Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 233: Ordinary couples and fairy couples

It is a very inappropriate thing to rush into the feelings of others.

   No one knows what is going on between Bai Shaobin and Li Shuyao.

   Is it like he said that the time spent together is too short, and the two sides can’t really talk to each other, or is it that he is stalking...

   Tang Su didn't know anything, how could he really believe what he said and intervene in this matter?

   These days, beasts in clothing are not uncommon.

   What if he believes in his evil, and then this guy deceives himself again, and finally he is not human inside and outside... how embarrassing?

   It's almost nothing to look for, and it hurts to be idle.

   "So, you can do anything these days, but don't be a matchmaker."

   Tang Su thought to himself.

   He has always felt that the most stupid thing in the world is to be a matchmaker for free.

   It was out of good intentions and obviously had no purpose, but in the end, it might provoke disgust from both sides and made it clear that the effort was not thankful.

   He is not interested in doing such a thing.


   Even if you really want to be a bad guy, you should think about the problem from the perspective of Li Shuyao and help Li Shuyao solve problems, Bai Shaobin... forget it.

   After all, we meet together...

   Of course, Tang Su did not completely fool Bai Shaobin.

   If Bai Shaobin really wants to continue to develop with Li Shuyao, he must find a way on his own. If he can't even accept rejection, how can he let Li Shuyao take a high look?


   went back to the living room.

   Zhou Huayu and Liu Xinjie, Zhao Xiaowen and Zhang Xiaoying are all gone.

   "Where are they?"

   Tang Su is a little dazed.

   "I went out on a date."

   Su Tang saw that he was back, and quickly paused the video on the tablet, then looked up and said, "Today is the last day. They must cherish this only opportunity."


   Tang Su was stunned: "Isn't it the last date yesterday?"

   If there is still a date today, what is the date of yesterday?

   "You may have a misunderstanding."

Su Tang shook his head: "The last date refers to Saturday and weekend. It does not just refer to a certain day. Yesterday was a date, and today is also a date... After all, this is the last moment of our heart. It's always a little different. of."

   "That's it."

   Tang Su nodded and understood.


   Zhou Huayu, Liu Xinjie, Zhao Xiaowen, and Zhang Xiaoying have all left together. Tang Su and Su Tang are left in the villa, as well as Li Shuya upstairs and Bai Shaobin who is worried outside.

   "Then shall we leave too?"

   Tang Su turned his head to look at her, frowning slightly: "It stands to reason that I should arrange today's appointment, but I didn't expect this at all in advance, so I didn't arrange it. Now... do you have a good place to go?"

   "I want to go to the playground."

  Su Tang thought for a while, and said with some expectation: "I feel that the playground is quite interesting. Carousels, Ferris wheels, etc., are the favorite places for ordinary couples to go."

   "...what is an ordinary couple?"

   Regarding this concept that has never been heard before, Tang Su said it is very novel.

   "The so-called ordinary couples, of course, refer to popular couples. Everyone likes to go."

   Su Tang said with a serious face: "But we are different. We are not ordinary lovers. We are unique in this world."


   Tang Su didn't know what to say for a while.

   This girl is always like this, her thinking and logic are wild and weird.

Tang Su has always felt that Su Tang is a very magical girl. When she was in the villa, she behaved innocently and carefree, with strong healing power, and she felt like a girl who had been taken from a young age. Spoiled little princess.

But when it comes to the field of work, Su Tang will become a very experienced entrepreneur again. She is ambitious and has a high pursuit of the future. She puts a lot of enthusiasm into her career. In just a few years, she has A company with a market value of hundreds of millions...and liabilities.

   There seems to be energy in her body that will never be used up.

   "It's okay, what do you think is interesting to play, then let's play whatever."

Tang Su sat next to her and said lazily: "I have already thought about it. When we are together in the future, all things like eating, drinking and having fun will be left to you. You are an expert in these fields, but you have more experience than me. I just follow and enjoy."

   He thinks this division of labor is quite appropriate.

   Past and present, Tang Su has always been a relatively boring person. He has very low material desires. He basically has no interest in eating, drinking and playing. He always feels that it is better to read a book when he has these time... Tang Su was taken aback, and suddenly reacted: "Did you still say you want to go to the library to read?"

   "Is there such a thing?"

   Su Tang blinked, saying that I am very young, don't cover my expression.

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   You said it before...

   Forget it, he doesn't bother with this, he has long been used to the little girl's style of thinking out.

   "Let's go, let's go, then play a playground, just be happy."

   Tang Su shrugged, and said casually: "As long as I'm with you, I'm very happy no matter what I do."

   "You are good at it now."

   Su Tang looked up at him: "You have a bad study."

   "Maybe it's awakened."

   Tang Su smiled: "My previous life was very monotonous. It wasn't that I didn't like anything, but I was not interested in many things. Compared to eating, drinking and having fun, I prefer to spend my time studying...

But now I gradually understand that learning alone is not enough. What we can learn will always be the wealth left by the predecessors, but the times are changing, and the predecessors’ things will inevitably be replaced by new things. , To feel the excitement of this world is the most correct learning posture. "


  Su Tang nodded. Although she didn't understand a word, she still responded seriously: "You are right."


   The two held hands and walked towards the garage.

   Next stop, playground.


   Tang Su is driving.

   Su Tang was sitting in the position of the co-pilot, looking down at the phone, thinking about some problems seriously.

   After a few minutes, he raised his head and turned to look at Tang Su: "I have already figured out what I should do today."

   That's right.

   When Tang Su handed over important things like eating, drinking and playing to her, Su Tang was automatically brought into the role and began to dominate today's date.

   Just now she looked at the phone and thought about the problem seriously.

   is actually thinking about how to make today's date more interesting.

  Dating projects for immortal’s hard to think about. They have played bungee jumping, horror house, horseback riding, and so on. They have all gone to movies, candlelight dinners, and couple restaurants many times.

   What other fun projects are there?

   Su Tang thought with a sad face for a long time, and finally gave up on such things as the out-of-the-ordinary dating game.

  In this era of hot dating models, innovation has become very difficult, so why not try to imitate?

   The dating mode of ordinary couples should be interesting too, right?


   "We are going to the amusement park now, and then we will go out to eat at noon, and in the afternoon we will go to the library to read."

   Su Tang turned to look at him: "Do you think this arrangement is okay?"


   Tang Su didn’t think too much, but he said casually: “It’s good to go to the gym after dinner. Would you like to think about it?”

  Sitting in front of the computer every day, it is inevitable that he will have some backaches. This made him, who did not love sports before, developed a great affection and enthusiasm for sports.


   After hearing the three words for gymnasium, Su Tang's face sank, his fists clenched.

   She thought of the unpleasant experiences when she was on a date in the gym last time.


Tang Su also reacted, and immediately said from his heart: "Forget it, I don't have much interest in sports, and I exercise right after eating, which feels a bit inappropriate. Let's go to the library to read. I like reading books best."


   Su Tang snorted coldly, and thought for a while: "Forget it in the gym, but we can play chess. It would be nice to play chess after lunch."

   "Play chess?"

   Tang Su frowned slightly: "This is not my strong point."

   He has hardly studied the matter of playing chess, he just knows a little bit roughly, the level is, he is a thorough novice.

   Looking at Su Tang's confident look again, her accomplishments in this area... at least much better than her entry-level Xiaobai.

   "Because chess is not your strong point, so you have to practice hard."

Hearing what he said, Su Tang suddenly gained a lot of confidence, and persuaded him with a kind-hearted appearance: "Chess is now a very popular entertainment project. In the future, when you enter the society and talk to the big bosses, you can't directly talk about business or something. Shall we talk in the office or conference room? That's boring. Big guys like some sports, such as golf, basketball, table tennis, or’s certainly not harmful for you to learn more."


   Tang Su frowned for a while and nodded: "You have some truth in what you said, so let's learn."

   "Okay, I'll arrange it!"

   Su Tang held the phone with a calm complexion, but she was happy in her heart.

   Her little hands were trembling with excitement, and she couldn't help but want to abuse her opponent severely on the chess path.

   This time, she will definitely be ashamed, and return the enemies who were bullied by him in the gym before, even the money and profit.


   No, you can't be too cruel, you have to save him some face.

   After all, today’s situation is special, the last day of my heart, I still have to stay steady.

   This guy is a face-saving person.

   What if he loses too badly, causing him to become irritated, and then feel inferior that he is not worthy of him... Isn't it broken?

   No way, no way, absolutely can't float today.

   Revenge is a kind of thing, there will be opportunities in the future, so bear with it, it will be well soon...

   Su Tang's face was cloudy and sunny, and finally returned to indifferent.


   They first drove to the playground.

  Su Tang booked tickets and tickets for various activities in advance, stuffed a small stack of tickets into the milky white backpack that Su Tang carried with him, and then entered an amusement park.


   "Do you really want to play this?"

   Tang Su hesitated a little.

   "Of course I want to play."

   Su Tang looked at him strangely: "You are not even afraid of bungee jumping, are you afraid of this?"

   "I'm afraid I'm not afraid, I just feel..."

   Tang Su looked up at the children playing the merry-go-round not far away, pursing his mouth, was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Okay, then play."

   I'm not afraid, but I feel a little naive.

   How grown up are you, and you still play with children like this?

   What's the point of this kind of thing? It's not as fun as riding a real horse.

   Tang Su felt a little embarrassed, but after he got on the horse, he immediately became really fragrant.

   As for why?

   Holding the delicate body in his arms, Tang Su felt that he could play things like merry-go-round that children only play for a lifetime.

   "Don't move your hands."

   Su Tang blushed a little, slapped his big hand vaguely, and whispered: "So many people are watching."

   At this moment, Tang Su's hand is on her belly, making the little girl feel shy.

   "Don't move, just touch your belly..."

   Tang Su whispered in her ear.


   Su Tang was so angry.

   How can there be such a thick-skinned person, bullying a girl in this way, I am embarrassed to say it.

   "Don't worry, it won't move."

   Tang Su saw her look a little panicked, he felt a little funny in his heart, and then whispered comfortingly: "Wait when there is no one and then move around, is this all right?"


   Su Tang, the whole person is not good, does she mean that?

   This person is really thick-skinned, and he won’t feel embarrassed even if he talks about it.


   The carousel is fun.

The Ferris wheel after   ... is also very fun, Su Tang is a little afraid of heights, so he has been holding his hand tightly.

   The only pity is that you can’t sit and play together as an entertainment item like the Ferris wheel, otherwise it will be more interesting.

After   , they also played on the trampoline together.

   trampoline is quite fun, there was a particularly popular online celebrity game before:

   The girl was lying on the trampoline, and the boy bounced the girl up by the rebound produced by the bounce, and then the princess hugged it.

  Su Tang said: "I want to play too!"

   She has planned for a long time.

   Every time she visits station b, she sees a couple playing like this, she feels very envious. If the men and women in the scene are replaced by her and Tang Su, it would be very interesting.


   Under the guidance of the staff nearby, every time Tang Su hugs her, he will fall on top of her because of the unstable center of gravity.

   "Can you do it?"

   Su Tang frowned slightly, a little disgusted with his clumsy appearance.

   "It's obviously because you are too heavy."

   Tang Su spread his hands, feeling that it had nothing to do with him.

   "I am not heavy!"

   Su Tang was anxious at the time and argued with him.

   Girls are all flirty little fairies, how can they be said to be heavy?

   "Two people, this kind of thing seems simple, but you have to pay attention to tricks."

The staff next to    smiled and explained some of the tricks to them, which made the little couple suddenly realize.

   "Why didn't you say it just now?"

   Su Tang frowned slightly.

   "I just wanted to say, but your boyfriend won't let..."

   The staff very tactfully expressed that they were wronged.

   She is obviously a very enthusiastic young lady, but whenever she wants to come forward to remind and guide, she will be shook her head and rejected by the boy, and then, she will watch the boy fall on the girl again and again...

   "Tang Su!"

   Su Tang reacted, turned his head and glared at Tang Su, and reached out his hand to pinch his waist: "Why are you so handsome? Whenever you don't forget to take advantage of me."

   The voice is very small, for fear of being heard by the young lady next to her.

   After all, this is the tacit understanding and secret belonging to their little couple. It is not good to be heard by others.

   The staff member next to me: "..."

   She feels a little struggling.

   Seeing that these two no longer needed her help, he immediately stepped back and then went to help other tourists.

   "No such thing, don't slander me."

   Tang Su shook his head, resolutely refusing to admit the other party’s words and deeds. He quibbleed very firmly: "The reason why I didn't ask the staff to help is because I thought it was a very easy thing. I didn't expect it to be a bit difficult."

"Then what?"

   Su Tang squinted his eyes.

   She definitely didn't believe Tang Su's remarks, when she just wanted to know how far this guy could make up.

"Then... after I noticed some difficulty, the first idea in my mind was to ask the staff for help, but I quickly rejected this idea because I thought it was a very shameful thing. How can I be so stupid in front of my beloved girl? This obviously doesn't work."

   Tang Suyi said positively: "So, I learned the way of the couples around and wanted to try a few more times, and found out..."

   "What did you find?"

   Su Tang asked.

   "I can't find them, they are also falling."

   Tang Su sighed.

  Su Tang:? ? ?

   She turned her head subconsciously to look at the couple playing on the trampoline around, and then... fell silent.

   "Really, you have to believe me."

   Tang Su said quickly: "Come on, let's try again, trust me, it's not a big problem."


   Su Tang was a little bit reluctant in her heart, but felt a little unwilling to end this way, so she reminded: "Then you can't play with me again this time."

   "Don't worry, the problem is not big."

   Tang Su nodded at her, showing a kind-hearted smile.

Then, Su Tang lay down, Tang Su jumped a few times, and just reached out to hug her, she felt a little unstable, and subconsciously leaned back. As a result, she tried too hard and the soles of her feet slipped and she sat directly on the trampoline. Su Tang was on the trampoline. He lay down on his lap, opened his eyes and looked at him, still a little confused.

   His eyes met, and he was speechless again.


   Is this a success?


   The playground is quite interesting.

   The last trampoline... After repeated explorations and serious explorations, it finally succeeded.

   At noon, eat at a pre-booked restaurant.

  After eating, play chess...

   "Is it here?"

   Sitting on the sofa in the dining room, Tang Su was a little dazed. He thought it would be a very high-end chess hall.

   "Young You can’t think of this kind of thing."

   Su Tang shook his head, and said old-fashioned: "What is the most important thing about playing chess, do you know?"

   Tang Su: "……"

   As soon as I heard this tone, I knew that this girl must be pretending to be forceful again.

   He shook his head honestly, saying that he didn't know, he acted like an honest student and curious baby, and he gave the other party full respect with his wonderful acting skills.

   "The most important thing in chess is the person who plays chess."

  Su Tang said faintly: "For a real chess master, even a piece of land and a pile of branches and gravel can be earth-shattering...So, we don't need to prepare anything else, just start."


   Tang Su nodded: "How to start?"

   "Mobile phone."

  Su Tang took out his mobile phone and raised up: "Download a networked board game, and we can play together."


   Tang Su was silent for a few seconds: "All right."


   Half an hour after the meal, the atmosphere was quiet and terrible.

   Su Tang looked at the phone solemnly, thinking, this dog can learn really fast, and if this continues, at most ten games of chess, he is in danger of losing, terrible!

   Tang Su looked sad and thought, she has lost five games in a row. Why is she becoming more and more addicted? Is abuse of food really so enjoyable? I'm so worried.

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