Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 273: Regarding Su Tang's encounter with the next-door entertainment company poaching p

Entertainment starts from the heartbeat https://

In the next few days.

The friends in the key circle silently witnessed the resale price trend of ‘Forest Elk’.

From more than twenty thousand at the peak, to eighteen thousand, fifteen thousand, thirteen thousand, and finally maintained the position of twelve thousand.

The sale price is 8,999 yuan, and the lowest price of the second-hand platform is 12,000, and the premium is about 3,000 yuan.

"It didn't break hair?"

The key ring enthusiasts who were waiting for the break expressed disappointment.

The so-called break refers to the break below the offer price. Take the example of "Forest Elk". The offer price is 8,999 yuan. If the transaction price of the second-hand platform is lower than this figure, it is called break. If it is always higher than this figure , Then it's not a break.

Under normal circumstances, the higher the premium, the more popular the product is.

Of course, it is not absolute.

There are many factors that affect product premiums. In addition to quality, the biggest impact lies in quantity.

Two keyboards of the same quality, one sells 300 sets, the other sells 3,000 sets, the premium of the two is definitely different, the premium of the former will be very exaggerated, at least 60% starting, and even as high as 100% -300%, and the latter is at most 10%-20% premium.

The shipment of "Forest Elk" is very small, only 250 sets, even if it is split, there are only 500 sets.

Looking at the entire key ring, these are very rare shipments.

This is why the second-hand price can reach more than 20,000 yuan.

However, in the eyes of many people, as the renderings and details of "Xing Yao" are exposed, it will definitely affect the price of the second-hand platform of "Forest Elk" to a large extent, and it may even directly fall below the offer price.

But the result made them realize that they might be thinking too much.

"I want to be honest, if you want to wait for the'forest elk' to break your hair, you can wash and sleep."

"Since the establishment of'Mi Soup', there have been no broken products, and the least premium products have been more than 10%."

"'Forest Elk' has almost no chance of breaking hair, and this is a very successful product. The premium of 30% is already the least, and it is impossible to lower it."

"If you want to wait for a break, you may be able to wait for'Xing Yao'. This may be the first product to break hair since the birth of'Rice Soup.'"

"I don’t think so. There is no limit in the customization circle and the limit in traditional mass production. That is not the same thing. Unless there is continuous production, unless you want to buy it, you can buy it. Otherwise, you will still There is a premium, but the premium is not high."

Netizens talked a lot.

Some people think that "Xing Yao" must break hair, while others think that it is impossible to break hair.

After all, as we all know (key circle), the output of ‘Mitang Studio’ has always been a big problem. Every time it says how much it will produce, it was quickly sold out as soon as it was released... I don’t know how many times it has been beaten in the face.

The real old leek in the key ring will not believe the nonsense of ‘Mitang Workshop’.


Tang Su is not curious about the key ring, nor does he care about these new and old leeks ideas.

He was quite curious about the keyboard of ‘Xing Yao’.

"What do you think of this keyboard?"

Tang Su called Zhang Yuning over and asked him what he thought of this old leek.


Zhang Yuning glanced at the screen, and quickly realized that Tang Su was considering replacing the equipment for his colleagues. After thinking about it, he said: "The price, quality, exterior design, internal structure, etc., are all suitable, and the cycle is very short. At that time, one hundred sets came, and it was only about four hundred thousand."

Four hundred thousand.

Tang Su touched his chin: "I also think it's appropriate, but four hundred thousand is not a small number."

"Is four hundred thousand a lot?"

Zhang Yuning shook his head, and said disapprovingly: "I don't think so."

"So, are you planning to pay out welfare for everyone out of your pocket?"

Tang Su's eyes lit up.


Zhang Yuning was speechless: "Can you be more realistic? Don't always think about the good things that are pie in the sky, can you?"

I really don't know what this guy thinks.

He paid out the benefits out of his own pocket. Does he really have money and nowhere to spend it?

"You didn't plan to pay for it out of your pocket? Then you still put it here to talk coldly?"

Seeing that this guy didn't have any consciousness at all, Tang Su was disappointed: "I thought you had a good idea. Now the studio doesn't have much money. You have to keep it for the promotion of "Plants vs. Zombies." Bar."

"I really have a good way."

Zhang Yuning glanced at him and said faintly, "For games like "Digging for the Earth" and "Cat Rio", if you make a few more games, won’t you make money? These small games can’t make money. Too much money, but making a few more models and pooling some money to upgrade the office equipment in the studio should still be fine."

"Digging for Improvement", "Cat Rio"...

Tang Su was stunned: "Don't you look down on these broken games? You also asked me to try not to do it again in the future. Why do I change my mind now?"

"Make money, it's not shabby."

Zhang Yuning shook his head.


Tang Su thought for a few seconds: "Forget it, there is no inspiration in this aspect for the time being, and... we should be silent for a while, and wait for the new game to be made, and then consider other things."

Although the small mosquito legs are meat.

But, I have made several models one after another, and now it is indeed a bit boring.

It feels boring to continue to do this thing, and the benefits of continuing to do it are not high, and the effect is not very obvious.


Later, Tang Su did not make a new mini game, but decided to improve the production efficiency of "Plants vs. Zombies" and try to make this game as early as possible.

"Set a small goal first, in mid-October."

It was originally scheduled for the beginning of November, but now it is set to mid-October. The production cycle has been reduced by half a month, and the workload has increased a lot.

at the same time---

The fourth issue of "Sing as You Want" was launched.

Su Tang's new song "I like you" once again hit the whole network, and got the first good results in the new song list and the hot song list, a strong batch. "Who said that Tangtang sang the same style in all songs? Stand up and get beaten."

"Who said before that Tang Su could only write inspirational songs? Stand up too, don't let me call the name."

"This song is actually quite a test of singing skills. If the singing skills are average, it is difficult to play the charm of this song. It is far from the effect of Su Tang."

"Miss Su Tang is getting better and better."

"I feel that this song is quite suitable for her to sing, and the previous "Living in the Rain" is more suitable for singers with some experience and some experience."

"I don't understand these metaphysics, I think every song of Su Tang is very good. The real young generation of talented singers are completely different from those idol singers."

"Tang Su is also pretty good. Many people said before that he only writes inspirational songs. As a result, he didn't say a word. He thought he was guilty, so he just slapped his face as soon as he shot."

"Suddenly I started to wonder what song Su Tang would sing in the next competition. This little couple can always surprise us."

"Su Tang's own keyboard is also super beautiful. There are still three months left. I want to save money to buy "Xing Yao" and feel the charm of high-end keyboards."

"Su Tang is quite powerful, young, not only has a vibe in the music circle, but also has a very good sideline, which is simply a role model for contemporary young people."

"I don't know if it's a role model, but I think singing may be a sideline for her.'Mixed rice soup customization' is not a small studio. Make no mistake."

"The point is that they have also gained love..."

"Love...In other words, why no one pays attention to Tang Su? He is also a very good little brother, who can cook, tease, play games, write songs, and is handsome."

"He already has Su Tang, why should I pay attention to him?"

"Yes, yes, and, Su Tang's own new keyboard, I can still support it, Tang Su's to support it? Come and have a happy "Digging for the Land"?"

"Grass, don't mention this."

Sand sculpture netizens are laughing and laughing.

For Su Tang's new song "I like you", fans all expressed their love, but it is sweet and sweet.

At the same time, the performance of "Like You" on the'Tengda Music Network' is getting better and better. The new song chart is the first, the hot song is the first, the pop chart is the first... the popularity is messed up, and even a few second-tier singers sing. They were all beaten down, very ruthless.

"Did "Dream Entertainment" take the shot?"

When Tang Su saw such a terrifying ranking, such thoughts subconsciously emerged in his mind.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Su Tang's strength, but because in this world, it is difficult for an individual's ability to defeat the power of capital.

These second-tier singers are backed by the capital team. No matter how good a new singer’s new song is, it is impossible to beat the old singer with capital support. Anyone who operates it can subvert all your efforts.

And what can defeat the power of capital is probably only the same capital power.

For example-Dream Entertainment Company.

Tang Su wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, he felt there was no need to do so.

He doesn't dislike capital... on the premise that capital can help him.

And at this moment--

Tang Su's cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.

Feel free to answer.

A strange woman’s voice came from the phone: "Is it Mr. Tang Su? I am the head of the music department of'Ronghua Entertainment'. My name is Wang. Do you have time now?"

Velvet entertainment?

Tang Su was startled. He was not unfamiliar with the name of this company, because among the singers who were promoted in the fourth issue of "Sing as You Want", one of them was from ‘Relvet Flower Entertainment’.

But why should the other party contact him?

Is it possible to dig the foot of the wall?

Tang Su frowned slightly, and then asked, "Director Wang, right? Can you tell me, how did you get my contact information?"


The other party was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Tang Su, this is our business secret..."

Tang Su felt bored and hung up the phone, then pulled black.

He is not interested in wasting time with each other.

For one thing, the opponent is likely to want to dig a wall. Although I don't know what conditions the opponent can offer, it is definitely not as interesting as the "Dream Entertainment" bet.

Besides, he entered the music circle for Su Tang, but not to make money or to be famous, which means nothing to him.

Secondly, this guy is very rude.

I didn't know how to get his contact information, so I contacted him rashly. When asked, he didn't explain the reason. It was so rude. Why would Tang Su still chirp with the other party?

‘It should be the contact information you got from Dream Entertainment, right? ’

Tang Su thought to himself.

As for the colleagues in the studio?

He has never thought about it here, because apart from Zhang Yuning and Xu Huahua, few people know his contact information. Everyone usually uses chat software when communicating outside.

How convenient is it to send documents and work together, and it’s inconvenient to make a phone call. I don’t understand it for a long time.

Thought for a while-

Tang Su sent a message to Su Tang, talked about it for a while, and asked her what's the status of "Ronghua Entertainment".

"It's just a well-known entertainment company with a mediocre scale."

Su Tang was quite clear about this, and quickly replied to him: "This company is said to have been run by the wife of a real estate boss. It is rich in wealth. The company's biggest business strategy is to buy, buy, and dig if it gets hot. This I have been well-known in the circle for a few years, and Director Wang has even dug me, and I don’t know what I think..."

Have you dug Su Tang?

Tang Su was a little speechless. What kind of company is this? Didn't you investigate before digging?

As long as you investigate the relationship between Su Tang and the "Dream Entertainment Company", you will not go to dig people... The shareholder of the company that digs people, the director Wang can figure it out.

Su Tang soon sent another message.

Lovely Tang: "Their director Wang, what price is it for you?" Tang Su replied, "I don't know. I asked her how you got my contact information. She said it was a commercial secret. I just hung up, and then blacked... the offer? I don't need to listen to the offer, even if they give me 100 million, I can't leave, because the "Elegant Entertainment" has no sugar, no my favorite treasure."

Just open your mouth.

Probably this is the so-called practice makes perfect.

Su Tang seemed to have been thundered too, and it took a long time before he replied, "I'm too lazy to care about you."


Follow the old rules.

It's time for Tang Su to submit a new song.

For several days, there was no movement on Tang Su's side, which made Tang Xiaolin a little anxious, so she asked Sister Wang to help urge her.

"Does Mr. Tang have his contact information?"

Sister Wang asked in surprise.

"It's better not to have it, or someone who is cautious may be thinking wildly."

Tang Xiaolin said lightly.

Someone who is careful... Does this mean Su Tang?

Su Tang...The girl is really not mindful. If she knows that Tang Xiaolin is speaking badly behind her back, she will have to think about it for a long time.

The most important thing is that Su Tang’s idol dramas have been watched a lot, and I can always think of some weird plots, such as some girlfriends and boyfriends together, and then deliberately seek their own wealth, etc., just... tired.

Tang Xiaolin is really not interested in playing the games of "adult version of play house" and "urban palace scheming" with her. Therefore, in order to avoid some troubles, she never mentioned exchanging contact information with Tang Su, anyway... …The things they need to communicate with are really good.

In the past, there was no intersection at all, but now there is an intersection because of work. Since it is work, it would be nice to let sister Wang, an agent, be responsible.

As the boss of "Dream Entertainment", she is also very busy at work, and it is impossible to spend all of her energy on Su Tang.

"All right, I will contact him and ask about the situation."

Sister Wang nodded, then called Tang Su, and turned on the speakerphone in front of Tang Xiaolin.

Tang Su quickly connected: "Sister Wang, good morning, what's the matter?"

"I just want to ask how your new song is written, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Sister Wang asked.

Although she is the one who urges the manuscript, she still has to pay attention to some skills. She can't always come up and ask why the other party hasn't submitted the new song.

"No difficulty, it's almost done. If you need it, I'll hand it to you at noon."

Tang Su's voice came from the phone: "By the way, Tangtang is free at noon? Come out for a meal together."

Poor Little Sugar, in the past two days, he has started his special training career again.

It is not easy for Tang Su to pull her out for a chat, but right now is a good opportunity. His new song has already been written, so the other party has to show some face, right?

after all--

If everything goes well, maybe after the "Sing as You Want" is over, everyone will be colleagues. See you when you look up, right?


Sister Wang was helpless: "Okay, you make an appointment. You can go out to eat at noon, but you have to send someone back to me before two o'clock in the afternoon."

"This time is a bit short."

Tang Su was a little reluctant: "How can it be done like a prison visit? There is still a time limit."

Sister Wang: "..."

Tang Xiaolin: "..."

Don't tell me, it's like visiting a prison.

Hung up the I am a little looking forward to his new song, and I don’t know how much surprise it will bring us. "

Sister Wang said with a smile.

She had some doubts about Tang Su’s creative ability at the beginning, but as several high-quality pop songs were born from him, Sister Wang’s doubts about him gradually turned into expectations, hoping that the guy could give Bring more surprises to yourself.

"I hope there are surprises, don't think that a series of good results is just to be proud."

Tang Xiaolin said something at random, and suddenly thought of something, her brows frowned slightly: "Why does he write Cantonese songs?"

This is something she hasn't figured out yet.

When first heard that Tang Su had written a Cantonese song, Tang Xiaolin felt that the guy was really floating.

But after listening to the new version recorded by Su Tang himself, Tang Xiaolin felt that... a talented person is really doing line by line, line by line...


How did Tang Su write Cantonese songs?

This guy and Cantonese...should have no intersection at all, right?

"I don't know about this, but he did write this song by himself. This should be correct. If someone can write such a good song, he will definitely take the opportunity to become famous. It is impossible to give it to others, and ...Tang Su doesn't know other musicians either."

Sister Wang shook her head: "Perhaps, he is more interested in Cantonese? Then he taught himself? You know, his resume...It's really not something ordinary people can do."

They have investigated Tang Su's past experience, and this guy has lived a life like a hang-up since he was a child.

"Perhaps it is."

Tang Xiaolin nodded, as if she could only accept such a statement.

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