Red Alert 1895

Chapter 286: Pershing

Joseph Pershing looked at the man in front of him who was at most 21 or 20 years old, but he was already a lieutenant colonel, but he didn't care much in his heart. http://www. biqi. me/Because Perxing himself is a very old man, this year Perxing is already thirty-six years old, but at thirty-six he is still a second lieutenant, which is actually very low. You must know that he had graduated from West Point Military Academy more than ten years ago, and then obtained the rank of second lieutenant. He later participated in the battle against the Indians for his outstanding performance and won an award from the Army. But because of his bad temper and that, he wasn't particularly friendly, and a classmate he offended in the past had been promoted to the army headquarters as a staff officer. up.

After that, he voluntarily left the regular army and came to this West Point Military Academy, hoping to improve the atmosphere of the army. In this era, the decay of the U.S. Army has reached a very serious level. There has been no war all year round, so that the army has become paralyzed and has no sense of preparation for war at all. But now the army is simply herding sheep, and Pershing is very sad about this. And he took the initiative to return to West Point Military Academy, that is, he hoped to educate those students and juniors well, and then improve the atmosphere of the army. However, the atmosphere of the entire army is like this, so he is in vain.

And then, Perxing strictly enforced discipline in the military academy, and even used abnormally strict requirements on the students under his command. And he has won the title of "most unpopular" instructor. The decadence of the United States in this era made him feel very annoyed. And he has always wanted to change, but once a trend is formed, it is not a matter of one person to want to correct it. And because he doesn't know how to please his superiors, he just works hard and drills those students hard. And he didn't want those students to be fools, not the kind of cowards who make a living, so he drilled the students hard. And his behavior, not only will not be understood by the students, but will be cursed by those students. Even those instructors at West Point didn't quite understand. Because it's okay to get by. The enemies of the Americans, that is, the Indians and natives, do not need to maintain a high combat effectiveness. With the scientific and technological means of the Western powers, those natives can be completely defeated. So there is no need to maintain too strong combat power.

"Mr. Colonel, hello!" Pershing said.

Although Perxing called him more respectful, there was an unconcealable arrogance in Perxing's bones, obviously he didn't take Lieutenant Colonel Jian Xiaochun seriously. Because he believes that if the United States has a war, it is the United States that pays a little attention to armaments. If he can be a little more serious, and won't suppress people who work hard like himself, I am afraid that he will not be a lieutenant colonel long ago, and it will be possible for him to be a colonel. But the current reality in the United States is like this, so he has nothing to do. However, he still had a sense of arrogance and looked down on Lieutenant Colonel Jian Xiaochun, who was almost half his age.

"What? You are Pershing?" Jian Xiaochun exclaimed.

Jian Xiaochun had received an order from Taiwan, that is, Wang Guorui personally ordered that he must find a guy named Pershing in the US Military Academy at West Point, and then let him participate in this Sino-US military academy exchange. Originally, Jian Xiaochun didn't believe that Wang Guorui could know from such a long distance that there was an officer named Pershing in the United States. But now Jian Xiaochun feels that Wang Guorui is unpredictable. He actually knew that there was an officer named Pershing in the United States Military Academy at West Point, and he was also a second lieutenant.

Originally, Jian Xiaochun was already disappointed with the cadets of West Point Military Academy. He didn't think West Point Military Academy was so good. But when he saw that the cadets under Pershing at West Point Military Academy were so neat, and their military uniforms were so excellent in all aspects, they were even better than the military style of the Taiwanese army. This made Jian Xiaochun understand the kingdom The meaning of Ray's order. This Joseph Pershing is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Pershing, are you really Joseph Pershing?" Jian Xiaochun asked again.

"Yes, I am Joseph Pershing!" Pershing asked.

"Why are you just a second lieutenant?" Jian Xiaochun asked again.

Jian Xiaochun felt it was unbelievable, because this Perxing was the person Wang Guorui, the governor, wanted by name. And to be so praised by Wang Guorui. In everyone's eyes, they should be top talents, not ordinary people. But now this Pershing is only a second lieutenant, and he is thirty-seven or eighteen years old, almost twice his age. It's just a second lieutenant, which made Jian Xiaochun feel unbelievable. According to common sense, he is only a second lieutenant at this age, so how "incompetent" he is!

But after hearing what Jian Xiaochun said, Pershing immediately took the initiative to say: "In the United States, there are a lot of talents. I am the most incompetent one, so I have not been able to get promoted for many years. It is really my own reason. Our American There are too many talents!"

"Hahahaha..." Jian Xiaochun suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud.

Jian Xiaochun understood, how could he not understand? What Pershing said was completely ironic. In fact, it was completely satirizing the US side for not being able to appreciate talents! And this Pershing is actually quite sensible, knowing that in front of himself as a foreigner, he must leave some face for his motherland. And this situation made Jian Xiaochun feel as if he had seen an allusion from China back then, that is, Yanzi envoy Chu. And this allusion is quite similar to the current situation, but the situation is just reversed.

"Second Lieutenant Pershing, our Governor Wang praised you very much, saying that you are a rare talent and must be an excellent general!" Jian Xiaochun said.

"What? Your Governor Wang also knows me?" Perxing asked in shock.

This time it was Pershing's turn to be flattered, because many new tactics emerged in Taiwan's battle against Japan this time, and these new tactics were all for Western countries to start studying. Unlike other bigwigs in the US military, Pershing immediately began to actively study new tactics when he heard about them. However, Pershing felt that Taiwan's new tactic was indeed an epoch-making tactic. It not only established the offensive and defensive model with the trench as the main body, but also initially thought of a way to break the trench warfare, that is, the infiltration tactic. And the person who attacked and cracked it was actually thought of by the same person, which is not easy.

You must know that many people can create a tactic, but it is difficult to crack the tactic created by themselves. After all, a person is not willing to decipher these tactics subconsciously. After all, the tactics created by everyone are his own "sons". How can he bear to kill his own son with his own hands? Generally speaking, the person who creates a tactic often relies on his enemies to crack it. But Taiwan is different. Not only did it create a trench warfare, but it also broke through this tactic. This is what shocked Pershing.

And all this points to Wang Guorui, Governor of Taiwan, and Pershing has already identified Wang Guorui as a very powerful military strategist. And now Wang Guorui has even heard of himself as a "little" second lieutenant, which really makes him feel incredible. His reputation has spread to the Far East, to the ears of a famous military strategist in Asia, and he is also quite praised, which is enough to shock the current Pershing. After all, the current Pershing is definitely not the only special general of the US Army later, and he is currently just an ordinary second lieutenant, and he has not been able to get promoted for many years. So in comparison with Wang Guorui's status now, he is just an ordinary second lieutenant, whose status is much lower than Wang Guorui's. If you are in the United States, there are definitely more people who have heard of Wang Guorui than Pershing. But when such a big "big man" mentioned himself, no matter who he was, he would be shocked.

"Respected Mr. Joseph Pershing, our Governor Wang of Taiwan sent me a telegram, hoping that I can represent the Taiwan military and hire you as the captain of the military style picket team of our Taiwan Military Academy. As long as you are willing to go, You can enjoy the same military rank and treatment as the battalion commander of our Taiwanese army, that is, the rank of major." Jian Xiaochun said.

When Perxing saw this condition, Perxing was a little tempted, because he also wanted to go to Taiwan to really learn the essence of trench He was too far away from Taiwan in the United States, and They also have little influence in Japan and cannot obtain first-hand information. So Pershing knew the tactics of trench warfare but didn't know why. Pershing was very tempted when he heard the invitation. However, he is an American soldier after all, and he must be approved by the principal of West Point Military Academy.

"Okay, I agree with you to go to China, I hope you can go to China to study hard, so that I can teach better tactics when I come back from the United States!" Principal Ernst said.

Then, Jian Xiaochun also said: "This time, the students we choose from West Point Military Academy to go to Taiwan for exchange are also selected from the students under Mr. Pershing's subordinates!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel!" Pershing said.

And that Headmaster Ernst was a little embarrassed, thinking that all of your things meant that Taiwanese military officers looked down on other cadets at West Point Military Academy, and they only liked Pershing and his cadets.

"It seems that we really need to pay attention to military discipline, otherwise we will really be ashamed and thrown abroad!" Principal Ernst thought helplessly. (To be continued.)

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