Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 181: Dog food must be delivered to your door

At dinner--

   Except for Li Shuyao and Bai Shaobin, all the other five guests were here.

   is still the original seat.

   Tang Su and Su Tang sit on the side, next to an empty seat that originally belonged to Li Shuyao.

   Liu Xinjie sat opposite the empty seat, Zhou Huayu sat next to him, and Zhao Xiaowen sat next to Zhou Huayu.

   "Why didn't Li Shuyao and Bai Shaobin come back?"

   When Zhao Xiaowen saw no one in the two positions, she was suddenly a little confused.

   "I heard from the program group before that they are eating out tonight, not eating with us."

   Tang Su said while observing Zhao Xiaowen's expression.

   Compared with when she first came back in the afternoon, Zhao Xiaowen's mood was obviously much better. She calmed down in the room for more than an hour, and it seemed that the effect was pretty good.

   this moment.

   When Tang Su said that Bai Shaobin and Li Shuya were eating out together, Zhao Xiaowen just nodded, without any extra emotions.

   Of course, it may also be that her expression management is better, which makes Tang Su unable to accurately judge his emotions.

   Zhou Huayu sat next to her and didn't take the initiative to greet her. Zhao Xiaowen did the same. The relationship between the two seemed a little delicate.

   "Hurry up and eat, it's not too early now."

   Tang Su said.

While    was speaking, he took a piece of chicken wings to Su Tang, and Su Tang quickly followed it up with a bowl, and then bowed his head to dry the rice.

   Liu Xinjie glanced at him, and then took the dishes to eat by himself with no expression on his face.

   This is not the first time that Tang Su and Su Tang have done this kind of thing. Except for the slight blockage, Liu Xinjie has no more emotions.

   His anti-drug ability has improved significantly.

   Zhao Xiaowen and Zhou Huayu both took their own dishes, and then bowed their heads to eat.

   This meal's quiet and weird.

   Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen, who used to like to reconcile the atmosphere, have their own minds at this moment, and neither of them has the intention to reconcile the atmosphere.

   Tang Su and Su Tang opened the two-way interactive mode of ‘you help me pick food, I help you pick food’.

   Liu Xinjie... He often accompanies loneliness and is used to it.

   was quiet for a few minutes——

Tang Su felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, so he planned to find a topic that everyone was interested in to reconcile the atmosphere. After thinking about it, he said: "As mentioned by the program group before, it is said that there will be a fourth female guest in two days. Come, tell me, what kind of person will this fourth female guest be?"

  The fourth female guest?

Su Tang heard these words actually came out of Tang Su's mouth, immediately stopped chewing, turned to look at Tang Su, with a bit of inquiries in his smart eyes, as if asking him: You are so expecting the first What happened to the four female guests? Are you dissatisfied with Lao Tzu?

   Tang Su stretched out his left hand, calmly stroked the back of her chopsticks, patted it, and at the same time gestured with his eyes: Peace of mind, I'm just looking for a topic to ease the atmosphere.

   Then, he took another piece of chicken thigh and put it in the Sutang bowl, and whispered, "Eat more."


  Su Tang thought for a while, then lowered his head to continue eating.

   Although there is a lot of "communication" between them, it seems that only the two of them can receive this special frequency. The three people on the opposite side did not notice the tacit understanding between them, and only saw Tang Su helping Su Tang with food.

   "The fourth female guest, I was looking forward to it."

   Liu Xinjie smiled and said casually: "This should be the last guest. After she comes, "Heartbeat" will enter the mid-to-late stage, and then... it's not far from the end."

   He seemed to be smiling, but he still couldn't hide the tiredness in his tone.

   Participating in the show "Heartbeat" can almost be said to be the last thing he regrets this year.

   I thought that with his own appearance and some conditions, he could easily get the favor of female guests and create a very good image, which would be of great help to his future career.

   As a result, for eight days in a row, he only received a heartbeat text message, and it was only an encouragement, not a heartbeat.

   The plan of "getting the favor of female guests" was a big failure. The only hope he could keep going was the last female guest.

   As for "creating a very good image", this plan is a direct failure. Look at the online controversy caused by him. Liu Xinjie does not think that such a big controversy can be regarded as a good thing for him.

   It can be said that all the arrangements that he and the small team behind have planned before have ended in failure.

   But because the show has already started, even if Liu Xinjie is embarrassed to stay here, he can only choose to stay here instead of just quitting.

  唔... I almost forgot, "Heartbeat" was signed a contract, if you choose not to do it, you will have to pay a high penalty.

   "I also look forward to the fourth female guest."

   Tang Su said casually, and then turned around and asked Zhou Huayu: "What about you?"

"I am looking forward too."

Zhou Huayu thought for a while, and said with a chuckle: "It has only been less than ten days. When the fourth female guest arrives, there should be seventeen or eighteen days. There is a chance to get to know each other well, although I was in a hurry, but I think...this is also a good opportunity. If you miss "Heartbeat", then I am afraid it will be difficult to have such an opportunity again."

   I don't know if he really thinks this way, or deliberately **** off with Zhao Xiaowen.

   Tang Su sat opposite them, and could clearly see that when Zhou Huayu finished this passage, Zhao Xiaowen's expression was obviously a little unnatural. Although she concealed it well, she was still keenly caught by Tang Su.

   This is enough to show that Zhao Xiaowen still cares about Zhou Huayu, but it may be difficult for her to make a trade-off between Zhou Huayu and Bai Shaobin for the time being.


   With this meal, the feeling of eating to the mouth is not the meal, but the scheming and routine.

   Until the dinner was over, Tang Su still felt endless aftertaste when he recalled the "Game" on the dinner table.

   Liu Xinjie still looks like a transparent person. Although he worked hard to brush up his sense of existence, even though he was the person who talked the most during the dinner, he was still marginalized when Tang Su recalled the "dining table details".

   Zhou Huayu’s performance, Zhao Xiaowen’s performance, and then think about that Bai Shaobin who is not present, and Li Shuyao who is dating Bai Shaobin...

   Tsk tusk, a lively drama.

   As for myself and Su Tang...

   Tang Su, sitting on the sofa in the living room, glanced at the side while holding the remote control, occasionally looked up at the TV, and then bowed his head to the little crispy candy...

  唔, it's really knocking sugar.

   What kind of imported chocolate toffee is said to be, in short, it sounds amazing.

   "Hey, you eat like this every day, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

   Tang Su couldn't help asking.

Recalling carefully, in his impression of Su Tang, in addition to being "not too smart", the most important thing is "the essence of food". Whenever I chat with her, the most talked topics are basically related to eating. , Her little belly, it seems that it will never be full.

   "Don't be afraid."

  Su Tang glanced at him, then shook his head: "Maybe my physique is better, I can't eat fat."


   Tang Su shook his head, suddenly didn't want to talk to her.

   But Su Tang rubbed his position toward this side, and then put a piece of peeled toffee beside his mouth. He didn't ask whether to eat it or not, but instead planned to put it in directly.


   Tang Su glanced at her coldly.

   "What are you looking at? Eat."

   Su Tang looked speechless: "Don't think I don't understand your routine, don't I just want to eat, and I'm embarrassed? It's okay, with our relationship, you don't need to feel embarrassed, just eat as you want."

   Did I mean this? ? ?

   Tang Su just wanted to speak, a toffee fell into his mouth, and then...

   "It's delicious, let's have another piece."

   At this moment, Tang Su suddenly felt that such a thing as ‘spine strength’ was actually not as worth holding on as he imagined.

  While watching a certain sketch program on TV, while enjoying the feeding of Su Tang, the whole person is very comfortable.

   "By the way, how much did you buy this?"

   He suddenly thought of something and asked.

   "I don’t know, I don’t even look at the price when I buy snacks, but there seems to be a label on it, I’m Kangkang~"

   Su Tang shook his head, then picked up the box and found the price tag sticker under the light: "It says 499 yuan on it."


   Tang Su was taken aback for a moment, took it over and took a look, uh...499 yuan/350g.

   He was silent suddenly.

   You **** can really eat it.


   Tang Su and Su Tang are watching TV in the living room, Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen are washing dishes and tidying up kitchen utensils in the kitchen. As for Liu Xinjie...

   With hindsight, he no longer wants to be an electric light bulb in the kitchen.

   Tang Su and Su Tang didn't mind this light bulb, but the light bulb couldn't hold up their dog food offensive.

   Therefore, less than two minutes after Liu Xinjie came to the living room, he found an excuse to sneak out, saying that he wanted to go to the rooftop to see the stars.

   "He seems to be very interested in astronomy."

   Su Tang thought about it for a long time, and then said suddenly.

   "Um... you make sense."

   Tang Su could see it, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he echoed Su Tang and expressed his agreement with her.

   Truth is actually not important in many cases.

   About half an hour later——

   Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen walked out of the kitchen.

Obviously it does not take half an hour to clean up the kitchen. When they are in the kitchen, they should not only talk about themselves and each other, but also talk about themselves and each other. .

   "Are you guys coming over to watch TV together?"

   Tang Su sent an invitation to them.

  Su Tang sat next to him and took out a box of chocolate candies: "Can you eat candy? It's delicious."

Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen looked at the sound and saw the two people sitting on the couch. The large couch was large enough to accommodate four or five people, but they were sitting together, the distance between them was no more than 5 cm. , Physical contact can happen even if you raise your arm...

   Seeing this scene, they suddenly recalled the famous scene of the two people eating food at the restaurant just now...

   "No, no, I plan to go out for a walk."

   Zhao Xiaowen waved her hand quickly.

When I ate just now, although she was in a bad mood, she had a good appetite. After all, the meal was really delicious. It was much better than the food in the ordinary restaurants outside. So, when she was not in a good mood, she also had a good appetite. Ate two large bowls.

   I'm quite full, so I don't have the appetite to sit here and continue to eat dog food.

   "I... I also go for a walk."

   Zhou Huayu didn't want to sit with them and watch TV, just found a reason, and then walked around them and walked outside the door.

that's all--

   Tang Su and Su Tang are left in the living room again.


Su Tang looked at the backs of them leaving, tilted his head and thought for a while, and suddenly burped, only then realized that he was full again. After thinking about it, he turned his head and suggested to Tang Su, "Let's go out for a break too. Take a walk?"


   Tang Su did not refuse, because he also had such thoughts.

In the half-hour just sitting here, Su Tang not only ate himself, but also constantly fed him. Tang Su even ate more than Su Tang. Every time Su Tang ate certain snacks, he was a little bit tired. At that time, he will feed all the rest...


the other side.

   Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen are taking a walk.

   "I finally got rid of them."

   Zhou Huayu sighed.

I don’t know what happened in these two days. It’s okay to see Su Tang and Tang Su is okay. But when I see them staying together, there is an urge to turn around and run away, especially when I am full. The situation is even more so.

   "Sometimes I envy them."

   Zhao Xiaowen sighed: "Compared to us who are mature, they appear very simple and pure. For them, like is like, dislike is disliked. There is no need to have any worries, and no need to consider practical factors."

   Tang Su and Su Tang, probably belong to the kind of "love at first sight" situation.

Both of them have very high looks, they are about the same age, and they get along very well. Tang Su is very patient with Su Tang, and Su Tang is single-minded to Tang Su. Even if Bai Shaobin appeared, they did not shake the progress of their relationship. Instead, it promotes feelings.

   Speaking of it.

   Zhou Huayu is also very envious of them, envious of the tacit understanding and trust between them.

   When the three female guests went on a date with the new male guest, Tang Su’s performance was definitely the most natural of the three male guests. He had not worried about anything, and even made dinner with great interest.

Even after seeing the fourth male guest’s good looks, gentlemanly elegant conversation and erudition, he also behaved very relaxed and casual, and did not regard the other party as an enemy. It’s okay to say that he is very nervous, say yes. I believe too much in the warming of the relationship between the two, but after all... he is still the winner.

   But Zhou Huayu can't do it. He lacks trust in Zhao Xiaowen. The relationship between the two parties seems to be progressing well, but it is difficult for him to get a sense of security from the other party.

   and the facts have proved--

   Zhao Xiaowen is indeed not worthy of his trust.

   Zhou Huayu's mood is a bit complicated. He wants to give up and feels too pity, but if he doesn't give up, he doesn't know how to save it.

   "What do you think of Bai Shaobin?"

   Zhao Xiaowen asked suddenly.

Zhou Huayu was taken aback, never expected that Zhao Xiaowen would actually ask him this question. He raised his head and met the other person’s eyes without much emotion. He thought for a while and said frankly: "Although the contact is not deep, you can still feel it. He is very good. Compared to me, he has higher education, more knowledge, looks handsome, is a little younger, and has better family background. Compared to Tang Su...he also has a lot of talents. Advantage."

   "Yes, very good."

Zhao Xiaowen nodded, and then said: "It is precisely because he is very good that I want to get in touch with him. When I first participated in "Heartbeat", I didn't think too much about it, but after being introduced by a friend, I thought it was quite fun. So I participated. But from the beginning to the present, I feel more and more that "Heartbeat" is more like a trip to me. I can meet some people who have never met before, and I can see my heart clearly. . So... I also want to pursue some things. Success or failure is actually not important. The important thing is that I cannot let this trip bring me regrets."

   Hearing this, Zhou Huayu was silent for a long time.

   At the beginning, he did feel a little uncomfortable because of Zhao Xiaowen's rapid change of attitude, but now that I think about it, maybe he cared too much.

Thinking about it carefully, the two did not make any promises, even confession, just feel that it is more comfortable to get along with each other, but... this actually doesn’t mean anything. There are many people who are comfortable with each other. Who can you associate with if you can?

   Being comfortable with each other can only be said that both parties have the possibility of becoming friends, nothing more.

   The reason why Zhou Huayu has this mentality is that they have different positioning and expectations for this relationship.

   In Zhou Huayu's view, he really gets along with each other, hoping to keep walking with him.

   But Zhao Xiaowen feels that "Heartbeat" is just a journey. What she wants is not harvest, but experience, or in other words, a very interesting scenery.

  In Zhao Xiaowen's cognition——

Participating in "Heartbeat" is like traveling to a city. You can’t just stay here just because one scenic spot is good. You have to take advantage of the travel time and visit all the scenic spots, so that you can draw a conclusion: the city What are the best attractions and what are the characteristics of each.

"I see."

Zhou Huayu nodded: "What you said makes sense. In fact, the result of the journey of "Heartbeat" is not the most important. The most important thing is this experience. At the same time, it is also the true inner thoughts confirmed after this experience. Enlighten yourself."

   may be self-deception, maybe I really want to understand.

   In short, after talking with Zhao Xiaowen about this, he felt a lot more relaxed, without the initial depression.

   "There will be a fourth female guest coming soon, and the last guest... I am looking forward to it after thinking about it."

   Zhao Xiaowen changed the subject.

   "Hope is a beautiful landscape."

   Zhou Huayu also smiled.

   Looking at the two of them at the moment, there is a sense of "smile and enmity".

  唔, these five words don't seem to be appropriate, anyway, they basically mean the same thing, you know everything.

   "Do you think Tang Su and Su Tang can go to the end?"

   Zhao Xiaowen turned to ask him.

   "I think it should be possible."

Zhou Huayu thought for a while: "I can roughly know Tang Su's thoughts. He really likes Su Tang. Otherwise, with his hot outside and cold inside, he would definitely not accompany Su Tang to do something... Childish things."

   "Hot outside and cold inside?"

   Zhao Xiaowen was curious, she heard this statement for the first time.

Compared with the four words "hot outside and cold inside", "hot outside and hot inside" is the most familiar way to describe the public. It roughly means that a person is serious, fierce, and bad-tempered on the surface, but in fact he is particularly enthusiastic and kind. People.

   But if this statement is reversed, Zhao Xiaowen would be a little bit... hard to imagine.

   "Tang Su, what do you say."

Zhou Huayu thought for a while: "I have experienced many things over the years, and I have met many people. I still have some experience in seeing people. On the surface, Tang Su is very polite to anyone, and you will not refuse him if you ask him to help. He has a good-tempered appearance, but it is only limited to this. Really wanting to be his friend... It can be said to be as difficult as the sky. I don’t know why a person of his character would participate in the "Heartbeat" file. Show, but..."

   He didn't finish what he said, but Zhao Xiaowen already understood what he meant.

   "With Tang Su's personality, being able to spoil Su Tang like this is indeed a real move."

Zhao Xiaowen nodded: "This can be more assured. Su Tang is often quite naive, a little stupid, and she is so beautiful. I am worried that she will be killed. cheat……"

   The two chatted with each other.

Regarding the relationship between the two sides, until now, the two sides have tacitly avoided talking. During the walk, the most talked topics were nothing more than Tang Su, Su Tang, Li Shuyao, Bai Shaobin, and the upcoming final. A guest...

   I was tired from walking, so I found a place to sit and rest.

   "Don't you go back to the living room?"

   Zhou Huayu asked.

   "Why are you going back? See them show their affection?"

   Zhao Xiaowen glanced at him and said casually.


   Zhou Huayu nodded, thinking of going back and sitting on the soft and comfortable sofa to watch them show their affection, he suddenly felt that this hard park chair was also quite comfortable.


   "Huh? You are here!"

   A crisp, sweet, familiar voice with a little surprise and surprise sounded.

   The two subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and they saw Tang Su and Su Tang walking over under the light of the street lamp, and they were holding hands...

   Zhao Xiaowen:? ? ?

   Zhou Huayu:? ? ?

   Two people feel numb scalp at the same time, what do you mean? Don't want to go back to eat dog food, you two just deliver it to your door?

   is too much! ! !

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