Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 286: Su Tang's parents would not agree to this marriage?

The next day, noon.

   Tang Su and Su Tang are eating out.

   "Where is the new song? Show it to me."

  Su Tang opened her hand and looked at him expectantly.

   "Nothing to look at, I didn't sing again."

Tang Su shook his head: "Let’s wait until the company comes. Then, let’s try to get it done this afternoon. First, let Sister Wang and the others please say it, and then practice hard... But I suggest that you mainly do it in the last few days. Practice "The Wind Rises" more. After all, this is related to your seventh period. First hold on to the seventh period and then practice this song."


  Su Tang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

   went back to the karaoke room all the way, and Tang Su gave her the new song.

   At this time, there were only two of them in the karaoke room.

   "It really has an element of drama."

   Su Tang touched his chin, and said, "It doesn't seem to be easy to integrate tricks into pop music. Are you sure this song is okay?"

"Of course."

Tang Su nodded: "If you're not sure, I won't give you this song. Let's try it first. Since you have learned how to sing in opera, this passage should not be difficult for you. "


   Tang Su and Su Tang began to practice singing.

   Tang Su has listened to this song many times in his previous life, and he has also heard many versions. The impression is very deep, so when he is instructing Su Tang, he seems very confident.

   He will make appropriate adjustments to the song based on Su Tang’s voice and singing skills, and try his best to maximize the advantages of Su Tang while ensuring the original flavor, so as to achieve the best overall effect.

   Of course, this is not an overnight event.

   And they don’t have so much time to slowly adapt, so they can only make a seven-point audition version first.

at the same time-

   In Tang Xiaolin's office.

   She was playing with an expensive pen in her hand, a little absent-minded.

   "Is it really a drama?"

   Sister Wang frowned and asked.

   "That can be fake?"

Tang Xiaolin glanced at her and said helplessly: "Tang Su asked Tangtang specifically for half a month, and asked her if she could play opera. After learning that Tangtang had learned how to sing opera, she mentioned something and said yes. I will write a new song that blends into the drama. I thought it would be the sixth or seventh, but who would have thought..."

   Who can think of it.

   This new song that is integrated into the drama is actually used by this guy to play in the finals?

   can only be said to be bold.

   "You won't stop them?"

   Sister Wang asked.

   One is a freelance musician. She hasn't signed any agreement with the company (not counting gambling), and she can't control the other party.

  Although the other is a newcomer in her name, they are not just a newcomer. They are also one of the company's main shareholders. Strictly speaking, they are her boss.

   Therefore, Sister Wang can't manage these two at all.

   But Tang Xiaolin can. She is the boss of this company and also Su Tang's best friend. She has always been able to control the latter (convinced by the mouth).

   "No need, let's see what tricks they want to play."

Tang Xiaolin smiled and said casually: "They are all grown-ups. They know what they are doing and have very clear goals. I don't think they will take the first phase of "Sing as You Want" as important as the finals. Joking about things."

   Although these two are both newcomers, they are not simple.

Su Tang is very smart, has a fast learning speed, and has a good musical talent. She is not inferior to many well-known singers of the older generation regardless of her vision or ability. The only lack of experience has been achieved in the previous six competitions. It's almost filled, and now it can even be regarded as the most experienced one among all the contestants in "Sing As You Want".

   And Tang Su?

   This guy is much more ‘new’ than Su Tang.

   He has never studied music creation systematically, nor has any relevant experience or experience. He is completely a newcomer who has nothing to do with the music circle.

   But his creative talent is very powerful.

The first three songs are ignored for the time being. From the beginning of "Sing as You Want" to the present, seven consecutive songs have been produced, spanning a variety of styles, and their performance is quite stable and more and more. good.

   His understanding of music, creation and conception of music are also top-notch.

   The two people collided together. As long as the IQ was not reduced due to the love period, it would be impossible to come up with disappointing works.

   Compared to Sister Wang’s worries, Tang Xiaolin is rather calm.

   "What do you think of these two people?"

   Tang Xiaolin spoke suddenly.


   Sister Wang was startled, and then came back to her senses, only to realize that Tang Xiaolin was talking about Tang Su and Su Tang.

"They are all talented in the music circle. One can sing well, the other write well, and they learn very fast. If they continue to develop like this, they may become first-line singers and gold medal musicians in a few years at most. "

   Sister Wang said with emotion.

   is not to flatter, but to tell the truth.

   These two people simply bring their own focus, even if it is just some very common things, they can attract the attention of blockbuster netizens.

'Mitang Studio' developed a new product. Su Tang tweeted it at random, but it was inexplicably on the hot search. A competitor tried to get her mentality behind her back, but instead of affecting Su Tang, it encouraged her. Her popularity set her in sharp contrast with other players.

   There is also the fact that Su Tang signed a photo for a fan before, which not only improved the cohesion of the fans, but also got the favor of many passers-by.

   Nowadays, the show "Sing as long as you want" has almost become Su Tang's personal concert.

   Just go on like this, becoming a first-line singer is definitely not a problem.

   Tang Su is also very good.

   Not only did he write songs for Su Tang, he even got the attention of Xu Mengying.

   Xu Mengying cooperated with Tang Su in the standard of ‘Ace’, not only for a song, but also for the idea of ​​‘making friends’, as if she had already regarded him as a figure of her own class.

   "I'm not talking about this."

   Tang Xiaolin shook her head: "I'm talking about...their feelings."


   Sister Wang was taken aback, thought for a while, and said, "Their current relationship is quite good. Although they are still in love, I think the probability of them going to the end is quite high.

   I have been in the industry for so many years, and I have seen no one thousand or eight hundred lovers in the entertainment industry, but in the end, there are only a few couples who can and Meimei...Most of them broke up, and there are many reasons.

   Either because one of them has a good appearance, is impetuous, unwilling to be mediocre, and then gets together with the management.

   Either one of the parties has developed, and the other party failed to keep up, which eventually led to a growing gap between the two...

   is either a hype in the name of marriage or simply a commercial marriage.

   If there are any more, after seeing the colorful world outside, I love the new and dislike the old...

   But I think that these problems may not appear to them. "

   Sister Wang is still very optimistic about the couple Su Tang and Tang Su.

"How to say?"

   Tang Xiaolin asked with interest.

"They are both falling in love for the first time, and both of them are relatively mature people, with mature three views, and also have their own careers. Although they are currently in the entertainment industry, they are not here for utilitarian purposes. , And just as a hobby. They don’t value the status, popularity, and interests of the entertainment industry. Therefore, the reasons for the breakup/divorce of most people in the industry have nothing to do with them."

   Sister Wang thought for two seconds, then analyzed.

   Most of the reasons why couples in the circle broke up are unlikely to happen to them.

   "The only thing to worry about is probably Su Tang's family background."

   Sister Wang glanced at Tang Xiaolin and said carefully, “Su Tang’s parents may not agree to this matter.”

   Su Tang's family situation, Wang Jie is quite clear in her heart.

   The girl’s parents are not ordinary people, let alone in the capital city, even if you look at the whole country, they are all ranked.

  With the prosperity of the real estate market in recent years, the assets of these real estate owners have expanded rapidly, like the big bosses of Su Tang’s parents, as long as you pay attention, you can basically see them on the rich list...

  Rich list, that is the real top boss.

  In the eyes of Sister Wang, with such parents, Su Tang might not be able to choose a future partner according to his own wishes.

   Those so-called business marriages, family marriages, and wealthy marriages are not just fantasised in modern TV series. The reality is often more outrageous and exaggerated than imagined.

   Su Tang and Tang Su want to be together, but the biggest obstacle is not their own emotional problems, but the class difference behind them.

   If you use wealth to describe it, Su Tang is probably the top group of rich second generations in China.

   And Tang Su?

   He is just an orphan without any background.

   Although he is very talented, such a thing as talent is nothing in the eyes of those big guys.

   The so-called talented musicians are as pale as true love in the face of powerful capital.

   Sister Wang is both optimistic about them, but not optimistic about them.

   If no parents intervened, the two of them would definitely be able to come to the end, but if their parents intervened, then...

  Who knows what the final result will be?

   Over the years, Sister Wang has seen a lot of situations similar to this couple, but she hasn't seen any pair go on for a long time.

  Reality is always cold and cruel.

   "Su Tang's parents?"

   Tang Xiaolin had a weird expression on her face after hearing this: "It's not easy to say."


   Sister Wang was startled, and didn't understand what Tang Xiaolin meant.

   "Tangtang's father is more open-minded, maybe he doesn't care too much about these things, but Tangtang's mother is hard to say."

   Tang Xiaolin said, sighing lightly.

   Su Tang’s father was obviously toward his own daughter, so he always tried to help Su Tang to attack Tang Su, and the effect was not bad.

   And Su Tang’s mother...

   She has always felt that her daughter is very embarrassing, and even feels that she can't get it.


   After four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Su and Su Tang appeared downstairs in "Dream Entertainment". They found Tang Xiaolin and Sister Wang with a demo of the new song they just recorded.

   "Is the new song ready?"

   Sister Wang asked.


   Tang Su nodded.

   Then, Su Tang handed over a professional music player.

   Tang Su glanced at the player intentionally or unintentionally, and thought of Su Tang’s previous dislikes in the recording studio. He felt that the way he used his mobile phone to record was really his wife... too embarrassing.

  ‘You are a talented musician who has become famous recently! ’

   Then Su Tang took him to the recording studio and introduced him a lot of professional equipment.

  Are these equipment good?

   Good, of course good.

   Compared with mobile phones, the gap is huge, like a child’s plastic telescope compared to the astronomical telescope used by the national professional department...

   But the price is not beautiful, it can even be said to be very ugly, so ugly that it is hard to look directly at it.

   "I'm finally professional this time."

   Sister Wang glanced at the phone's device, smiled, and then handed it to Tang Xiaolin.

   "Let me listen to it."

   Tang Xiaolin thought for a while, then raised her head and asked: "What do you think is the level of the recorded version?"

  If it were before, she wouldn't ask this.

   Before, Tang Su sang by himself. He held a guitar and sang while playing and recording with his mobile phone. That experience... It can be said that it was a scene of male and female tears.

   There is really no enjoyment, for their picky listeners, it is simply torture.

   But Su Tang is different—

   This girl still has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is difficult to accept Tang Su's recording method, so even if it is just a small sample, she will do very well.

   "This song is a little bit difficult. It only takes more than two hours. Actually, it's not very good practice. It's about four points."

  Su Tang thought for a while and said.

   She doesn't dare to brag, she can say as much as she has, so as to avoid making people wrong judgments.

   "Four points?"

   Tang Xiaolin raised her eyebrows: "That's really not very good, but I should be able to listen to it."

   In her office, there are more professional equipments, which makes it easy to listen to songs.

Start playing-

   Tang Xiaolin frowned slightly while listening to the prelude, looked up at Tang Su and Su Tang, did not say anything, and continued to listen.

   Soon, she heard the sudden sound of drama...

   "Very good, just this song."

   Tang Xiaolin took off the headphones and said lightly: "This song will be kept secret for the time being. After the seventh round of the competition is over, I will start practicing this song."

   really works?

   Sister Wang was a little surprised, turned her head to look at Tang Su, whose face was calm, for a moment she didn't know what to say.

   Although Tang Xiaolin can't write or sing, she still has a very good understanding and aesthetics of music. Since she is so sure that there is no problem, it is indeed okay, no doubt.


   Sister Wang couldn’t understand, how did Tang Su do it?

   When everyone was not optimistic about integrating into the drama, he resolutely did so. This was indeed a very risky thing, and the result was... he succeeded.

   Tang Xiaolin, who originally had doubts about him, immediately decided after listening to the song without making any comments.

   "Okay, let's do that first."

   Tang Su smiled and nodded, without any surprises: "Next, there will be nothing wrong with me."

As he said, he looked at Su Tang again: "In the next period of time, I will make a new game as soon as possible, and strive to be online in early October. Therefore, I will stop chatting for the next few days. You will make every effort to prepare for the game. Will go over to watch."


  Su Tang nodded earnestly: "Then you should also pay attention to your body. Don't always work overtime. I read the Internet saying that programmers have the highest probability of sudden death among all jobs."


   The smile on Tang Su's face froze, nodded unnaturally, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, I see."


   reluctantly bid farewell to Su Tang, and then returned to the studio.

   "In the next period of time, I don't need to worry about Tangtang. Let's try to make the new game as soon as possible."

   Tang Su said.


Zhang Yuning nodded: "If this game is possible, then we can formally establish a company next. With masterpieces, the entire industry will not be considered a small company. At that time, whether it is the various resources of the channel, or Recruiting good employees will be much easier."

   This society is very realistic.

When they were just a small company with no reputation, the channel dealers looked down upon them, and their attitude towards cooperation was full of arrogance. Excellent programmers and practitioners in the circle were also low on them. I think this company might have a few Yue went bankrupt automatically, and it was useless if you were not famous.

   But once this ‘small company’ has a very popular masterpiece, it proves its own strength.

   Then, the channel business will naturally treat it differently and promise a lot of resources to win, and those excellent practitioners in the circle will also start to consider this company.


   Either a vicious circle or a virtuous circle, there is no third possibility.

   "Yes, it will be much easier to play the game at that time, at least I don't need to play it myself."

   Tang Su nodded, agreeing with Zhang Yuning's statement.

   Zhang Yuning glanced at him: "You don't want to write code, do you?"

   He thinks this guy is purely trying to be lazy, and he may even look forward to making the studio bigger than himself. U U Reading

Career is one aspect, but the most important thing is to be lazy, sit in the office and wait for others to report work, and then simply deal with it and it’s done. Or, as a game designer, I have meetings every day to arrange work for everyone. That's it, all the tiring work doesn't need to be done by yourself.

   "That's for sure."

   Tang Su smiled and did not deny: "You said before, I am the boss of the studio, the boss definitely doesn't need to write code, just watch other people write code."

   "What about game design?"

   Zhang Yuning asked again.

   "I have to personally take charge of this, this is too important."

   Tang Su thought for a while, and said, "Except for the game design, you are responsible for everything else."

  Game design is the core of a game company.

   Tang Su actually wants to set up a game company to carry over many good games from previous lives, so he must master the game design department, and apart from this department, Tang Su doesn't want to care about everything else.

   "You can really do it."

   Zhang Yuning was a little speechless, and shook his head: "Forget it, I knew you were unreliable a long time ago."

It’s true that Tang Su is the boss, but this guy is definitely not a person who likes to take care of things. He doesn’t like to fight wits with executives and employees, and he doesn’t like external business negotiations. He just wants to do his own thing with peace of mind. product.

   Zhang Yuning has no other way. Even if he sets up a company in the future, he will have a high probability of becoming a manager, busying himself.

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