Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 321: The management is left to you, the money is left to me

The cooperation with Zhang Ningwei went very smoothly.

The efficiency of both parties is also very high. Sister Wang negotiated cooperation with the other party the next day, and then the other party also transferred money as soon as possible to complete the transaction.

No one likes to procrastinate when it comes to making money.

As the saying goes: in the bag is safe.

Only when the money is in the pocket is it over.

The song "Bloody Love Story" was bought out to Zhang Ningwei at a price of 500,000 yuan. With Tang Su's current reputation in the industry and the quality of the song, this price can really be said to be a free gift.

Tang Su was not pretending to be generous either.

He felt that completing the cooperation in this 'almost free delivery' way should be the best result.


After the cooperation was completed, Tang Su stopped paying attention to this matter.

The new company is currently in the process of being "wasted", and there is still a lot of work waiting for him.

"Have you figured out how to arrange the company and the studio?"

Zhang Yuning asked.

"Didn't you say it before?"

Tang Su said casually: "We will focus on the company's development in the future, and the studio will use it to update the content of games such as "Plant Zombies" and "Digging for Ascension". When the winter vacation is over, the studio will be banned and unified. incorporated into the company."

This is a previously negotiated plan.

Tang Su initially planned to vacate the studio and return the office to the school.

After all, they have already established a company, and they have achieved some achievements in the game circle. It is somewhat unreasonable to continue to "occupy" the public resources in the school.

However, considering that there are many students in the studio who are still in school and need to attend classes like myself, in order to make it more convenient for everyone, we gave up the idea of ​​relocating all the staff, and instead divided the office into two places, allowing everyone to be free. choose.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

Therefore, Tang Su planned to wait until the winter vacation to move some members of the studio who were willing to follow him to the company, and for those who were unwilling to come to work formally, the salary and bonuses should be settled clearly, so that we could get together. scattered.

"I have a new idea now."

Zhang Yuning shook his head, and then said, "What do you think... how about we transfer the studio out?"


Tang Su was startled.

"Our new company has been renamed Cang Qiong. This is our brand new starting point. Simi Studio is already in the past, but it would be a pity if we just disbanded like this. Let's just transfer it directly and let the juniors in our club learn. The sisters run their own business and are responsible for their own profits and losses..."

Zhang Yuning said: "Actually, there are many capable students in our club. If we can gather some students with high technical standards, the overall strength is not much weaker than ours, but it is too difficult to become famous now. There are very few people who go to start a business. If they can transfer the studio to them, I believe there should be good results...

We can even link the studio with the company, and package some unimportant work for the studio to do, and in the future, those great juniors and juniors in the studio can also come to our company to join..."


Tang Su was stunned for a long time before he reacted: "You are trying to turn the Department of Computer Science of Shanghai University into our back garden."

If Zhang Yuning really understands it, in the future, there will be a steady stream of high-level newcomers in the 'Qingqiong Game Company', and a virtuous circle will be formed.

Talents are all gathered together. Everyone comes from the same school. The working atmosphere must be much more cordial, and it is more convenient for brainwashing... No, it is more convenient for everyone to fight for their dreams and the future together. In the past, how did those similar companies do? Maybe better than your own?

"It's a good thing for mutual benefit."

Zhang Yuning said lightly: "It is very troublesome for fresh graduates to find a good job. Those who are hired by industry giants as soon as they graduate are still very few. Most graduates will fall into 'job difficulties', even if Those who graduated from Beijing University are no exception. Ordinary jobs are looked down upon, and the competition for good jobs is fierce. Hundreds of people are fighting for a position...

If our 'Sky Games' develops and becomes one of the well-known game companies in the industry, isn't it a good thing that we will provide jobs to some of the juniors who have just graduated and help them complete their employment as soon as possible? "

Tang Su: "..."

What you said makes sense, I didn't know how to refute it for a while.

"It's not urgent yet. Anyway, the holiday is only in January, and it's only mid-October. It's still a long time. Let's see when the time comes."

Tang Su didn't make a decision immediately. This matter has to be considered again, and try to come up with a plan that everyone is satisfied with.

"Then let's talk about the current situation."

Zhang Yuning said lightly: "The new company has been established, and everything that needs to be prepared is almost ready. Next, we are ready to start new projects..."

"The game design draft is ready."

Tang Su said directly: "I seem to be very leisurely during this time, as if I have nothing to do all day long, but in fact it is not, I will work hard every day after I go back, and sometimes I will stay all night until two or three o'clock in the morning, for the sake of new games. Design draft, I worked hard..."

"Stop, stop."

Zhang Yuning hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt, with a speechless expression on his face: "I'm not trying to urge you, I just want to say that our new company is established, relocated, and we are about to start a new project. Do you want to start a company team building?"

Company team building?

Tang Su was startled: "Do we need to do team building?"

He never thought of such a thing as team building. It might have something to do with some experiences in his previous life.

I still remember that at that time, some bosses were forced to do team building during work, and they had to wait for weekend breaks to do it.

The employees have been busy for a week, sleepy and tired, and they have to be forced to toss by the boss on weekends.

In his last life, Tang Su was a veteran victim of the team building incident.

Therefore, when he started his own business now, he never thought about team building. He didn't want everyone to experience the pain of his previous life, and he didn't want to be the kind of boss who made employees scold their mothers behind their backs.

"Team building is still necessary."

Zhang Yuning nodded: "This is a sense of ceremony, we have to say goodbye to the past studio system and start a formal company work system. Many previous management models and work rhythms must be abandoned. In order to make everyone adapt to the new rhythm Mental preparation, I would recommend a team building."

In addition to making employees angry and scolding mother, what is the effect of team building?

Tang Su was surprised.

But when you think about it, it seems very reasonable.

The purpose of the company's team building is to promote everyone's relationship, let everyone become a collective, and work hard for the interests of the collective... To put it bluntly, it is to draw cakes. work hard, make money for yourself...

"Team building... I'm not against it."

Tang Su thought for a while, and said, "But we can't do team building during everyone's holidays. Everyone is tired after working a week. You should have a good rest. Why don't we set the time on Monday, we will go out for team building on Monday, and then Come back to work on Tuesday, what do you think?"


Zhang Yuning looked at him and didn't speak for a long time.

"Any questions?"

Being stared at by him like this, Tang Su felt a little inexplicable.

"No, I just haven't seen such a conscientious boss for a long time."

Zhang Yuning shook his head and said lightly: "The boss can't be a bad person, can't think about the employees in everything, otherwise, he will be controlled by the employees... You can be good to the employees, but you must also let the employees recognize the relationship between the two. …”

"I know."

Tang Su nodded: "As a boss, if I don't have any temper, even if I have a flattering personality, I will inevitably cultivate unscrupulous employees, which will lead to damage to my prestige in the company, and some orders cannot be smoothly implemented. I know what you said, so starting from today, let's have a red face and a white face, I will be a good person, and you will take care of the staff."

Zhang Yuning: ? ? ?

Are you so polite?

"That `s a deal."

Tang Su patted him on the shoulder, and then said, "Mr. Zhang, please go and prepare for the company's team building, just take up a day's working time. Our company has just been established, and we don't have work for the time being, so it's a day's delay. It's nothing, don't delay everyone's rest time, don't be too stingy with the team building budget, and make sure everyone feels our sincerity."


Zhang Yuning was silent: "I'm not your secretary. It's inappropriate for you to give me instructions directly."

"But that's your job scope, isn't it?"

Tang Su shrugged: "When we first negotiated the position of the new company, we all agreed."


Zhang Yuning suspected that the other party was digging a hole for him, but there was no evidence.


Tang Su also has his own ideas about the employee management of the new company.

In the past, when it was just a studio, with some part-time classmates, there were only 70 people in total, many of whom were classmates, so it was easy to manage.

But it will be different after that.

When there are too many people in the company, it is necessary to establish rules, and there must be clear rules and regulations for everything. It cannot be like the previous studio, or something will happen sooner or later.

There needs to be someone in the company who can manage all the employees, but this person cannot be Tang Su, because he is the boss.

The boss doesn't need to be very strict, and he doesn't need to intimidate everyone like a lion. He only needs to be a captain, control this big ship, and have a clear direction and goal.

Managing employees is something that should be left to others.

This is just like the ancient emperor-

The emperor is so powerful, and the whole world is his own, so I didn't see him taking care of everything.

The harem also has the master of the harem, and upwards there are the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Rites...

There is even a so-called East Factory.

The emperor does not need to take charge of everything in person, he only needs to take charge of several talented people, which is enough.

In Tang Su's view:

This is exactly what you do.

It is enough to manage several people, and then let these few people manage the entire company.

If you really take everything on yourself, you have no freedom at all when you are busy, and spend all your time and energy on work...that would be boring.

"If I have to do everything myself, then I can simply file for bankruptcy and feel at ease as a musician."

Tang Su said lightly, "Look at the life of musicians? Are they urged to go to work on time? Are they told to work overtime? Are they told to take care of this and that? There is nothing, they only have one task, that is to write Song, this is the way I want to work the most.”


Zhang Yuning was suddenly speechless.

After a long silence, he said, "So you just want to say that you don't care about anything other than designing games?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Tang Su nodded: "It's like team building or something, you don't actually need to tell me, you can make your own decisions...

In the future in the company, I will try to reduce my sense of existence in non-game design occasions and give you space to show yourself. In the future, you will be responsible for the company's large and small matters, and I will only be responsible for game design and some more important things, such as The company's future development direction, etc., but will not participate in company management.

In the company, no matter what position or thing, two voices cannot exist at the same time, otherwise, it is easy to form factions, and then employees will focus on some strange things, and there will be no problem. Mind working.

Take the two things of company management and project development. The former is left to you, and the latter is left to me.

How the company manages that is your business, I won't ask, or, even if I interfere, I will only discuss with you quietly behind the scenes...

Similarly, in terms of project development, I don't want others to tell me what to do, unless my practice is really bad, otherwise, we will not interfere with each other. "

It wasn't that Tang Su wanted to be lazy.

But he must explain some important things clearly in advance to avoid any conflicts and disputes in the future.

In particular, the management right of the company must be made clear.

One is the management right, and the other is the responsibility of the management right. Neither should be careless, nor should we talk about human feelings or friendship, one code at a time.

"Are you so confident that you will give me full control of the company?"

Zhang Yuning narrowed his eyes and looked at him meaningfully.

He was a little surprised by the courage of the other party.

Zhang Yuning has been in contact with many small business owners in the past two years. These people almost have one characteristic in common, that is, they hold the internal management of the company tightly in their hands and hold the power. I think this is the only way to improve...


However, Zhang Yuning felt that this kind of mentality may only be suitable for small companies. If the company is a little bigger, just these messy things inside the company are enough to consume all the boss's time and energy, making the boss tired of dealing with internal affairs and external affairs. The business will become more and more negligent, and eventually it will not keep up with the changes of the times, it will go to the end, and in the end it will go bankrupt without knowing why, and it can only be attributed to bad luck...

"Of course I don't worry, we are best friends."

Tang Su said with a smile.

He seemed to be telling a joke, but Zhang Yuning didn't laugh, just looked at him calmly.

"Well, since you want to hear the truth, let's be practical."

Seeing this, Tang Su had no choice but to get serious: "First of all, from the perspective of the shareholding structure, I am the largest shareholder, holding more than 50% of the shares, and I have a veto power, so I can reject any proposal that is unfavorable to me...

Second, what is the most important thing for a game company?

It is a steady stream of new games and explosive games that can continue to make money. These are the core. All other departments and all employees must serve the design department and the operation department. I only need to master these, and it is enough to master the whole game. the company's initiative.

For the other departments, it doesn't matter if they are controlled by others, because the initiative is in my hands, and I can choose to end everything at any time...

Most importantly, the company is my main business, but not the only one.

In addition to being the owner of this game company, I am also the shareholder and chief musician of Dream Entertainment Company. Even if I don't want to work hard one day and just quit my job, my income is enough to support my financial freedom..."

This company is very important to Tang Su, but it is not the only choice. Therefore, he doesn't care whether others will compete with him for control of the company.


Zhang Yuning was a little speechless: "Okay, it seems that you have already thought about it, then just follow what you said, the company will be under my control in the future, the game development and operation will be under your control, and we will not interfere with each other... Let's run it like this for a while. Give it a try, keep it if you can, and change it if it doesn't."

Since Tang Su trusted him, Zhang Yuning would not refuse.

If Tang Su was allowed to manage the company by himself, Zhang Yuning would not be relieved.


Tang Su nodded.

"What about the design draft of the new game?"

Zhang Yuning changed the topic: "Is the design draft ready?"

"more or less."

Tang Su took out a USB flash drive from his drawer and handed it to him: "We have prepared two games in total, "Defend the Radish" and "Angry Birds", both of which are in it, and there are also computers here, you can read them first Look, with the experience of "Plant Zombies" you should be able to understand this thing."

"You just put something so important in the drawer?"

Zhang Yuning's face was a little weird.

"It will be locked when I go out."

Tang Su shook his head: "Also, I can't carry it with me, right? It's easy to lose."


Zhang Yuning was silent for a long time and sighed: "I will install a company LAN and firewall tomorrow, and then I will add some security devices for you. After all, we already have a popular game, which will definitely attract the attention of colleagues, and the wealth is moving. Ah, there might be someone taking advantage of the recruitment to sneak in and steal company secrets, so there's no harm in being careful."

"You're right, it was a bit of an oversight."

Tang Su nodded thoughtfully: "Then leave it to you. After you have installed everything, just tell me how to use it... In other words, how do you even understand this?"

He was puzzled.

"Because when the land was tendered in the past, my home was often visited by peers."

Zhang Yuning said lightly: "I woke up once, and saw a shadow quietly digging through my things, maybe I suspected that my dad would hide some confidential documents with me... I was so frightened that I called the police on the spot. "

"Is it so scary?"

Tang Su was startled and felt a little horrified: "What happened later? Has anyone caught it?"

"After the police came, they found out that it was my sister who was secretly looking through my diary..."

"Uh... that's okay? Then you must have been beaten badly, right?"

"How did you know?

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