Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 278: Turning passive to active; young couples are looking for a better future...

As Sister Wang said, this matter is not only related to the interests of the company and the first-line singer Xu Mengying, but also related to the interests of Su Tang and Tang Su.

Therefore, it is natural not to take it lightly.

It still needs to be taken seriously.

Su Tang didn't want Sister Wang to talk about it with Tang Su, because she knew that Sister Wang would definitely consider it from the company's standpoint. After all, she was an employee of the company and not a friend of Tang Su's.

Therefore, Su Tang could only tell Tang Su about it himself.

"How does Xu Mengying treat you normally?"

Tang Su asked.

"Very good, Mr. Xu is a very good person, and he doesn't help me less often."

Su Tang nodded, and then sighed: "If you are not in a hurry, you can wait until we are all busy before writing her a song, but now we have a lot of things to be busy with ourselves, and then teacher Xu has to send a new message. The album... It’s really that planning is not as fast as changing. I didn’t think of this at all when I was planning."

"Yes, planning is not as fast as changing."

Tang Su smiled: "Planning can only be a general direction and general reference. Once the plan is detailed, it is easy to go wrong... Not everything can be placed in the plan, there are always some sudden things. The changes will break the original plan, which is also impossible."

This sudden emergence of Xu Mengying and the so-called traitor Cai Yukun did not surprise Tang Su too much.

After all, it's the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry is a very magical circle. The most magical thing about it is that it is not surprising that anything outrageous happens in this circle.

Reality is often more magical than novels. The plots in the novels are all imagined by the author out of thin air, and many news that happen in reality are usually unthinkable...

The entertainment industry is generally impetuous and utilitarian. Artists who are willing to put their minds on improving themselves are very rare. Most of them are trying their best to play capital games by unscrupulous means, trying their best to make money, or let themselves step on who is more important. further.

Just talk about Cai Yuting.

For "Dream Entertainment", she is a traitor. The company has spent a lot of energy training her. From a newcomer to a first-line singer, the initial investment is huge, waiting for her to become a first-line singer and make money for the company. The previous investment is filled back, and then it becomes a cash cow.

The results of it?

Cai Yuting feels that she is now a first-line singer. The small company "Dream Entertainment" can no longer provide herself with many resources to continue climbing. Therefore, she chose to compensate a lot of liquidated damages, and then went to another one. Large companies with development prospects...

Both sides have their own reasons and positions, and no one thinks they are wrong.

As for Tang Su's opinion?

Well, he was sitting on the dining chair, eating hot pot while watching.

This kind of interests and grievances...Anyway, he is just a passing crowd eating melons, so he can just watch the show, but he doesn't need to take it too seriously.

If he insisted on taking a stand, no one in Tang Su wanted to stand, and he would stand for his own interests.

"According to Xu Mengying's meaning, if I am willing to help her write a new song and use it on a new album, she can pay me the same salary as the ace musician, is that right?"

Tang Su asked.

"That's right."

Su Tang nodded, then reacted and looked up at him: "Are you really going to help her write songs?"

She was a little surprised.

"It's just a song, it's nothing."

Tang Su smiled: "According to your statement, this senior Xu Mengying often helped you and instructed you when she was in the company. Although I don't know if she did it out of interest or purely kindness, she did it for you. Many things are facts, so, out of the idea of ​​reciprocating love, I wrote a song for her, which is also considered a courtesy...

Moreover, this song is still paid to me in accordance with the specifications of the "ace". Xu Mengying is a first-line singer. This new album must be very popular. The more I sell, the more benefits I get. In the end, this A song can even be worth millions. If you change to other mediocre musicians like me, you will definitely be excited. "

"But... are you coming here busy?"

Su Tang frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, the problem is not big."

Tang Su hesitated, and said, "Let's do it, I will show you a hand at that time, and keep it a secret for now."


Su Tang blinked, wondering what he meant by "showing one hand", but Tang Su decided to keep it secret, so he could only watch it later.

"Tell your agent to tell me that I can take the time to write a new song for Xu Mengying, but I have to talk about the salary first. After all, I am already very busy. This cooperation is not because I begged them, but they took the initiative to find me. So, first talk about the compensation, and then I meet Xu Mengying to talk about many thoughts on the new album and new song."

Tang Su pondered her words, then looked up at her: "What do you think?"

"I think it can."

Su Tang nodded earnestly, remembering what Tang Su had said in her heart, and when she was ready to go back, she added fuel and jealousy...Bah, she told her agent Wang, and she was polished by her help, and then conveyed to Xu Mengying's side.

Sister Wang is her agent, not Xu Mengying’s agent. When negotiating cooperation, she will naturally focus on her interests, and Su Tang’s interests... isn’t it Tang Su’s interests, the two of them are one. .

As for why don't you plan to add more oil and vinegar?

The reason is also very simple.

Su Tang also had a flash of light in his mind before he wanted to understand the truth.

In Tang Su's words, it seemed that he didn't mention any conditions, and it seemed that he gave Xu Mengying the right to open the conditions.

But precisely, this is the biggest condition.

After Xu Mengying's party got this right, they would not feel happy, but would think it was a hot potato.

If the conditions are higher, you will suffer, but if you drive them lower... then you look down on Tang Su a bit.

What kind of conditions are the most suitable? What exactly is Tang Su's psychological expectation?

For Xu Mengying's side, these questions are all unsolved mysteries in the world, and the more cautious they are, the more benefits Tang Su can ultimately gain.

"I didn't see it, you are quite scheming."

Su Tang said meaningfully.

"It's not a scheming, it just happens to be the right opportunity."

Tang Su smiled and shook his head: "Tangtang, you have to understand one thing. In Xu Mengying's eyes, I am a talented musician, I have my own studio, I am starting a business, and I am still a college student... Everything is very mysterious to her.

But at this time of cooperation, I don't have any appeals to her, but she has very urgent appeals to me.

In such a situation, if I were to open the conditions, if the drive was high, people would think that I was asking for the price. Even if I finally gritted my teeth and cooperated, I would still have resentment in my heart, and I might get revenge in the future. If it is low, then I will suffer too much, so it is not easy for me to open the conditions.

But Xu Mengying is different. She took the initiative to find me to cooperate. She should have a psychological acceptance limit in her heart. I let her open the conditions. If the conditions are suitable, then I promise to cooperate. If the conditions are not enough to satisfy me, then I Just give up the cooperation, and you can't sin against anyone, right? "

"It seems to be the reason."

Su Tang thought for a while and nodded thoughtfully.

Although it seems something is not right, at first glance, it seems quite reasonable.



When he returned in the afternoon, Su Tang relayed Tang Su's words to the agent Wang Sister.

"All right, I know what to do."

Sister Wang breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "Tang Su is indeed a smart person. At this time, responding with this attitude is the best way. It seems to be the initiative to negotiate. Handed over to the other party, but in fact the opposite is true. In the end, not only can he get a very ideal reward, but he can also make the other party feel that he owes others... Very clever, what is this trick called? Show the enemy to be weak?"


Su Tang blinked, and then frowned slightly: "Sister Wang, your thoughts are too much. Tang Su doesn't think so. He just feels that he is cooperating with a first-line star for the first time, and he doesn't know how to make an offer. That's right, so I gave the initiative to Teacher Xu... This is what Tang Su told me."

"You believe it too?"

Sister Wang laughed, and then... I didn't want to say anything to this silly girl.

Being in love with this kind of thing can really make people's IQ plummet. Su Tang is usually very smart. Regardless of whether it is in the entertainment industry or in his own peripheral studio, he has handled it very well.

But once Tang Su was involved, the girl's IQ immediately began to drop, and she dropped directly from the peak to the bottom of the sea, leaving Sister Wang not sure what to do.

Tang Su really thinks so?

Sister Wang didn’t think so. The guy seemed quite sophisticated in terms of communication and dealing with others. He looked like someone with a lot of social experience, and Tang Su’s personality seemed weak, but in fact he was full of scheming, far from it. It seems so innocent.

At present, with Xu Mengying's cooperation, would Tang Su understand this?

It is impossible.

Sister Wang believes that Tang Su's thoughts should be the same as her own, and Su Tang...this girl is really fooled and has nothing to say. It is estimated that even if she is sold, she still has to help others count the money. .


After that, Sister Wang conveyed Su Tang's words to Tang Su, added some finishing touches, and then went to communicate with Xu Mengying's party.

Because there is still less than half a month before the release of the new album by "Cai Yuting", there is not much time left for them to prepare. Therefore, the two parties should have taken time to meet and talk in detail, and now there is no such leisure.

Contact directly by phone, and then make an appointment to have dinner together at noon the next day and talk about the new song.

"have a meal together?"

When Tang Su hung up the phone, he was still a little confused.

This Xu Mengying is also a first-line singer under "Dream Entertainment" anyway, and among the few first-line singers, it is also one of the highest status. There must be many senior musicians and gold medal musicians who want to write songs for her. She As for a newcomer who values ​​himself so much?

And also made a special appointment to eat together...

Does she like herself?

Tang Su thought of a certain possibility, subconsciously took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, searched for "Xu Mengying", and quickly saw a lot of basic information about the other party.

27 years old, 169c tall and looks pretty, with long hair shawl, a quiet smile, full of grace.

Thinking of something again, Tang Su continued to search for "Cai Yuting" and saw the message of this "traitor".

29 years old, 166c tall and looks very beautiful, usually wears cool, perfect facial features, with a little heroic and aggressive, a bit of a strong woman, and Xu Mengying are completely two styles.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Su continued to search for "Xu Mengying, Cai Yuting", and then he saw many news that compared the two people together...

"Are they old enemies?"

Tang Su frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

From the slightly exaggerated reports in many news, the pinching of fans on both sides of Weibo, the conflict of many resources between the two people...These things can be seen that the relationship between the two people is probably very bad.

I don't know when they started this situation.

If after Cai Yuting’s defected to the company, the relationship between the two is completely opposed, it’s okay, but if the relationship is not good when the two are in the same company... Cai Yuting’s defection incident, maybe what else Hidden.

Of course, these are pure guesses without evidence.

Tang Su didn’t know exactly what was going on. The entertainment industry was a very complicated circle. Even the old netizens who had eaten melons every day and even ate for years couldn’t tell what was going on. He was a layman in his own way. , Don’t waste time on these things.

"This Xu Mengying looks pretty, he's still a first-line star..."

Tang Su touched his chin, thought for a few seconds, and then sent a message to Su Tang: "Are you free at noon tomorrow? Come out for a meal together. Sister Wang and Xu Mengying contacted Xu Mengying for many details of the cooperation and the distribution of benefits. Everything has been basically settled. Tomorrow we will meet for dinner and talk about some thoughts about the new song. You chant together?"

Call Su Tang so that the girl won't get jealous in the future.

Xiao Su Tang is not a big-minded girl. If she knew that Tang Su was eating with other beautiful women, she would definitely be jealous. This girl is just a little jealous bag.

Su Tang quickly replied: "Just you two? Sister Wang will go?"

"Sister Wang must go, not just Sister Wang, but also Xu Mengying's agent, otherwise, it would be embarrassing for me and her to be the two."

Tang Su replied by typing.

After replying to the message, you will see the display at the top of the screen: The other party is typing...

five minutes later.

Lovely candy: "Oh, that's it."


Tang Su was a little dazed. After five minutes of typing, the girl returned four characters, which was really good.

He guessed that the other party's mood at the moment might be a bit contradictory, and it feels inconvenient to want to go, and it's a bit...not assured?

"Do you still have special training tomorrow?"

Tang Su typed in and asked: "If it’s not convenient, just forget it. Originally, I thought, if you can come over, you can help enliven the atmosphere. I am really unfamiliar with Xu Mengying. Before that, I even had a song from her. I’ve never heard of it before, and I don’t know what to say when I meet... It’s okay if you are inconvenient to come here. There are two agents here, and Sister Wang will definitely help me. When the time comes to talk about new songs, I will excuse to prepare new songs. Leave."

Help enliven the atmosphere.

I am really unfamiliar with Xu Mengying, and I haven't even heard one of her songs.

With two agents here, Sister Wang will definitely help.

After talking about the new song, I used the excuse to prepare the new song and leave.

Between the lines, Tang Su didn't reveal any meaning of'I met her just for work reasons', but it seemed to mean that every word.

The other party is typing...

five minutes later.

Lovely sugar: "I just asked the teacher, I guess I won’t have time to go by at noon tomorrow. You guys are delicious. In other words, what do you mean by saying so much? Are you worried that I will be jealous? There are too many, don’t worry about this in the future, I still trust you very much."

Ha ha ha...

Tang Su was happy.

He smiled brightly, not because he gained the trust of the other party, but because he felt that the little Sutang girl was really hypocritical.

The girl said to reassure herself that she was very trusting and would not be jealous.

But if Tang Su didn’t send her a message at this time to explain the situation, and then have dinner with Xu Mengying tomorrow, ‘carry her’ to complete this collaboration, and when she knows it, she might feel like crying again...

A woman is a creature full of lies.

They always say'I'm very happy','I'm not angry','I'm not jealous','You have fun'... On the surface they smile like a welcoming waiter, and they can't decide how to complain. Woolen cloth.

Regarding the words Su Tang said, Tang Su only agreed on the surface, but didn't take it to heart.

These words, who is really stupid.

Of course--

There are also some who are really at ease with her boyfriend.

In this way, either the relationship between the two parties is quite tacit and trusting, there is no secret between the two, and they know the roots consciously, so they don’t worry about it.

Or, it just doesn't take the other party to heart at all, just as a role like a spare tire, can't be said to be dispensable, but it will definitely not be too important.

What about Tang Su and Su Tang?

They are neither the former nor the latter.

It has been less than three months since I realized that the two of them have not even lived together, and there is no way of knowing the roots...

Well, the very serious kind of knowing the roots and knowing the roots refers to the mutual understanding of the two sides, which belongs to the in-depth spiritual exchange. communication...

Forget it, just skip it.

Tang Su and Su Tang are not yet fully familiar with each other. They still have a lot of things that each other does not know, so they have agreed to travel next year, buy a house and live together...

Therefore, they are not up to the former standard.

As for the latter?

That's not even worse.

Right now, in order to save money to buy a house of their own, both parties are working hard.

Su Tang wants to become a big star, and then earn money to buy a house, so that he can live together in the future and start a time that belongs to two people alone.

Tang Su actively worked hard to make new games, wanted to speed up efficiency, and at the same time began to think about how the studio should develop in the future... He was not so anxious. Settling in the city, in order to have a stable career before meeting Su Tang’s parents, he also embarked on a new journey of hard work.

Both of them are moving towards a better future.

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