Red Alert 1895

Chapter 267: tear face (medium)

In a separate courtyard in Dongwanlu, Liu Enguan convened a meeting here for many old and young survivors of Lanfang. own country.

"Everyone, I, Enguan Liu, are guilty! Why did I listen to the words of Wang Guorui from Taiwan? I really thought that Wang Guorui was here to help us in Lanfang. But now, they have defeated the Dutch, but now we are the same as we were at that time. What is the difference under the rule of the Dutch? Although I am the chairman of this **** interim government in name, let alone when the word "interim" will be removed, let me say that I have no rights as the chairman of the interim government Wang Guorui also sent me a secretary, and that secretary is the one who really holds the seal. I, the chairman of the provisional government, am not even qualified to touch my own seal, which is in the hands of that secretary. This secretary is just adhering to Wang Guorui's wishes, and then stamping the designated documents. Although I am the chairman of the interim government, I can't control the fate of this country at all, it's really sad!" Liu Enguan said.

After hearing Liu Enguan's words, everyone couldn't help being silent. They originally thought that Taiwan was really willing to help them restore the country, because Liu Enguan had already given his sister to Wang Guorui. In their eyes, Wang Guorui was Lan Fang's in-laws, and should not directly control Lan Fang. Everyone thought that Liu Enguan betrayed his sister in exchange for Taiwan to help restore the country, so it is not impossible. Anyway, a woman has to sacrifice for the interests of the family. And although they are all ministers of the Lanfang Republic in name, they actually have no power at all. And the so-called ministries are more like the semicolons of the various departments in Taiwan. There is no power.

"Yes! Although I am the so-called Minister of Security, none of the police officers under me listen to me. And even a police officer at the bottom knows that my so-called deputy minister is the real The person in power, and the so-called deputy minister directly manipulated the security department. I can't even mobilize a single policeman in my hand."

And many people are hating that they don't have any rights under their own hands, because Wang Guorui has assigned a deputy minister to each of their ministers, and they are all appointed by Taiwan forcibly. And although those police guards were all locals, Wang Guorui played a very ruthless trick. That is to say, it is a cross-defense zone, and it is not possible to serve as a police and garrison in a place where you live for a long time. In this way, although those are officials of Lanfang. However, since none of the guards under them were locals, and they often exchanged defense zones very frequently, even though those ministers wanted to win over some people, they would be exchanged defense zones immediately before they succeeded. This is tantamount to a waste of investment. So they are all complaining. There is no right in hand.

They originally thought that this time Taiwan came to restore the country and take power, but they didn't expect that Taiwan also came to rule them. And they are already very dissatisfied with this, after all, no one wants to be an official who does not deserve his name and has no rights. Although they were under the rule of the Dutch at that time, they might be slaughtered by the Dutch at any time, but now Taiwan has come to rescue them. They are much better than in the past, they don't have to be directly slaughtered by the Dutch, and Taiwan is relatively milder than the Dutch, so they won't be easily killed. Taiwan is just cruel to the natives. Will not be cruel to the Chinese.

But so what? They are not grateful to Taiwan, because Taiwan has deprived them of the rights they think they should have. People are like this, they have to look forward to Shu. Desires are insatiable and will never be satisfied. Although Taiwan rescued them from the hands of the Dutch, Taiwan failed to give them the rights they thought they should have. This is why they hate Taiwan. The vast majority of people in this world are like this. They remember the bad things others do to them, but they never think about the good things others do to them. If someone offends you, you must take revenge. But for the kindness of others, you can repay the kindness without kindness. For many people, it is already repayment, and this is the root of human inferiority.

In their eyes, only Taiwan has emptied their rights. But they never thought that before the arrival of Taiwan, they could only tremble under the feet of the Dutch, and even any native could blackmail them. If you keep giving without whipping, then they will think that your giving is justified, and if you don't give it to him one day, then he will hate you very much. And they think it is right for Taiwan to help them restore their country, but if they don't give them back their rights, they think Taiwan is shameless.

"Hey, but what should we do now? We can't deal with Taiwan at all! The current army is all from Taiwan, and even the garrison is managed by officers from Taiwan. We can't interfere at all!" someone said.

And after hearing this, countless people were also dejected, because they are old fritters, and naturally know that military power is the greatest right. In ancient times, military power can be said to be the source of all rights. If there is no military power, even the political power will be lost. Even revolutionaries advocate power from the barrel of a gun. Could this be accidental? So now that Taiwan has the military power, it also controls their destiny. If they dare to resist, they will all die without a place to bury them.

"In fact, you don't have to worry, I have a solution!" Liu Enguan said.

"Chief, what can you do?" Someone asked.

Liu Enguan immediately said: "Recently, an envoy from the British contacted me, and he said that he is willing to help us become a truly independent country without being persecuted by the Dutch and Taiwan! We can truly exist here as a country. World, don’t worry about being manipulated.”

"Oh? British?" Someone was still skeptical.

"The British are the British. The British promised me that as long as we can cooperate, pass and electrify the whole world, and declare that we are willing to become an independent country instead of becoming a protectorate of China, then the British will be the first to admit that we are An independent country. And force Taiwan to retreat, and then we can build an independent country!" Liu Enguan said.

"The British? That's the most powerful country in the world!" "Yes! If the British come forward, Taiwan will definitely withdraw its troops!"...

When everyone heard the news that they were hungry, many people also felt a burst of excitement because if the world's most powerful country came forward to help them, then the little Taiwan would have to obey the British arrangement and retreat quickly?

"The British promised us that if Taiwan refuses to leave at that time, then they will send troops to intervene, beat the Taiwanese away, and then allow us to truly build an independent country!" Liu Enguan once again ran out a "blockbuster" and said .

"If so, then we will be able to succeed!" "Yes! We will be able to succeed!" "Hmph, if the British come, will Taiwan be like a chicken and a dog?"...

Many people also felt a burst of excitement, because if the British sent troops, Taiwan would inevitably leave. But they didn't know that if the British could send troops, the fight would have started long ago. Why would they fight Taiwan for them? So the British would not send troops, it was just that Henry was talking nonsense in order to add some weight to himself. Once Lanfang got it, all the things the British had promised before would be discounted. These guys from Lanfang still have too little experience in international struggles, and they don't know anything about international struggles at all.

"I don't agree, I don't agree to let the British join in the expulsion of Taiwanese!" Someone said.

But at this time, Liu Enguan looked at this person and immediately said angrily: "Liu Fuyan, what do you mean by this?"

This Liu Fuyan is Liu Enguan's cousin. After Lanfang "recovered" this time, Liu Fuyan has become a minister of agriculture in name only, but the power is also in the hands of his deputy.

"Cousin, I don't agree with the British joining in. Although Taiwan is not good in every we don't have any rights, can it be better if the British come? I am I want to ask you, what is the difference between the British and the Dutch? They are both Western powers, foreign devils, and hungry wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones. Although Taiwan deprives us of our rights, at least it will not kill us. We, steal our wealth. But if the British come, they are very cruel. You know, it is easy to ask the gods to give up. If the British come, then even if we expel Taiwan, what can we do? How? I’m afraid, it’s all in vain in the end! As for what you said about the British respecting our sovereignty, this is simply ridiculous in the world. If the British are a country that respects sovereignty, then how can there be so many people in the world who are respected by the British? Colonial colony? If so, how could our motherland, China, become like this? Therefore, cooperating with the British is seeking skin from a tiger, and it’s no wonder they don’t swallow us whole.” Liu Fuyan said.

But Liu Enguan said angrily: "Get out of here, the British helped us from afar, but you actually slandered your allies like this, what is your intention? Get out of here!"

The current Liu Enguan has fallen into a kind of madness. In order to regain power from Taiwan, he is already at all costs. I can't listen to any harsh advice, I just want to regain my rights.

"Hahahaha, why are some people so naive?" A voice came from outside the door. (to be continued)

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