Red Alert 1895

Chapter 257: eldest son born

"What happened?" Wang Guorui asked Huang Feihong anxiously.

Wang Guorui couldn't help being in a hurry now, after all, his wife Zheng Hong was giving birth now, and Wang Guorui couldn't help with such matters at all. Although Wang Guorui claims to have a lot of power, it is impossible to help others have children, so he can only watch Zheng Hong work **** his own. As for now, Zheng Hong is in the delivery room, and Wang Guorui still doesn't know what's going on!

And Wang Guorui finally realized the feeling of waiting for his son to be born, and that feeling was really tormenting. Not only do you have to worry about whether your woman can be born smoothly, but if there are some accidents, maybe not only the child will not be born, but the child will die in the womb, or the adults will die together, such a dead body and two lives! So Wang Guorui was also very worried. After all, this was Zheng Hong's first time to be a mother and give birth to a child, and it was also the first time for Wang Guorui to be a father. And he still doesn't know how to be a father, which makes him at a loss. And now Wang Guorui was walking back and forth outside the delivery room, obviously very worried and didn't know what to do.

According to the tradition of this era, men are not allowed to enter the delivery room, so it is not easy for Wang Guorui to enter. But in fact, he has always hoped to be able to cheer for his woman by his side. After all, he is now letting Zheng Hong "fight alone", so he feels very embarrassed in his heart. It is obviously inappropriate for a woman to not be with her husband when she gives birth. But the rules of this era are like this, not to mention that I may not be able to help if I go in. After all, Wang Guorui doesn't understand medicine, so naturally he can't help! If you go in by yourself. That might be adding to the chaos instead, so naturally you shouldn't go in.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. This time, my wife is in charge of delivering the baby in person. And my wife has received my true biography, so please rest assured, Mr. Wang. This time, I will ensure that Mr. Wang will be safe for mother and child!" Huang Feihong said.

"Wow wow wow..."

There was the sound of a child crying. Apparently born. Hearing this voice, Wang Guorui immediately rushed into the delivery room, wanting to check on his child's condition.

"Birth, birth! Mr. Wang, you are a young master! Mr. Wang, you have an heir." Huang Feihong's wife said.

And Wang Guorui ran in immediately, and saw that it was obviously a man with a handle. Immediately relieved a lot. And this time I have a son, Taiwan is considered to be a lot more stable, so I can have a bond that keeps Taiwan inseparable, and it also reassures everyone. However, Wang Guorui deeply knows that Taiwan's real bond can only be himself. Because it has a red police base, once it loses it, Taiwan will lose the basis for development and maintenance. So Wang Guorui knew this, and there was no need to say anything about it. But everyone doesn't see it that way, so everyone thinks that it is necessary to have a son, so that it can be used as a link to maintain the Taiwan system.

This child is no longer simply a matter of his own blood, but also a matter of Taiwan's future, so of course Wang Guoru must attach great importance to it. And now a son is born. Naturally, it would be able to appease the hearts of the soldiers and the people on Taiwan Island, and let them know that following Wang Guorui's family is a promising thing. Before that, Wang Guorui had no son. Naturally, it would not be favored by too many people. A "kingdom" with no successors would not have any assured future. Now that the son was born, it naturally had a good start.

"Okay, there are many rewards, this time Huang Feihong was promoted to the rank of colonel!" Wang Guorui said immediately.

And Wang Guorui looked at his son, and immediately smiled. This son is quite good, his face is very similar to his own. But the nose is somewhat like Zheng Hong. Apparently it was the union of the two that produced the child.

"Husband, let me see my son!" Zheng Hong whispered.

And Wang Guorui immediately took the initiative to come over. Said: "You rest first, you have just given birth, so you need to rest well!"

And Zheng Hong also took the child from Wang Guorui, and said, "This is my child, born from my stomach!"

Seeing Zheng Hong's smile, Wang Guorui knew that as a mother, she loved her child very much. This is the nature of being a mother. After all, as long as any woman is a mother, she will love her children very much. Even if Zheng Hong is now the director of the Political Department of the Taiwan Army, this is no exception. And Zheng Hong was holding the child, obviously very caring, showing a kind smile. And people in this situation made Wang Guorui a little jealous, after all, Zheng Hong only cared about herself!

"Hong'er, what do you think we should name our son?" Wang Guorui asked.

And Zheng Hong immediately replied: "This should be your husband's business!"

Wang Guorui thought for a while, and then said: "Well, I will name my son Wang Jiazhao. I am from the generation of Guozi, and the next generation will be from the generation of Jiazi. As for naming a photo, that is to hope that the glory of China can be It shines all over the world, so it is called Wang Jiazhao.”

And Zheng Hong was also a little excited when he heard this. Wang Guorui named this, which meant that Wang Guorui would favor this son in terms of heirs. Whether Zheng Hong follows the traditional eldest son inheritance system or Wang Guorui's inner thoughts, he is also biased towards this son. As a mother, of course, mothers are more expensive than their sons, and they hope that their sons can become the heirs of their husbands, so that they can gain the greatest status! So now my son is almost equal to being established as the heir by her husband, so Zheng Hong is of course very happy.

And after that, Zheng Hong's position is absolutely stable, because with an eldest son, it can be said that her position as a mother is very stable, and no one can shake it. Coupled with the fact that his son is already the quasi-heir, then naturally he will be the "Queen Mother" in the future, and there is no way to shake it. Other women can only be concubines forever.

However, Zheng Hong soon showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, as if he hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, tell me!" Wang Guorui asked.

And Zheng Hong immediately said hesitantly: "Husband, does what you said back then still count?"

"What?" Wang Guorui asked.

"That's what you said at the beginning, a child born with me will take my surname, and then continue the incense to the Zheng family!" Zheng Hong said.

It was only then that Wang Guorui remembered that about two years ago, Zheng Hong proposed to have a child to continue the incense of the Zheng family, which would be considered as a continuation of Zheng Chenggong's descendants. In order to subdue the Tiandihui group, Wang Guorui naturally agreed very readily. But now that Wang Guorui's status is stable, this kind of condition that makes a man look down is still a problem. If he really did this, I'm afraid Wang Guorui wouldn't listen to it if he said it! So Zheng Hong was also a little hesitant, worried that Wang Guorui would backfire.

After hearing this, Wang Guorui remembered the conditions he had agreed to Zheng Hong. And now that Zheng Hong proposed it on his own initiative, it was obviously hoping that Wang Guorui could fulfill that promise. But this condition now seems a little too much, so Wang Guorui is a little hesitant to agree.

"Husband, if it doesn't work, then forget it. Anyway, I am married to you, and I am also a member of the Wang family. Even if the ancestors of the motherland are extinct. It is a pity that the family members of the ancestors of the motherland surrendered to the Tartars. I am no longer worthy of being the descendants of the surname of the country. Our team has always been fighting against the Manchus. Although we have not succeeded, we have at least worked hard. But in the end, there are no males in my father’s generation, and I am the only one left. Female stream. And I am your wife, everything must be based on my husband's family, I shouldn't make such excessive demands!" Zheng Hong said sadly.

Wang Guorui shook his head and said: "That's all, I can not give face to anyone, but I have to give some face to the national hero Zheng Chenggong! Well, don't our Taiwan ID cards have two names? One is the official name , and another is an alias. The official name is Wang Jiazhao, and this alias of my eldest son will be your surname If he can marry and have children in the future, the eldest son will continue to follow my surname, And the second son can be surnamed Zheng. Then he will take turns, and he will be able to continue Zheng Chenggong's offspring soon."

"Well, thank you husband, you are really a good person!" Zheng Hong said.

Wang Guorui can understand Zheng Hong's thoughts. After she gave birth to her child, she has fulfilled her duty as a wife. And it's normal for her to think about her natal family now. After all, although it was said in ancient times that a married person is a member of her husband's family, it has nothing to do with her natal family. But can this blood relationship be broken at will? It is impossible to split casually, so Wang Guorui can also understand Zheng Hong's thoughts. After fulfilling his duty as a wife, he can also think about it for his natal family.

Wang Guorui is not unreasonable, not to mention that Zheng Chenggong was also a national hero back then, and Zheng Keshuang, Zheng Chenggong's grandson, surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and only Zheng Hong's ancestors resisted. Those descendants of the Zheng family who took refuge in the Qing Dynasty cannot be regarded as the descendants of Zheng Chenggong. I am afraid that Zheng Chenggong's spirit in heaven will not recognize them as descendants who surrendered to the Tartars. So it is not impossible for his son to use an alias to follow the surname Zheng. After all, as long as the official "big name" is the same as his own surname, there is no problem with that alias.

"Okay, it's time to register for the child!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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