Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 167: A new song for Su Tang; a gift in return

The eighth day of "Heartbeat", weekend, 8:30 in the evening.

In the living room.

The seven guests chatted with joy on the surface, but in fact they had their own thoughts.

Li Shuyao's mind was peaceful, sitting in a position where he could observe the audience, smiling and looking at everyone, tactically leaning back, she seemed to be watching a big show.

Liu Xinjie, who was sitting on her left side, stopped his eyes from time to time on Bai Shaobin. He could clearly feel a pressure in his heart. Bai Shaobin was too good. From the first impression, he seemed to be better than Tang Su and Zhou Huayu. To be much better, this kind of boy who seems to have come out of an idol drama is very popular with girls.

Zhou Huayu had a slight smile on his face, and it seemed that he was still calm, but both Tang Su and Li Shuya on the opposite side could notice that the smile on his face was obviously unnatural.

I can’t tell who this new male guest will be impressed with for the time being, but Zhao Xiaowen... is very impressed with him. Any fool can see this. If Zhou Huayu can still smile brightly at this time, then Damn it.

Tang Su didn't think too much. While observing Bai Shaobin calmly, he chatted with Su Tang one after another. When observing the other party, Tang Su could accurately notice that Bai Shaobin's eyes were often on Su Tang. Pause, even though he was hiding well, he still couldn't escape Tang Su's observation.

This made Tang Su frown and thought, "Is it possible that everyone likes fools these days?"

"Tang Su."

Su Tang shared one thing with him: "The restaurant where we went to eat today is delicious. Are you free tomorrow? Shall we go to eat together?"

A smile appeared on Bai Shaobin's face when he said this.

But when she finished speaking, the smile on Bai Shaobin's face suddenly froze, seeing everyone around him looking at him, for a moment, embarrassment poured into his heart.

Su Tang felt that the restaurant where he was eating this afternoon tasted very good, but he didn't plan to eat with him, but took the initiative to invite Tang Su... What this means, fools can see.


Tang Su thought for a while, and found that there seems to be nothing wrong tomorrow, so he nodded: "Okay, no problem, by the way, won't you work tomorrow?"

"Not working."

Su Tang has an expression of ‘why do I want to work’.


Tang Su nodded, looked up at the people, and found that they were all looking at him and Su Tang. First, he was taken aback, then he reacted, thought for a while, turned his head and said, "I have a big baby, do you want to take a look? "


Su Tang's eyes lit up.

"Let's go upstairs first and show you secretly."

Tang Su pointed to the stairs and said.


Su Tang nodded a little excitedly, and then followed.

In the living room.

Zhou Huayu:? ? ?

Li Shuyao:? ? ?

Zhao Xiaowen:? ? ?

Liu Xinjie:? ? ?

Bai Shaobin:? ? ?

They subconsciously felt that Tang Su was driving, but after thinking about it, they found it unrealistic.

"They are..."

Bai Shaobin hesitated and asked, "Is their relationship so good?"


Li Shuyao nodded: "The first day they came to the hut, they were sending text messages to each other, and they haven't stopped since."

It has been the eighth day since the beginning of "Heartbeat", and I have sent 7 heartbeat text messages.

In other words, Tang Su and Su Tang have been'love at first sight' when they first met, and have not been affected until now?

"So this is ah."

Bai Shaobin nodded lightly, the smile on his face narrowed a little.


The second floor.

"What big baby?"

Su Tang asked in a low voice with a curious look.

Does she really don't understand this stalk or is she pretending to be innocent?

Tang Su looked at her eyes. From her simple eyes, she didn’t find any information other than curiosity. At the moment, Tang Su looked back, found a guitar, and said, “That’s it, I’ll write to you. It’s a song that I spent my entire life painstakingly polished. In my opinion, it matches your style very well. Only you can be worthy of this supremely good song."

a song?

Su Tang was taken aback, and then a little suspicious: "You can write songs? Do you think I'm like a fool?"

‘It’s not like or not...’

Tang Su said silently in his heart, and said seriously on the face: "I'm not kidding, I really wrote a song for you. In fact, I also like music very much. I have tried to write songs by myself, but later because I didn't have enough Let’s just give up with more inspiration, but this time is different. When I met you, I had the urge to write a song for you. It took me a week to write this song. So... can you give me a chance to perform?"

He is trying to make himself look more serious and sincere.


Su Xiaotang is no longer the former Su Xiaotang. After being teased by Tang Su so many times, even a fool should learn to be shrewd.

Hearing Tang Su's "truth", Su Tang, instead of being moved, became more vigilant: "You want to make me angry again, don't you? Stop it, your little tricks can't hide me."


Tang Su was stunned, was silent for a long time, and sighed: "I originally wanted to sing for you, but I didn't expect that the trust between us has reached such a level, no matter how passionate I am. "

With that, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute……"

Su Tang looked at his "lost soul" back, hesitated for a few seconds, or called her back, thought for a while, and said: "For the sake of your sincerity, then I will give you a chance, if you If you really want to write a song for me, then I...thank you, but if not..."

Su Tang looked at him a few times, then stared at the surface of his feet.

‘In addition to stepping on your feet, what else can you do? Soft, without any deterrent. ’

Tang Su thought to himself, and then smiled. He picked up the guitar, picked up the bench, and placed it very close to the door, so that he could escape by himself...


Su Tang kicked the door, unscrewed the door lock, and then looked at Tang Su, "What do you think of me?"


Tang Su was silent for a few seconds and shook his head: "It's okay, I just think you look pretty, so I can't help but want to look more."

After realizing that he could not run away, he began to think of ways to pave the way for himself.

I thought to myself, I will praise the little girl fiercely, and she should be able to show mercy later, right?

I knew that I shouldn't fool her. I thought the little girl was a good fool, but who would have thought...she actually predicted all her actions.

I can't be so careless in the future.

Tang Su thought to himself, and then, sitting on a small stool, put his fingers on the guitar and tried the sound of the strings...

Playing the guitar is nothing too difficult. He had practiced it when he was in college in the previous life and it was not a big problem.

Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng...

A brisk prelude passed by and showed his face in front of Su Tang.


Su Tang suddenly looked forward to it. Just listening to this prelude, I feel pretty good~

Perhaps, as Tang Su said, this is a very good song, composed by his painstaking efforts and exhausting all his life...

Although the description is a bit exaggerated, but if this is really a good piece, then I questioned him just now, it is too bad.

When Su Tang felt a little ashamed, Tang Su said:


Ride on my beloved motorcycle, it will never get stuck in traffic~

Riding on my beloved scooter, I will be home soon~

It keeps me away from worries and sorrows, and it brings me back to the free paradise~

Come on, come on the road with me~


Su Tang:? ? ?

Seeing Tang Su who was performing so hard, Su Tang was a little dazed for a while, his head was blank, and all his memories were gone, all that was left was "Dudududududududu..."

The song is over.

Tang Su exhaled, then raised his head and smiled and asked, "Tangtang, how about this song? Does it match your style very well?"

Su Tang didn't speak, turned his head and looked around, as if looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

Tang Su was puzzled.

"It's okay, just wait for me."

Su Tang searched for a long time, and in the end, she simply took off a slipper and held it in her hand. When she turned her head to look at Tang Su, a ruthless light appeared in her beautiful eyes: "Are you kidding me?"

"You, what are you doing?"

Tang Su's face changed slightly.

"Fuck you!"

Su Tang rushed up with her slippers, she used practical actions to explain her thoughts.


After a few minutes.

Tang Su lay motionless on the ground, as if he had been sucked out of Yang Qi.

Su Tang blushed, lowered his head and put on his slippers, then opened the door and walked out. After walking out for less than five seconds, he suddenly came back, revealing a head, and warned, "Don't play me in the future."

After Su Tang left.

Tang Su got up from the ground and touched his neck subconsciously. He raised his hand and saw a touch of red. He was shocked. He quickly went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. After looking at it for a while, he stretched out his hand and rubbed it again, and found nothing. After feeling no pain, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I was shocked, thinking that my neck was bleeding...Huh? Why is this like a lipstick mark?"

The picture just now appeared in his mind.

When the two were fighting, Su Tang accidentally lay on her body, it was very soft, like a big fat cat, and...the lipstick mark seemed to accidentally hit him.

"What's the matter? Is it the first close contact?"

Tang Su shook his head and sighed, "That's all for intimate contact? Why are you hitting your neck? Have the ability to hit your mouth."

While talking, he was ready to wipe off the lipstick mark on his neck with water.

The shame is that he hesitated when applying lipstick marks. After all, it was the first mark of Xiaoshutang, which felt quite important.

But if you don't wipe it, the location is so obvious, you will definitely be seen by others, and then he and Xiao Su Tang will face embarrassing scenes.


Tang Su took out his 100-megapixel home-made mobile phone, adjusted the lighting, focused, and then took pictures as a souvenir before erasing the lipstick mark.

Regarding the matter of taking pictures and preserving himself, Tang Su explained himself in this way: "This is evidence that Su Xiaotang has forcibly assaulted herself. If Su Xiaotang does not admit it, there are photos as evidence."

After finishing the lipstick mark, I picked up the guitar and when I was about to put it back in place, I saw the laptop next to me, and suddenly startled: "I almost forgot this."


The "big baby" he wanted to show Su Tang was not "riding my beloved little motorcycle", but a good design drawing he just copied from the [high-end mechanical keyboard design]. This design The picture has several attractive features:

Good structure, high consistency, low cost, high mass production yield, simple disassembly and assembly...

In general, this design drawing can solve the current dilemma of ‘Mitang Studio’.

The'new high-end structure' can achieve customized feel, sound consistency, relatively low cost, high yield rate, and the price of 1,000 yuan for volume product brands can be achieved, and the'easy disassembly' can meet two points One is to reduce the difficulty of maintenance, and the other is to satisfy consumers who like their own diy.

According to Tang Su’s exploration of the'mechanical keyboard consumer market' in the past few days, if we really follow this design drawing and carry out marketing operations with good financial resources, it will definitely become a dark horse in the mechanical keyboard market, not only Can break through the predicament, but also directly step on the heads of all major mass-producers, and become the so-called: debut is the pinnacle.

Unfortunately, Su Xiaotang ran away.

"Then I can only give her another chance next time."

Tang Su thought for a while, and felt that this matter was not in a hurry.

According to the work arrangement of the'Mitang Studio', the next step will be to make a new semi-mass production and semi-customized keyboard to test the water. The time is this year's Qixi Festival, um... it was his experience in the Sutang office The two of them.

After that, there will be unlimited pre-sales starting in early July, and 75% of the new keyboards shipped in December are the theme of the vlog issue they shot before.

After these two projects are completed, based on market feedback, consider whether to continue the semi-mass production route or return to the high-end customized circle.

In other words, even if Tang Su handed over this design to Su Tang now, she would not be able to use it for the time being.

There are already prototypes of the "Chinese Valentine's Day" and "Male God" models. It is only a matter of time before mass production. And this is the business plan of "Mitang Studio". It is impossible because he gave a better looking one. Drawings, all previous efforts were wasted...

So... don't worry, give it later.


"I've said it's a gift in return. At least I have to wait until I get the gift she prepared for me before I can give it back to her as a gift, right?"

Tang Su wondered, if he first gave her the ‘returned’ gift, wouldn’t he slap her in the face?

The little girl is now exposing her nature and becoming more and more fierce. It's okay to tease her occasionally. If it really makes her hairy, it will be a headache.


Put the notebook in, and then went downstairs.

The atmosphere in the living room was still a bit weird. After Su Tang went downstairs, he returned to Tang Su's previous position and sat down. Only two places on the couch were left for Tang Su.

Tang Su sat down here.

"Tang Su, what do you do?"

Bai Shaobin asked suddenly: "I forgot to ask just now."

"I'm a student, and I don't have a job yet."

Tang Su responded lightly.

Regarding the ‘Simi Studio’ matter, Tang Su did not intend to mention it.

For one thing, it seemed a bit of a show of meaning to mention this by myself.

Secondly, this is not a secret, as Bai Shaobin will know if he "compensates" the first two issues of "Heartbeat".

"That's it."

Bai Shaobin nodded thoughtfully, and then did not take the initiative to speak to him, but started talking with several other guests.

What surprised Tang Su was that Bai Shaobin, who had previously been ‘suspected’ having a crush on Su Tang, had a pleasant conversation with Li Shuyao at this moment. There was no tendency for anyone to take the initiative to please others. It was purely about meeting him.

As for Zhao Xiaowen?

Tang Su glanced at Zhao Xiaowen, then quickly withdrew his gaze.

He is sitting next to Zhao Xiaowen. It is not very convenient to look at the other party from this angle. If he is still sitting in the previous position, he can use the ‘observer’ perspective to see the reactions of the people, and then analyze some results.

It's all because of a little idiot who took such a good position like a puff.

Thinking of this, Tang Su raised his head and looked at Su Tang not far from his left hand, and found that the other person was also looking at him. The two looked at each other for a long time, with a strong sense of "who blinks first, who is the dog".

Tang Su thought for a few seconds, and his heart moved. Then, he raised his eyebrows at Su Tang first, and after successfully attracting the other party's attention, he started playing cross-eyed...


The little crispy candy with a super low smile laughed so loudly on the spot that everyone was shocked.

"Tangtang, what are you laughing at all of a sudden? Did you think of some happy past?"

Tang Su asked curiously.

Not only Tang Su, but several other guests looked at Su Tang curiously, wondering why she suddenly smiled so happily, looking a little nervous.


Su Tang was embarrassed and anxious, glared at him, then stood up and ran to the second floor without saying a word.


This is definitely Tang Su's revenge!

As Su Tang ran, he secretly recorded this matter in his "remembering book" in his heart.

Tang Su may not know that apart from her particularly good memory of "eating", her memory of "keeping grudges" is also not bad.


In the living room.

"She always does this, don't worry about her."

Facing the curiosity of everyone, Tang Su smiled, and explained to Su Tang in the tone of "I am very familiar with her" while standing up and sitting on the solo sofa that Su Tang left. When I looked up, I could easily catch the reactions of Li Shuyao, Liu Xinjie, Bai Shaobin, and Zhao Xiaowen in my eyes, and immediately felt comfortable.

Sure enough, the position of the ‘observer’ is more comfortable.

As for Zhou Huayu?

There is no need to observe this. This is not within the scope of Tang Su's'necessary observation'.

‘Now I’m three women and four men, my heartbeat message tonight... I don’t know what kind of scenery it will be, maybe it will really be as expected by the show crew...’

Tang Su silently observed the four people in front of him, while blindly guessing in his heart.

As for yourself?

Tang Su wasn't very worried about him. Just kidding, the small crispy candy has imprinted on him, can he still send text messages to others?

Regardless of the changes this time, he is stable anyway.

This is also the biggest reason why Tang Su can sit here leisurely.

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