Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 206: "Don't mess around" and "Don't go too far"

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The dinner on the 13th day was prepared by Li Shuyao and Bai Shaobin together.

Both of them have very good cooking skills. One of them is family handicraft. The experience of diners such as Tang Su and Su Tang is naturally good.

Of course this is not the point.

The point is that after dinner, the guests were notified of the next game event from the program group:

[In view of the fact that the last guest voluntarily gave up the opportunity to date, so the second date after the guests came to the cabin was opened in advance. Unlike the last time, this time it was a female guest making an invitation card and actively inviting a male guest to participate in the date. It is a real-name method, and the appointment time is this weekend (June 15)]

[Special yellow card warning: Please bear with me for the time being. If you have something to say, you can talk about it after closing. It is because the show team has contributed to a good marriage. Give the show team some face. Thank you for your cooperation! 】


When Tang Su and Su Tang saw this text message, they were all stunned. They looked at each other, and they could see the stunned expression in the other's eyes. Then... Tang Su was a little unnatural, Su Tang blushed a little.

If the guess is correct, the reason why the program team will issue a'yellow card warning' to them should be related to what happened on the bench this afternoon.

"I blame you."

Su Tang stepped on him secretly and complained quietly.

She felt that if it weren’t for Tang Su’s “second confession to each other” in the afternoon, the show crew would not rush to issue a yellow card warning, or even start the second date plan ahead of time. It must be because this guy couldn’t help thinking. Because of the confession, the staff of the program group couldn't sit still a bit.

"Blame you."

Tang Su lowered his head, blowing hot air in her ears: "If it weren't because you were too cute, how could I not help it."

Such things as confession, ambiguity, and love words are always the difference between 0 times and countless times.

After the incident on the bench in the afternoon, Tang Su seemed to have unlocked a certain hidden posture and became more active. He even dared to'chaos' in front of several other guests. Change to the past, absolutely It is impossible to do it.


Su Tang blushed, and stomped him harder.

The little girl is also a soft girl with a delicate mind and a hard mouth. When she stepped on Tang Su, she took off her slippers and stepped on Tang Su's instep, giving the latter a soft touch.

It doesn't hurt at all, and it's fun.


Bai Shaobin sat on the couch, clearly watching the interaction between the two people, coughing heavily, and then looking at the guests on both sides: "Everyone, I have an idea. When we chat in the future, can Can't you separate the two? I think that they will affect everyone in the same scene. What do you think?"

"I agree."

Liu Xinjie spoke immediately.

"I agree."

Zhou Huayu nodded.

Zhang Xiaoying looked at everyone, then looked at them, raised her hand gently, and said in a low voice, "Plus one."

"Nothing wrong."

Li Shuya shrugged.

"It makes sense."

Zhao Xiaowen sighed with emotion.

Tang Su:? ? ?

Su Tang:? ? ?

Are you a group of dogs?

Oh yes...if you are not a dog (single), why should you eat dog food?

Perhaps it was because Tang Su and the two always sowed the same kind of dog food, which made them a little tired of eating.


Keke, the joke is a joke.

Regarding the second date, the guests still value it very much. This is the key to the moment.


The second date, a date dominated by girls.

"According to the program team, is the invitation card still used this time?"

Zhang Xiaoying looked at everyone: "When I was watching the show, I saw how you last dated."

Everyone suddenly felt embarrassed.

After all, we are all amateurs, and we rarely have contact with the camera. I was seen on the show... It's always a bit weird.

"This time and last time, only two places are different."

Li Shuya thought for a while, and said: "First, this time it was girls who invited boys on their own initiative, which was the opposite of the last time. Second, this time it was a real-name invitation, which was also the opposite of the last time anonymously. So, we four girls Just prepare the invitation card, give it to the designated boy, and wait for the appointment time."

"There's more."

Su Tang hurriedly added: “Since it is a girl-led girl, the girl should prepare the details of the date in advance, such as where to eat, what movies to watch, etc. It is best to book in advance, otherwise it may happen. Very troublesome, after all, it's the weekend."


Li Shuya nodded with satisfaction: "You finally said something useful."


After Su Tang got the compliment, he laughed happily at first, but suddenly felt that something was wrong...


Regarding to whom the invitation card should be given, the three female guests looked at each other and seemed to have guessed their own ideas, there was no conflict, and then calmly withdrew their gazes and began to think about how to prepare for the date.

As for why are the three female guests?

Haha, at this time, no one thinks that Su Tang will give invitation cards to other boys, right?

These two guys, Su Tang and Tang to put it, the star detectives in the detective office are too lazy to guess, because it is too obvious. If they waste a bit of tongue to do reasoning and analysis, they feel a bit insulting the detective. The intelligence quotient of ours and the audience.


After selectively ignoring the two guys Tang Su and Su Tang, the cabin became a situation of three men and three women.

Li Shuyao, Zhao Xiaowen, Zhang Xiaoying.

Bai Shaobin, Zhou Huayu, Liu Xinjie.


Li Shuyao can roughly guess from the changes in the expressions of Zhao Xiaowen and Zhang Xiaoying.

Zhang Xiaoying would probably send the invitation card to Liu Xinjie. From the moment she came to the cottage, she has only shown interest in Liu Xinjie, and Liu Xinjie is also enthusiastic enough for her. The two seem to really mean'love at first sight'.

And Zhao's a bit hard to say, she might give the invitation card to Bai Shaobin or Zhou Huayu.

For this girl's thoughts, Li Shuya was really unpredictable.

When the relationship between Zhao Xiaowen and Zhou Huayu was warming up, Li Shuya still thought she was a very dedicated girl, but then Bai Shaobin came out...what is Zhao Xiaowen thinking now, let alone her, I am afraid it is the seemingly professional one in the detective office Psychologist Cai Zhibin is also choking to guess accurately.

at the same time--

Tang Su is also observing the reactions of the three male guests.

The smile on Bai Shaobin's face remained, confident and restrained.

Liu Xinjie was a bit cramped, looking forward to receiving Zhang Xiaoying's invitation card, but also a little nervous, worried that she would give the invitation card to other boys.

Zhou Huayu...It is difficult to judge emotions and thoughts from his face. He is too mature and can pretend to be too much. If he doesn't want to reveal his heart, even a micro-expression expert can hardly get the accuracy from his face. Clues.


Su Tang whispered in his ear: "This date is dominated by girls, don't you worry that you will not receive the invitation card?"

She really wanted to see the nervousness on the other person's face. She was ready to comfort him, but found that he hadn't taken this matter to heart at all, which made Su Tang a little depressed.

"I worry?"

Tang Su was taken aback, turned his head and looked at her with an idiotic look, feeling that she was making an international joke with herself.

"What is the look in your eyes?"

Su Tang was upset, and the initiative was clearly in her hands. This guy didn't want to coax her well. It was too much to dare to look at her with such provocative eyes.

What makes him so unscrupulous? Is she too indulgent in love?

"I'm not worried."

Tang Su shrugged, put his right hand on her shoulder from behind, and then put her right hand close to her ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "If you dare to be naughty, I will really want to domestic violence."

Su Tang:? ? ?

Too much too much! ! !

So, annoyed, she stepped harder.

Tang Su didn't speak, but withdrew the right hand covering her shoulder, pretending to bend over inadvertently, and caressed the back of her instep.

Su Tang, as if getting an electric shock, quickly retracted her foot, her face flushed again.

This guy is really getting more and more presumptuous.

He used to be like a very cold male god, but now he looks more like a beast.


In the evening, the heartbeat text message session.

"If you have a cold, take a good rest and don't kick the quilt at night... I really don't know what to say, so let's go to bed early."

Tang Su thought about it for a long time, then edited such a short message and sent it out.

Then, he turned his head to look at the other three male guests.

At this moment, he was sitting on a single sofa, opposite Zhou Huayu, and Liu Xinjie and Bai Shaobin on the sofa.

As Bai Shaobin had a stable goal and the fourth female guest joined, Liu Xinjie was no longer wary of Bai Shaobin. Sitting together is nothing.

Zhou Huayu frowned, obviously hesitant.

Tang Su guessed that most of his hesitation was not the content of the text message, but the recipient. He sent it to Zhang Xiaoying last night, but he didn't know who he would send it today.

Bai Shaobin leaned on the sofa, tapping the screen of the phone with his thumb quickly, and smiling at the same time. It seemed that he was enjoying the texting process.

Liu Xinjie edited the text message seriously, frowned slightly, and sometimes typed quickly, but then he hesitated and pressed the delete key madly...Tang Su felt that he might be the guy who best met the expectations of the program group among the four male guests. NS.

Time passed by, dripping and dripping——

Soon it was the time to receive the text messages. Tang Su no longer cared about the other three guests, but more concerned about the messages Su Tang sent to him.

Gossip... also has a limit.

Tang Su knew very well in his heart that apart from Su Tang, his attention to other guests was just a pleasure. Whose heartbeat and what kind of experience they have is all their own business. The long journey of life makes everyone different. Tang Su just took this opportunity to observe some different lives, hoping to add some life experience to himself, but... in the final analysis, the most important thing is Su Tang.


His mobile phone was the first to vibrate.

It is estimated that the program group is really not interested in them, so I don't bother to lose my appetite, so I will give priority to it.

Tang Su was too lazy to think about these messes, and clicked on the text messages casually, and a familiar Su style hit his face:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You should also converge when you are there. Don’t do some weird reading and comprehension. Don’t mess around!!! That’s it, see you tomorrow!!!”

A heartbeat text message full of exclamation points, the content is full of sand sculpture wind.


The little girl really understands him more and more now, and she actually knows that Tang Su can do ‘weird’ reading comprehension.

Well, what is weird?

For example: in the presence of others, no chaos is allowed.

Can it be understood as: when no one is present, you can mess around?

Take advantage of the loopholes, word games.

Su Tang was afraid that Tang Su would mess up and mess with her mentality, so he emphasized it very solemnly, asking him not to comprehend it forcibly.

Gee tee.

‘This girl, has a deep misunderstanding of me, don’t people even have this kind of trust? It's disappointing. ’

Tang Su shook his head, sighing in his heart.

Su Tang was about to lose the most basic trust in him, and it was getting harder and harder to fool her in the future.

Oh, right.

Suddenly I remembered something again. If I remember correctly, the trustworthy mission that the system master previously released hasn't been completed yet, right?

I really feel a headache after thinking about it.

Tang Su felt that in his treatment of Su Tang, some of his addictive likes were really hard to change.

For example: As soon as I saw her, I wanted to bully her.

Want to take advantage of her words, look at her desperate but helpless.

I want to see her look confused after being fooled by herself.

I want to confess to her and make her blush and shy.

I want to secretly tease her in front of others, so that she dare not speak.

Bullying girls...really makes people more and more addicted, and it makes people think about it and never forget it.


It is difficult for him in his life to get rid of the fate of bullying someone (or it may be reverse bullying).

I don't know when the trust value task can be completed.

Thinking about it makes people feel a headache. In the future, try not to take on this kind of idealistic tasks, at least the kind of tasks that can be seen and touched.

As the saying goes, he won't be fooled by this in the future.

Of course, if the rewards are particularly generous, then... it's not impossible to negotiate.


the other side.

After Su Tang received Tang Su's text message, he glanced at it and curled his lips, and couldn't help but vomit.

She must know to take a good rest after catching a cold. As for kicking the quilt?

Can she control things like kicking the quilt? You can't tie up your hands and legs before going to bed, right?

It's nonsense!

Hey, I don't know his text message, how much can he understand?

Su Tang suddenly regrets it. If she comes back now, she will definitely not write her heartbeat text so "absolutely". At least, she will have to reduce a few exclamation points. If the exclamation points are turned into tildes, she will definitely look much gentler. Bar?


If Tang Su is really shocked by the tone of his text, he won't use his hands anymore, what can he do?

Can't...she come on her own initiative, right?

She is a reserved girl. She can't do such things. At most, she blushes and warns with words like ‘No next time’ and ‘You’re too much’ when the other party moves hands and feet.

At once……

A little regretful.

If you knew it a long time ago, you should change ‘No chaos’ to ‘No too much’. In this way, with his ‘excessive understanding’ talent, he should be able to understand what he really wants to express, right?

Su Tang thought wildly, and sighed long.

It’s not easy to manage a relationship.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 208 "Don't mess around" and "Don't go too far"), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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