Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 195: The 11th heartbeat text message; see if you are not pleasing to the eye, have you not.

The heartbeat text message comes in time——

   Here in the boys’ bedroom, Bai Shaobin’s cell phone vibrated first. He picked it up and checked, and then the smile on his face became stronger.

   If nothing else, he should have guessed the identity of the sender, and he has a good impression.

who can that be?

   Tang Su already had guesses in his heart.


   Just then, another vibration sounded.

   Tang Su went to look for reputation, and then found that the vibration was coming from Zhou Huayu's cell phone, which surprised him a little.

   It's been a long time since Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen emmm...

   Zhou Huayu is not a Neptune physique, and he is not interested in developing in the direction of Neptune. How can I say it is a bit of Buddhism.

Tang Su noticed that Zhou Huayu was also a little surprised after discovering that the vibration was coming from him. He probably didn't expect it. Then he opened his brows slightly, and turned off the phone. He didn't seem very happy. Look like.'s hard to judge the identity of the sender.


   The third vibrating sound came from Tang Su’s mobile phone. He took it out to check:

   "Ahem, your performance today, I am very satisfied, please continue to work hard in the future, don't relax, thank you for this."

  唔, is it role-playing again?

   What did she mean when she said "Today's performance is very satisfactory"?

   Can you confess? Or is it...put her down on the lawn?

   Tang Su fell into deep thought.


   So far, there have been three heartbeat text messages from the female guests.

   To make a simple analysis based on the routines that often appear in variety shows, the three female guests should be Su Tang, Li Shuyao, and Zhao Xiaowen. As the fourth girl who came last, Zhang Xiaoying, her text messages should be the last to appear.

   What is this called?

   Oh yes, pave the way, pull suspense.

   First pull the sense of expectation, and then announce the heartbeat text of the fourth girl, so as to satisfy the audience who like to be caught...Bah, like the process of curiosity→reason→answer.

   The heartbeat text messages of the first three girls were sent to Tang Su, Bai Shaobin, and Zhou Huayu.

   The one sent to Tang Su must be Su Tang, and the one sent to Bai Shaobin may be Zhao Xiaowen or Li Shuyao, but most likely it is the latter, because Li Shuyao cannot send a text message to Zhou Huayu.

  So... Is this Zhao Xiaowen planning to abandon Bai Shaobin and return to the original state with Zhou Huayu?

Thinking of this, and reminiscent of Zhou Huayu’s frowning expression just now, Tang Su felt a bit dramatic. If Zhao Xiaowen hadn’t played this one, the relationship between the two would have been very stable, but it’s not good now... Forget it, everyone. With everyone's ideas, there is no need to impose one's own understanding on others.

   Continue to return to the "observer" perspective——

   The heartbeat text messages of the first three girls have had results, and only the last girl—Zhang Xiaoying is left.

   Who will Zhang Xiaoying send to?

Tang Su calmly looked at the three of them, Bai Shaobin and Zhou Huayu did not show any look of expectation. The former took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet, and the latter was a little dazed. Maybe it was because of Zhao Xiaowen’s text message. , And Liu Xinjie... He stared at the phone without blinking, his nervousness couldn't hide.

Thinking of his misery in the past ten days, and thinking of his extraordinary hard work and enthusiasm today, Tang Su felt that this guy was really not easy, and if he had this kind of experience, he might just lie flat, alas, I hope he won’t be disappointed again, otherwise, maybe the day after tomorrow, he will pack his things and embark on the drive back to his hometown...

   right now.


   The mobile phone vibrated, and Tang Su subconsciously looked at the sound and saw that it was actually coming from Liu Xinjie's direction.

'No way? ’

Tang Su was a little surprised. When he turned his head to look at Bai Shaobin and Zhou Huayu, the two of them also showed a little astonishment. Perhaps even they did not expect that Zhang Xiaoying’s text message would actually be sent to Liu Xinjie. After all, this guy’s hope It's really a bit slim.

After looking back, Tang Su felt a little relieved. Liu Xinjie has used all of his energy today to exchange for Zhang Xiaoying’s first heart-warming text message after she moved into the cabin. It is not a waste of thoughts. As for how to develop in the future , Then it is not predictable.

"Ha ha ha ha."

   Liu Xinjie didn't think of it himself, or he didn't even dare to think about it. The surprise came so quickly that he was a little unprepared.

After    reacted, he hurriedly clicked on the text message reminder on his mobile phone, read the content word by word, and then couldn't help laughing.


the other side.

   Girls' bedroom.

   Four girls are sitting on the sofa.

Zhao Xiaowen and Li Shuya sat face-to-face on the single sofa. The former was a little preoccupied, while the latter seemed very calm. They even took out the manuscript and looked at it with great interest. Whether you can get a good manuscript is one aspect. It is also important to increase your reading volume.

   Su Tang and Zhang Xiaoying sat on the couch, holding hands, looking very intimate.

   It's hard to imagine, they have only met for less than two hours.

   Is this the friendship between girls and girls?


   The phone vibrates.

   The voice came from Su Tang's phone. She glanced at the phone subconsciously, then silently released Zhang Xiaoying's hand and moved her position calmly.

   "What's the matter? Afraid of being seen?"

   Zhang Xiaoying joked.

   Heartbeat text messages are actually not considered privacy. After all, millions of viewers across the country will see when the program is broadcast...


   Su Tang shook his head: "That guy's text message is a bit sloppy, otherwise I will show it to you."

   Not serious?

   Upon hearing these three words, not only Zhang Xiaoying but also Zhao Xiaowen who was in a daze and Li Shuyao who was reading the manuscript couldn't help but look at her.

   Eating melons is probably the essence of human beings.


Seeing that the eyes of the three girls were not right, Su Tang immediately reacted, her pretty face turned red, and she hurriedly shook her hands: "I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say that the text messages I received were more everyday and nothing special. Meaning, just... there is no need to look at it."

   She seems to have explained, but again it seems that there is no.


   Just when Zhang Xiaoying still wanted to ask, another vibration sounded, this time it was Li Shuyao's cell phone.

   Li Shuyao’s cell phone rang, successfully diverting the attention of other Zhao Xiaowen and Zhang Xiaoying, Su Tang was relieved, and then looked down at the text message:

   "There seems to be a wonderful misunderstanding tonight... If I said it was not intentional, would you believe it?"

   does seem to talk too much in normal times, so there is nothing to say when texting.

   As Su Tang just said, the text messaging between them is relatively routine and has no special meaning.

It’s just...this kind of'tonight','beautiful misunderstanding', and'unintentional' add up, and it always feels a bit weird. Fortunately, I didn’t show Zhang Xiaoying. Otherwise, she might think of something indescribable. The place to go.



   There were two vibrating sounds, which came from the same direction.

Su Tang subconsciously turned her head and looked, and she saw Zhang Xiaoying was holding her mobile phone to check the text messages. Well, she received two text messages... Su Tang's heart suddenly became a bit complicated, not envy the other party receiving many text messages, but a little sympathy for Zhao Xiaowen .

   Xiaowen's sister is obviously a very good person, but... she doesn't know how to describe it.

I still remember that when Bai Shaobin arrived a few days ago, Zhao Xiaowen made a remark. Su Tang always thought her remarks were quite strange, but because Zhao Xiaowen’s remarks were recognized by Li Shuyao, the two "emotional and social" Under the influence of authority figures, Su Tang was not embarrassed to express his views, for fear of being considered too naive.

At that time, Su Tang felt that Zhao Xiaowen’s attitude towards "Heartbeat" and her feelings was a little wrong, but from the current situation, she believed that her thoughts were correct. There can be no comparisons in dealing with feelings. If you come to a better one, just give up the one you had a good impression on before, right?


   Xiaowen's mentality was obviously wrong at the time, but why didn't Li Shuya refute it?

   not only did not refute, but supported Xiaowen's point of view...

  Su Tang feels that even the things that he can think of are Li Shuyao's "adults" who have a very correct three views and rich experience. They have no ideals and don't understand these.

  I can’t. Li Shuyao wants to separate others because he doesn’t have a CP.

  Su Tang felt that Li Shuya was not such a person, because she was obviously interested in Tang Su, but she was still keen to match her with Tang Su.

  Su Tang wanted to ask her very much, but couldn't find the opportunity, so she was a little depressed.

   turned her head to look at Zhang Xiaoying. At this moment, Zhang Xiaoying smiled while reading the text message. She seemed very happy, but she didn't seem to be surprised.

  唔...... Sister Xiaoying is also a confident and optimistic girl.


   June 12, the 12th day when I came to the hut, early morning, Wednesday.

   Zhou Huayu got up very early and was preparing breakfast for everyone in the kitchen.

   It was not his partner Zhao Xiaowen who made breakfast with him, but Zhang Xiaoying.

   It can even be said that this breakfast was originally led by Zhang Xiaoying, and Zhou Huayu just played a foil role next to him.

   "Because I am new here, so I want to do something for everyone."

   Zhang Xiaoying said so at the time.

   Zhou Huayu originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that one of his partners was missing, he hesitated and did not refuse. He quietly became a kitchen helper next to him and chatted with Zhang Xiaoying from time to time. The atmosphere was not bad.

   Tang Su got up very early.

   At about six o'clock, he had finished washing, and then walked downstairs.

   subconsciously turned his head and looked at the living room sofa, thinking that he could see a lazy little girl, but he saw nothing.

  ‘Isn’t it up yet? ’

   Tang Su felt relieved when he saw this, with a sense of ‘I’ve won’.

These days, they seem to be getting up earlier than anyone else. Su Tang has been in the lead several times in a row. Every time Tang Su went downstairs, the little girl was already sitting on the sofa and looking at the tablet. The ponytail flicked around, swaying like a happy dog.

   Tang Su sometimes wondered where she had so much energy all day long, as if she was never tired, and she was physically strong to fight the huskies.

   He thought he would never be able to ‘beat’ the opponent.

   Until now, seeing that there was no familiar figure in the living room, Tang Su was pleasantly surprised.

He first went to the kitchen, chatted with Zhou Huayu and Zhang Xiaoying, poured a cup of hot water, and then returned to the living room. After thinking for a while, he picked up the magazine on the coffee table, sat in the position where Su Tang would sit every day, and set his posture. , And then looked at it pretending to be leisurely.

   The sky is clear, the air is fresh, and the birds and flowers are scented, as if you are in nature.

  唔...... Is this the happiness of Su Tang?

   didn't know whether it was because of the joy after defeating Su Tang, or because he was in good shape in the morning. He picked up the magazine and gradually forgot the time.

   After an unknown period of time, a familiar sound of footsteps came into his ears, and Tang Su suddenly recovered from the magazine and looked up at the stairs.

   Although it was also passed slippers, Su Tang’s footsteps were different from others, very brisk, like a dull typewriter, da da da da...

   Tang Su has been ‘fighting’ with her for so long, just by listening to the footsteps, one can tell the difference between her and others.

   Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, he estimated that he was about to go down the stairs. Tang Su quickly turned his eyes to the magazine, deliberately acting like "I have been here for a long time", wanting to declare victory by this.


  Su Tang went downstairs and found Tang Su was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, suddenly surprised: "You are so early today."

"Good morning."

Tang Su then looked up, pretending to look like she had just discovered her, and smiled: "It's okay, I don't want to go to bed today, so I got up a bit earlier. It seems that you went to bed later than the previous few days. It's almost six forty."


   Su Tang suddenly snorted when he heard this, walked up to him, and shouted crisply, "Get out of the way, this is my position."


   Tang Su was a little confused. She didn't know why she suddenly became upset again, but she still moved her position subconsciously and gave her the position close to the French window.

   Su Tang sat down, turned on the tablet, and started surfing daily.

   "Are you not happy today?"

   Tang Su observes words and looks.

   "I was happily originally."

  Su Tang glanced at him: "When I saw you, I suddenly became unhappy."

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   What does it mean to be suddenly upset when you see me? Are you polite?

   "Are you having a nightmare again?"

   Tang Su thought of something and asked, "Is it the scene of domestic violence again?"

   He has been wondering why Su Tang had such a dream. Youdao is ‘thinking about the day and dreaming at night’. This girl looks fierce every day. Is it possible that there is still M in her bones?

   "...Don't mention that."

   Su Tang is speechless.

While    was speaking, she looked towards the top of the stairs. She didn't see Li Shuyao or Zhang Xiaoying, which was relieved.

"That is how the matter?"

   Tang Su is puzzled.


   Su Tang shook his head and It seems that these simple words are difficult to make Tang Su feel at ease, so he added: "It has nothing to do with you, it's my own reason."

When she dreams, she always dreams of the moment Tang Su pushes herself down on the lawn, and then she thinks of the dog food routine of the overbearing president and the little wife in the romance novel, and subconsciously stitched these two things together. Together, and then... it always feels a little weird, which makes her sleep quality not so good.

   A little sister is right, men are not good things.

   I'm not together yet, and it's starting to affect my sleep. If I really fall in love or even live together in the future, what's the deal?

   I dare to lie on myself if I'm not together, so if I'm together, I can't kiss you? Excessive!

The reason Su Tang is a little unhappy is because of this. For a girl who values ​​the quality of sleep, it is really bad for her to be affected. So... Although this matter is theoretically similar to Tang Su It didn't matter, but she still looked at Tang Su not pleasing to her eyes, it was okay.

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   He looked dazed.

What does    mean, "I am not happy to see you"?

What does    mean, "It has nothing to do with you"?

  What are you talking about in a mess?

   If you dare to love me, it’s not pleasing to your eyes?

   Good fellow, just because I ‘beat’ you once, did you treat me that way?

   Tang Su was silent, and he had a clearer understanding of Su Tang's "careful eyes" in his heart.

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