Red Alert 1895

Chapter 279: Military Academy Exchange

Taiwan, Taiwan Military Academy, Li Fusheng, the executive vice president of the military academy who will be retiring in two months, is preparing for the handover. +◆+◆, and he has actually come here only once in three days, and his actual authority is also in charge of Feng Tianhu, the executive vice president of the military academy preparing new recruits. And Feng Tianhu was originally the deputy chief of staff of the General Staff Department, and now he is the executive vice president of this Taiwan Military Academy, which can be regarded as a small promotion. Now Feng Tianhu has taken over most of the power, and he will only ask Li Fusheng for instructions on a few important matters. And Li Fusheng will soon set up the General Office of the Taiwan Military Commission and serve as the secretary general.

"Vice President Li, just forwarded a document from the Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries. It was sent by the U.S. West Point Military Academy. They hope that our Taiwan Military Academy and the U.S. West Point Military Academy will send instructors and students to each other, and then learn each other's military skills. Theory. The Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries has also forwarded the news, should we agree?" Feng Tianhu asked.

Li Fusheng frowned, he didn't know how to reply. After all, in China at present, there is a saying that it is no small matter when foreigners are involved. So don't look at it as just a military school exchange, but in fact not only foreigners are involved, but it is also a military matter. Obviously, this kind of military exchange must be very cautious. After all, there are many secrets in the military academy that must be kept secret. At that time, it would really be troublesome, so Li Fusheng didn't dare to make decisions on his own.

Soon, a wireless telegram was sent to Indonesia again, and Wang Guorui's office immediately received a telegram.

"The Americans want to conduct military exchanges with us? They also know how to come and learn?" Wang Guorui asked.

And Chen Liyan asked: "My lord, the Americans want to conduct military exchanges with us? Have they also learned from the Germans?"

"Hmph, besides stealing the teacher, what other ideas can I have?" Wang Guorui snorted.

"Stealing a teacher?" Chen Liyan didn't quite understand the meaning of this.

Wang Guorui said very bluntly: "Don't think too highly of those foreigners, especially the Americans. You don't need to pay too much attention to their military strength. Because the current military strength of the United States is no better than that of the mainland. How many!"

"How is this possible? They are also one of the big powers!" Chen Liyan asked in shock.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "The Americans nowadays are actually parallel importers, and their military strength is simply weak."

Wang Guorui has traveled here for a few years, and he has a little understanding of other countries in this period. The military strength of the United States during this period was actually very weak. Because although the Americans have strong industrial strength and good economic strength, their military strength is very weak. Because they don't want to invest their financial resources in the army, the current army owned by the United States is only tens of thousands, which is only a fraction compared to the world police in later generations.

Of course, the reason why the United States pays so little attention to military strength is because of their good geographical location. The United States is a country in the New World America. They are far away from Europe, the current center of the world, across the entire Atlantic Ocean. And the dispute in Europe. Can't affect them. And the Americas are also colonies of some indigenous or Western countries, and there are no powerful countries. And the only powerful country in the Americas is the United States, which makes it unnecessary for them to maintain a strong national defense force. And the countries in Europe are fighting each other for the hegemony of the European continent, and the United States is taking advantage of this time to develop when it is fighting to the death. Because they have no enemies, they don't have to be afraid of others affecting their own development. Therefore, because the United States has no enemies, this prevents them from having the idea of ​​​​building a large-scale army.

And it is precisely because of this that the United States does not have many powerful enemies, born in sorrow and dying in peace. They don't think enough about developing an army. Coupled with the prevalence of the Monroe Doctrine in China, they do not want to interfere in the affairs of European countries. So in this way, they have no idea to form more troops. And this kind of military investment is not enough, coupled with no sense of crisis, this naturally prevents them from innovating military technology and changing military tactics. Therefore, the military tactics they currently use in the United States are actually the old methods many years ago, and they are extremely backward compared with the current military tactics in Taiwan.

"You have to see that the Americans are talking about military exchanges. But in fact, they want to steal from us. Europeans have gradually changed their military tactics, and this set of trench warfare tactics are all learning from us. Yes. But the United States is different. The United States is too far away from Europe, and even more so from Asia, so they have no channels to understand the core of the new tactics. The distance is too far away. Although they can know something about us through some cloudy news new tactics, but they don't quite understand the essence of it. Moreover, their influence in the East is too bad, and they cannot obtain too much information from Japan, so it must be difficult for them to learn anything good. They simply They just don't do anything, and send people directly to hope to have military exchanges. But in fact, they want to steal the teacher, and what is there to communicate with their set of war models? We don't even like it at all, So we don't have to worry about these things." Wang Guorui said.

"Then, Lord Wang, should we agree to the Americans' proposal to carry out military exchanges?" Song Yang, who had just become the head of the attendant room, asked.

Wang Guorui thought for a while and said: "Call back and tell the Military Academy that I agree to military exchanges. But I hope that the West Point Military Academy in the United States will send an officer named John Joseph Pershing over for exchanges, and if this name is called Sentence The US military instructor came over, that is to say, let him serve as the captain of the military style picket team of our military academy."

The captain of this military appearance and military style picket team is probably a battalion-level officer. He is a group of people in the Taiwan Military Academy who are responsible for correcting the military appearance and military style of the instructors and students of the Taiwan Military Academy. This is somewhat similar to a military police, but it is not a military police. . The military style and military style picket team has much less rights than the military police, because they are only responsible for picketing on the military style and military style, and have no right to dispose of soldiers. But this is also a scary institution, after all, they can affect the final test scores. After all, there is a subject in the military academy, which is the assessment of military style. If he is caught by this picket team, he will be severely deducted points for the subject of military style. So what everyone is most afraid of is the military police, because they can decide your punishment in school, and in serious cases, you may even be expelled from school or even transferred to a military court for disposal. And this military appearance and military style is the second most frightening thing. After all, if they are caught by them, if you are unlucky, you will fail the military style subject once, so I am afraid that the one-year course will be wasted, because if the military style subject If you fail, then other subjects are useless, and you cannot upgrade the school year. If a soldier doesn't have the style of a soldier, then how can you be a soldier, let alone an officer. After all, it is very clear why a raging army will pack a raging army.

Taiwan, Military Academy.

"Master Wang has already replied, he proposed to let a man named Perxing from West Point Military Academy take up the post, and give him the captain of the military style picket team." Feng Tianhu said.

"Does Master Wang know this Pershing? Why did he give him such an important position before he came? Moreover, the position of the military picket team is the first-class real power position in our military academy. Why is it so casual? gave it to a foreigner?" Li Fusheng also felt a little surprised.

But they didn't know at all that Wang Guorui knew who this Pershing was. The future Pershing would be a legend in the US Army, the only special general in the US Army, and even one of the military icons of the US. And although the United States may not be able to rise in this world, Pershing's perverted demands on military style are obviously the spirit that Taiwan's army must have. After all, Taiwan's army was established too quickly, and a large number of officers originally came from the green battalion or the Tiandihui. In fact, the two organizations, the Green Camp and the Tiandihui, are not strictly disciplined organizations. Although the quality of these officers from the Green Camp is not bad, they are very lacking in details. This detail is also the place where the Taiwan army lacks the most. And many people should know that details determine everything, and what Taiwan lacks is details. In terms of details, Taiwan's officers and soldiers are not very good. So Wang Guorui just hoped to get qualified Pershing, and then let him make a proper rectification for his army.

Especially those military students, they are the future of the army, so it is necessary to sort out their details. If there is no suitable military style, I am afraid that the future army will become more and more corrupt. But we must start from small things, start from the details, and constantly demand from the details so that our army can maintain a perfect military style, so that it will not fall to the point of decline at that time. As long as Pershing can come here this time, Taiwan will be considered to have made a profit this time.

"Okay, let's quickly reply to the Americans and ask them to send that Pershing over. Since Mr. Wang wants this Pershing, let him come over!" Li Fusheng said.

Anyway, Li Fusheng thought it was just a post of a military-looking picket team. If he couldn't do well, he would be removed from his post again. Anyway, it was just for Wang Guorui's face. u

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