Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 361: Tang Su's ambition; Zhang Yuning's blood

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"I should be able to give it a try."

Tang Su smiled and said so.

"Don't try it."

Zhang Yuning frowned: "It's not a trivial matter to make six games at the same time. Once there is a problem, we will lose a lot in all aspects. If we are not sure, we might as well make a few games less, and do two for the time being. Three will do."

He felt that the guy might be a little floating.

"Try it."

Tang Su said softly: "Our company's development is too slow now, I want to speed up the pace, isn't there a capital institution on the Internet that our market value will not be less than 5 billion, the market value is too illusory, I think in two years Within, making the company a scale of 10 billion is the real 10 billion, not the 10 billion that was blown out."

Ten billion...

Hearing this, Zhang Yuning and Xu Jinyang looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

floated away.

This guy is really floating.

It must be because of the fake wine last night.

"Only by making games, unless we can make more than a dozen games like "Plants vs. Zombies", "Defend the Carrot", "Angry Birds" in a row, and also must be able to ensure stable income from subsequent DLC, otherwise If so, it is impossible to hit tens of billions.”

Xu Jinyang shook his head and said.

Zhang Yuning didn't say a word, he knew what Tang Su meant.

Reaching a real scale of tens of billions by making games?

It may be a little unrealistic to want to achieve this achievement within two years, but if the project of the sky world can take off smoothly... Coupled with the company's investment in Wangdao Studio, Wang Qingfeng will do more work, and then do some other things. Investing is not necessarily impossible.

But this way...

They don't want to rest for two years.


Regarding the matter of making six games at the same time, Tang Su's attitude is quite firm, and Zhang Yuning is not easy to say anything.

Just as Tang Su would not be involved in the management of the company, he could not interfere with the wishes of the development department. Since Tang Su had already decided to do this, he could only cooperate with the other party to implement some of the arrangements as soon as possible.

The two drove to the studio on the school side and had a brief chat with Xu Huahua.

"I want to tell you about reducing the frequency of updates. Since you have proposed it, so be it. Once every three months, we will have a lot of time to make it more refined. As for Digging the Ground Those games from "Qiusheng", please take them away."

Xu Huahua said.

She readily accepted the arrangement of Tang Su and Zhang Yuning.

Seeing that the other party didn't care, Tang Su thought to himself, if what he said was to take away "Plants vs. Zombies", this girl might not be so calm...

Compared with "Plants vs. Zombies", which has a stable revenue of several million a month, the games "Dig to Seek Ascension" are not worth a fraction. In Xu Huahua's opinion, wasting energy on this kind of game is not worth it. In the game, it's totally unnecessary. Tang Su wanted to get it from the company to do it, so let him do it. Anyway, he didn't want it for a long time.

With a big watermelon, who can appreciate the little sesame seeds?

She Xu Huahua is not a fool.

"How's the new game? Is there anything I need help with?"

Zhang Yuning changed the subject.

As Tang Su told him before, because the tutor assigned Xu Huahua homework, Xu Huahua and Tang Su asked for a game design draft, and it should have entered the preparatory stage now.

"No, we can handle it ourselves."

Xu Huahua shook his head: "It's just a pure plot game, there is no difficulty in making it."

"That's fine."

When Zhang Yuning heard the words, he didn't say anything anymore.


After leaving the studio.

The two of them sat in the car, feeling a little strange.

"Do you think that Huahua seems to be sensible now?"

Tang Su asked uncertainly.

"Have you found it too?"

Zhang Yuning was also a little confused, thought about it, and said, "She may have been quite sensible before, but because we were in the studio, she didn't have any sense of existence, so she was a little bit like that. Now that we have all left, she has become The boss of the studio, and then he grew up? =”

"Maybe so."

Tang Su nodded thoughtfully, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said, "So, after we left the studio, is she quite happy?"


Zhang Yuning was suddenly lost in thought.

He seemed to understand...why Xu Huahua refused to let the studio return to the company.

She may prefer to be in charge in the studio rather than being an ordinary founder at the company.

I can't tell, this girl is quite independent.

"What about the studio in the future? We don't care anymore?"

Tang Su asked.

Zhang Yuning looked astonished: "You are the boss of the company, why do you ask me about this kind of thing?"

Shouldn't it be your boss' decision to take the studio back?

"Hehe, I don't do anything that offends people."

Tang Su sneered.

With Xu Huahua's temper, if he forcibly took back the studio and made her a 'earth emperor', the girl might hate him so much.

"Say as if I would do the things of a sinner."

Zhang Yuning said lightly.

ah this...

What you said seems reasonable.

The two looked at each other, already making up their minds.

In this case, the studio should not be taken back for the time being. Anyway, the company will gradually grow in the future, and there is no shortage of this.

"Let's wait until Huahua graduates."

Tang Su made a decision: "If she wants to go back to the company in the future, she will take back the studio and arrange a few project teams for her. If she doesn't want to come back, she will move the studio out as a branch and let her own it. Managed."


Zhang Yuning nodded.

Regarding the studio, it was such a happy decision.

"Then what..."

Zhang Yuning wanted to ask something, but he swallowed the words: "Forget it."

"What the **** are you going to say?"

Tang Su frowned: "Is there anything else we can't say?"


Zhang Yuning hesitated for a long time: "I want to talk about the company's shares. Huahua is seriously behind, and can't keep up with us at all. As the company gets bigger and bigger, the studio will bring us more and more revenue. Less and less... How do you plan to arrange her in the future?"

At the time of the initial company split.

Tang Su owns 51%, Zhang Yuning 25%, Xu Huahua 24%...

At that time, this proportion of shares was still very reasonable, because the three founders made a lot of contributions and contributions to the company, and they all had an indispensable position.

But now what?

The company has contributed the most to Tang Su, followed by Zhang Yuning. One of them is responsible for making money and the other is responsible for management.

At present, the studio has been in charge of the follow-up DLC production of "Plants vs. Zombies", which has brought good benefits to the company, but with the launch of the two games "Defend the Carrot" and "Angry Birds", now Tang Su has to make six games at the same time...

If these six games can also be successful, the studio's status in the company system will become dispensable in the future. Xu Huahua, a 'doing nothing' shareholder, will continue to hold a quarter of the shares. Is it appropriate?

Is there some kind of 'sit back and enjoy'?


Tang Su was silent for a few seconds, then turned to look at Zhang Yuning, and asked calmly, "So? What do you want to express?"

"I don't care about that, I just want to know, what do you think now?"

Zhang Yuning shrugged and said indifferently.

"She's doing pretty well now."

Tang Su said lightly: "Being able to lead the team to complete the follow-up three updates of "Plants vs. Zombies", and also proactively proposed a plan to establish a new project, these are enough to show that she is very motivated... Moreover, Huahua is only a student, Let her stay at the school for two years, I believe she will catch up with us soon after she graduates."

Tang Su didn't think much about it.

Zhang Yuning felt that he might be unbalanced in his heart, and he obviously contributed the most, but he still had to share some of the profits to others.

But Tang Su felt that it didn't matter.

If he really wanted to care about these, he would not have used the basis of a studio to build a company at that time, but directly took dividends, registered a company outside, and then recruited troops...

Xu Huahua can't keep up with their pace?

Perhaps, what Zhang Yuning wanted to ask was not just Xu Huahua, but himself.

As Tang Su starts to exert his strength, the development department and operation department he leads will inevitably become the focus of the company, and Zhang Yuning will also become a foil. He is obviously one of the company's shareholders, but he can only do ordinary high-level work. .

If Tang Su has opinions on Xu Huahua, he will certainly have opinions on him in the future.

"I know that you are a businessman's family, and you will also refer to the laws of some capital institutions when thinking about problems... However, doing business and doing capital are different."

Tang Su shook his head: "If you are doing capital, interests are paramount, and you should naturally pursue the maximization of interests... But companies are different, and individual companies are even more different. Maybe you will think that in the next two years, Xu Huahua's position in the company may be possible. No, but I don't think so.

She is a person we trust very much. In the future, when the company is big, we will not be able to control the entire company. We must appropriately decentralize the management and let the management operate by itself. However, there are many crucial positions in the company, which must be handed over to enough Trusted people can, and Huahua can help us do these things.

In the future, I will most likely not control the development department all the time, or in other words, it is impossible for me to control the entire development department... I plan to divide the development department into two parts in the next few years, one is game development and the other is DLC development. Manage the former, Huahua manages the latter.

Therefore, I am actually very happy that she is willing to stay in the studio to do these things. She can grow through the studio and cultivate her ability to think independently and take charge of herself. When she returns to the company after graduation, I can put the development department Half of the work is thrown to her, and then it is enough for me to only be responsible for the design and development of the new game.

Look, haven't I already arranged this? "


Zhang Yuning was stunned.

"Brother Ning, in this world, the pursuit of interests is not the only one."

Tang Su smiled: "Compared with the pursuit of interests, I prefer to do business, and I prefer to work hard with everyone. We grow together, become stronger together, grow the company together, and become great people together... ...that's what I want."


Zhang Yuning was silent.

For a long time, he laughed at Tang Su's lack of layout. He always cared about a little bit of profit and loss. He even only drank instant coffee. Even when he snapped up the 'forest elk' before, he almost became a bad dog...

But now it seems that the pattern is not enough as if it is myself.

If it was himself, when other partners couldn't keep up with his pace, he would mostly think of how to get rid of the partners and go it alone, but Tang Su was different. He was willing to share the benefits he deserved to others, and he was willing to wait. Everyone keeps up with it again, and I am willing to let everyone grow up slowly...

From this point of view, Tang Su's pattern is far better than his.

"Don't think about it so much, let's go back quickly."

Tang Su said: "The studio has come to an end for now. Next, we need to re-divide the various teams of the company's development department and recruit a large number of elites in the game industry. By the end of this month at the latest, I will start preparing for six A new game, the development and the whole test will be completed before October, as well as the warm-up promotion. It will be launched in October, and another batch can be made before the end of the year.

This year, next year, in at most two years, I will make the company a scale of tens of billions. At that time, I can breathe a sigh of relief. "


Zhang Yuning was stunned and turned to look at him: "Why do you have to be able to breathe a sigh of relief when you have to reach a scale of tens of billions? Is there anything in particular you want to do?"

He felt that the other party seemed to have a particularly big plan.

"What do you think?"

Tang Su asked back.

Zhang Yuning thought for a while, and a figure appeared in his mind: "Because of Su Tang?"


Tang Su nodded lightly: "I don't know what her family asks for her future son-in-law, but I think that when Cangqiong Game Company reaches a scale of 10 billion and a market value of 100 billion, I will at least have equal capital to them. Qualified for dialogue."

That is the white moonlight in his heart, and it is impossible to give up.


Zhang Yuning hesitated and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, if Su Tang's family really had any opinion on you, they would have interfered long ago, and it's impossible that there has been no movement."

In his opinion, the preparations that Tang Su had to do were completely meaningless.

"Perhaps you're right."

Tang Su smiled and said softly, "But if I can't achieve equal status in the most important field of capital, wouldn't I be shorter? I don't like raising my head."


Zhang Yuning shrugged: "Since you have already made up your mind, then I can only cooperate with you. If you want to go crazy, then I will accompany you to go crazy and make six games at the same time... tsk tsk tsk, this makes me kind of I didn't feel awake."

Rationally, Zhang Yuning felt that it was too impulsive and too risky to do so.

If these six games die prematurely or fail, it will definitely damage the vitality of the entire company and completely destroy the advantages they have finally accumulated.

But from an emotional point of view, Zhang Yuning felt that this guy was very loyal, and he was still willing to accompany him crazy. If he lost, there was nothing to say, and he would just work hard in the future, but if he won, they would really be able to fly into the sky. .

If the six games can be successful, plus the existing "Plants vs. Zombies", "Defend the Radish", "Angry Birds"... all these are counted, the annual net income may reach one billion, Looking at the entire game industry, how many companies can earn more than one billion yuan a year?

The game industry is a very deformed industry.

Drought and drought, flooded and flooded.

Those big companies that stand at the top earn tens of millions a day in revenue, and they can earn tens of billions a year just by making games.

But with the exception of a very few, most of them are not very good.

Don't talk about tens of billions, it is very powerful to have one billion.

Most of the so-called first-tier manufacturers have a profit of only a few hundred million a year, which is dozens of times different from the top giants standing at the head.

If all of these games from Cang Qiong Game Company can be successful, at least in the domestic video game industry, they will almost be able to rank in the top ten.

"If it can really be done, it may not be impossible to sprint to a market value of 100 billion in two years."

Zhang Yuning thought to himself.

When he thought that he might become a shareholder of a billion-dollar giant before he was 30 years old, and blinded his father's titanium alloy dog's eyes, he couldn't be more excited. The whole company goes into 007 mode...

Of course, this is just a thought.

If all the staff turned on 007, then Tang Su would not let him go.

This guy still has to spend enough time to fall in love, and he also feels distressed about overtime pay... Of course, on the surface, he definitely doesn't want to damage everyone's health.

How to say it, you know it.


the next day.

Tang Su announced some news to the players through the "Official Account of Sky Games":

"Recently, some players and friends have reported that there are some quality problems in the follow-up updates of games such as Digging for Ascension, Cat Leo, iwanna, Cat Leo and iwanna, and Plants vs. Zombies. It was interesting to play at first... After detailed verification and replay, we found that the design time for the DLC was too tight because of the high update frequency, so it failed to achieve amazing results...

In order to continue to provide you with better DLC, we have decided to add some staff to each project team and adjust the update frequency as appropriate. The following is our decision after repeated meetings and discussions:

"Digging for Ascension" and "Cat Leo" have been changed from the original daily to weekly updates, which are updated every Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

"iwanna" and "Cat Leo and iwanna" have been changed from the original daily to weekly updates, which are updated at 8:00 am every weekend.

"Plants vs. Zombies" has changed from once every 30 days to once every 90 days.

"Defend Radish" and "Angry Birds" continue to use the above, and are updated every 90 days, and the update times of the three games are staggered.

The next update for Plants vs. Zombies is in June, the next update for Defending Carrots is in April, the next update for Angry Birds is in May, and so on…

We hope to free up more time to bring you a better gaming experience, and hope that you can continue to support us.

By the way, send a recruitment information:

Sky Games is expected to add four new project teams, and a total of about 240 employees will need to be recruited. For specific recruitment information, you can go to the homepage of 'Sky World'. Those who have work experience in large companies in the game industry are preferred and interested. You can submit your resume to try it out. "


This announcement letter was posted on Weibo, Tieba, Biaohu and other mainstream social platforms, as well as its own game community - Sky World.

These platforms cover almost all gamers and game industry practitioners.

When they saw the news, the players were a little stunned.

"The quality of the follow-up DLCs of "Plants vs. Zombies" is not good? It's smashing all the peers, and the quality is not good?"

"I'm curious who said that the quality is not good? Stand up and show me."

"When Chunxiao was launched, it was directly on the game channel's hot search list, and it reached the top five on the best-selling list that day, with a score of more than 80. Isn't that bad?"

"I feel that Boss Tang may have misunderstood 'quality is not good'..."

"One thing to say, the quality of the subsequent updates of "Plants vs. Zombies" is really not good (if it is compared with the main body of the game)."

"Bury the friendly troops."

"Please dress him in enemy clothes, thank you."

"The quality of the DLC is definitely not as good as the main body of the game, otherwise, why don't people just make a new game?"

"I feel that the current quality is good. Is it necessary to adjust the update frequency? And it is still adjusted from 30 days to 90 days."

"How do you say it, I feel that Boss Tang still wants to do his best to make the game well, please understand."

"Plants vs. Zombies, Defending Carrots, and Angry Birds are all updated every three months, and they are spread over each month. I think this design is quite reasonable."

"I understand what you're saying, but why should I adjust the four games of Digging for Ascension together? This is the source of my happiness every day."

"To tell the truth, the recent updates of games such as "Dig for Ascension", "Cat Leo", and "iwanna" are really not good. The traces of the routine are too obvious. It's okay to deceive newcomers. Anchor, it's not interesting anymore."

"If you want me to tell you, just give up these little games. Why do you keep updating this thing?"

"What are you doing with the update? After all, you can make a net profit of tens of thousands of yuan a month, and tens of thousands of yuan is not money?"

"It's definitely money for us, but not necessarily for Boss Tang."

"To be honest, I really admire Boss Tang. A game as profitable as "Plants vs. Zombies" is willing to adjust and update it. If it were another game company, I would like to update it two or three times a month..."

"Other game companies want profits. Boss Tang wants word of mouth. He really wants to make a good game, which is different."

"Tang · Conscience · Boss in the industry."


Players were a little surprised that Sky Games decided to adjust the update frequency of these games, but they still chose to accept it.

In order to improve the quality of the game and choose to extend the production cycle, there is nothing to say, and everyone is willing to wait.


Even after the adjustment, it is updated once every three months. This kind of efficiency is already very good, and it is even more diligent than many others.

As for the recruitment mentioned at the end of the open letter, it has attracted many practitioners in the game industry, including practitioners from some giant companies.

"Adding four project teams and 240 employees is going to be a big fight."

"There should be some big moves on the side of the sky game company, and I don't know if they are ready to enter the terminal game market."

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

"Endgame? I don't think it's possible. It's too big to move from casual mobile games to endgames."

"I think Sky Games is likely to develop mobile online games. Online games are a big trend now. In terms of head revenue, ten games like "Plants vs. Zombies" are not as good as one online game."

"I want to send in my resume and try it out. The salary offered by Cang Qiong Game Company is quite good."

"I also plan to submit my resume. I didn't dare to submit it before, because I don't know how long this company can survive. The survival of the fittest in the game circle is very cruel, but they have made three hits in a row, and there will definitely be hits in the future."

"First of all, he made three popular models, and then extended the update cycle to improve the quality... Tang Su is a very stable It is amazing that he can correct his mentality in the face of such great interests. "

"If we leave it to the boss of our company, we will set up more than a dozen project teams in minutes, and then stage our own plays, and make as much money as we can. This project will be completely abolished. Let's compare it with Tang Su. ."

"It's not just the boss of our company, but also other game companies. The ecology of the entire mobile game industry is like this, and it has long been ruined by capital."

"Many people have said with emotion that the current mobile game market is dying, good games are not played, and bad games are rampant, so everyone is forced to make bad games for a living... I used to think this kind of words made sense. Now that you think about it, it's pure fart."

"In the past, when the sky game didn't come out, this statement was still tenable. If anyone dares to say that now, I will directly smash "Plants vs. Zombies", "Defend the Carrot", and "Angry Birds". face."

"Hahahaha, I have already submitted my resume, I am applying for art design, I hope I can succeed."


"Well, it's decided, remember what we were thinking when we first entered the industry? We want to make a good game that everyone likes, and let's see what we're doing now..."

"The salary that Cangqiong Game Company can offer us is far inferior to our current company. Although the game is sloppy, it is the top three game company in the country. It is not easy to climb to the current position, so I really decided to give up. already?"

"I hope that when people ask me what game I'm doing in the future, I can tell them what I'm doing, instead of explaining that I'm just an artist..."

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