there are two points. One is related to the dating theme, and the other is to show the invitation. The person’s personal style...Looking at my card, it shows not only my own style, but also the style of the female guest I want to invite. That’s enough, isn’t it?"


Zhou Huayu had the intention to refute, but after another thought, he felt that what this guy said was fine.


His ‘personal style of the inviter’ and ‘personal style of the female guest who wants to invite’...I can't help but want to hammer him when he is seen by the other party?

Young people nowadays can really play.


at the same time.

Su Tang in the girl’s bedroom also received a heartbeat text message from Tang Su:

"Although I don’t know what happened to you matter what it is, don’t always think about carrying it by yourself. You still have friends, family, and me... If you need help If you do, just say it. It’s getting late, so hurry up and rest. Tomorrow is Friday, and there is still one day before the date. Get ready. I hope we can all be with the person who wants to date each other the most... Have the most meaningful day, good night."


Su Tang pursed her mouth, her heart warm.

Nothing happened to her, it was because of Tang Su that she was enthusiastically educated by her parents.

‘I hope we can spend the most meaningful day with the person who wants to date each other the most? ’

Are geniuses so tactful?

If you just say that you want to date her, don’t you just finish it, it’s really... hypocritical!

I didn’t eat the Xiaoshutang potato chips, nor did I watch the idol drama, hiding under the quilt, twisting and twisting, I was so excited to see people at the thought of a date right in front of my eyes!


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