Red Alert 1895

Chapter 297: dutch road builder

After arresting Ling Jielong, Wang Guorui got busy again. After all, as a big shot, he must be very busy. If you're not busy, that means you're already bound to lose power. As for the kind of person who holds power and is able to relax like many novels, Wang Guorui just wants to spray him to death. Is there such a good thing? If one day you are free, it means that you have already started to retire, or you have no power and have been emptied. So Wang Guorui is in this situation, very busy, and his daily routine is fully arranged by Kang Tongwei, the secretary. Except for the less than two hours spent having **** with a few beauties at night, which is really my own, I can't help but control other time.

"Husband, next you should go to inspect our road construction in Nanyang!" Wang Guorui said.

"Okay! I just happened to go and see if those guys abused prisoners of war." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui came to a road construction site, and then the leaders of the Lanfang construction department came over immediately, ready to welcome Wang Guorui.

"Master Wang, you are here! We have been building roads for hundreds of kilometers in the past few months. After all, we have more than 200,000 Dutch prisoners of war, and then we can build roads very easily. First of all We prisoners of war are all Western devils, and they are strong and well-nourished, which is much better than those of us Chinese who are temporarily undernourished. And these foreign devils have invaded us so much, we must at least recover some of them now It's just interest."

Wang Guorui looked at the Western prisoners of war. Then they all smiled, thinking that you foreign devils are in a miserable situation now. Because they help Wang Guorui build roads every day and work ten hours a day. Can you not be tired?

Now that Wang Guorui has come to Nanyang, the first thing he has to do is to communicate with those cities in Nanyang and the settlements of residents. Now the area of ​​Borneo is too large, so big that the Chinese can't let it go. Although more than 100,000 people have immigrated here, they are still a drop in the ocean. And these Chinese will live together alone, and will not easily go to live alone. After all, although there are many mercenaries to clean up the aborigines, tens of millions of aborigines are still hiding in the tropical rainforest for the time being. If you are not careful. That is probably to let those natives sneak attack. So everyone must gather together, and then form people like the militia patrol team. Responsible for arranging patrols around and protecting everyone.

As for the middle of those residential areas, different roads must be built, and it is easy to walk through these built roads. If there is no suitable road, it will be very difficult for residents to communicate in different gathering points. Unable to get the advantage of watching each other. There are still a lot of aborigines now. In case the aborigines specifically target a certain residential area to besiege, Ann must be supported by other troops. If there is no support from other troops, it may be very detrimental to the rule.

At present, Nanyang is still not very stable, so everyone can only overcome difficulties at present. The army can only maintain suppression so as not to cause a large-scale rebellion, but for specific small-scale rebellions, it still relies on its own strength to suppress it to a large extent. Even the army in Borneo is only about 90,000 people, so they want to completely rule a continent with 90,000 people alone. That was too difficult. This Borneo is too big, and it is not possible for 90,000 people to completely suppress those indigenous people.

Therefore, the people must be all soldiers, and each settlement must watch and help each other. Support each other. And in order to support each other, an excellent path must exist. If there is not an excellent road, then I am afraid that the news of asking for help and the speed of those troop deployments will not be easy. After all, wireless telegraphy has not been effectively popularized in this era, and everything is transmitted by running or riding a horse. However, the climate in the Nanyang area is hot, and there are no horses, and more people still rely on bicycles to communicate. So a good path. Not only can the news be delivered as soon as possible, but also support can be obtained as soon as possible. Provide enough speed for soldiers to move. If the speed of dispatching the rescue team was delayed due to a bad road, then all the residents of the entire settlement would probably die. This result is what everyone is unwilling to bear, so Wang Guorui obtained the labor force of more than 200,000 yuan, so the first thing to do is to build roads, not to do anything else.

"Are those prisoners honest?" Wang Guorui asked.

The officials of the construction department immediately said: "To be honest, we adopted your method, Mr. Wang. We select some of them to serve as foremen, and then we can give them preferential treatment. But we are not following their original methods. The organization was carried out. We broke up and re-selected their foremen. And those low-level officers of the original Dutch could not get preferential treatment, and they were all added to the work together. And we selected the foremen, and then let some of them Cooperate with us. And those foremen can get not to do so much work, and can help us manage the work of the Dutch prisoners of war. And they can have the privilege of not participating in workload competition, etc., and then we appointed a group of foremen, and the result Those foremen immediately became public enemies in the eyes of the Dutch. At that time, when they had already enjoyed the privilege of cooperating with us, we exempted them from the status of foreman again. Then they were all rejected by those original people, and even It's suppression."|

"Next, we appointed a group of foremen again, and then the soldiers also began to want to compete. After the competition, we randomly selected some people as foremen, but within a few days, we immediately removed these foreman positions again."

"In the end, those foremen also know that in our eyes, they are just some high-level laborers, and we can appoint and remove their positions at will. And they all began to choose to rely on us to cooperate, and I was divided and disintegrated like this They have strengthened their unity. There are some Dutch people who cooperate with us to manage those laborers, so that if they show a little non-cooperation, we will immediately remove their foreman positions. In this way, they must be under the pressure of the original Dutch It is very tragic. In this way, those foremen also choose to rely on us in every possible way, and then together oppress those Dutch prisoners of war."

Wang Guorui showed a sinister smile. This method is actually the way Wang Guorui read a novel in later generations. Using this method to deal with those prisoners of war can have a miraculous effect. If those prisoners of war want to get better treatment, they will inevitably have to cooperate with themselves. Then it is equivalent to artificially dividing two classes among the prisoners of war, one is the Dutch traitor class, and the other is the class of ordinary Dutch people. Such an artificial division of classes can be beneficial to the management of Taiwan. Those Dutch traitors are so busy sacrificing the interests of ordinary Dutch people in order to obtain continuous preferential treatment. And Wang Guorui broke up their old management system, and the original officers could no longer lead them, so they became completely helpless. And those Dutch traitors are also selected from ordinary soldiers, so those low-level officers who have principles will also hate them, and those ordinary soldiers will also resent them for persecuting themselves. And they have no choice but to rely on Taiwan to gain benefits. And they will desperately squeeze those compatriots, and then do things for themselves.

And those ordinary Dutch people who were squeezed would also hate those compatriots who helped Wang Guorui squeeze themselves. You must know that most people hate traitors far more than they hate enemies. Therefore, traitors are often intolerable, but enemies can be let off. So with this Dutch traitor class, for Wang Guorui, this is the object that can disperse the anger and hatred of those Dutch people. With these selected Dutch traitors to share the hatred, then those Dutch people will not unite with one heart to fight against Wang Guorui. After all, they have a new class, so Wang Guorui took the opportunity to trick them, so that they can be honest and obedient.

This is tantamount to dividing them so that they can't be condensed into a rope, and together they can reject Wang Guorui's squeeze. Although Wang Guorui was not afraid of these unarmed people, he was also worried that they would cause trouble. If these guys unite and make a scene every three days or five days, and make big mistakes without making small mistakes, then Wang Guorui will really go crazy. And these gangs are all Westerners, so I can't slaughter them in large numbers. If they massacre Westerners, I'm afraid those foreign devils will surely kill rabbits and foxes and hurt others.

So in order to prevent them from uniting, it is necessary to solve their problem well, otherwise there is no good solution at all.

"Lord Wang, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not!" said the official.

"My lord, it is the problem of the materials we currently use for road construction. We currently use cement or cement to build roads, but although the cost of cement roads is relatively low, it is difficult to maintain. If it is damaged, the maintenance period will be very long Yes. If it is a road that has been open to traffic for a long time, the traffic flow is very dense. If cement is used as the foundation of road construction, it may be very troublesome to maintain once it is damaged. So can we use a material that is easy to maintain? To build roads?" said the official.

"Oh? New material?" Wang Guorui began to mutter. (to be continued)

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