Red Alert 1895

Chapter 277: Military Commission Office

The mercenaries have already started to be formed, and Wang Guorui is also preparing to do some things next. ⊙, and he first recruited Song Yang, a high-ranking officer who has not yet been assigned a position. Song Yang is still waiting for a position to be assigned, because he was originally the chief of operations in the Nanyang Theater, and now the Nanyang Theater has been finely divided into The West Borneo Theater and the East Borneo Theater are tantamount to splitting the Nanyang Theater, and there must be a lot of favored assignments among the headquarters staff. So Song Yang has not yet been assigned a position, so he is currently serving at the headquarters as a senior staff officer, and has no actual position.

However, Wang Guorui saw that he was capable, so he took the initiative to call him.

"Song Yang, you have also listened to my courses before, and you are not bad. You can come up with some good methods, and you can make correct judgments in a timely and effective manner in the army. It's remarkable. And next, where do you want to work?" Wang Guorui asked.

"I am a brick of Mr. Wang, where do I need to move it!" Song Yang said immediately.

Song Yang is still very clear, not to mention that he is a soldier, he must obey orders as his bounden duty. If he picks and chooses randomly, he may face being looked down upon by Wang Guorui. After all, Taiwan's army now seems to be Wang Guorui's private army. Even if Wang Guorui disagrees, even Hu Wei, chief of staff, cannot mobilize a single soldier. This is Wang Guorui's control in the army. And this is also the reason why Hu Wei didn't have other ideas for a long time, because as long as Wang Guorui gave an order, the soldiers would arrest those who betrayed.

Therefore, Wang Guorui has a lot of power in the army. If Cleavage Wang Guorui looks down on Song Yang, his future will be ruined. Song Yang knew that Wang Guorui must have an appointment plan for him, so Song Yang simply took the initiative to listen to his orders honestly. Instead of thinking of other ideas. Although the boss asks where you want to go, it doesn't mean that the boss really lets you choose the position yourself, it's just a polite word. If you really choose by yourself, even if your boss agrees to you for a while, then your future will be completely cut off. At present, Song Yang, a regiment-level officer, certainly does not have this qualification.

"I recently plan to set up a military committee office in the military committee of our Taiwan Governor's Mansion. It will be responsible for the ordinary daily affairs of all senior military officers in our army, maintain the daily office work of senior military officials, and assist officers in meetings, secretaries, supervisors, etc. Check and other things. And I plan to let Major General Li Fusheng be the Secretary-General of the General Office of the Military Commission." Wang Guorui said.

This time, Wang Guorui plans to let Li Fusheng, the executive vice president of the Taiwan Military Academy, serve as the secretary-general of the General Office of the Military Commission, because Li Fusheng has served in the military academy for a long time, and he is also an "old student" in the military academy. Quite a lot, if he continues to serve in the military academy, there will definitely be more and more former students of him, which will also be an unstable factor for Wang Guorui. You must know that Wang Guorui's selection of military academy instructors and teachers are all selected in the combat troops. Then some went to study in Germany, learned military skills and came back as senior instructors. The instructors of these military academies also have to serve alternately between the instructors of the military academies and the front-line combat troops, and cannot serve in the military academies for a long time. This is also to ensure that the military academy instructors do not have too many students in the army, so as to maintain Wang Guorui's position in the military academy.

If those military school instructors have too many students, it will definitely be bad for themselves in the future. And Li Fusheng, the executive vice principal of the military academy, has been serving as the executive vice principal for two or three years. While the students in the military academy were Wang Guorui's students, they were also Li Fusheng's students. Even Li Fusheng has served in the military academy for a long time, so they are actually more familiar with them than Wang Guorui. closer. As for Wang Guorui, in the eyes of many military school students, he is just a person who exists on paper. However, Wang Guorui had no choice. After all, I am "busy with noble personnel", so it is impossible to teach students in the military academy every day, right? So Li Fusheng is a potential threat, but Wang Guorui is unlikely to do anything to him because of this, after all, this is just his own worries, and Li Fusheng has no rebellious thoughts at the moment. Therefore, Wang Guorui also chose to transfer Li Fusheng away, so that he could not continue to control the military academy. It is impossible to continue to control the identity of the teacher of the new officer in the army.

And this is that Wang Guorui also took advantage of the opportunity to set up the General Office of the Military Commission, so that he can be appointed. The General Office of the Military Commission imitated the position of the General Office of the Governor's Mansion, and then set up an office responsible for the military. In the future, the Governor's Office and the Military Council must be parallel institutions and will not completely overlap. At present, the Military Commission is subordinate to the Governor's Office, but in the future it will be basically parallel. Even if it is slightly lower, it will not be much lower. This can be regarded as the importance attached to the military committee, and at the same time, it will enable them to effectively solve the needs of the military department for document inspection. With the General Office of the Military Commission in the future, only the senior military officers will be able to handle those ordinary daily affairs, and be able to assist the senior military officers in handling those daily affairs, so that those senior military officers will not have to worry about some so-called daily miscellaneous matters. You must know that there are actually many such positions. Japan has the post of secretary general to handle such matters for the prime minister. The United States also has the White House Office, and many homeowners also have such institutions. It's not just for civil servants, military officers also have some institutions to help leaders deal with those miscellaneous affairs, which are also necessary.

And now the military and political affairs around him are all handled by the General Office of the Governor's Mansion, which is definitely not appropriate. After all, government affairs and military affairs are two different tasks. It would be very detrimental to confuse them. Now my secretary and concubine Kang Tongwei is also in charge of the military secretary, which is definitely not conducive to my arrangement. Therefore, it is not suitable for Kang Tongwei to continue to help him deal with military affairs. Even the General Office of the Governor's Mansion must leave military affairs and stop being in charge of military affairs, otherwise it will definitely cause big problems in the future. At that time, civilian officials were allowed to manage the army, so what do you ask the people in the army to think? At that time, the army inevitably had opinions, or the civilian officials were suspected of meddling in the army. Therefore, the army's affairs should be resolved by the army itself, otherwise it will definitely damage the confidence of the army, and it will also make the military officer feel that the civilian officials are intervening at any time, which is not appropriate.

"Master Wang, do you mean to let me serve in the General Office of the Military Commission? Is it an official of a second-level department under the Military Commission?" Song Yang asked.

Song Yang heard Wang Guorui's arrangement, and immediately knew that the status of the Military Commission Office was probably at the military commander level, which is the current military region level. And the second-level department under it should be at the division commander level, and Song Yang thought that Wang Guorui wanted to let him work in a department under the General Office of the Military Commission, so Song Yang also felt happy for a while. Because he is currently a regiment-level officer, if he can take advantage of this opportunity to advance a level or two, he will be considered a division-level officer. Of course, Ann makes him feel good. As for such a promotion, it was considered very fast, as if he was the first among the officers of his generation.

At present, Song Yang's other classmates or the same group of officers, he has the greatest authority, because he used to be the director of operations and could formulate the combat plan for the entire theater. Although other people also have regiment-level officers, they are also officers of some ordinary departments, or the heads of some second-line troops, not the heads of the first-line troops. For the time being, many young officers are serving in the military divisions, because the regular combat troops still prefer to use veterans with more experience, and those new officers generally go to the military divisions to wait for opportunities, waiting for the officers of the front-line main regiments to be promoted or If you transfer away, then you will have a chance! Therefore, it may be difficult for the younger generation of military officers to obtain important positions with real power, and the most important position in the current position is themselves. The younger generation is still focusing on accumulating If you don’t have experience, then the superiors won’t trust you with the lives of thousands of people in a regiment! So at present, young military officers are mainly responsible for serving as staff officers, or serving as chiefs of secondary departments in large institutions, responsible for auxiliary work.

And if I can serve in the second-level department in the General Office of the Military Commission, I am afraid that I can become the first division commander-level official among my peers, and become the first person among my peers. Even the General Office of the Military Commission is the most important assistant of senior military officers. If I can work in this Military Commission Office for a period of time, and then I will definitely be able to instantly improve by one or two ranks when I am released. This is just the case in ancient and modern China and abroad, because when working with those leaders, as long as they are appreciated by the leaders, the promotion is like a rocket. And if you go outside, you must be a third-rank official, who dares to despise you! This kind of person is the kind of person who can pretend to be powerful in front of outside officials. After all, you are someone close to the top leader. If you are offended, I am afraid that if you say something in front of the leader, then you will be finished.

"I'm not asking you to be the chief of the second-level department of the Military Commission, but to be the deputy secretary-general of the Military Commission, and also the director of the chairman's attendant of the Military Commission, that is, the attendant of the military institution that serves me. The head of the office." Wang Guorui said.

"The servant's room?" Song Yang didn't quite understand. (to be continued..)

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