Red Alert 1895

Chapter 259: Hanging down and ruling (below)

"Do you want to know how to completely solve the interference of the harem and relatives in politics? It is actually very simple, that is, according to my theory, the harem and relatives are by-products of imperial power, and the source of their power is the supreme imperial power.⊙ , and even if you put an end to an emperor's concubines and relatives, sooner or later there will be more concubines and relatives to intervene in politics. This is a system issue, and it is the consequence of the supremacy of the imperial power. It is not something to say It can be solved. But if you want to really eradicate concubines and relatives from interfering in politics, the best, most direct and thorough way is to let the emperor have no power, so that everyone in the world thinks that the emperor should not directly hold power, so that the imperial power is gone , wouldn’t that solve the problem of concubines and relatives interfering in politics?” Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this, Ouyang Xuan immediately turned pale and said: "I'm going to die, look at my mouth! Please forgive me, Mr. Wang! I will not object to Madam continuing to serve as the director of the Political Department."

And those other guys turned pale, because according to what Wang Guorui said, to oppose the eradication of concubines and relatives to interfere in politics, it is necessary to eradicate the soil of the rights of concubines and relatives, that is, the imperial power. But the real out-and-out treason! You must know that in the whole world, no one dares to openly clamor to abolish the imperial power, and these Chinese people never say such things. So when they heard Wang Guorui's proposal that if he wanted to eradicate his concubines and relatives from intervening in politics, he would have to abolish the imperial power as well, which made them turn pale with fright. Because according to this meaning, if they want to eradicate concubines and relatives who interfere in politics, they must abolish the imperial power. Isn't this a big treason?

And Wang Guorui is only one step away from the emperor, if Wang Guorui is willing, he can become emperor immediately. But the reason why Wang Guorui didn't proclaim himself emperor immediately. That's because he still thinks about the mainland. If he becomes emperor right away, it will be a sweet poison. Once he becomes emperor, it will be much more difficult for him to fight back to the mainland. After all, foreign devils are not easy to mess with. If once proclaimed emperor, it would be to establish another country, so foreigners would also have a reason to interfere with Taiwan's entry into the mainland. Again. The times are different. In this era, China will inevitably have to look at the face of the West, so it cannot do whatever it wants like it did in the past hundreds of years. But it was precisely because Wang Guorui did not become emperor and chose to fight back to the mainland, so many people felt that Wang Guorui was a real hero, a real hero! Because he was able to resist the attraction of proclaiming himself emperor, this is simply not an ordinary person.

But these ancients were actually different. The reason why Wang Guorui was able to bear the title of emperor was because he was deeply educated by later generations. He sneered at the identity of the emperor, and his enthusiasm for proclaiming himself emperor was not too enthusiastic, so he was able to resist. If Wang Guorui was born in ancient times, he might not be able to resist the attraction of becoming emperor at all. But Wang Guorui forcibly endured, this is what made these ancients truly feel that Wang Guorui is a great man. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was able to endure the attraction of being king, so that he could achieve great achievements. Those who become kings with a little bit of influence have no future at all.

"Hey, it seems that these ancient people are still in awe of imperial power. They don't dare to mess around. Maybe this is the last time I can catch the emperor's train. If I play for more than ten years, then maybe I won't even think about it in my life. An empire has been established!" Wang Guorui thought with some self-mockery.

Wang Guorui knew that these ten years were the last train to become emperor. If it was more than ten years late, the idea of ​​democracy and republic had already begun to sweep China by that time, and no one would even want to be emperor. And Lao Yuan's lesson must be taken seriously, because at that time everyone yearned for a democratic republic. He proclaimed himself emperor against the sky, and there was no good end. But in the past ten years or so, the common people still recognize that there is an emperor, so I have the opportunity to be the emperor in the last ten years. If it is more than ten years late, even if you have the red alarm system, you will not be able to be the emperor. Even if you have the most powerful force in the world. Once he dies, I am afraid that the retribution will also be retribution to the descendants. After all, the descendants do not have a red alarm system.

But Wang Guorui also knew that even if he became the emperor, his descendants might have less rights with each generation. After all, the mainstream of the future is democracy, not democracy. The most Wang Guorui can do is to give most of his descendants an iron job without worrying about food and drink. It is impossible for him to be able to dominate the world like in the past. Everyone in Kingdom Ruibi, who came from later generations, understood this point.

Of course, if Wang Guorui insisted on practicing monarchy, it would not be completely impossible. That is to say, like later generations, most of the countries that still practice monarchy in the 21st century are very backward and feudal countries. For example, in a country that takes the Koran as its law, and some black uncles in Africa, their results can be imagined. Therefore, for the sake of the country's strength, Wang Guorui had to give up the practice of letting his descendants become emperors.

And Wang Guorui also feels fortunate that these people still have a deep awe of imperial power, so that their descendants can slowly reduce their rights, so that they will not be completely eliminated by some revolution all at once. Bloodshed can be avoided during this transformation process, and this is what Wang Guorui can do.

"Okay, you all have good intentions, and I won't pursue it. Regarding the heir, I have my own plans. I'm still young, so I don't want to establish an heir so quickly. And my son Wang Jiazhao, can As a backup, but I don't plan to make him the official heir for the time being. I must have many sons in the future, and we will talk about it at that time." Wang Guorui said.

And hearing this, Zheng Hong's face turned pale for a while, but soon recovered. Zheng Hong did not expect that Wang Guorui did not formally appoint his newborn son as the heir, which made Zheng Hong a little depressed. However, Zheng Hong soon recovered, because his son was the eldest son regardless of whether he was the eldest son, so the possibility of the future throne being sidelined was not great. As long as you don't kill yourself, it is basically a certainty. So although Zheng Hong was a little disappointed at first, she chose to remain silent in the end.

And Wang Guorui doesn't want to establish an heir so quickly, in fact, he also has his own plans. He already has a method for generating heirs, instead of the method that was all appointed by the previous emperor himself. This method has many disadvantages. Wang Guorui intends to change the method of generating heirs, but no one knows this method yet, and Wang Guorui just keeps it in his heart, and he hopes to announce it when the time is right. As for this son, it was just a prop used to stabilize the hearts and minds of Taiwan's military and people. In fact, in his heart, he was not Wang Guorui's heir. What's more, if an heir is established too early, there will also be a group of people united in the heir, which will cause conflicts between the heir and the incumbent emperor, and finally the father and son will fight. However, there is one thing in the Manchu Qing Dynasty that solved this problem to a certain extent, that is, the secret edict established the reserve. Although this method is not perfect, it solved part of it, avoided the conflict between the prince and the emperor competing for power, and guaranteed the imperial power. However, Wang Guorui did not immediately establish an heir, not to ensure his own imperial power, but to make the transition between imperial power and democratic rights stable in the future, so as not to cause too much bloodshed.

"Okay, I just want to say one thing here, I actually agree with the rule of the arch, just like the UK." Wang Guorui said.

Smart people needless to say the second time, but most of the people present are smart people. Ouyang Xuan has also learned a lot of international events since she became Taiwan's executive president, especially Western history. He heard that Wang Guorui agreed with the Western British model, and Ouyang Xuan felt mixed feelings. The good news is that in the future, there will not be an emperor who decides with one word on the heads of these courtiers. These courtiers can live in peace, and they will not be afraid that they will lose their heads at any time, and they can also govern in a stable manner. up.

But Ouyang Xuan is also because he has studied the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child, and he doesn't know how to face the era when the emperor doesn't care about things. After all, he has no experience, so he is full of some fears about the future, which makes him feel a profound challenge.

And this kind of mixed mood is also the mood of all the civil and military officials present. If the emperor really doesn't care about things in the future and is willing to be a "clown" who makes a living, then they don't know how to deal with this kind of life. But everyone can only bite the bullet and meet the challenge, there is no other way. The tide of history is mighty and mighty, and everyone can only drift in it, and should defy it can only be the result of the ship capsizing and death, even Wang Guorui is no exception. And Wang Guorui also secretly promised in such a disguised form, so they were all at ease about the situation of the concubine and relatives interfering in politics. Because the imperial power will gradually disappear in the future, let alone the by-products of the imperial power such as concubines and relatives? These two by-products will naturally perish along with the imperial power, there is no other word.

"Lord Wang, we're leaving!" Ouyang Xuan said.

Soon, those who received Wang Guorui's disguised promise also left one after another. Although they were not very satisfied with Wang Guorui continuing to let Zheng Hong manage the political department, they also got Wang Guorui's promise from another aspect, so they would not be ignorant. If you don't know the fun at this time, then you will really be cleaned up by the kingdom. (To be continued..)u

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