Qu Jianlei's words are not modest, his onomatopoeia ability surpasses most people, but it has not reached the professional level.

The reason why he was able to hide it from the other two was purely miscellaneous... that is, the voice of the cockscomb head was too special.

Even so, the second brother who was carrying a Gauss automatic gun still found something unusual.

It's a pity that he found out a little too late, and there was no time to avoid it.

Qu Jianlei killed three people in a row, but he didn't feel complacent.

He carefully searched the surrounding area, and he was relieved to find that these three people were indeed the only ones following.

After checking the seizure, I was shocked to find that the Gauss automatic gun of the second brother was broken.

This made him even more uninterested: what have you been up to this evening?

At this moment, Morrison walked over excitedly, "Brother Qu, did I cooperate well?"

Not only did he open his wound with a punch, releasing a bloody smell, but he didn't shout at Qu Jianlei afterwards.

Instead, he cooperated with him and fooled his opponent.

Of course, once he yelled out, there was a high probability that he would be shot dead by Qu Jianlei on the spot.

But if he didn't shout out, it was equivalent to tying himself to Qu Jianlei's chariot.

If the opponent wins, he still cannot escape death.

Considering that Morrison didn't know how many people were in ambush, this time he was taking a big gamble.

Qu Jianlei knew that this person was very crooked, but stealing a tricycle...he was not guilty of death.

Those who have made great achievements must be rewarded, and those who have deserved to be punished are serious.

So he nodded, "Well, good performance, our accounts are settled, you can go."

"You're not...I..." Morrison was dumbfounded when he heard this. He really wanted to say this half a day ago.

But seeing that Qu Jianlei had five guns in his hands, he was a little bit reluctant to let him go now.

In the afternoon, he was able to fish in troubled waters to intercept some goods, and in the evening he was able to afford Lan Meiren. Wasn't it because of Qu Jianlei's power?

"Since the two are cleared, can I follow you in the future?"

"What are you following me for?" Qu Jianlei frowned, "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for someone to make trouble for myself... Isn't that what I owe?"

"I have strengths!" Morrison quickly expressed the value of his existence, "I am good at communicating with people, and everyone knows that."

"You are good at begging for mercy!" Qu Jianlei replied very simply, good at communicating... Are you laughing at me?

"Begging for mercy is also a form of communication," Morrison replied indifferently, "I'm not good at communication. I've died more than a dozen times!"

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes speechlessly, "You are shameless, you are so proud of this?"

He said so in his mouth, and he really agreed with it in his heart.

Morrison has a bad reputation for being lazy and lazy, but his social skills are definitely much better than his own.

"Living is the most important thing," Morrison said, not caring about the other party's ridicule at all.

He even said, "If you take me in, let me do the embarrassing things in the future."

For a moment, Qu Jianlei felt a little moved. Having such a subordinate would be of great help to his development.

But it was only for a moment, and then he thought of Rogers.

Rogers was the one he saved, and he did a lot of evil, and finally betrayed him.

And his reason is the same, he wants to live a better life.

So in the end, Qu Jianlei still shook his head, "You have offended too many people, I'm not interested in being an enemy of everyone."

"Those are small things," Morrison replied without hesitation. "If it is a big hatred, I am alive?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head without hesitation, "I don't want to be distracted by uncontrollable factors."

Once the matter in front of him is straightened out and the hidden dangers of the transformation potion are resolved, he will devote all his thoughts to becoming stronger.

Morrison froze for a moment, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

But soon, he adjusted his mood, "Since the debt is paid off, we are equal now?"

"You say equality means equality," Qu Jianlei didn't bother to say anything to him.

Born in Blue Star, he believed that people should be born equal. But Lao Mo, you have grown crooked!

Talking about equality with me at this time is a bit disrespectful!

Morrison rolled his eyes, "Now I have a suggestion, let's cooperate... Are you interested?"

Qu Jianlei pondered for a while, then raised his chin slightly, "Let's listen first."

"It must be a cripple who leaked your news," Morrison asked bluntly, "You don't deny that, do you?"

After thinking about it, Qu Jianlei replied, "I can only say that he is not absolutely innocent."

His obsessive-compulsive disorder is not very serious, but when encountering qualitative problems, he will definitely try to ensure that the wording is as precise as possible.

"Well, not absolutely innocent," said Morrison, who didn't want to bother with him—it wasn't worth it.

"Since you've confirmed this, it's right to ask him for some compensation, right?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "I don't think it's necessary, why must compensation be made?"

As long as his life is on the right track, he won't worry about not being able to make money. How much can a grocery store lose?

He never thought that he was narrow-minded, and at worst, he would just stop dealing with this grocery store in the future.

Being kind to others is the true meaning of life, haggling...is not good.

Is this stupid again? Morrison felt a little confused.

But this is still unimportant, "Brother Qu, do you think it's unnecessary...can I complain for you?"

Want to be an attorney? Qu Jianlei narrowed his eyes, "It's your business to complain about injustice, I can't control it."

He is determined not to interfere, especially the reputation of this guy is already bad!

"If you can't control it, you don't object," Morrison laughed. This guy's emotional intelligence...is really weird.

"But when they want to deal with me, you won't ignore it, right? Otherwise, you will be underestimated by others!"

After all, I am fighting for you, you can get rid of it, but can you allow others to slap you in the face?

Qu Jianlei had a bit of a headache, he was really not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships.

He didn't want to be used, but he didn't want to be underestimated either.

After thinking for a long time, he finally said, "Don't use my banner, I will take half of the harvest."

He is indeed confident that he will make money, but... Isn't this not yet earned?

What do you say that money is like dung, and people eat whole grains, so they need dung to grow, okay?

"No problem," Morrison nodded bluntly, as long as you are willing to share the money, it will be easy.

It really doesn't matter whether you play under the banner or not. Do you really think that others don't think wildly?

Seeing that he agreed happily, Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment.

"If others make you anxious, you can come and ask me for temporary protection... provided that you haven't done anything wrong."

"Of course," Morrison replied without hesitation, "If I want to misbehave, how can I have the face to ask you for protection?"

"Then it's settled," Qu Jianlei said simply, "It's easy to leave."

"Just... just leave like this?" Morrison was stunned.

It's the middle of the night, and it's still in the wilderness. There are three corpses beside him, and his wound has opened again!

Qu Jianlei also looked at him curiously, "Do you still want to have a supper or something?"

Morrison didn't know what supper was, but he knew in his heart that this fool had no serious words in his mouth.

So he directly said, "Can you lend me a gun? It will be deducted from the harvest in the future."

Qu Jianlei asked curiously, "It's not that I can't lend it to you, but do you dare to shoot?"

"There's always something to look like," Morrison replied bluntly, "at least I have a gun in my hand...don't I?"

"Then I'll lend you one," Qu Jianlei handed over a Gauss automatic gun, "and some bullets."

After handing it over, he turned around and left on his tricycle.

Back to his den, it was already early morning, Qu Jianlei didn't care so much, and fell asleep soundly.

When he woke up the next day, he came to Fat Sister's grocery store, "Fat Sister, I sell a knife."

The price offered by the fat sister is much higher than that of the cripple, "Five tubes of nutritional supplements!"

But Qu Jianlei still felt low, "Add some."

The knife of Huoya is indeed a bit broken, but it can still last for quite a while.

"Change the charcoal," Fat Sister didn't care about the dispute between the two yesterday, "Can you give me more charcoal... Winter is coming soon!"

"Exchange so much, waiting for someone to steal it?"

"Who dares to steal from you?" Fat Sister asked nonchalantly, "You have a gun already."

"Those with guns die faster," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Do you have meat? It's okay to change meat."

This is not a catchphrase, but real meat. There is real meat in the wasteland, but it is much more expensive than nutrients.

The taste is definitely better than nutritional supplements, but most people can't afford it.

Usually it is farmed livestock and poultry, but in the conditions of the wasteland, it is difficult for people to live, and it is even more difficult to raise animals.

There is also the meat of wild animals, but most of the wild animals here are mutated, and there are not many types that can be eaten.

However, even so, most of the meat that everyone can eat on weekdays is the meat of mutant beasts, which are too expensive to breed.

Having not eaten meat for more than six years, Qu Jianlei decided to spend it extravagantly.

If he is really a wasteland native, he may not eat natural meat once in his life.

The fat lady gave him a strange look, "Mutated meat, your knife can only be exchanged for a small piece."

Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then snorted coldly, "I will buy a big piece one day!"

The words are rather timid, but Qu Jianlei said it very naturally, if he wants to go bankrupt, he can afford it now.

However, the timing is wrong now.

In the end, he exchanged the long knife for charcoal, but he was not very happy.

There are more and more trophies in hand, but they cannot be cashed out, which is very depressing.

He should need a lot of money...or energy in the future.

In the past, he only pursued food and clothing in his life, and dared not operate if he had the idea of ​​making money.

Now there is a turning point, and with this momentum, it can basically block most coveted people.

So now, in addition to solving hidden dangers, the only thing to consider is making money.

But now it seems that it is a bit difficult to get rich by robbing houses?

Two hours later, he rode a tricycle to the periphery of the garbage dump.

He just stopped when a figure jumped out from beside him, "Brother Qu, what you're doing is a little outrageous!"

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