Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 246: Tang Su's new game: "Cat Rio"

"Don't worry, it's okay, I have a way to deal with it."

   Tang Su responded with a smile.

   At the same time he hung up the phone, his face was a little serious.

   When I came up with the song "Sing As You Want", there are "Don't trouble me" and two sand sculpture songs to pave the way, which is quite reasonable.

   But "Walking in the Rain" is different. No matter what aspect of this song, it must be something that can be done with very professional skills and sufficient experience.

   It seems not surprising that Tang Su, a music layman, has been questioned.

   Genius is okay, but genius is too outrageous, it's hard to handle.

  About this——

   Tang Su thought for a long time and thought of a good idea:

   "Master of the system, add a gold medal musician's experience skill book to your poor host."

   Tang Su asked silently in his heart.

   What should I do if I encounter a problem that is difficult to solve? Of course, it is to ask the system master for help.

   After all, he is a man with a plug-in.

  【Please complete the last task first. 】——The system king.

  The last task...

   Tang Su looked at the task list and was silent for a while.

   [Task: Make a new game "Cat Rio" and get a profit of 10,000 yuan. You will get the song "Walk in the Rain"]

   Cat Rio...

   This is a much simpler, but the process is also very interesting.

   "The design of this game is very simple. At my level, I should be able to design it in two hours."

   Tang Su thought to himself.


   He first assigned the next development work of "Plants vs. Zombies" to the small partners in the team, and then began to create a new game.

   "What are you going to do with a moth?"

Zhang Yuning next to    is a little curious.

   "I looked at it on the Internet before, "Dig Digging Up" is quite popular. Many game companies on the market are imitating...So, I want to make another game for fun."

   Tang Su said casually: "I will do it myself this time, and I will do it within two hours."

   Two hours?

   Zhang Yuning was taken aback: "What about bragging? How can a game be made in two hours? And is it just yourself?"


   Tang Su nodded and said meaningfully: "Lao Zhang, as ordinary as you, may not be able to empathize with the idea of ​​genius, it's okay, this is the gap in IQ. People are born different from each other. I don't blame you."

   Zhang Yuning:? ? ?

   After realizing it, he realized that he was being ridiculed.

   immediately sneered: "Okay, then I want to see, what you can make in two hours, I will time you."

   Two hours to make a game?

   What a nonsense.

   The previous "Digging for Upgrading" took several days, and it was still under the condition of art and two programmers.

   This time, Tang Su is alone, with two hands, a keyboard, a computer...

   Zhang Yuning wanted to see what this guy could do.


   Tang Su didn't care about this, just smiled: "In two hours, if I make it, you will be my grandson."

   Zhang Yuning: "……"


   no longer talk to Zhang Yuning.

   Tang Su started to use his most familiar programming framework to make games.

   The production of "Cat Rio" is very simple, and the rare part is in the design, a variety of nonsensical level designs.

To be unexpected, to be different, to make the players unprepared, feel that this is unreasonable, there must be a certain degree of difficulty, but at the same time, it is not too difficult, the players must be made after a dozen failures, Possibility to pass the test.

   Anyway, it's difficult.

   But for Tang Su, there is no problem.

   When the system king released the mission, he sent him all the detailed information about "Mao Leo". Tang Su only needs to copy it out a little bit to get the game done.

   Various values, designs, and so on, without thinking at all.

For    modeling and the like, you can also use the most basic modeling tools without wasting time.




   Tang Su's two hands tapped quickly on the keyboard.

As for writing code, as a code farmer of two generations, he is already proficient after the system is strengthened. The speed is the same as the king of Zuan, and the percussion speed of both hands is even catching up. Human eyes are gone.

   His keyboard sound is very nice, attracting a large audience.

   Zhang Yuning didn't care at first, but then he was attracted by his super fast speed. Several programmers passing by couldn't help standing behind and watching, somewhat dumbfounded.

   Although we all know that Tang Su's speed is very fast, it is really incredible to be so fast.

   This is the speed that can only be achieved after ten years of code?

   Tang Su realized that someone was watching, but he didn't care. It was just a small game and it was not a secret.

   Zhang Yuning watched for a while, then took out his mobile phone and started recording.

   After an hour and a half--

   "Get it done!"

   Tang Su knocked one last time, and then the game started running.

   A black and white pixel cat appeared on the screen.

   Tang Su turned his head to look at the group of people around him, smiled and asked, "The new game is ready, who wants to try it?"

  As soon as these words came out, the group suddenly dispersed.

   They are not fools.

I’ve heard that Tang Su is still going to make a game in the style of "Digging for the Earth" this time. Although they are curious about the content, they never want to experience it personally. They should wait to watch the live broadcast of the game anchor. .

   "Lao Zhang, do you want to try it?"

   Tang Su turned his head to look at Zhang Yuning next to him, with a sincere smile on his face, and tried his best to recommend: "It's a very fun game, I promise you will never forget it after you experience it."

   "It can't be done."

   Zhang Yuning waved his hand: "I am not interested in games."

   is not not interested in games, but not interested in cheating games.

   "Are you sure you don't want to give it a try?"

   Tang Su sent him the last invitation.

   "Try it yourself."

   Zhang Yuning waved his hand.

   "All right, then I will do it myself."

   Tang Su nodded, and then started to run the game.

   "Cat Rio" is not the same as "Digging for Upgrading".

   The former is logical to find, as long as you master the rules of the game level, you can perfectly avoid it, and then pass the level smoothly.

   In the case of "Digging the Ground for Improvement", the requirements for the feel are very high. This is a handicraft, even if it is taught by someone, it is difficult to learn, and practice makes perfect.

   Tang Su has no interest in "Digging for Upgrading". He is not a masochist, so why play that game when he is idle.

   But there is no resistance to "Mao Leo", because this is indeed a very simple game, on the premise of familiar with the rules of the entire level, you can easily pass the level.

   Tang Su quickly cleared the customs.

"It's that simple?"

   Zhang Yuning was a little wrong: "Didn't you say that this is a game similar to "Digging for the Earth"?"

   "Yes, it's very similar to "Digging for the Earth", it's a bit anti-human."

Tang Su nodded and explained: "The difficulty of this game at the beginning is not high, but there are many levels, the more difficult it gets later, the last few levels...Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to pass without dying thousands of times. "

   Thousands of times? ? ?

   Zhang Yuning's whole person is not good.

   Isn’t this special more than "Digging for the Land"?

   "Wait to apply the profit model of "Digging for Land", and then send it directly to "Banana Game". It will be online at noon tomorrow."

   Tang Su said casually.


Zhang Yuning returned to his senses and nodded: "Then I will talk to'Banana Game' to see if I can give a little recommendation or something. After all, we have the basis for breaking the circle of "Digging for Land and Improving". For "Banana Game", we are not a newcomer platform, we can definitely fight for some small benefits."

   "Okay, I'll leave it to you to do it."

Tang Su said, and then he brought the two programmers who were working on "Digging for Upgrading" and briefly talked with them about the way to design a profitable level for "Cat Rio", and then handed it over to them. Done.

   And Tang Su himself, started to continue to work on "Plants vs. Zombies."


   In the afternoon, after get off work.

   Tang Su sent a message to Su Tang: "It's off work, do you want to have dinner together?"

   Su Tang responded quickly.

   Lovely candy: "I'm tired from training, I don't want to eat, I just want to lie down, woo woo woo~"

   Tang Su: "Do you want to eat or not?"

   Lovely candy: "Eat!!"

   Tang Su drove directly over, looking for a place to eat together, and chatting about the new song by the way.

   "Both songs are good."

  Su Tang sighed: "It's just that the second song is a little bit difficult. Sister Wang said that I can't sing this song well now, so I should practice more in advance, so I am afraid that I will have to work overtime every day."

   said, she also glared at Tang Su: "I blame you."

   "I blame it for writing so well."

Tang Su nodded slightly, and then changed the subject: "If I have a relationship with Dream Entertainment after the end of "Sing as You Want", maybe I can enter the Music Department, and then I can communicate with the teachers in the Music Department. Some things are discussed."


   Su Tang was a little confused at first, and then his eyes lit up: "Is it because someone questioned you for hiring a gunman?"

"more or less."

Tang Su nodded slightly: "Actually, I don't care if outsiders question me, but after all, you are still in the company. Some rumors may affect you, so...In short, you just need to prepare for the game. Don't be affected by these rumors, I will go to the music department in person in the future and have a good chat with them."


  Su Tang nodded his head again: "That arrogant guy is really annoying today. After you go, you must slap him in the face so that he knows what it means to be outside, there are outsiders, there are outsiders and there are heavens."


   Tang Su was startled and shook his head: "It's not necessary. If I care about him, wouldn't it appear that I am narrow-minded?"

   said so in her mouth, but she didn't think so in her heart.

   Tang Su felt that there was no need to hit someone in the face because of this.

   Comparing heart to heart, if someone tells myself at this time that a person who has never touched a computer has suddenly become a hacker master in a very short time... Then I will feel very nonsense.

   People are just questioning under normal logic.

   There are many people who have such doubts, but most people are very witty and don't say it. A small group of people with low EQ and arrogance have said it.

   If you really want to slap your face, how many people are appropriate?

   When is the head shot?

   Just because of a question from someone, I ran to beat someone in the face?

   There is no need for that.

   At this time, you only need to find a way to dispel such doubts.


   Together with Su Tang, he won the championship of "Sing as You Want" and became a popular singer and a popular musician.

   Another example:

   After I got a lot of knowledge and experience in the music field through the system, I went to the music department of "Dream Entertainment" to chat.

   As long as they have proved their strength, as long as they are defeated by the fist of theory, all rumors will be self-defeating.

   "What you said makes sense."

   Su Tang nodded.

   Tang Su shifted the subject while eating, “When I was working this afternoon, I suddenly got inspiration and made a game. Are you interested in experiencing it?”


   Su Tang frowned slightly, suspecting that he had heard it wrong: "I made it in one afternoon?"


   Tang Su nodded: "Just a small game, very small, and not much content. Because I suddenly got inspiration, so I made it easily. The whole process will take only one and a half hours."

   "Is it so easy to make a game?"

  Su Tang is a bit dazed.

   "It's not that the game is simple, but I am more powerful."

   Tang Su shrugged and said casually.


   Su Tang curled his lips.

   "Do you want to experience it?"

   Tang Su took out his mobile phone: "I have installed it on the mobile phone. I have experienced the computer version when I was at the company. It was very fun."


   Su Tang's eyes lit up, and when he was about to pick up his phone, he suddenly thought of something, and his little hand shrank back, and asked vigilantly: "Will this tour be similar to "Digging for a Better Up", right?"

   She always feels that this guy is not at ease.

   "It's not similar. Except for the difficulty, the two are very different."

   Tang Su said somewhat euphemistically.

   Except for difficulty, there are other big differences?

  Su Tang is about to haha ​​on the spot.

   Facing the mobile phone that Tang Su handed over, Su Tang chose to refuse without even thinking about it: "No play or no play, absolutely no play, I'll still wait to watch those anchors play."

   Xiao Su Tang is very smart.

   She rarely falls twice in the same pit.

   After she was trapped once by "Digging for Upgrading", she would never fall in another similar pit.

   Even though she is very curious about it.

   "When are you going to launch this game?"

   Su Tang asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon."

Tang Su said casually: "Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, we have some attention because of the foundation of "Digging for the earth". Although the second game cannot be as popular as "Digging for the earth", although it is also profitable. Not much money, but for a small number of players, it should be a pleasant surprise."

   Are you sure it is a surprise?

  Su Tang was a bit speechless, then he thought of something and asked: "Tang Su, there are many games that imitate "Digging for the Earth" now on the market. Have you watched these?"

   "I saw it."

   Tang Su nodded: "However, because of the popularity and coverage of "Digging for Upward", although these games are well done, they are still much worse than "Digging for Upward".

  They did not understand the essence of "Digging for the Earth", so when designing the difficulty of the game, it was either too simple or for the sake of difficulty, and it did not give the player the possibility of passing..."

   "Digging for the Earth" is also not a simple game. If you want to imitate, you can't just imitate a painting style and gameplay.

   If it were so easy, those popular games would have been copied into the streets.

   ""Digging for Upgrading"...Is there any plan for later update and maintenance?"

   Su Tang asked.

   "No, the game has been finished, there is no need to continue to update."

   Tang Su shook his head: "This is not a good game for longevity. It is very short-lived. If nothing else, it should be completely cold in a few days."

   "I have an idea..."

  Su Tang thought for a while and said, "If you open source "Digging for the Earth" and create an exclusive community, will it be interesting for players to figure out ways to make game maps, gameplay, and numerical changes?"

   Open source?

Tang Su was startled, frowning and thinking for a moment: "I haven't considered this, but I should be able to give it a try. If it can be done, it may be able to effectively extend the life of "Digging for Land". The viewers who abuse the anchor, as long as there are more new maps appear, they can always maintain a good popularity."


Su Tang nodded: "When I used to like to play games, there was a company. After the main body of the game was made, it kept updating the content. Each time the new content was charged, it took a long time. The price of the update package is several times that of the main body of the game."


   Tang Su thoughtfully.

   He suddenly thought of several similar games in his memory, such as "Minecraft" and so on...

   "Digging for Upgrading" is obviously not suitable for charging mode.

   Moreover, using players’ creativity to create profit for themselves will be scolded. Besides, for a free game on a free platform, how many people are willing to spend money to buy a new map?

   So, the best way is:

   Like the main body of the game, it still uses advertising to make money, but it can return part or even most of the income to the creator of the new map.

  In this way, players can be more active in making new maps for "Digging for the Earth" and extending the life of the game.

   "Why do we talk about work every time we eat together?"

   Tang Su sighed.

"Very Su Tang shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Perhaps because we all have a lot of work to be busy now. A lot of time and energy are occupied by work, so we will definitely talk about it. A lot of things about work. "


   Tang Su nodded: "I remember hearing someone mention it a long time ago that if you are eating with a girl, if your mind is at work, the other person will feel that you are not respected and will be angry... But you are obviously an exception."

   "Hey, because we understand each other."

  Su Tang looked up at him and smiled: "You like to talk about work, and I also like to talk about work. I think this is great, and it's a common topic."

   "It's enough for two people to get along well."

Tang Su said softly, "I'm afraid that some people feel uncomfortable, but I don't want to say it. This situation will be very troublesome... After all, everyone is tired after working all day, mentally and physically, so how can there be so much energy to guess about others? Your mind."

   "This situation mostly happens to girls, because girls are born to be loved."

Su Tang groaned for a moment, then looked up at him with a smile, with crooked eyebrows: "But I won't. If I am in a bad mood, I will say it directly. I don't like letting others guess, and I don't like holding it in my heart. ."


   You don’t like letting others guess, and you don’t like holding it in your heart.

  You just like...write it in your notebook, and then wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

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