Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 268: Tang Su's discovery, a small idea with one lift and three wins

Simi Studio.

   "Unbelievable, really unbelievable."

   Tang Su brushed his Weibo, watching these netizens taking pictures and posting ‘Forest Elk’, as well as the melon-eating people who were messing around but a bit like headless flies. He shook his head with emotion.

   "How is it? I'll say it's okay, right?"

Zhang Yuning said cheerfully: "As long as the quality of this keyboard can meet the high standards set by'Mitang Studio' itself, as long as the overall quality is not inferior to the'Constellation Series', then it can directly kill madness. You know'Forest' What's the scariest thing about "Elks"?"

   "...I probably know."

Tang Su sighed: "Before I bought it, I felt that it was too expensive. After I bought it, I felt that it was worth the money. The enthusiasts of the key circle felt this way, and the ordinary consumers felt the same way... Once this keyboard is mass-produced, it really It can be invincible all over the world, at least at this price, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha."

   This is the most terrifying place of ‘Forest Elk’.


Suddenly, Tang Su thought of something and asked, "What if it is a mass production manufacturer? Or other customized studios at home and abroad. If they are allowed to keep stacking materials, they can roughly produce at a price of four thousand five thousand. What kind of product? Will there be a big gap with "Forest Elk"?"

  As a layman, he doesn't quite understand this.


Zhang Yuning frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Let me put it this way, it is impossible for a mass product brand to reach the price of four thousand five thousand. On the one hand, their brand value is not so high, on the other hand... they are not so powerful. technology.

'Mitang Studio' is so excellent, a large part of it is due to luck. They have found a lot of correct development directions, and then in the past two years, they have accumulated experience and created more patented technologies. Things can't be done with a little more money.

If it is compared in terms of marketing, rice soup is far less than any mass product brand, even some of the second- and third-rate brands, and some so-called small workshops, because'Mitang' has no experience in this area. .

   But if you compare it from the keyboard itself...

Let me put it this way, add up all the global mass product brands, add up their understanding of the keyboard, and then compare it with the'mitang'. At most, you can only touch the heel of the'mitang'. The gap is really wide. too big.

   It has nothing to do with the amount of money or the length of time the company has existed. It has nothing to do with one thing, that is, the idea.

  Key Circle Each company has a different understanding of the keyboard. Different understandings, different directions, and different requirements will result in different results.

   In fact, it is not just the key ring, all companies are the same, including our Simi. "


   Tang Su touched his chin, thoughtfully.


When the    ‘Forest Elk’ keyboard was warmed up and sold, there were a lot of people on the Internet with rhythm.

   These rhythmic people are not a good thing, and their minds are bad.

   Maybe it’s because I don’t want ‘Mitang Studio’ to get involved in the mass product brand circle, or maybe it’s purely wanting to engage in Tang Su and Su Tang mentality.

but now--

   With the fire of the'Forest Elk', their calculations disappeared in smoke. Instead of affecting the studio and Tang Su and Su Tang, they became fuel and helped them to become more popular.

   Even if the "Forest Elk" is sold separately, the price of a keyboard will be around four thousand five thousand.

   Compared with the mass-produced flagships of the big brands on the market, it is more than twice as expensive.

   You should know that the top flagship brands of the major brands that cost about two thousand dollars on the market have already been complained about the high price, brand tax, IQ tax and other issues at this price.

   It stands to reason that two thousand yuan should be the limit acceptable to mass consumers.

However, at present, the first keyboard of Mitang Studio for the public has been sold directly to four thousand five thousand, which is twice as expensive as the most expensive mass-produced flagship in the past. As a result, all consumers who buy this keyboard, However, no one complained about the IQ tax or something.

   If only one or two people say that.

   It may be considered that he was embarrassed to admit that he had been cheated, so he could only bite the bullet and shout that he was really fragrant.

But almost everyone feels this way... it’s not a matter of face, but this keyboard is really worth so much, or more accurately, for those keyboard lovers, it’s worth the money and cost-effective. Very high.

   In this way——

   Perhaps the products of ‘Mitang Studio’ are limited by price factors and still have difficulty selling well, but they have already spread the brand’s popularity and influence.

   From now on, anyone who wants to buy a top-quality keyboard, even if it’s just a cute newbie, can know the brand of ‘Mitang Studio’ by just inquiring and searching online.

Perhaps, there are still very few people who are willing to spend four to five thousand dollars to buy a keyboard, but when these people learn that this keyboard is sold for four thousand and five thousand and it is still regarded by all users as value for money, they will keep in mind. The next very deep impression, and then...

   There is something to say.

   The more unavailable, the more beautified.

  Perhaps, I was reluctant to spend so much money at the beginning, but when I have the money and have the opportunity, I will inevitably buy it and try it, and experience what the tyrants call the ‘top experience’.

   I believe this will be very interesting.


The word-of-mouth of "Forest Elk" has undergone a major reversal, which has caused the price of this keyboard on the second-hand market to be increased, from 8,999 yuan to 20,000 yuan. Obviously there is an opportunity for a dog to see it and want to borrow it. The local tyrants who don't care about money will be "blackmailed" fiercely.

   Tang Su didn't take it seriously at first.

   But when I look at it, I feel that something is wrong. If I let these gangsters continue to fry, the ‘Forest Elk’ will become a rare luxury.

  Once contaminated with the attributes of ‘luxury’, it will inevitably cause certain troubles to the future mass production plan of ‘Mitang Studio’.

  What is the keyboard?

   is a tool.

  Although there are many fancy keyboards on the market now, no matter how fancy keyboards are, one fact cannot be changed:

  The keyboard is just a tool.

   If this thing is mistaken for a luxury item, it will be easy to persuade some consumers.

After all, in the cognition of many people, the "luxury" thing is basically similar to the IQ tax. A mobile phone case is more than 100,000 yuan, a bag is 100,000 yuan, and a brand-name clothes is 100,000 yuan... Deceptive.

Perhaps rich people don’t care about money, rich people care more about so-called face and noodles, so they will buy these, but ordinary people will definitely not consider it. In contrast, they prefer “price ratio” and prefer 'Value for money'.


   You must find a way to break this ethos.

   "You can't let these gangsters continue to be arrogant, otherwise, the reputation of this brand will have to fall into their hands."

   Tang Su thought this way.


   He did not go to Su Tang immediately.

  Because the other party is currently in a state of ‘disconnected special training’, it’s somewhat untimely to disturb the other party in order to do such a thing.

   On the one hand, I don’t want to disturb Su Tang.

   On the other hand, Tang Su also wanted to see if'Mitang Studio' had any strategies to deal with this.

   should be there, right?

After all, it is the head studio in the customized circle. The market value is over one billion "big companies". There are all kinds of talents in the studio. This is not a big deal at the moment, and there should be coping strategies. right.


   Until I got home from get off work, I didn't see any movement in'Mitang Studio'.

   Tang Su was a little puzzled.

   just saw the message that ‘your special attention ‘cute sugar’ has been online..., and then chatted with the other party casually, and then ‘inadvertently’ brought up the matter.

   really means pretending to mention it casually.

   I didn’t even give pointers as soon as I came up. If people have their own arrangements, but the pace is a little slow, it’s very embarrassing to give pointers here.

   But if you don’t ask, I worry that the other party will be unprepared.


   ‘Mitang Studio’ is a very powerful studio, that’s right.

   But the ‘powerful’ mentioned here only refers to the design, production, and production itself, but in other aspects...well, compared with other companies in the same class, it’s a little bit more difficult.

   can be seen from the whole process of "Forest Elk" this time.

   Although he was lucky in the end, it was enough to show that "Mitang Studio" lacked such preparation.

   "Fuck dog... we also have a headache."

At the other end of the video call, Su Tang was wiping her hair with a pink towel. Faced with Tang Su’s problem, she responded casually without thinking: “We have thought of many ways, such as the limit of one purchase per ID, like Increasing production and so on, but it is not very useful, least until mass production and full open supply, we have nothing to do with the dog."

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   He was dumbfounded.

   I just asked casually just in case, but Su Tang really didn't prepare at all.

   If I didn’t ask, would the ‘Mitang Studio’ just ignore it and wait for the ‘Forest Elk’ to be turned into a luxury by these crazy gangsters?

   This is not a good thing.

   If the ‘Forest Elk’ is still under the banner of ‘Mitang Studio’, it doesn’t matter.

   But if you plan to move it to the ‘Honor Peripheral’ in the future, the problem is not small.

   Obviously, Su Tang and the friends in the studio have not prepared accordingly.

   "Don't you worry that this will affect the studio's brand reputation?"

   Tang Su couldn't help but ask.

   Anyway, it's a studio with an overall market value of over 1 billion. It's not even such a little preparation, right?


Su Tang is a little confused: "Brand reputation? It seems that I have never considered this kind of thing. The predecessor of'Mitang Studio' is dozens of well-known customized teams in China. They have their reputation and status. Each of our These products are very popular and have now evolved into a well-recognized authority in the circle. As for the'Mitang OEM'... it can guarantee quality, yield, and delivery time, which is enough."

  'Mitang' is divided into two parts, one is its own design studio, and the other is a foundry.

   The former has already had deep design experience at the beginning of its establishment, the accumulation of popularity in the circle, word-of-mouth in the circle, etc. has been very high, plus the consistent style of the key ring...

   This also led to the fact that there was no such thing as a ‘marketing department’ in the long time since ‘Customized Rice Soup’ was founded. It’s just that other people’s studios had them in the future, and then I got one for myself...

In other words,'Mitang Studio' put most of its time, energy, and focus on products. For nearly three years, it has not paid attention to a series of issues such as marketing, operations, market analysis, brand public relations, etc. .

   This is also the real reason why ‘Forest Elk’ was directly on the hot search under the deliberate hype of some competitors, and ‘Mitang Studio’ was unable to do anything about it.

   "Are you trying to say... If you leave it alone, there will be big problems?"

   Su Tang frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

   This girl is a little fool in life, but her business sense is very sensitive.

   She first wondered why Tang Su asked about this, and then realized that there might be some kind of problem.

   "No big problems, but small ones."

Tang Su thought for a while and asked: "According to what you said to me at the beginning, the'Forest Elk' series will be directly moved to the sub-brand in the future. As its top flagship, it can also be regarded as borrowed from the'Forest Elk'. "The popularity and fame of'" brings some value to the new brand, does that mean?"

   "Yes, I think so."

   Su Tang nodded: "Is there any problem with this?"

   "The problem lies here."

Tang Su sighed: "Now the'Forest Elk' is about to be hyped as a luxury product by the gang of dogs... You know, this is a product that is ready to be positioned as a mass-produced flagship product, and it is directly turned into a luxury product. What do potential consumers think? If the "Forest Elk" bears the label of luxury, then moving this product to a sub-brand is equivalent to turning the sub-brand into a luxury...Luxury and high-end are two concepts In the field of mass-produced peripherals, luxury is not a good word."


   Su Tang blinked, then pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly woke up: "I'm going to blow my hair, wait for a chat."

   After speaking, the little girl ran away quickly, and the noise of the hair dryer came not far away...

   The hair dryer she used should be pretty good, the noise is very small, and the sound is very full, which is different from the tens of dollars in the market.

   After a few minutes, the little girl ran back and sat down.

   "I just thought about it. There are only two ways to limit the behavior of the downfalling dogs."

Su Tang stretched out two slender, white fingers, and said seriously: "The first way is to open the pre-sale of'Forest Elk', so that everyone can purchase it at a price of 8,999 yuan through pre-sale. The second is The way is to start the pre-sale of new products in advance..."

   Open the pre-sale of "Forest Elk", or open the pre-sale of new products?

   Tang Su thought about it and nodded: "These two methods are good, but are there any difficulties in the studio or the factory?"

   If there is no problem, Su Tang should be able to think of a way directly, and it won't be as tangled as it is now.

   She is not a person who likes to give herself a lot of multiple choice questions. She doesn't even struggle when buying snacks, let alone now.

   "Hmm... how do you say it?"

Su Tang scratched his hair in annoyance: "Say'Forest Elk' first. As I told you before, I plan to keep this product for the Qixi Festival in the future. There will be new changes every year, only once a year. Purchase opportunity... This is a special sense of ceremony. If you start the pre-sale now, the sense of ceremony will be gone, and the production will be a problem. If the construction period is scheduled to next year, is it still this year’s money? ?"


   Tang Su thought for a while: "So, your thinking now is that you don't want to make an exception because of the current situation, and you want to continue to maintain this sense of ritual?"


Su Tang nodded: "I know that if you do mass production, sales and profit are the most important. You can't pursue a sense of ceremony or something, but for the'forest elk', I don't think it matters. The main thing is the keyboard at this price... It will not sell well in the mass production market, and there are also requirements for the hands-on ability of buyers, so I want to make it a more special product, which is only used to raise the position of "Glory Peripherals", and Not sold as a traditional mass-produced keyboard."

   "That's okay, your thoughts are quite clear."

Tang Su thought for a while and nodded in agreement with her thoughts: "This two-in-one kit is priced at 8,999 yuan, even if it is considered more expensive in the customized circle. If it is placed in the mass production market, it is almost impossible to sell. You may not be able to sell a few sets in a month. It is also possible to have good sales in advance for special festivals such as Qixi Festival. Your arrangement is quite reasonable."

  Su Tang may not have thought so much.

   But her decision coincided with Tang Su's thinking.

   "So, I basically gave up on this, and then the second solution."

Su Tang thought about it very seriously, and then said: "The studio plans to start mass production of the first real "Mitang" sub-brand in early November. Of course, it is in the form of spot + futures. It is impossible. All of them are made in stock, and then... now they can be put out for pre-sales to divert everyone's attention at a lower price, which may be able to effectively curb the price of'forest elk' in the second-hand market."

   "This is great."

   Tang Su nodded: "I think this idea is great, what are you struggling with?"

   "I'm afraid that consumers who purchase'Forest Elk' at the original price or even increase it will have opinions."

Su Tang said honestly: "They just spent four thousand five hundred forefoot to buy a keyboard, and they still used this inconvenient way. As a result, we immediately released a cheaper new product, and the two sides were in all aspects except the appearance. The designs are all the same...Those consumers who buy the "Forest Elk" may feel that they have suffered a backstab and will be very unhappy, which will also affect our reputation."


   Hearing the words, Tang Su frowned slightly.

Comparing your heart to heart, if you are a consumer of'Forest Elk', after buying this product at the original price or even double the premium, the studio will launch new products in less than five days, unlimited, and the price is very cheap, Not to lose to the'Forest Elk'... Then I absolutely want to curse.

   Finally, I have accumulated a lot of good feelings because of the "ingenuity spirit". If you really play like this, this good feeling will start to backlash immediately.

  Perhaps, this is not a serious matter for ‘Mitang Studio’, but the potential harm is not small.

   Consumers are very sensitive to money. Once they feel that they have been scammed, no matter how popular they are before, no matter how they blow up, they will directly become black fans and fight to the end.

   Therefore, it is definitely not possible to directly open the new product pre-sale.

   "What if you just announce the appearance?"

Tang Su thought for a few seconds, and thought of a way: "We can announce some of the things that everyone cares about, such as: the appearance, general structure, output and sales methods of the new products, but we need to include other information, such as the price and all the better than the forest elk. 'The characteristics are hidden...

Take advantage of this publicity first, and then wait until November, when the pre-sale is about to open, and then fully disclose it. By that time, everyone is about to lose their freshness in the "Forest Elk". The price and characteristics of the new product are not estimated. There will be too much reaction. "

   This is a more neutral approach.

   As a result, this move will not affect the psychology of the ‘forest elk’ consumers, and it will not make the other party feel that they have been ‘back-stabbed’.

Secondly, we can also calm down those potential consumers who want to increase the price of "Forest Elk" on impulse, and let them know that even if they like it, they don’t need to buy it now, because new products will be released in two or three months. In such a short time, most people should be able to wait.

   Three times, you can also warn the crazy gang of dogs, forcing them to lower their prices and forcing them to hurry up and release the keyboard in their hands as soon as possible.

   is simply killing three birds with one stone.

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