Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 101 Chapter 127 - Run or not? -128 I am the owner of the mountain (fourth update completed)

Chapter 127 Run or not? (third change)

Bentley's electromagnetic properties are very suitable for dealing with vehicles.

Even if he didn't have targeted training, once the vehicle let him get close, no matter how thick the armor was, it wouldn't be able to stop him from raising his hand to touch it.

However, his body was really failing, so he chose to blow up two cars and kill another car at close range.

When Qu Jianlei rushed back, he was slowly cleaning the battlefield.

The vehicles were burning, but it was he who set the fire, and there were corpses strewn about in the muddy water.

Still in the mood to touch a corpse? Qu Jianlei wanted to say something to him, but then he thought: Forget it, it's up to you.

The old man really worked hard today. Without him, the ultimate warrior alone would not be something he could compete with.

There are traps in the yard, but at best, both sides will suffer.

"Clean up the battlefield quickly!" He said hello, and hurried to clean up the mecha.

Even though the mecha was blown up, there are still many good things on it, which must be dismantled immediately.

It took almost half an hour for him to disassemble the mech. When he looked up, he saw Bentley turning around slowly.

"Let's go," he said a little anxiously, "we have to notify Yellow Scorpion as soon as possible, or we won't have time to evacuate."

"Evacuate?" Bentley gave him a strange look, "Why do you want to evacuate?"

Are you talking nonsense? Qu Jianlei glanced at him speechlessly, "The first one to kill is the ultimate water attribute warrior, right?"

"That's right," Bentley nodded. "Among C-rank fighters, he's pretty good. He has mastered at least three secret arts."

Isn't this the end? Qu Jianlei looked at him helplessly, "After killing the ultimate warrior, we don't need to run away?"

"Why run away?" Bentley looked at him in astonishment.

The next moment, he laughed, "Haha, is that why you must kill that reformed soldier?"

Just now his task was to deal with three cars, while Qu Jianlei was just chasing a reformed soldier.

Qu Jianlei's division of labor looks easy, but it is actually more difficult.

It's easy to destroy three cars, but it's really difficult to chase and kill a reformed soldier who wants to escape.

Bentley just didn't understand why Qu Jianlei had to kill that reformed soldier.

In terms of attack strength alone, the remodeled fighters are worse than mechas, but they are flexible and changeable, and they are very lethal, so it is not easy to hunt and kill them.

"Yes," Qu Jianlei nodded, and then asked, "Is it possible that if you kill the Ultimate Warrior, you won't be arrested?"

"'s really not as serious as you think," Bentley replied seriously, "especially this kind of side job."

It turns out that the main task of the ultimate warrior is to defend the central city, and the central city has the most training resources.

They will also go on missions in various settlements, and usually go back after finishing their work.

The ultimate warrior who does not leave in various settlements, or takes the initiative to pick up jobs in the settlements, is not protected by the central city.

The attitude of the central city is to show that your main responsibility is here, and if you have nothing to do, don't go to other places to make trouble.

In particular, this person is helping the forces in the settlement to kill people, which Central City doesn't like.

Bentley finally concluded, "It's no secret that Tiangong wants to deal with us... even the defense team knows."

"If Central City wants to investigate the cause of this person's death, it will definitely find out about this, so there is no danger for us in theory."

As expected of a wanted criminal who has been wanted for decades, these doorways came as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qu Jianlei analyzed it, and then asked, "Is this because Central City is worried that the ultimate fighters are messing around in various settlements?"

"Of course," Bentley replied without hesitation.

"Although the central city is good, it feels great to dominate the settlements below... It's also suitable for retirement."

This answer completely convinced Qu Jianlei, "Let me tell you, how could Central City sit back and watch these elite forces be killed."

Bentley replied leisurely, "In the eyes of people in Central City, the settlements below are inferior and should be freed."

"Then it's fine," Qu Jianlei was not in a hurry, and slowly cleaned the battlefield.

Bentley, on the other hand, found it a little funny, "No wonder Huang Xiezi said that you don't feel safe, are you ready to run away at any time?"

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to answer him, thinking that you don't need to laugh at me, do you?

The two spent almost an hour cleaning the battlefield in the rain.

Due to visibility reasons, the relatively scattered objects had to be given up, but even so, the benefits of this battle were not small.

After a rough inventory, if the loot is sold, it will be enough to make up for the expenditure on combat supplies, and there will be an income of nearly a thousand silver dollars.

The rented small courtyard suffered some damage. The waterspout collapsed a section of the wall and caused some damage to several houses.

However, this was much better than what they expected. Originally, they thought that this kind of dwelling could not withstand the baptism of artillery fire.

Now it's just a little bit of damage, which is lucky.

Qu Jianlei originally planned to give the landlord some compensation, but later, that person tried to enter the small courtyard to test it out.

There's no need to be polite to such a person, anyway, it's not like he didn't pay a deposit.

As for the deposit not being enough to repair the house, that's none of his business—you asked for so much deposit at the beginning.

Taking advantage of this rainy night, Qu Jianlei ran back to the outskirts of the city in one breath, calling Huaxiezi to drive out the heavy truck,

When he came to the courtyard again, he found two more corpses.

It was Bentley who did it, and he said flatly, "I don't have any identity information, it should be someone sent by Tiangong to inquire about the situation."

"Then tidy it up quickly," Hua Xiezi was anxious, because she couldn't bear to give up so many things arranged in the yard.

"If they have follow-up support, it will be another chaotic battle."

"They should have the guts," Bentley snorted disdainfully.

The ultimate fighter plus three remodeled fighters, and two mechas. This kind of strength has wiped out the entire army. How dare Tiangong support it?

But that being said, he also accelerated the speed of packing, and finally loaded all the things into the car before dawn.

Half an hour after the heavy truck left, the sky was getting brighter and the rain had stopped, so someone came to check on the situation.

Bentley's guess was right. There was not much noise from the battle here, but there were still people paying attention to Tiangong.

After the sound stopped for a long time, they found that their family members had not returned, so they sent two people to inquire about the news.

As a result, the person who inquired about the news found the destroyed vehicle. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was also sniped and killed by Bentley.

This time, Tiangong didn't dare to send people over.

Those who rushed here were five city guards. They were entrusted by Tiangong to come and see the situation at dawn.

Seeing the two mechas that were destroyed, the face of the city guard turned pale—this force is too fierce.

When they came to the small courtyard, they were surprised to find that there were still fighting with cold weapons!

The two reformed fighters hired by Tiangong are no secret to the City Guards.

The reason why the two of them are older is because they have gone through the formal external employment procedures, and the city guards have a record.

When they found that among the dead were Tiangong's reformed fighters, the faces of the five people all changed: they are in big trouble!

Some of them asked cautiously, "The three beheaded, could the other two also be reformed soldiers?"

The little leader who led the team turned pale, "I can't say any more, let's go quickly... Fortunately, this is outside the city."

The two mechas plus the reformed fighters all died in the hands of the other party. How could he have the right to meddle in this?

The five city guards left immediately, calling their own people first, and then notifying Tiangong's people.

Soon, more city guards arrived, including a few people in ordinary clothes.

Among these ordinary people, there are people from Tiangong.

After distinguishing the corpses at the scene, a city guard recognized the source, "This is... the ultimate warrior Popov?"

"The Ultimate Warrior?" The others were startled when they heard the words, "What the hell... are you sure?"

Popov's head was already a little white and swollen from soaking in the rain, and his eyes were still wide open.

The city guard who recognized the person was also a little hesitant, so he glanced at someone, "You Tiangong...what's going on?"

"There is Popov," the Tiangong people didn't dare to deny it, they could only honestly admit it, "but I haven't seen him."

His rank in the factory is extremely low, that is to say, the top management of Tiangong dare not come, so they can only let him visit.

"Isn't it fun?" The captain of the city guard who came gave him a hard look, "Fortunately, it's outside the city!"

Homicide cases in the city and its suburbs should be investigated, but the residential area has a laissez-faire attitude towards the outside of the city.

At this moment, the landlord also arrived. Seeing the miserable state of the small courtyard, he couldn't help crying, "My house..."

Then, he took the initiative to provide the renter's information to the City Guards.

The small courtyard is located in a remote place, and it is not easy to rent it out. When Bentley rented the house two days ago, he did not show his identity certificate.

The landlord described the appearance of the tenant, and hoped that the city guards could help to find out this person and compensate him.

However, for the city guards, they already had relevant information.

The team leader who led the team sneered, "Do you have clear evidence that the tenant is related to this battle?"

With clear evidence, even the city guards may not be willing to smash the other side, let alone without evidence.

Then he looked at Tiangong's people and smiled coldly, "It seems that you are having a lot of fun."

He has a mediocre relationship with Tiangong, and he also knows that a colleague came to find fault yesterday.

It is precisely because of this that he has no good opinion of Tiangong-my colleagues will be implicated by you.

He also said that people would not be able to jump for a few days, but now, the person who said this has died!

The Tiangong people didn't dare to reply, so they hurriedly contacted their own people and passed the news back.

The owner of the repair shop is that little old man. At the beginning, he really didn't think that there would be any mistakes in his actions at night.

With the ultimate fighters, remodeled fighters and mechs dispatched, can the opponent be able to withstand it?

So he didn't pay attention to this matter at all at night, but went out to socialize for a while, and came back after getting drunk.

Early in the morning, he was yelled up. After a hangover, he was obviously angry.

"I'm getting old, don't you know it's hard for me to fall asleep? If you don't give me a suitable reason... I'm going to be angry!"


Chapter 128 I am the Lord of the Mountain (fourth update)

The little old man's getting out of bed quickly turned into fright, and he asked in amazement.

"Popov, the three reformed fighters, and the two mechas... are gone? How many people are there?"

"I don't know," the person who reported had an extremely ugly face, "All the people who participated are dead..."

"However, someone heard the final call to the police, as if the two of them... both, are ultimate fighters!"

"They are all ultimate fighters?" The little old man's face became more and more ugly, "Is the news reliable?"

The person who reported looked at him helplessly, and said to himself that I don't know more than you.

The little old man thought for a while and made a decision, "It looks like he's going to bleed this time..."

However, he did not completely give up the idea of ​​revenge. He first found a few big shots in Houjing, hoping that they would come forward to severely punish the murderer.

However, this is simply unrealistic. Who would go to trouble with such a powerful force?

Tiangong Repair Factory is indeed very big, and has deep connections at all levels, but...they are only businessmen after all.

No one is sure that Terry and Jane Lei are the ultimate fighters, but does it matter?

The key is that the opponent has shown a strong lethality.

That's right, when the city guards inspected during the day, there were only Terry and Jian Lei in the small courtyard, but were they not allowed to have reinforcements?

It's not uncommon for one or two ultimate fighters to appear in the reinforcements, right?

After running all morning, the little old man had no choice but to confess, so he asked someone to send a message to Mr. Terry, hoping to expose the matter.

The person who sent the message also had some thoughts: Aren't you going to compensate the other party one or two?

"That day, we simply closed the booth and quit!" The little old man gritted his teeth, "We have already suffered a heavy loss this time!"

The person who sent the message laughed when he heard the words, "You asked for this...Give me one hundred thousand silver dollars, and I will settle this matter for you."

The little old man thought about it, Tiangong was not short of money, the reason why he didn't want to compensate the other party was that his breath was not smooth.

Now that someone is willing to come forward to help with the matter, it is no problem to pay, and he accepts it even if it is more expensive.

The key is that he knows that the person in front of him is really capable and has a lot of connections in Central City.

He started bargaining and settled the deal with the other party for 80,000 silver dollars—pay half of it first, and pay the other half half a year later.

The man smiled disapprovingly, turned and left.

That afternoon, the news came, and the little old man knew immediately: Terry appeared again!

No one knew where Jian Lei was, but Terry just swaggered and appeared near the contact point openly.

This is a very obvious signal: even if the opponent doesn't want to threaten Tiangong, at least he is absolutely not afraid of things.

After hearing that, the one who wanted to be normal couldn't help being stunned, "This guy is a bit flamboyant... No news about Jian Lei?"

Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi never entered the outskirts of the city at all, and they are still driving around in heavy trucks.

There are too many sensitive things on the heavy truck, and most of those trophies need to be sold outside the city.

There are also some supplies such as weapons, which have to wait until nightfall, and move them into the city quietly bit by bit.

It took them two full three days to fully digest the results of this battle.

Then Hua Xiezi drove back, while Qu Jianlei waited until night and sneaked into the outskirts of the city.

During these three days, more than one wave of people came to Terry, hoping to invite Master Jian Lei to come forward to overhaul the equipment.

Terry rejected it very simply, saying that Jian Lei was working on a project and currently had no resources to spare.

Anyone with a heart is guessing, did the battle outside the city hurt Jian Lei?

It wasn't until the fourth day when Bentley met Qu Jianlei at home that he announced to the outside world: It's okay to accept the job, pay first!

Those sensitive people immediately guessed: this Jian Lei was really unharmed.

The one who wanted to make peace heard about it and went straight to Bentley.

"I'm the owner of the mountain, and I'm on good terms with Haihe in Lucky Square. I wonder if Mr. Terry has heard of it?"

Haihe used to be Bentley's smuggling partner, and after making enough money, he laundered and went ashore.

However, after he went ashore, he didn't do any serious business, and opened a high-end bar called Lucky Square.

In bars, selling alcohol has never been the focus. Lucky Square makes money mainly by selling shoes.

"I've heard of you," Bentley said squinting at the other party, he had indeed heard of this person.

Shanzhu is well-known in the underground world of Houjing, and his main business... is actually smuggling.

But his smuggling was bigger than Bentley's back then, because he was not wanted, so he dared to take any business.

Some people say that he is an agent of a certain force in Central City,

This rumor may not be true, but it is certain that his connections in Central City are definitely not bad.

But Bentley didn't take this person seriously, because... After all, he was just a native of the Tianzi District.

People from Central City have deep-rooted discrimination against other settlements.

But Bentley didn't underestimate the opponent either.

He has been smuggling on and off for a long time, and he knows that if he can eat this bowl of rice, he will definitely not be a good person.

So he looked at the other party lightly, and didn't answer the words - just say what you want.

Sure enough, it was difficult! This person frowned, but he didn't pay much attention to it, "I've always been low-key and kind to others."

"I've heard that the owner of the mountain has always kept a low profile," Qu Jianlei nodded casually, "This has something to do with his profession."

Cargo runners - illegal ones, if they don't keep a low profile, aren't they courting death?

"Let's be honest," Shanzhu said bluntly, "I heard that there was a little misunderstanding between you and Tiangong?"

"You call this a misunderstanding?" Bentley looked at him strangely—you little gang, do you want to change the boss?

"Well, it was Tiangong who offended you," Shanzhu changed his words very simply, "I used the wrong words, please forgive me."

"The word fart is inappropriate," Bentley smiled disapprovingly, "It's all left over from my play."

"It's nothing more than trying to test my tolerance limit... After all, I'm still not confident enough."

The owner of the mountain was not angry. There were already many tricks in the world of smugglers. What is this little trick?

He just said lightly, "Both of you are quite capable, it's not good if you both lose..."

"So I'm planning to coordinate. Can you show me some face and just let this matter go?"

"Do you really think you have a lot of face?" Bentley looked at him with a strange expression, "Are you from Central City?"

"This question... is heart-wrenching," Shanzhu laughed when he heard the words, "Pointing at the weakness, are you from Central City?"

Bentley smiled slightly when he heard the words, "Guess?"

"There are also downcast people in the central city." The owner of the mountain smiled disapprovingly, "The vast majority of people live worse than me."

Bentley nodded with a smile, "That's true, but...we have the identity of Central City."

The owner of the mountain rolled his eyes helplessly, "You have been emphasizing the identity of Central City so much, and the two of us will have no way to communicate."

"It wasn't me who wanted to communicate," Bentley replied disapprovingly, "There's no way...then don't communicate."

You're just bragging, aren't you? The owner of the mountain sighed helplessly, "Have you heard of the Thirty-six Aristocratic Family?"

"Only people in your small place haven't heard of it," Bentley smiled disapprovingly.

"Do you know which of the thirty-six families has the most ultimate fighters?"

The thirty-six family... To be honest, most of the residents of Central City may not be able to understand it.

Even in the same city, there is a monopoly of information, and society is so ruthless.

The mountain owner was stopped by the question, and he rolled his eyes helplessly. He originally wanted to show off his friendship with certain forces.

But the level of information that the other party has is far above him, so what's the point of showing off?

Then he smiled, "I was negligent, my lord can become the ultimate warrior...that's not an ordinary person."

Bentley just looked at him coldly and didn't say a word—you said I was the ultimate warrior, but I didn't admit or deny it.

But the mountain master sighed, "At first, I thought it could be done without spending money, but if you dare to show up... I raised it to 20,000 silver dollars."

"Now it seems that it needs to spend 30,000 silver dollars... This matter will be exposed, will it be successful?"

Bentley looked at him strangely, then smiled slightly, "I'll just ask much did you earn?" can guess this too? The owner of the mountain had to admire him, he was indeed an old fox!

He originally wanted to make up a random number, but then he thought: What kind of consequences will the other party find out that I lied to him in the future?

The mountain master has a wide range of people, but his own strength is really not worth mentioning, and he has to rely on bodyguards to protect him when he goes in and out.

If he was really missed by an ultimate warrior, he felt that there was a high probability that he would not survive a year.

Tiangong Repair Factory looks like a giant with a lot of people, but in essence, it is just a businessman who relies on craftsmanship for a living.

A businessman is a businessman after all.

He quickly made a decision, "They took out 80,000 yuan to settle the matter, and I'll give you 30,000 yuan...but don't feel that it's too little."

"You have killed so many people, and the related issues have to be settled... This money cannot be earned by you alone."

Now that you've met someone who understands, it's right to tell the truth.

The little old man of Tiangong probably would not have thought that if he finds someone to make things right, the end result is to send money to his enemy.

"I want 50,000." Bentley didn't care about those reasons at all, "I earn more than me...Who has such a big face?"

After all, he and Qu Jianlei are the ones being targeted - if there is a problem with the military order, then you can go to the military, right?

In this case, it is necessary for the two of them to take the lead, and this is not discussed.

The owner of the mountain also had a headache. Originally, he really didn't plan to share the profit with the other party - he thought he could eat it.

But looking at the other party's unambiguous look, he can only admit it.

The key is that he can understand the logic of the other party's speech, there is really no problem, the strong should have this kind of thinking.

Then what he can do is to discuss with the other party - I am fair, but it does not mean that I can get all the money.

If I play someone else's banner, I will definitely have to pay related fees, which cannot be saved.

The two were bargaining when there was a loud noise outside.

Then someone shouted, "A team of fallen people is attacking!"

(Another four updates, the 13th consecutive 4D update, asking for monthly pass and follow-up subscription support.)

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