Red Alert 1895

Chapter 201: undercover in action

On February 15, 1897, the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, the Office of the Section Chief of the Second Taiwan Section. ◇↓,

"Any new news recently?" Akashi Genjiro asked.

The current Akashi Genjiro returned to Japan with the Japanese army from Taiwan two years ago. He was released by Taiwan as a prisoner of war, and after the Japanese army returned to Japan, he resumed his post. Akashi Motojiro was favored by Japan's newly appointed Chief of the Army Staff Headquarters, Kawakami Moroku, and was appointed as the head of the second Taiwan section, and his rank was promoted to lieutenant colonel. The second department of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters is responsible for intelligence work, and the Taiwan Section is for intelligence work in Taiwan.

Since Japan experienced defeat in the war in Taiwan, Japan's intelligence work against Taiwan has begun to make great progress. However, Japan’s subordinates in the second department treat Taiwan as a separate class, which has the same status as the so-called China class. It can be said that in the eyes of the Japanese army, Taiwan has already been able to sit on an equal footing with the mainland. Akashi Motojiro is in charge of the Taiwan class and serves as the head of the Taiwan class. And for more than a year, Akashi Genjiro has "remarkable achievements", and he has continuously obtained some information and returned to Japan, making Japan feel as if that is really the case.

But no one knew that Akashi Genjiro was the number one spy undercover directed by Wang Guorui in Taiwan, and most of the information he said had already been filtered. For all the important information, Wang Guorui was asked whether to report it to Japan. If it was too fatal information, Akashi Genjiro would naturally hide it secretly, and even take the initiative to send it to Wang Guorui through Yuri, and then cooperate with Wang Guorui to clean up the undercover Japanese army lurking in Taiwan. If it is really inconvenient to clean up, then it is to be monitored at any time to prevent them from doing anything that endangers Taiwan. After all, to a certain extent, Wang Guorui also needs to protect Akashi Motojiro's line, if he cleans up Taiwan's undercover agents at will. Then it may be easy for the Japanese army to know that there are internal rapes in them. Therefore, those undercover agents are generally not cleaned up, unless they are Japanese undercover agents in important departments, they will be cleaned up. The undercover Japanese troops in those secondary departments were only monitored, and they did not directly arrest people.

Therefore, Akashi Genjiro has achieved a lot over the past year, and he was able to hand over some information to Japan. It makes the Japanese high-level feel good.

"Chairman, according to the news just reported, Taiwan seems to be planning something recently, we will continue to investigate the specific situation!" Akashi Motojiro's secretary said.

Akashi Genjiro opened his pocket watch, and then thought: "There are still twenty-five hours, the commander will start planning, and I will start too!"

Akashi Genjiro took the initiative to "produce" a piece of information, and then immediately came to the office of the head of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, Kawakami Miroku.

"Kawakami Cao Sixth General, we just got the news. Taiwan is going to war against the Dutch!" Akashi Motojiro said.

Kawakami Caoroku looked at the information, and immediately said: "Quick, go and report to His Majesty the Emperor, and let His Majesty hold an imperial meeting!"

Kawakami Moroku didn't notice, but Akashi Genjiro was smiling.

In fact, this information from Akashi Genjiro is actually true, but the relevant information was sent to him by Yuri in the Red Police Base. This information is indeed true. But this information is just a few words, that is, Wang Guorui's Taiwan forces are about to start a war against the Dutch. specific details. Not much. But such a sentence is enough, and it can already be a great contribution to Akashi Genjiro.

The reason why Wang Guorui hoped to pass this news to the Japanese high-level officials through Akashi Genjiro was because according to Wang Guorui's plan, they would declare war on the Dutch in twenty-five hours. Twenty-five hours later, the news will be made public to the whole world. That means it has no value, and the Japanese will know it too. Instead of waiting for the information to be invalidated at that time, the Japanese will know sooner or later, it is better to give this opportunity to Akashi Genjiro and let him tell the Japanese high-level.

If Akashi Motojiro is asked to report to the Japanese more than 20 hours in advance. Even if the Japanese got the news, with the current communication capabilities, the Japanese are not able to quickly deliver the news to the Dutch. It has been less than twenty-five hours since the start of the war, and the Japanese are already too late in time. But this is twenty-five hours earlier, which is tantamount to telling the Japanese through Akashi Genjiro a piece of information that is destined to be made public to the world.

This so-called information seems to be of great importance, but after careful consideration, it means nothing. After all, it was too late for the Japanese to notify the Dutch. Even if the notification arrived, it would be too late. The current communication capabilities are not enough to prepare the Dutch army in Indonesia. So this news seems to be of great importance, but it is of no value after careful scrutiny. However, this information can be exchanged for Akashi Motojiro's great improvement in Japan's status, so it is the best that Akashi Motojiro, an undercover agent in Taiwan, can continue to rise.

"Your Majesty, we have obtained the corresponding information through a secret line planted in Taiwan that year. My secret line has entered the work of the so-called General Staff in Taiwan, but this time he was not selected to formulate countermeasures. In the war plan of the Dutch, he only learned about it when Taiwan had already set out for the war more than ten days ago. After he learned about it, he tried every means to pass on the relevant news. Take it, now It has just been delivered, and it is already today." Akashi Genjiro said in front of Emperor Meiji.

After hearing this, Emperor Meiji said helplessly, "It would be great if I could come a few days earlier!"

And everyone regretted it for a while. If this news could be delivered earlier, then Japan might be able to make a decision earlier, and even stop Taiwan's combat plan in time. But it's too late now, it's too late for them to notify the Dutch to get ready.

"His Majesty the Emperor, do you want me to reprimand that hidden thread?" Akashi Genjiro asked.

Emperor Meiji immediately said: "No, not only don't reprimand, but also reward. This time it is not his responsibility. He has passed it on as much as possible, and he has done his best. Moreover, I want to reward him. You go tell him , I rewarded him with 50,000 yen, which is regarded as a great respect for him. After finally being able to install a person in Taiwan's General Staff, don't force him away!"

Emperor Meiji was also very sensible. The so-called "hidden line" had already done its best. The reason why the news was delayed was due to the problem of communication capabilities, not the responsibility of the so-called dark line. On the contrary, it is not easy for Japan to install a person in Taiwan's general staff, so don't force him away. However, even the Japanese would never have imagined that this so-called hidden line is nothing at all, and it is completely a mystery played by Genjiro Akashi.

"Your Majesty, according to my analysis, Taiwan's war against the Dutch this time is mainly to attack the Nanyang area. According to the information we have obtained before, Taiwan's population pressure is increasing day by day, and Taiwan's resources have been exhausted day by day. A large number of workers are unemployed, so Taiwan must find a way to expand now. Although some people think that Taiwan may want to expand to the mainland, in fact, according to my analysis, they will not choose to expand to the mainland, because Western countries will not allow Taiwan to enter The main mainland. Taiwan is not yet ready for a full-scale war with Western countries, so they can only expand southward. They expand southward to relieve the employment pressure of the population, and they may be able to obtain some industrial resources to supplement Taiwan’s increasingly depleted resources. In addition, there are no powerful countries in Nanyang, and the Dutch have already declined, so they are trying to soften the persimmons!" Akashi Motojiro said.

The things Akashi Genjiro said are actually outdated and belong to the category of hindsight. Even if Akashi Motojiro doesn't talk about these things, soon all the "elites" in Japan will be able to analyze them. Instead of letting those elites speak out, it is better to let Akashi Genjiro show off in front of the emperor, so that maybe the emperor can see that Akashi Genjiro is a Maybe it can leave a good impression.

Emperor Meiji heard Zhuge Liang's analysis after the event, and immediately felt good, and said: "Nakasa Akashi's analysis is very good. Taiwan is already very dangerous, so they will choose to expand. Our Empire of Japan has to make Let’s go back and discuss further solutions.”

"Hi!" The Japanese military officials present replied together.

"By the way, Akashi Motojirou has been promoted to the rank of Colonel, and he will also serve as my attendant military officer." Emperor Meiji said.

And everyone feels a little jealous of Akashi Genjiro, because Akashi Genjiro is only less than thirty-three years old, and he has already won the rank of Colonel of the Japanese Army. You must know that many of the young officers in the same group as him are now only major commanders, and even many young royals are also senior commanders. However, Akashi Genjiro was specially promoted by the emperor to be the chief assistant, and he also became the emperor's attendant military officer. You must know that although the emperor's military attache has little direct power, he is close to the emperor. Only the best officers in the army and navy can become an imperial military officer. To become an attendant military officer, he usually stays with the emperor for a few years, and then he can be released to an important position. So everyone knows that Akashi Genjiro has been valued by the emperor, and he will definitely be vigorously promoted and reused in the future.

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