Red Alert 1895

Chapter 269: big brother said 2 brother

Liu Enguan was soon put on hold, ready to be executed. And what Wang Guorui could promise Liu Xue was to let him die without pain, just a glass of poisoned wine, not too many things. And they will not be executed publicly. They will only be reported within Taiwan's military and government, and will not be announced to explain that Liu Enguan was executed. This will give the Liu family a final face. Therefore, Wang Guorui thought that he had done the utmost of benevolence and righteousness, and Liu Xue also got Wang Guorui's guarantee that in the future, Wang Guorui and her son could follow Liu Xue's surname as Liu, as an incense for the Liu family to continue the descendants. Therefore, Liu Xue could only silently endure the result of his brother being executed.

"Right now, according to our needs, we are holding elections for the Lanfang Republic in advance, and there is only one candidate, and that is Liu Xue, the younger sister of the former chairman of the interim government, Liu Enguan." Wang Guorui said.

The reason why Wang Guorui chose Liu Xuelai as the chief executive was because he knew that the Liu family still had a lot of influence in Lanfang, so letting Liu Xuelai serve as the chief executive could achieve a result acceptable to both parties. If Wang Guorui directly appointed a Taiwanese to serve as the chief, then such a local powerful faction may not be convinced. And if you support one from the local area, you also have to worry about his betrayal when you support him. So on the whole, it is better to choose Liu Xue. In this way, Liu Xue is Wang Guorui's woman, but he is also a native, so that both parties have a basis that can be used as a buffer. That's why Wang Guorui chose Liu Xue to be the chief executive. As for the next election, he can only say hehe.

In the election that Liu Xue participated in this time, only Liu Xue participated in the election. This is the equal-number election that will be criticized very much in later generations, that is, one carrot and one pit. At that time, you can only choose him to take office. No matter what, you can't choose others. So this is an equal-number election, which makes people feel helpless. But Wang Guorui's meaning is very obvious, Liu Xue must be appointed as the chief, so that both parties can accept it. As for the scene, there were still many soldiers watching.

"Everyone, please vote. Do you agree with Miss Liu Xue as the leader of Lanfang?"

And the people of Lanfang, under the supervision of Wang Guorui's soldiers, chose to vote here. And they can only choose yes or no two answers on the ballot. But there is no other person to choose, and they all feel helpless. Of course, there are also many rotten Confucians who believe that it is impossible to let a woman be in charge of the morning. And these rotten Confucians. Soon, the so-called "election committee" deprived him of his political rights, that is, the right to vote and to be elected. After that, they can only go home and complain, and they are not eligible to participate in the election.

After about two days of counting the votes, the election committee announced the results immediately.

"Miss Liu Xue won ninety-nine percent of the votes, and now she can officially assume the post of Grand Commander of the Lanfang Republic!"

"Papa papa..."

Many firecrackers began to sound. And everyone here has both sincerity and falsehood. Sincerely, Nanyang Chinese will not be bullied by Westerners again, and will not be exploited by natives, so they can rest assured. And the helplessness is because they are going to become Taiwanese and cannot truly become a country. However, the vast majority of ordinary people are happy. After all, they are all ordinary people, so naturally they cannot be qualified to fight for power. And those local powerful factions can only swallow this bitter wine, but they can only rejoice that they can be under the rule of the Chinese, and will not be exploited by the Dutch like in the past.

but. During Lanfang's election, some people would come here to make trouble soon. After all, not everyone was satisfied with the replacement of Lanfang's leadership.

"Governor Wang, I want to know, where did Mr. Liu Enguan go?" Henry said angrily.

Henry felt very angry. He had just discussed with Liu Enguan and Lan Fang would take the initiative to declare independence in a short time. Then the United Kingdom will recognize it, and then put pressure on Taiwan together. But now Lan Fang suddenly began to formally elect. Abolishing the title of chairman of the interim government made him feel very speechless. It was well planned. The result was a sudden failure. And now the person elected, although she is Liu Enguan's younger sister, but Liu Xue is already Wang Guorui's woman. This is enough to show that Liu Enguan has been kicked out of power. I am afraid that Henry has failed in Liu Enguan's activities.

"Mr. Henry, Enguan Liu at that time had already been executed for corruption*. As for whether he was going to meet our Eastern Hades or your God, I don't know." Wang Guorui said.

Henry couldn't help but blushed. This Wang Guorui was mocking that Liu Enguan. He no longer had a heart with the Chinese, but with the Westerners. So after his death, he went to see God, not the king of Hades. And all of this was done by Henry. This is actually a satire on the things Henry did in secret.

However, as a diplomat, of course, one must have the consciousness of being as thick as a wall, so instead of continuing to be ashamed, Henry continued.

"Governor Wang, this Liu Enguan is a friend of our British Empire. Do you want to tell our British Empire by executing him? Don't you take our British Empire seriously?" Henry asked.

But Wang Guorui also asked back: "Is Liu Enguan your British? Does he have extraterritoriality?"


Henry couldn't help cursing Wang Guorui's cunning in his heart, this is really powerful. Wang Guorui asked Henry Liu Enguan if he was British, so the answer was unlucky no matter what! If it is said that he is not British, then Taiwan will execute Liu Enguan, so there is no need to tell the British. But if Henry admits that Liu Enguan is British, then Liu Enguan is naturally a British and cannot participate in Lanfang's election. So both ends of this sentence are pitfalls, so it’s hard to answer!

"Well, let's not discuss Liu Enguan's matter anymore! I just want to ask you, why do you let a woman be the leader of Lanfang?" Henry asked.

Henry didn't intend to continue entangled in Liu Enguan's matter. Now that Liu Enguan had been executed, there was no need to entangle in this issue. So Henry questioned the legitimacy of this Liu Xue in turn, denying her legitimacy on the grounds that she was a woman.

"Then why can your queen be queen?" Wang Guorui also asked back.

"Our queen inherits the throne, not election. According to the practice of the whole world, women have no right to vote and be elected. Why do you let a woman participate in the election of Lanfang?" Henry asked.

In this era, even the so-called open West does not have the right to include women in voters and elected officials, so Henry used this reason to refute, which is reasonable and legal in this era.

But Wang Guorui asked: "Then, has your British Empire written the prohibition of women's right to vote and be elected into the law? What's more, this is the East, not your West. The national conditions are different! We give women the right to vote and be elected, that is Because of human rights. Could it be that your British Empire does not pay attention to human rights, and you want to bully women so openly? Could it be that the laws of your British Empire were set up for men to oppress women?"

Henry was speechless, Wang Guorui criticized them directly from the law! Wang Guorui took every human right, which naturally included women. But if Henry then admits that the law prohibits women from having the right to vote and to be elected, it is bullying women, and it was established by men bullying women. You must know that the current British law pays attention to paying taxes. Only after paying taxes to a certain extent can you have the right to vote and be elected. But most of those who can be so rich are men, and all political parties have agreed that women will not be elected as officials.

"Henry, according to the spirit of the law, you can do whatever you want. It seems that we have not explicitly prohibited women from taking up official positions in the East and the West, right? So why do you say that women cannot be allowed to take up this official position? Do you want to say Your British laws are all farts?" Wang Guorui asked.

Henry was so overwhelmed that he couldn't course he couldn't say that British law is fart, even if there are no natives. In case, even if only in case, it might be found out by others, it would be the end of the day. Because Britain now pays attention to constitutional monarchy, if Henry says that the law is fart, then this will really negate the achievements of the revolution that year, and this will cause public outrage. Although the law can be played with, it must not be played openly, otherwise it will be dead. So now even if there are no natives, Henry absolutely cannot say that, otherwise, if it is possible to spread to the country, his future will be over, and his family will not be able to protect him.

"Then why do you only have one candidate? Isn't this rigging the election?" Henry asked.

"Haha, Mr. Henry, we are all thousand-year-old foxes, what are you playing with me! See off my guests!" Wang Guorui said.

Henry said that China manipulated elections, but why not in Western countries? The so-called elections can only be played by rich and powerful people. Ordinary people without money and power are not qualified to participate in real elections at all. Every time those elections are the result of games played by different power factions, ordinary people can only watch a cloud-covered drama from the sidelines, and everyone is fooled. Therefore, Henry said that Taiwan manipulated the election. Isn't this about the elder brother talking about the second brother? (to be continued)

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