Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 241: Su Tang's opportunity; Tang Su wants to write a new song

According to Su Tang's plan.

   After uploading those three songs in July, I paused for a while.

   There is one month left in the summer vacation. She wants to spend as much time as possible while finishing the new project in the studio to communicate with Tang Su.

   The girl in love period, the whole heart is that figure.

   Go to work during the day, eat together at noon, go shopping and eat together in the afternoon, and go home at nine or ten.

   If you are lucky, your parents are not there, so they sneak into the room to sleep, pretending to be back early.

   If you are unlucky, you will have to face your mother's cross-examination.

  Mom would often give her a wave of cynicism first, and then help her with tricks to help her win Tang Su better.

   Su Tangte was moved.

   I feel that I have been growing up for 20 years, and finally I feel the love of my mother, oh oh oh...

   Just when Su Tang thought that this kind of beauty would go on forever.

   Manager Wang Jie appeared.

   This is just a workaholic, and it must be no good to be found by her.


Sister Wang said her intentions: "Tangtang, the three previous songs have brought you a lot of fame and popularity, but if you can’t make good use of this kind of thing, it will soon disappear out of thin air and be wasted. , So... have you figured out how to use it?"


Su Tang's eyes rolled: "I saw a lot of criticism on the Internet, so I deeply reviewed myself. I think that I am not the best time to become famous or debut. I should settle down first, polish it well, and wait for my foundation to be thorough. If you are solid, then consider your debut. What do you think of Sister Wang?"

   translates adult words as:

   I don’t want to work now, can I work again in the future?

  Su Tang is now full of love affairs, and it is not easy to get the work done in the studio step by step.

  If I arrange another job for her...

   She may not have time to fall in love.

   Compared to her career in the entertainment industry, she feels that her life's major events are the most important.

Although she and Tang Su have confirmed their love relationship, this is only the beginning of another relationship. There may be many twists and turns in the middle, so... Don’t delay your relationship for work, otherwise, it’s even done. After the day, she won't be happy either.

   "I still can't understand your thoughts?"

   Sister Wang looked at her coldly, deliberately wanting to scold like other artists, but thinking of the girl’s shareholder status and her character of playing tickets...

The tone was calm, and a bit bitterly said: "Tangtang, I know you just fell in love, and now you want to spend more time maintaining your relationship, but you have to know that feelings are about letting the flow go. It’s not something you can maintain if you want to. 、

  Sometimes, the more cautious you are, the more counterproductive it may be... And, even if you can spare a lot of time, what about Tang Su?

   His studio is still in the basic stage of starting a business. As one of the studio’s partners, Tang Su’s work is very busy and time is precious. Have you ever thought that your enthusiasm will affect him? "


   Su Tang frowned slightly, and she was somewhat worried about this in her heart.

   "There is an old saying called "bystander clear" and "authorized person fan". Do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Sister Wang said lightly: "Take this relationship as an example. You are deeply involved. You don't know what you are doing or thinking. You can only do something blindly and instinctively, and in the eyes of bystanders , These things may be very stupid...

   If you can get out of this puzzle and examine and think about this relationship from the perspective of a bystander, then you will have more gains. "

"Is that right?"

   Su Tang squinted her eyes, and said abruptly: "Sister Wang, you didn't deliberately fool me, did you?"

   "No, just tell the truth."

Sister Wang said faintly: "Tangtang, I am a teenager older than you. I have had the troubles and anxiety and anxiety in your heart now. Therefore, I know what to do and not to do at this time. What to do...

  Perhaps, you are worried that you will have no time to fall in love after you have arranged your work, but I feel that on the contrary, you are busy with work at this time, in fact, there are two advantages.

  , this will shorten your dating time and make your time together more precious.

  Secondly, you can take this opportunity to wake up from the puzzle and look at the relationship from the perspective of a bystander.

   In this way, you will understand better how to hold this relationship, you will become confident and calm again, and this is also one of the greatest charms of being a woman. "


   Su Tang touched his chin, lost in thought.

   Sister Wang waited for a while, but did not hear anything. She was a little anxious when she was calm: "Tangtang, are you thinking about it now?"

   "I've thought about it."

  Su Tang nodded solemnly, and then said with a serious face: "I can't do this alone, so I have to discuss it with my mother and Tang Su."

   Sister Wang:? ? ?

   Do you have to talk to someone about this kind of thing?


   Get off work at noon, lunch time.

   Tang Su drove up Su Tang, and then went to a pre-booked restaurant.

   "This is the specific thing."

  Su Tang told Tang Su what Sister Wang said to herself, and then asked: "I always think she is deliberately fooling me, what do you think?"

   "Let's do it... how can I say it."

Tang Su frowned and thought for a long time: "She does mean to fool you to work, but... she also makes sense. We are now in a period of passion, but at the same time we are in a critical period of busy career. Love and career, where to sacrifice? No one will work, so there must be a one-size-fits-all solution.

   Your agent has a very correct statement. If we all reduce the time we meet with each other, then this will make our time together seem very precious, and at the same time, it will allow us to look at this relationship more rationally. "

   "So, do you agree?"

   Su Tang curled his lips, a little unhappy.

   "This is not a question of disagreement."

   Tang Su sighed, and then changed the subject: "She told you so much and tried her best to fool you into work. What is the picture? Are there any good resources for you on Dream Entertainment?"

  Many good resources in the entertainment industry are unavoidable.

   Once missed, it is difficult to have it again.

   At this moment, Su Tang, with his heartbeat and those three songs, made his own fame and popularity become extremely high.

   In such a situation, some good resources will be delivered to the door by themselves. As long as these resources are seized, they may soar to the sky.

   But if Su Tang has stopped working during this period, wait until the heat is cold before opening business?

   At that time, these good resources will not pay attention to her, but will only enthusiastically please the Internet darling in another period.

   Tang Su has reason to guess that Su Tang’s agent Wang Jie should have got some very good resources, so she was so eager to find Su Tang, wanting the other party to seize the opportunity.


Su Tang thought for a while, hesitated, and said: "There is indeed a very good resource, a very powerful variety director. Some time ago, he was preparing a music talent show. This director had a lot of experience before. For works with high ratings, almost half of the people in the entertainment industry hope to cooperate with him... and this time, Dream Entertainment managed to get a place. Sister Wang felt it was a good opportunity, so she helped me win it. coming."

   Speaking of this, Su Tang is still a little angry: "She just signed up for me without my consent, and it won't work if she doesn't go now."

   If you don't go, great resources will be wasted and you will also offend others.

   "You agent, you are quite decisive."

   Tang Su smiled, thinking that Sister Wang was a ruthless character.

Who is Su Tang?

   She is one of the main shareholders of Dream Entertainment and the best friend of Chairman Tang Xiaolin.

   Strictly speaking, Sister Wang, a gold-medal agent, is still working for her.

   However, Sister Wang doesn't treat herself as an employee at all, nor does she hold Su Tang up like other people, but when she encounters a good opportunity, she will sign for Su Tang without even thinking about it.

   "She is very decisive."

  Su Tang sighed: "Sister Wang is one of the top brokers in the entire entertainment industry. She has cultivated a superstar of the Queen of Heaven. She really has the qualifications to be domineering. Unlike me, she can only be bullied."


   Tang Su didn't know what to say.

Looking at the problem from an objective standpoint, Sister Wang didn’t bully Su Tang at all. On the contrary, she definitely loved Su Tang. The company finally won the opportunity to cooperate with that director. Sister Wang couldn’t wait to take Su Tang. The sugar was stuffed.

   This will inevitably have to bear a lot of pressure. If Su Tang does not perform well, this opportunity is wasted in vain... Then at least half of the responsibility belongs to Sister Wang.

   Of course, Tang Su didn't plan to say anything about this.

   He knew that Su Tang was just complaining and complaining, and he still respected the agent in his heart.

   Otherwise, she would not be here to discuss with herself.

   "What kind of show is it?"

   Tang Su changed the subject: "Does this show have a name?"

   "I have it."

   Su Tang turned his head and looked around, and then said quietly: “Before the official announcement of the program, the name of the program needs to be kept secret to prevent it from being plagiarized and touched by peers who have no lower limit.”

   "Then don't tell me."

   Tang Su waved his hand.

   He didn't want to embarrass Su Tang because of his curiosity.

   "Don't you."

   Su Tang shook his head and said quietly: "Others certainly can't tell casually, but you are not someone else, you are my boyfriend."


   Tang Su felt warm in the face of Su Tang, who was showing intimacy.

   "The name of this new show is just... sing as you like."

   Su Tang whispered.


   Tang Su was startled, frowning slightly: "Are you sure these four words?"

   "That's right, it's written in the performance contract."

  Su Tang nodded, seeing that his reaction was a little weird, and couldn't help asking: "Is there anything inappropriate?"


   Tang Su shook his head: "You just said that this is a music talent show? The purpose is to find more potential newcomers?"


   Su Tang nodded.

   "Okay, I see."

   Tang Su thoughtfully.

   food served on the table

   Tang Su's expression was a little dazed, even when he was eating, he was absent-minded.

"What happened to you?"

   Su Tang frowned slightly, worried about him.

   "Nothing, just thinking about this show all the time."

   Tang Su shook his head and looked at Su Tang: "Do you remember that we had an agreement before?"


   Su Tang looked up at him, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

   There are too many agreements between them, how does he know which one the other party is talking about?

   "At that time, we agreed that the first song of your debut will be composed by me."

   Tang Su smiled and said softly: "The previous three songs were just appetizers, and this one can be sung if you want to, maybe it can be regarded as your starting point in the music circle, and I want to write songs for you."


   Hearing this, Su Tang was silent.

   "Is it inconvenient?"

   The smile on Tang Su's face was a bit stiff: "Forget it if it's inconvenient."

   "It's not inconvenient, but..."

Su Tang deliberated and said tactfully: "This resource is still very important to the company. Therefore, I will be cautious in the choice of songs. The company will even help me invite songs with those very powerful musicians... Unless your new song can beat them, otherwise, it may be difficult to sing on the stage where you want to sing."

"I see."

   Tang Su nodded: "It means that if my new song can beat those the company has prepared for you, I can sing on the stage, right?"


  Su Tang was a little surprised: "Are you really sure?"

   Although it is said that being in love can reduce the IQ of a person to a negative number, Su Tang obviously still maintains the most basic calm and rationality.

   She admitted that Tang Su has a good talent for writing songs. In addition to the three songs, Don’t trouble me, Ode to the Millennium Recipe, and Motorcycle, he also has goodbye and confession balloons...

   Hum, although the last one has not been heard yet, Su Tang thinks it should be a very powerful song.

   In the eyes of Sister Wang and others, Tang Su’s greatest advantage should be talent. With more keen market insight, Tang Su is likely to become a powerful music creator in the future, but...that is the future, not the present.

At the moment, the company attaches great importance to the variety show, singing as long as you want. Compared with Tang Su, they are obviously more inclined to mature music creators, especially top big names who have won many well-known awards and have had many brilliant achievements. .

   Therefore, it is very unlikely that Tang Su can be selected, unless the song he wrote is very good, good enough to slap all the plans prepared by the company.

   But it is too difficult to do this.

   "If I say that I have absolute certainty, it is definitely not realistic."

   Tang Su smiled: "But, you can try it first. It doesn't matter if you are eliminated, there is no loss anyway... By the way, when is the time?"

   "The opening time for singing as long as you want is on the 20th of this month. Sister Wang hopes to prepare a few songs around the 15th, and practice well in the remaining few days."

  Su Tang thought for a while and said.


   Today is the 11th, that is to say, there are still 4 days to prepare.

   "Okay, I understand."

   Tang Su nodded: "I will send you the new song as soon as possible. Then you will talk to the agent and the team. If you can, talk about cooperation. If it doesn't work... I will think of a way."


   Su Tang was startled.

   She thought that the other party was going to say, if it didn’t work, then just forget it, but...

   "For such an important thing, how can I try it once?"

   Tang Su smiled and said, “I’ll stop talking about this for now, let’s eat.”


   Su Tang hesitated: "What should we do? Next, I am afraid we will meet very few times."

   "It's okay, it's just that the number of meetings has decreased, and it's not a foreign country."

   Tang Su shrugged: "See you once in two or three days, shouldn't it be okay? Besides, you can also chat online, and you can also make video calls. It's very convenient."

   "Um... alright."

   Su Tang reluctantly agreed, still a little unhappy.

   "This opportunity is very important to you, you have to prepare well."

   Tang Su changed the subject: "Of course, even if it is a loss in the game, it does not matter. You should not have any psychological burden, just treat it as an ordinary game."

   "I won't be nervous."

   Su Tang shook his head: "When I sang in the school hall, I didn't feel nervous."

   "Then you are pretty good."

   Tang Su was a little surprised.


   After eating, the two sat at the dining table and chatted.

   "Suddenly remembered something."

  Su Tang patted his forehead, and then said, "If I remember correctly, tomorrow, July 12, the sales data for digging up the land should be coming out soon."

   Digging the ground for improvement?

   Tang Su was startled: "I have forgotten about it, how did you know?"

   "When I searched the banana game library, I found it by accident."

   Su Tang said.


   Tang Su nodded.

   Regarding the question of how much profit can be made by digging up the ground, Tang Su has not paid attention to it at all.

  He put all his thoughts on the new game Plants vs. Zombies. This is the key to determining Simi Studio’s next strategic As for digging for a better place?


   After the system master’s mission was completed, Tang Su stopped paying attention, earning more and less, it seemed that it would not change the status quo of Simi Studio.

  With this time, it's better to think about how to make a real hit.


   In the afternoon, send Su Tang back.

   Then continue to devote himself to the development of new games.

  Game development is definitely a painful and happy process.

   After get off work, Tang Su drove back to the rental house.

   made a very simple dinner, and chatted with Su Tang on the phone for a while.

   Then, I took out my laptop and started creating new songs.

   "System, please give me a custom song to sing as long as you want."

   Tang Su read silently in his heart.

   Ding Dong!

   If you want to sing, you can sing and customize. Your task this time is: ask Su Tang about the whereabouts of the two boxes of tt, and tell the other party not to throw them away. You will need it in the future.

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   The smile on his face gradually stiffened.

   I didn't see it.

  You are such a system master.

   "Hmm... where did tt go?"

   Tang Su reacted, and hurriedly went to the bedroom to look for it. The bedside table and the wardrobe were all found, except for a large pack of snacks.

   Could she be taken away?

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