Qu Jianlei not only stopped inputting spiritual energy, but also tried to move his hand away from the box.

However, just when he wanted to break away from the contact and retreat appropriately, he suddenly found that his hand was firmly sucked onto the box.

Then, the spiritual energy in his body unexpectedly surged towards the box uncontrollably.

"How dare you," the face of the thin Taoist suddenly changed, becoming extremely ferocious, "Whose youngster dares to be so rude."

"I thought you were a good person," Qu Jianlei sneered and suddenly launched a spiritual attack.

The target of the attack was the thin Taoist in his mind.

Although he did not seem to care much about Jing Yuexin's reminder, in fact, his vigilance in his heart reached its peak.

It was just because this secret treasure was of great importance that Jiao Daoren and Yi He were a little out of control.

And if he wanted to get a broader prospect, this resource must also be fought for, and he really couldn't retreat.

Now that he found that the other party was indeed not a good person, he directly launched a mental attack.

The strength of the soul of the Nascent Soul cannot be compared with that of the Out-of-Body State, not only in terms of magnitude, but also in terms of grade and usage skills.

But he had no other choice, because he had to try to control his spiritual energy and not be absorbed by the box.

Under the control of the opponent, the suction force on the box was surprisingly strong, and it was really difficult to resist.

At this time, if you want to get rid of the contact, you must be a little ruthless to yourself.

Qu Jianlei's attack shook his sea of ​​consciousness wildly, and his soul seemed to be falling apart.

Subconsciously, he reacted that the aftereffects of this vibration would not be short.

If it could really last for dozens of seconds, his soul might even collapse directly.

However, at this moment, he didn't care about much, and his other hand quickly stretched out and hit the box with a palm in the air.

Qu Jianlei had already thought about it. If this palm didn't work, he would cut off his left hand that was touching the box.

He was a paranoid person. Although he was very careful about his body on weekdays, once he got angry, he would definitely do such a thing as cutting off his wrist.

He was not sure what purpose the box was trying to achieve by absorbing his spiritual energy.

But no matter what, what the other party was going to do was what he wanted to oppose.

The palm strike by Qu Jianlei was not without a name. It was the "Palm Thunder" technique that he had just studied.

Even in the world of immortal cultivation, the inheritance of thunder techniques is quite rare, and there is even a special term - thunder cultivation.

There are quite a few inheritances of the palm thunder technique, and the differences are quite large. For thunder cultivators, it is also easy to understand but difficult to master.

Qu Jianlei did not have any inheritance of thunder cultivation, but he was proficient in electromagnetic techniques when he was still a beginner.

When he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he remembered the legendary "Palm Thunder", which was also domineering in electromagnetic techniques.

No inheritance? It doesn't matter, he can slowly figure it out.

As a result, he really came up with such a technique.

Although it is a bit specious and the power is also weak, he does not think that his palm thunder is so bad.

Because his thunder method mainly attacks the soul and consciousness, that is, those invisible life forms.

That's right, he was thinking about this mainly to deal with the demons, which are potential enemies in the future.

As for the ghosts, he must have considerable restraint.

Although he did not find that ghosts are common in this world, he really encountered them in the Xueye Star in the past.

Those ghosts were created by the inheritance of ghost cultivation, and the light attribute of Tianyin has a strong lethality to ghosts.

In other words, his palm thunder technique is borrowed from the light attribute technique.

There is no way, although it is a hodgepodge of incompatibility, no one really told him how to practice palm thunder.

Fortunately, he has tested it and it is indeed very lethal to mental power.

With a palm strike, the box on the opposite side, which was motionless, actually trembled slightly.

Qu Jianlei exerted force on his feet, broke free from the suction of the box, and took the opportunity to retreat directly.

Then, the thin Taoist in his mind had an obvious pause, and then a wave of anger came.

"Damn... what a mess!"

As this emotion spread, Qu Jianlei felt that the vibration of his sea of ​​consciousness was reduced a little.

It really worked! Without thinking, he summoned his clone and stood in front of him, shouting at the same time.

"Everyone be careful, this thing may take over the body!"

But then, he was shocked to find that he was still in the vast white fog.

His violent retreat was enough to retreat a hundred kilometers away, so how could he still be in the opponent's force field?

"Damn you, kid!" The face of the Taoist Qingshou in his mind became more and more hideous, and even his whole body began to twist.

It felt like... a replica of Taoist Jiao, although still in human form, it had a bit of a snake posture.

The Taoist Qingshou twisted his body and pounced on his mental power viciously.

It opened its mouth, and its mouth instantly turned into a bloody mouth, and a huge suction came from the big mouth.

Qu Jianlei's soul was already unstable, and after being sucked in like this, it started shaking wildly again.

His sea of ​​consciousness had already begun to stabilize, but after encountering this suction force, the situation became even more dangerous than before.

"I'm a bitch!" Qu Jianlei raised his right hand, and there was a faint arc of electricity flashing in his hand.

He slapped hard and hit the Baihui point on the top of his head.

This is not to say that he wants to commit suicide, but since the other party can't stand the palm thunder, then just continue.

With his own sea of ​​consciousness as the battlefield, it must be said that he really doesn't care about the consequences when he goes crazy.

If the other party insists on taking over the body, he doesn't mind fighting to the point of mutual destruction.

The Taoist Qingshou's consciousness was in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he instantly felt the threat.

However, the figure did not retreat, but opened his mouth wider and wider, and laughed grimly.

"Hehe, die together? Let's see who dies and who lives!"

The next moment, just when Qu Jianlei's soul was about to collapse, countless white arcs of electricity fell from his sea of ​​consciousness.

The figure was struck by the arc and screamed, and the suction force was instantly reduced a lot.

But Qu Jianlei's soul was also hit by lightning, and it became more and more loose, as if it would collapse in the next second.

I have to admit that the other party is also a ruthless character. Knowing that the arc restrains himself, he still has to fight to the death.

There was a faint green smoke coming out of the mouth of the thin Taoist, but he was still laughing strangely.

"Hehe, I want to see how many times you can withstand self-harm!"

"I was still careless!" Qu Jianlei's soul was almost collapsed, but at this moment, his mind was surprisingly clear.

"The spiritual energy input into the box just now was really a bit too much..."

He was not sure about the relationship between the spiritual energy input and the residual soul of the opponent, but he was sure that the more spiritual energy input, the stronger the opponent would be.

So the opponent's eyes were blurred at first, then confused, and then clear... In fact, it was just delaying time.

Fortunately, he was alert enough and vaguely realized the inappropriateness of the opponent, and finally forced the opponent to reveal his true face.

However, it was a little late after all.

"The Calming Talisman... I don't know if it can restrain the figure in my mind!"

Yi He's Calming Talisman should only be of the Nascent Soul level, and it is probably not enough to deal with the residual soul of the Paying Acupoint period.

But the problem is that Yi He has already said that the Calming Talisman is to stabilize one's soul and prevent it from being taken over by a powerful person.

Now the other party's soul has invaded his sea of ​​consciousness. In this case... should it be activated?

What if while stabilizing his own soul, he also helps the other party stabilize his soul, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

However, he couldn't think too much at this time.

He flipped his right hand, and another palm thunder fell. His left hand had already taken out a talisman and a flawed Xingzai.

This palm strike was probably close to suicide, and the Calming Talisman might not be used.

But... so what? Death is certainly terrible, but he is more unwilling to let his body be occupied by others.

As for the fact that once Xingzai is activated, it will definitely affect the team members not far away, so he can only say... sorry!

It's my incompetence as the boss that has implicated you. If there is an afterlife, I will be your little brother!

At this critical moment, a shadow suddenly appeared, but it was a huge big-headed butterfly.

The bloody mouth that opened was not even as big as the butterfly's body.

"What the hell..." The mad and skinny Taoist couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw this, "What is this?"

The other party's strange palm thunder has made him suffer a lot.

Until now, he has been wondering, which family's inheritance is this?

Although he is already a great master who has left the body, there are many masters who are more powerful than him in the world of immortal cultivation.

Strictly speaking, there are not many - above the out-of-body is the spirit, how can there be many?

It's just that people stand at different heights and the level of vision is also different.

After so many years, the figure has been close to the state of running out of oil. As long as he can survive, he is not afraid of any risks.

What if there is a great master who has the support of the spirit? At worst, after taking over the body, he can hide and practice secretly.

He must hide, not to mention that he was only a Nascent Soul when he just took over the body, even if he recovered the out-of-body cultivation, what would it matter?

But then again, is it worth it for a mere Nascent Soul to come out and avenge him?

There are two realms between the two. Even if they are direct relatives, the Spirit Master may not take action.

The figure has decided that he will never let go today.

He asked about his origins before just to be on the safe side and... to delay a little more time.

Who would have thought that the other party not only had a very strange palm thunder, but now a strange beast appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This situation is too strange. Even if he is the descendant of the Beast Taming Sect, he can't bring the soul of the strange beast under his name into the sea of ​​consciousness, right?

Why is this guy's inheritance so messed up?

However, he has made up his mind that even if something weird happens, it will not affect his possession!

The next moment, he opened his mouth and sucked hard again.

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