Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 378: Tang Su: No thanks, this is what we should do.

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Time flies, July has come.

The key ring thing is temporarily over.

"Super Singer" has finally come to an end after more than three months.

The harvest of sutang is very large.

Whether it is singing skills or stage performance, or fame and commercial value, there has been a huge leap.

The show "Super Singer" brought her not only high pressure, but also rapid growth under pressure.

Even Tang Su had to admit that compared to last year when she and the other party just met, she has really matured a lot now.

Of course, in front of him, there was still that little arrogant little girl.

"After "Super Singer" is over, we will start preparing for the first album."

Ms Wang said.

"When are you going to be online?"

Tang Su asked.

"The end of the year."

Sister Wang thought about it and said, "With Tangtang's current popularity, the first album is too important. If she can strike while the iron is hot and make the album well in one go, then she will probably take the opportunity to sprint to the level of a first-line singer... …”

"A-list singer?"

Tang Su was a little stunned, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

"It's not an exaggeration at all."

Seeing Tang Su's thoughts, Sister Wang shook her head: "In the entertainment industry, commercial value does not depend on accumulation, some people may be second- and third-tier after being in the business all their lives, or even an 18th-tier junior in their entire life. Actors, underground singers, etc., but some people will suddenly become popular for no reason, and their popularity will directly exceed the popularity of first-line stars... This is all fatal. "


Tang Su understood.

In terms of qualifications, there are countless higher qualifications than Su Tang, after all, she is just a newcomer who has debuted for less than a year.

But in terms of popularity, with her current popularity, she can definitely stabilize those second- and third-tier stars, and if her first album can be done well, she can even directly reach the level of first-tier stars in many aspects.

Although it is only the middle and lower reaches of the first-line, it is also in the first-line field.

"For the first album, what level do you need to achieve to become a first-line singer?"

Tang Su asked.

He is very clear that it is not so easy to succeed in the first line. If the requirements are not high, the first line in the entertainment industry has already gone everywhere.

"At least the sales of digital albums should reach more than half of Mr. Xu's last album."

Ms Wang said.

Hearing this, Tang Su's expression changed slightly.

Did Xu Mengying PK with Cui Yuting on the album last year?

It was Xu Mengying's pinnacle work in the past two years, and the final sales volume was almost twice that of Cui Yuting.

Sister Wang said that Su Tang's first album would sell for half of Xu Mengying' was almost equivalent to Cui Yuting's album.


As a result, Cui Yuting can be ranked in the middle among the first-tier singers, not comparable to the bottom-tier first-tier singers.

Second, the album's performance is actually not bad. Although it can't compare to Xu Mengying, the sales of digital albums released in recent years are also among the best.

If Su Tang's first album can really reach this level, I am afraid that many first-line stars will have to look up to her.

"If a newcomer wants to jump directly to the front line, then it is far from enough to only have the level of ordinary first-line singers. It is necessary to achieve the level of the mainstay in the first-line, in order to truly be recognized by capital and the public."

Ms Wang said.

"Will it be too difficult?"

Tang Su frowned slightly: "Just take it slow, don't put so much pressure on her."

He felt that the girl was not easy.

I have to be busy with my studies, work in the studio, participate in variety competitions, and prepare for a new album...

"We didn't put pressure on her, she asked for it herself."

Sister Wang glanced at him and said casually, "They said that they plan to take a good rest next year, so they will finish some things at work this year, so that they can have a good relationship next year."


Tang Su didn't know what to say for a while.

Suddenly he remembered something.

I promised Su Tang last year that we will go on a trip together this summer. For the girl who pays great attention to the sense of ritual, this seems to be a very important thing.

But because of my busy career this year, I don't have time to go out with her...

‘If it wasn’t for me being too busy this year, she wouldn’t be working so actively, would she? ’

Tang Su sighed in his heart.


"Are the online versions of those mini-games ready?"

Tang Su asked.

"It has been tested several times, and all bugs are ruled out, and it is ready to go live."

Xu Jinyang said.

Tang Su nodded and was about to say something.

"What online version?"

Zhang Yuning frowned slightly, not understanding what they were talking about.

"It's the online version of games such as Digging for Ascension and Cat Rio."

Xu Jinyang explained: "Mr. Tang mentioned before that the online versions of these games can bring very good traffic to the 'Sky World', so we have been taking the time to do it, and now the time is ripe, just take Come out and try it."

"Is that okay?"

Zhang Yuning was a little stunned: "How much effect can those small games have?"

For a long time, he didn't take these small games into his heart, not only him, but Xu Huahua as well, so Tang Su wanted to return these games on the grounds of 'relieving work pressure for the studio'. During the game, neither of them took it seriously.

Even if Tang Su hadn't always attached great importance to these games, Zhang Yuning would have even planned to stop it, and it wouldn't make any money anyway.

Compared with "Plants vs. Zombies", "Angry Birds", and "Defending Carrots", which are currently in full swing, the profits of these small games are completely a drop in the bucket, and there is no need to continue.

Just imagine, when you earn tens of millions a month, will you still be part-time for a small tens of thousands?

That's it.

But what Zhang Yuning didn't expect was that Tang Su paid so much attention to these 'not worth mentioning' games.

To improve the daily activity data of the sky world, is such an important thing to start with these small games?

"The effect is definitely there, it's just a matter of how many."

Tang Su smiled: "Don't look at these games that don't make much money, but the potential is still very good. According to my estimation, the three games "Dig to Seek", "Mao Leo", and "iwanna" The online version can at least give us back hundreds of thousands of daily activities."

Hundreds of thousands?

"Just kidding?"

Zhang Yuning's face is not very good-looking.

In order to increase the data for the sky world, I have tried all the methods that I can try, but it has only increased by a few hundred thousand.

If so few small games that have been online for a year can do it... Then wouldn't you be a waste?

"No kidding."

Tang Su shook his head: "Of course I'm not sure how much it can increase. What if there is no effect. After all, this way has never been used to increase traffic to the platform. Who knows what the effect will be."


Zhang Yuning nodded lightly.

He prefers to follow the path of his predecessors, but Tang Su is different. This guy is more adventurous and likes to take a slant with the sword. Of course, he is not the kind that is desperate, but likes to try and find the most suitable one through repeated attempts. method.

This is also the reason why Tang Su will become the boss, while he can only be the manager.

"When are you going to go online?"

Zhang Yuning asked.

"Just a few days."

Tang Su said: "First put these mini-games online to try out the networking effects, and then launch the online versions of the games like "Plants vs. Zombies", and by the way, establish a hierarchy of 'Sky Accounts'..."

"Plants vs. Zombies can also be connected to the Internet?"

Zhang Yuning was a little confused: "How do you play this thing online? The two of you will deal with zombies together? Or are you fighting with zombies and plants at the same time?"

"It's not impossible."

Tang Su rubbed his chin and thought for a while: "If there is a chance in the future, you can try it first. Now I don't plan to do this. I want to make a record of the game duration and game progress. This record can be viewed by myself and my friends. There, and's interesting."

"Why is it interesting?"

Zhang Yuning still didn't understand.

"The world of the sky is our own community, and it will only be a channel for our own games. Have you ever thought about how to distinguish between Mengxin and big brothers?"

Tang Su said: "Account level alone is not enough. If you can summarize the play time and percentage progress, then you can tell the difference?"

"Uh... what you said seems to make sense."

Zhang Yuning thought for a while and nodded thoughtfully.

On the Internet, you can often see a lot of cute newcomers pretending to be high-level bosses for the sake of blogging and paying attention to the show. These people may not understand anything. They just summarize the experience of other bosses, and then package it as their own...

Especially a platform with an average annual revenue of over one million...

The best solution is to establish a corresponding hierarchy.

Let’s talk about the postgraduate entrance examination. Is the postgraduate entrance examination good or not, and is it useful?

There are good opinions and bad opinions on the Internet, and you have no idea who is right.

However, if a system similar to the real-name system can be established, and only graduate students and above can answer the question, it can naturally increase the credibility.

To evaluate whether a certain university is good or not, then ask the graduates and current students of the university to answer, instead of letting those ghosts and monsters make the forum a mess.

Games are the same.

Players have the right to comment on whether a game is good or not, but is it a bit exaggerated if you comment after 'playing for a minute'?

"We will release a lot of games in the future. In addition to stand-alone games, there will also be various online games. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relatively authoritative game community."

Tang Su said: "Even, we can provide players with a screening mechanism based on this, for example: filter out all comments whose progress is less than 20%? Of course, I'm just giving an example, and the specifics are yet to be discussed. "


Zhang Yuning blinked, not knowing what to say for a while.

The method Tang Su said is indeed feasible, but...

"It seems that this method can only be used on our own platform. If it is a third-party platform, there is no way to count it."

Zhang Yuning frowned and said.

"When we made 'Sky Games' a successful game community and released our own games for the first time, players would download and use official accounts from this platform, and in addition..."

Tang Su was silent for a few seconds: "I didn't plan to open a server for a third-party platform, even a single-player game. If it's an online game, you must use our own account. Even on a third-party platform, you must log in with your Sky account."


Zhang Yuning frowned slightly: "The channel dealer may be very unhappy."

This is a question of initiative.

If all of them use the only official server, it means that the channel side will no longer have an advantage, which is by no means what the other side wants to see.

"Let's see if the first launch of Skyworld can make money."

Tang Su looked calm and said softly: "If the profitability is average, there is nothing to say, but if the profitability is very strong... At that time, the channel merchants will take the initiative to seek us for cooperation. I can't say about the channel service, only open Official clothes, they don't even dare to put a fart."

For these capital institutions, making money is the most important thing.

Their so-called channel service is only those small and medium-sized manufacturers who have no right to speak, their own channels are not good, and must rely on the channel to make money.

But what about the strong first-class manufacturers?

Who will take care of these channel parties who want to eat the big profits?

Channel service?

Those channel parties may not dare to mention these three words to others, for fear that they will annoy the father who makes money for them.

Big fists are the last word.



The 'Sky Games Official Account' publishes the latest news on Weibo, Tieba, Bihu, Sky World and other platforms:

"Digging for Ascension" is our first game. It has been more than a year since it was launched. During this year, millions of players and friends have experienced this game, and many friends have actively participated in the game. Participate in the submission, and work with us to create better DLC, so that many players who love "Dig to Ascension" are full of praise...

But all along, we have a regret, such a fun game, if we can only play by ourselves, will it be too lonely?

So, after a year of thinking and trial and error, we finally brought you an online version and a new way to play. You can play the game world together through random matching, team up with friends, etc. Teams can also be three, four, or even five...

The new game is no longer as simple as climbing mountains and mountains, but also adds a lot of mobs and bosses, as well as many special levels that must rely on unity and tacit understanding...

I believe everyone should be very interested.

Because we are doing the network test for the first time, and it is only in the testing stage for the time being, so we will only provide the download window in the 'Sky World'. If you are interested, you can try it together.

Oh, right--

Not only "Digging for Ascension", "Cat Leo" and "iwanna", these two games will also bring you a brand new online version in three days. If you are interested, you may wish to look forward to it. Disappointing everyone. "

Tang Su forwarded and commented: Support.

Su Tang forwarded and commented: support.

Reposted and commented by Mi Tang Studio: Support.

Wangdao Studio forwarded and commented: Support.

Xu Mengying forwarded and commented: Support.

Zhang Ningwei forwarded and commented: Support.

A series of partner sponsorships—

Let the netizens be a little confused. After reading the original text carefully, the whole person is not well.

"Can this **** be turned into an online game?"

"I'm going! Isn't this anti-human game still cool?"

"What did Boss Tang think, it's really just fried rice?"

"Many people climb the mountain and fight monsters together, it looks like it's very interesting."

"Wait a minute... Boss Tang, please explain to me clearly, what is... It's not just as simple as going over mountains and mountains?"

"Fuck, I just noticed this sentence, and my blood pressure has gone up."

"Boss Tang is really becoming more and more impersonal."

"I finally forgot these broken games, you still have a whole classic nostalgia?"

"Many players are full of praise? Why do you have the face to say such things? What kind of games are you making, don't you have any points in your heart?"

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

"I believe everyone will be interested? Sorry, I have no interest at all, and I even want to quit."

"Boss Tang's mind is so vicious. In the past, he only cheated the player, but now he even cheats the player's friends."

"I'm just curious. I dragged my friends to play a few times. Do I still have friends?"

"This game is pretty good, but it's a bit of a waste of friends..."

Netizens complained.

Everyone was quite curious about the "first work of Tang Su, a genius game designer", so driven by this curiosity, they downloaded and installed this game, and then...

They uninstalled the game with a gloomy expression, and cleaned up the phone memory by the way, lest there be any residual data.

At this time, Tang Su posted again:

"It's really interesting to develop online versions of games such as Digging for Ascension. You can play with your girlfriends, and it can also promote feelings. (*^▽^*

Netizens: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ

Play with your girlfriend?

Also to promote feelings?

After playing this game, there should be no girlfriend, right?

Tang Su posted again:

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot, you probably don't have a girlfriend."

Netizens: (▼ヘ▼#)

This is so special, it is unbearable or unbearable.

The netizens were angry and decided to crusade this poor guy together.

There is a saying how to say: If you can speak, publish a If you can't speak, shut up.

These words are very suitable for Tang Su.

A few minutes passed.

Tang Su tweeted again:

"If you don't want to play by yourself, you can find your favorite game anchors to play, and let them play online together... When our design team was making games, we thought this should be very interesting, don't you think?"

As soon as this word comes out!

Netizens were shocked!

"That makes sense, I have to admire the wise boss Tang."

"Digging for Ascension" was originally my source of happiness, but I got tired of watching it later. Now it's not bad to launch an online version. When I think of which group of game anchors teamed up to break down first, I couldn't help but want to laugh... …”

The attitude of netizens changed in a very short period of time.

One second, they wanted to collectively crusade against this dog. The next second, they felt that Boss Tang might be the person who knew him best in the world.

Tang Su replied to netizens in the comment area: "In this day and age, everyone is under a lot of pressure. Watching some funny videos will help relieve the pressure. This is also our original intention of making the online version. No thanks, this is what we should do. "

Netizens are very moved.

at the same time--

Those game anchors who are eating melons and watching Lehe: ? ? ?

Their minds were blank, and they stared at this sentence in a daze, and the whole person was not well.

What does it mean "everyone is under a lot of pressure in this era, and watching some funny videos can help relieve stress"?

When you do this, have you considered the feelings of game anchors?


Game anchors aren't human, are they?

Did the game anchor eat your rice?

The donkeys of the production team can't be so wasteful!

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