Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 376: The key circle situation, there are sorrows and joys

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"Tianzhi Company wants to cooperate with you?"

When Tang Su heard the news, he was a little stunned.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Su Tang shrugged.

When she first heard the news, she was also very surprised. She did not expect that this company, which has been listed as one of her biggest competitors, would take the initiative to contact here for cooperation.

"What tricks are they going to use?"

Tang Su frowned slightly: "The Big Three are not good people. Even if they planned on these studios three years ago, and now they are actively seeking cooperation, there may be some calculations behind them, so it is better to be careful."

Tianzhi Company has been calculated by Mi Tang Studio before. As one of the three giants in the industry, after being calculated, it can actually come forward to seek cooperation... This matter is a bit outrageous, Tang Su thinks, this is clearly a weasel for chicken Happy New Year.

"I think so."

Su Tang's eyes were a little weird: "But... the cooperation method Tianzhi Company gave us, I really didn't understand what they were calculating."


Tang Su was startled.

So, Su Tang told Tang Su about the cooperation that the other party told her.

"I hope you can license some patented technologies that have been licensed to other partners to Tianzhi Company?"

Tang Su frowned and fell into deep thought: "Are they trying to play a trick of alienation?"

"What alienation meter?"

Su Tang didn't understand.

"Mitang Studio has entered mass production with a large number of customized studios, and the three giants are standing in front of you. The reason why these studios dare to rush into the mass production market is that you are the main force to lead the charge, and The large number of patented technologies you have authorized have enabled them to make products that are superior to the Big Three..."

Tang Su frowned and thought: "Right now, if you choose to cooperate with Tianzhi, and let Tianzhi have these patented technologies, they can easily make better products. At that time, can they threaten Mitang and Honor peripherals? For the moment, these allies of yours should be very unhappy, right?"

"I understand."

Su Tang immediately reacted: "You mean, Tianzhi Company wants to use this method to provoke our relationship with these allies, so as to defeat each of them?"


Tang Su shrugged: "Otherwise, I don't understand why they proposed this kind of cooperation, and seriously, do you really need sales channels now?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Su Tang was unhappy and felt discriminated against.

"Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to say that your products are so good."

Tang Su said lightly.


Su Tang was speechless, shook his head, and returned to the topic just now: "We were guessing, Tianzhi Company suddenly proposed to cooperate with us, is there any calculation behind this, after a long time, it turned out to be trying to sow discord, Compared with Langtu Company, the people from Tianzhi Company are quite calculating."

"It doesn't have to be to sow discord."

Tang Su thought for a few seconds and said, "After all, I haven't been in contact with them, and I can't guess what their real intentions are. You can drag them first and say that Honor peripherals do not need to be connected to other sales channels for the time being. ... In short, no matter what, you must not license your technology to them in a short period of time, otherwise there will be major problems."


Su Tang nodded seriously.

Regardless of whether Tianzhi Company really wants to cooperate or wants to sow discord, it must not cooperate with them in a short period of time.

The reason why customization studios and small and medium-sized enterprises in the mass production circle are enthusiastically resisting the Big Three is, in the final analysis, because there are Honor peripherals in front of them. If at this time, Honor peripherals suddenly 'betrayed' Alliance, if you choose to cooperate with one of the Big Three, then...

This temporarily established minor league is afraid that it will be completely yellow.

As Tang Su said, it's not impossible to cooperate with Tianzhi, but at least not at this stage, at least until next year or the year after. By that time, everything that should end has already ended, and it's not too late to cooperate.

As for whether the other party is willing to wait until that time?

Then it depends on what people are thinking.

If you want to sow discord, you are definitely not willing, but if you really seek cooperation, everything is easy to say.

after all--

According to Tianzhi, the reason why they want to cooperate with Honor peripherals is to seek an opportunity to enter the high-end market and enrich their product line.

This kind of thing...can't be rushed anyway.



On Tianzhi's side, the unknown general manager was a little stunned: "No, this cooperation shouldn't do them any harm... What did they say at the time?"

The subordinate told the general manager exactly what the Honor Peripherals said.

"I probably know what they mean."

The general manager nodded thoughtfully: "Honor Peripherals are worried that we will impact the pace of friends, so they won't cooperate with us... This is not good."

He has a headache.

The statement given by the other party is that they cannot cooperate with Tianzhi Company for the time being, and at least they will not be able to cooperate until next year.


"Wait until next year, the day lilies will be cold."

The general manager frowned: "In the second half of this year, there will be at least a dozen brands entering the high-end field. If we can't make any successful high-end products, it is estimated that we will run away this year..."

He wanted to enter the high-end market, and he didn't want to accompany him.

However, if they can't reach a cooperation with Honor Peripherals, it may be unrealistic for them to hit the high-end market this year...

"Perhaps, we can consider cooperating with those studios overseas."

The subordinates pointedly said: "Although Mi Tang Studio is very strong, it is difficult for us to stop them from entering the mass production market, but we do not necessarily have to cooperate with them, we can completely consider cooperation with those top overseas studios. In the world field, Mi Tang studios can only rank in the top five, but their background is too shallow, and there are several studios that are stronger than Mi Tang."

"I've thought about this too."

The general manager frowned: "If you cooperate with them, then you will really lead the wolf into the room..."

If possible, he doesn't want to cooperate with those top studios overseas. Those shrewd and treacherous businessmen are not as good as Mi Tang Studio. Even if they cooperate, they will be dominated by others, and they will become a foil.

At that point, even if it really hits the high end, what's the point?

"Even if we don't cooperate with those overseas studios, Langtu and Strawberry should not miss this opportunity to turn the situation around."

The subordinate said: "Most of our Tianzhi's revenue comes from the mid-to-low-end market, so even if a large number of studios enter mass production, it will not cause us much impact. In the mid-to-low-end market, they can't be us. The opponents of the company... But the wolf map and the strawberry are different. Their main source of revenue lies in the mid-to-high end. The addition of these studios will pose a fatal threat to them..."

In other words.

Even if they Tianzhi do not cooperate with those overseas studios, the other two will definitely go to them to cooperate.

Because the current environment of the domestic key circle is really not very friendly to them, Honor peripherals fired the first shot to capture the high-end mass production market. Next, other studios and small and medium-sized brands will also find ways to seize the market. cannibalize their market share in the high-end segment.

Tianzhi Company can sit still, but Langtu and Strawberry cannot.

There may not be much to see now, but once the two companies reach a cooperation agreement with overseas studios, there will be nothing to do with their Tianzhi company.

Therefore, a decision must be made as soon as possible.

"Let's see the results this time."

The general manager thought about it for a while, but did not make a decision immediately, but said: "Let's first look at the performance of 68% and 75% of these products this time, and then, overseas... Contact for the time being, don't give any promise."

Exactly who to work with is too important to them to make a decision lightly.


in May.

As Tianzhi, Strawberry, and Honor successively released their new product plans, the key ring became lively again.

At the end of May, the pre-sale of 'Tianzhi 75 and Tianzhi 98' ended. The total number of pre-sale for the former was 1,557, and the total number of pre-sale for the latter was 2,850, almost double that of the former.

Part of the reason is that mass consumers think that the latter is more comprehensive, and some consumers think that 75% of the keyboards are equipped with a lot of keyboards. Compared with Tianzhi, they want to try other brands.

But anyway.

The first batch of pre-sale of the two new products is close to 5,000 sets, and the cumulative revenue exceeds 3 million, which is a very impressive achievement.

It is far more than the pre-sale amount estimated by Tianzhi Company, and it also makes the general manager and others smile.

Tianzhi has always been a bad player in the mid-to-high-end field, and it may not be able to sell thousands of keyboards a year.

"Some time ago, what was the pre-sale number of Wolf Map Company?"

The general manager asked.

"It's 3780."

The subordinate replied: "The number of pre-sale of 'Wolf Map A87' is 3,780, but it is said that the number of refunds is quite large. The first batch of pre-sale should not exceed 3,000 sets."

"That's not as good as us."

The general manager nodded in relief, and then asked, "How is the pre-sale situation of the two new products of Strawberry Company?"

Just a few days ago, two new products from Strawberry Company also opened for pre-sale.

"The pre-sale of Strawberry 68 just exceeded 5,000, and the pre-sale of Strawberry 75 just exceeded 4,000."

The subordinate hesitated and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, the smile on the general manager's face gradually subsided. After being silent for a few seconds, he nodded: "It's normal. The Strawberry Company has always focused on the mid-to-high-end field, and they don't even have a low-end product line... It's normal to have this number."

The pre-sale of the two products is nearly 10,000, and the revenue is 7-8 million, which is twice that of their Tianzhi company.

And what you need to know is that the strawberry company has just started pre-sale for a few days, and many consumers are still in a wait-and-see state. There may be a wave of peaks in two days. It is conservatively estimated that the final number of pre-sale will not be less than one 10,000...

This is the strength of the famous brand manufacturers in the high-end field.

"Is there a pre-sale for Honor Peripherals?"

The general manager asked again.

"Not yet. Their pre-sale time is 12:00 noon today."

The subordinate replied: "Also, the pre-sale method of Honor peripherals is different from ours. They set an upper limit of 3,000 sets for each of the two products, and the pre-sale will end when 3,000 sets are reached."

The pre-sale of 3,000 sets of a single product, and the upper limit of the pre-sale of two single products is 6,000 sets.

This is indeed different from their unlimited pre-sale method of Tianzhi and Strawberry.

"It's normal."

The general manager is not surprised by this: "At the rice soup factory, 80% of the product lines are used by third-party customers, and the remaining 20% ​​must meet the requirements of 'Xingyao V87', A87 standard model', 'Glory' The production of the A87 joint model', even if some production lines have been added some time ago, is still somewhat stretched, and it is already the limit to be able to take out 6,000 sets of stock in a short period of time."

Speaking of which, the general manager's mood is a bit complicated.

Mi Tang Studio is really a magical enterprise that people can't help but be jealous of.

These big factories all have empty production lines, but the products are sold tepidly, but the other party sells as much as they produce, and the supply exceeds demand.

"On the one hand, the output is not high. On the other hand, their requirements for quality control are too strict."

the subordinate said.


The general manager feels that he has been connoted.

The quality control standard of Honor peripherals comes from the parent company Mitang Studio, and the latter's quality control standard is almost the highest in the world.

This is also the reason why the "Honor A87" has such a good reputation.

The general manager is very aware of this matter, but he cannot imitate the other party to improve his own quality control standards. If he does, then they will definitely lose 100 million to 200 million yuan every year. This is something that the shareholders will never allow.

"Ten minutes to twelve o'clock."

The general manager glanced at his watch and said lightly: "Then let's wait and see how their pre-sale results will be."


He raised his head to look at the subordinate who was reporting to the opposite side, and became interested: "Do you think they can sell all of their 6,000 sets today?"


The subordinate hesitated and shook his head: "I don't know."

"you know."

The general manager sighed: "Where does it take a day, I'm afraid I don't need ten minutes."

'Be confident, it's two minutes. ’

The subordinate thought to himself, but was too embarrassed to say it, thinking that it might hit the other party.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

at noon.

Pre-sale starts.

The general manager held the mobile phone, opened the shopping page skillfully, and placed an order for two keyboards.

subordinate:? ? ?

"I bought it to study it."

The general manager said: "We also have 75% keyboards. I just want to see how much difference between these two products with almost the same price."

Having said that, he returned to the shopping list and saw that the pre-order buttons for 'Honor A68' and 'Honor A75' had turned gray.

Is this gone?

He was startled, and subconsciously looked at the time display at the top of the screen: 12:01

One minute?

He hurriedly exited the page and re-entered, but it failed to load successfully, only a prompt popped up:

"Sorry, this pre-sale has ended. Thank you very much for your support of our brand. We will replenish the stock as soon as possible. Please wait patiently..."

General manager:? ? ?

Seeing that he sold nearly 4,500 sets in seven days, and then looking at the other party, he sold 6,000 sets in one minute...

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He's all bad.

"Why are they so powerful? Why are we so bad? Are we not a big factory?"

He muttered to himself, and the whole person was a little in a trance.

Seeing this, the subordinates couldn't bear it, so they comforted him: "We are all supplying unlimited quantities, and this is the first time we have made new structure products. Consumers know that there is no shortage of stock, so they want to wait and see first. Product review and then buy...

And Honor peripherals use limited supply and starvation marketing. In addition, they have a great reputation during this period. There will definitely be many consumers who make impulse purchases. It is normal for them to sell out quickly. Look at the mobile phone circle. A person who makes Internet mobile phones is not only popular because of hunger marketing. "

"Yes, because of hunger marketing, I hate monkey-playing companies the most."

The general manager clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Next time we will also do hunger marketing."

subordinate:? ? ?

Looking at the general manager with an unpredictable face, his subordinates were stunned for a few seconds, and then showed their signature smile: Just be happy.


Honor peripherals sold 6,000 sets of keyboards in one minute.

At this moment, it was not only General Manager Tianzhi who was heartbroken by this news, but also the conference room of Langtu Company was dead silent.

As the big brother in the field of mechanical keyboards, they never thought that one day they would be bullied so badly by a new brand in their best field...

Last month, the real sales volume of 'Wolf Map A87' was less than 3,000, which is a proper street product.

The senior executives of Wolf Map Company originally thought that even if they couldn't sell the Honor peripherals, they would never lose to their friends, and they could still find some psychological comfort in their friends, but what happened now?

Tianzhi, which was not in their eyes in the past, has pre-sold 4,500 of its two new products.

It took only four days for the strawberry company to achieve nearly 10,000 pre-sales.

At present, two new products of Honor Peripherals have been and 6,000 sets have been sold in just one minute...

Tianzhi, Strawberry, and Glory are all showing off, only Wolf Tu is being beaten.

How miserable!

"It's time to get in touch with those top studios overseas."

The general manager of Langtu said coldly: "You buy a plane ticket to go abroad and go to them to discuss cooperation matters. We must not sit still."


The subordinate nodded helplessly and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Those top studios... I'm afraid it's hard to talk about.

When we communicated before, people didn't really want to pay attention to them. The dignified tens of billions of enterprises took the initiative to seek cooperation.

But there is no other way now.

If it goes on like this, not to mention the sanctions against Mitang Studio, Tianzhi and Strawberry alone, the 'brothers', can press their wolf map to the ground, and the dignified big brother of the key ring is really out of breath.


Compared with Langtu and Tianzhi, the Strawberry Company is quite happy.

"Many people in the circle have said that after the appearance of Honor peripherals, our three giants have completely disappeared. Now we talk about sales. For products with almost the same price, our first batch of pre-sale sales exceeded Honor peripherals. Let’s say we can’t, that would be too much.”

The general manager of the strawberry company said with a smile.


The subordinates heard the words, but did not say a word.

They sold out 6,000 sets in one minute, but it took us four days to sell 9,000 sets. Are you sure we exceeded that?

If the output of Honor peripherals is not too low, if they can supply unlimited quantities, are you sure they can't hang us up and fight?

Forget it, just be happy.

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