Red Alert 1895

Chapter 283: Future Dancer (Part 1)

In the west of the United States, there is a city called San Francisco, and this city was named during the Chinese gold rush. And this city is one of the most important gathering places of Chinese in the United States, and the proportion of Chinese in this city is very large, it seems to be a city of Chinese. However, this city is located in the westernmost part of the United States, and its economy is not very developed in the United States. After all, Americans prefer to live in the richer east than to come to the undeveloped west.

"Station Master Xun, we have come to the United States this time and set up the US branch of the General Intelligence Agency. Why do we still do this kind of thing? Isn't this a prank? Why are our intelligence personnel being treated like this? Things are really speechless." Said a young man who looked like this.

And the person called "Station Master Xun" immediately said: "You know what, sometimes you can pimp. It depends on who you are pimping for. Now we are pimping for Mr. Wang. This is a good thing. You have to know that doing ten official things for the leader is not as good as doing one private thing for the leader. There are no small things for the leader. The reason why Mr. Wang told me this is that Trust us, believe that we can do well. If you can't do such a bad thing, how can Lord Wang trust us?"

"However, we searched for a needle in a haystack to find someone in the United States, which was too difficult. Fortunately, this woman, Mrs. Wang, has given me our specific location, which is in San Francisco, and there are many Chinese in San Francisco. We spend a lot of money , finally alarmed those Hongmen and the local gangs. Only then did they find the target. I really don’t know how Mr. Wang would know that there is such a woman in the United States so far away. I have to say, Mr. Wang still She has a good eye, and she's pretty. That figure..."

"Crack!" Stationmaster Xun immediately gave this guy a chestnut. Said: "How can you evaluate the woman Mr. Wang likes? Do things well. Anyway, Mr. Wang has already given us a lot of funds for activities. By then, we will be able to enjoy ourselves in this United States for several years! As for Mr. Wang Don’t even think about the woman on the bed, don’t even think about it. And help Mr. Wang keep an eye on it, don’t let other men pry it away. Do you understand? If we can’t handle this matter, then I’m afraid it’s a matter of course No matter how much business we do, we can't get back the impression in Mr. Wang's heart, let alone our future at that time. We don't even know if we can save our lives."

"Understood!" the subordinate said quickly.

When the stationmaster Xun came to a street in San Francisco, he finally found the house Wang Guorui was looking for, and knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Isadora Duncan's home?" Xun asked.

And soon, a western beauty about 20 years old took the initiative to come out and asked, "Gentlemen, what do you want?"

"Miss Duncan, my name is Xun Yueming, and I'm Chinese! I'm following the orders of our boss. Come here to discuss something with Miss Duncan." Xun Yueming introduced himself.

"Gentlemen, I don't know any Chinese!" said Duncan.

And Xun Yueming took the initiative to say: "Hehe, you don't know our boss. But our boss knows you! Don't you invite us to sit in and discuss things? I heard that your family has been very poor recently, so we specially brought Some money, maybe it can help!"

"Well, since that's the case, please, gentlemen!" Duncan said.

then. Duncan took the initiative to pour a glass of water and said, "Two gentlemen. Our family is in a difficult situation, and we don't have anything to entertain. Just some plain water!"

"Oh, we can't help it, how can we ask you to pour water for us!" Xun Yueming said.

Of course Xun Yueming knew that this woman was Wang Guorui's favorite, and she had a high status! In the future, he must be one of Wang Guorui's wives. He is a subordinate, and he is a subordinate of several levels. How can he ask his wife to pour water for him? Isn't this brainless? What if someone blows the pillow wind next to Wang Guorui's ear and ruins his future or even his life every minute?

"Two gentlemen from China, do you have anything to do with me?" Duncan asked.

Xun Yueming first took the initiative to ask: "Miss Duncan, I heard that your parents divorced when you were young, and you have two older brothers and one older sister. Your family's life is relatively difficult, right?"

Xun Yueming has been investigated, and that is Isadora Duncan. His parents divorced when he was born. He has two older brothers and one older sister, and their four children need their mother to support them alone. During this period, both Eastern and Western people were relatively closed-minded, and women were rarely allowed to work. And even if women come out to work, there are very few jobs that can be done, and the wages are also very low. In many cases, they are less than two-thirds, or even half, of men in the same job. In this case, the economic pressure in Duncan's family can be imagined.

So Xun Yueming also took the initiative to ask such a sentence, hoping to verify it. And Xun Yueming also felt a little surprised. Although this Miss Duncan was born in a poor family, Xun Yueming, who has seen countless people, did not feel the slightest inferiority and negativity of this Duncan, but was full of spirit. And her temperament is not the kind of ordinary civilian temperament, but it seems to be full of enthusiasm and unrestrained, which belongs to noble temperament. This temperament actually appeared in an ordinary civilian, which is obviously surprising. Not only did the poor life not make her lose her love for life, but on the contrary, she was tempered and became stronger.

And Xun Yueming also probably knew that the biggest difference between a mediocre person and a great man. The difference between the two is that when facing setbacks, if you can face setbacks with courage and confidence to dare to challenge, the more setbacks you get, the more courageous you are, that is the essential element of a great man. If you lose confidence when you encounter setbacks, then you will definitely not be a great man. Xun Yueming also felt that this woman is unusual, no wonder Wang Guorui can like this kind of woman. This kind of woman is really too rare, let alone women, there are few men.

"Yes, although our family is living in a difficult situation, I believe our family will definitely get better!" Duncan said firmly.

Xun Yueming immediately said: "Hehe, although I believe that your family will definitely get better, how long will it take you to live this kind of life? One year, two years, or decades? Or maybe your next generation will be able to live this life?" Plant a good life, do you think you are worth it at that time?"

Duncan suddenly showed helplessness, because although she firmly believed that her family could get better, how long would it take? And the dance that Duncan is currently pursuing is also far away. And although she has an artistic dream, art requires a lot of financial strength to be able to support it. After all, art is actually a winner-takes-all industry. If you can succeed, then of course you will take it all. And if you don't succeed, then you may not be as good as people in other industries. It's like the actor industry in later generations, if you can't be famous, then you will be a walk-on all your life. And the probability of success is too small, so small that Duncan doesn't dare to believe that he can succeed.

"Miss Duncan, I think I have a way to help your family live a prosperous life ahead of time, and for a long time to come, you will have no worries about food and clothing!" Xun Yueming said.

"Oh? What method?" Duncan asked.

And Xun Yueming immediately said: "That is our boss's little wife!"

"Little wife? What do you mean?" Duncan asked.

Xun Yueming found that his translation was not very good, and then he explained: "Little wife, that is, a woman who is not a formal wife, maintains an intimate relationship with a man for a long time, and even stays like that kind of woman all her life."

"You mean, your boss wants to keep me?" Duncan asked.

"That's fine too!" Xun Yueming said.

After Xun Yueming finished speaking, he took out a small box, put it on the table and opened it. And inside were green dollar bills that suddenly appeared, each of which was worth ten dollars, and this was a small box. Duncan estimated that it was about ten thousand dollars. It was the first time in Duncan's life that he had seen so many dollar bills, and he had never seen ten dollar bills in it many times, but this time, so many dollar bills were in front of her, which made her gasp. Take a breath.

"Miss Duncan, are you tempted? This is 10,000 U.S. dollars. Our boss agreed. As long as you agree to be his woman, he will give you 10,000 U.S. dollars every year, so that your family's life will also have a great future. Guarantee. At that time, your whole family can live a happy life unimaginable in the past. At that time, your whole family will also have no worries about food and clothing, and even live a luxurious life that was unimaginable in the past. You can take this opportunity to become People in the upper class. Think about it, are you tempted? Ten thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars a year! You know if I go to another woman, let alone ten thousand dollars, it is considered a thousand dollars a year. There are countless. So this is because my boss thinks highly of you, so I give you 10,000 dollars a year."

And Duncan looked at the 10,000 US dollars, and her heart jumped in her throat. Obviously, she never thought that she was so "valuable", that someone was willing to spend 10,000 US dollars to buy her youth. And this is 10,000 US dollars a year. If it is said that countless people are willing to sleep in his bed, it is enough to make countless women willing to surrender. (to be continued)

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